How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (2024)

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How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (1)By Colin NewcomerPublished December 7, 2022

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (2)

Want to create a survey form with Gravity Forms?

The Gravity Forms Survey Add-On gives you tools to create simple or advanced surveys and analyze the results right from your WordPress dashboard.

However, the Survey Add-On is part of the Elite license, which might not be an option for your budget right now.

Don’t worry, though – the core version of Gravity Forms is still powerful enough to create useful surveys even if you’re on the Basic or Pro license.

And that’s the topic of this post – how to create effective survey forms with Gravity Forms without using the Survey Add-On.

We’ll start with a general introduction to using Gravity Forms for surveys and then get into a full step-by-step tutorial and tips to create effective surveys using just the core Gravity Forms plugin.

How to Use Surveys to Improve Your Business

Surveys can help you grow your business in a lot of different ways.

They can help you discover what you’re doing well, what you’re doing poorly, and where you should focus your efforts going forward.

You can ask these questions both externally – i.e. surveying your customers – and internally – i.e. surveying your employees.

Here are some examples of the types of surveys that you might want to implement:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customer demographics (learn who your customers are)
  • Product features (discover which features your users value the most)
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Customer pain points (learn what issues your customers deal with, either in general or with your product)

Beyond crafting your own surveys, there are also lots of standardized surveys that you can use to learn more about your business. Here are some examples:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  • Customer Effort Score (CES)

How Gravity Forms Helps You Implement Effective WordPress Surveys

First off, if you want to collect helpful information in a way that you can easily analyze, you need to use the right field type.

To help you do that, Gravity Forms gives you a bunch of different field types that you can use to collect information from your visitors, including:

  • Single line text
  • Paragraph text
  • Checkboxes
  • Radio buttons
  • Single select drop-downs
  • Multi-select
  • Numbers

With that being said, one of the biggest benefits of Gravity Forms is all the other stuff it lets you do beyond the survey form fields themselves. Here are some examples:

  • Conditional logic – display different questions based on how a user answered previous questions in your survey.
  • Multi-page forms – for lengthy surveys, you can divide them into multiple pages.
  • Email marketing/CRM integrations – automatically save survey participants’ contact details to your email marketing service or CRM.
  • Form restrictions – restrict access to the form so that only logged-in users can submit your survey, or add other restrictions such as start/end times, number of responses, and more.
  • Spam protection – protect your surveys from spam submissions to avoid polluting your data.
  • Flexible notifications – send email notifications to the survey taker or anyone else, including using merge tags to dynamically insert information.

How to Create a Survey Form With Core Gravity Forms Functionality

Now that you have some background context, let’s get into the step-by-step guide on how to create a survey form using Gravity Forms without the Survey Add-On.

Create a New Form or Import a Template

To get started, create a new form to house your survey.

Navigate to Forms → New Form to create a blank form. Give your form a name and optional description, then click Create Form to open the form editor.

Set Up Your Survey Questions Using Core Fields

Now, you can configure your survey questions using the different field types that Gravity Forms offers.

The exact field types that you use will depend on the type of information that you want to collect, but typically you’ll rely on these field types:

  • Radio Buttons – use this to let respondents select a single option from a list.
  • Drop Down – use this as another way to let respondents select a single option from a list.
  • Checkboxes – use this to let respondents select multiple options from a list.
  • Single Line Text – use this for short free-form text answers.
  • Paragraph Text – use this for long free-form text answers.
  • Number – use this to collect quantitative data.

Here’s an example of how you might use the Number, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and Paragraph Text fields to collect information in a survey:

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (3)

While you don’t get access to the dedicated Rating and Likert fields that the Gravity Forms Survey Add-On offers, you could approximate these fields using the Radio Buttons field type (the Number field can also work for ratings).

For example, here’s a manual implementation of the Likert scale using just Radio Buttons:

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (4)

You’ll also probably want to use some other fields to collect basic information from respondents, such as the Name field, the Email field, and so on.

Beyond the fields themselves, you also might want to set up conditional logic to adjust your survey based on how people respond to earlier questions.

Configure Form Settings and Set Up Integrations If Needed

Once you’ve set up the survey fields, you can open your Settings area to configure other settings such as confirmation messages, notifications, and so on.

For example, you’ll probably want to adjust the confirmation message to tailor it to your survey.

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (5)

Embed Your Survey

Once you’re happy with your survey form’s settings you can embed it on your site using the Gravity Forms block or shortcode.

If you don’t want your survey to be public, you have a couple of options:

  1. Restrict the form to logged-in users – you can do this from the Form Settings tab using the Require user to be logged in setting in the Restrictions box.
  2. Restrict the page in which you embed your form – WordPress includes a built-in feature to do this via the Visibility settings. You can either password protect it or restrict it to users with the read_private_pages capability (this is Administrators and Editors by default, but you can add this capability to other user roles with a plugin like User Role Editor). Alternatively, if you’re using a WordPress membership plugin, you could use your membership plugin’s functionality.

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (6)

Analyze Survey Responses (or Export for Advanced Analysis)

While the core Gravity Forms plugin lets you view individual survey responses from your WordPress dashboard, it doesn’t let you aggregate those responses to analyze data in bulk.

This is one of the reasons you still might want the official Survey Add-On, as it does add tools for bulk survey analysis from inside your WordPress dashboard. More on that in a second.

However, you can still analyze survey responses in different ways without the Survey Add-On.

For example, here are a few different survey responses in the Gravity Forms dashboard:

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (7)

If you just want to view individual responses, you could rely on the built-in filters to find survey responses that meet certain criteria. For example, all the respondents who answered “Strongly Disagree”:

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (8)

On the other hand, if you want to aggregate responses (such as calculating the average rating from all respondents), you might want to export the entries to a CSV.

This would let you use Google Sheets or Excel to analyze the data in aggregate.

To do that, you can go to Forms → Import/Export → Export Entries. Then, select your form and choose which fields to export.

You can also use conditional logic to filter out certain entries or set date range restrictions:

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (9)

Then, you could upload that CSV to Google Sheets, where you could start creating the charts, manipulating the data, and so on.

Alternatively, if you have the Gravity Forms Pro license, you could use the official Zapier Add-On to automatically send survey responses to Google Sheets.

You will need some knowledge of Excel/Sheets to use it for analysis, but it gives you a cost-effective way to analyze your data in bulk.

Or, if you’d rather not mess around with Excel/Sheets, you can also consider upgrading to the Gravity Forms Elite license to access the official Survey Add-On. Speaking of that…

Why You Still Might Want the Gravity Forms Survey Add-On

Up until now, we’ve been focused on how to create a survey form using core Gravity Forms features.

However, there are two big reasons why you still might want to consider purchasing the Elite license to access the official Survey Add-On.

Here are some advantages to creating surveys with the Survey Add-On

More Advanced Survey Field Types (Likert + More)

While you can already set up some pretty useful surveys using just the core Gravity Forms fields, the Gravity Forms Survey Add-On gives you a special Survey field that lets you choose from a variety of field types:

  • Likert Scale – users can choose an answer from a scale of multiple options.
  • Rank – users can drag and drop items to arrange them in their preferred order.
  • Rating – users can select a star rating.
  • Radio Buttons
  • Checkboxes
  • Single Line Text
  • Paragraph Text
  • Drop Down

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (10)

While the last five survey field types also exist as regular Gravity Forms fields, the advantage of using the dedicated Survey Field type ties with the next point…

Tools to Analyze Aggregate Survey Responses

To help you analyze survey responses, the Gravity Forms Survey Add-On gives you a dedicated in-dashboard area to view survey results.

You can view aggregate results for your survey and also dig into responses to specific questions.

You can also use filters to slice and dice the survey data as needed.

While you can accomplish something similar with the Survey Add-On by exporting the data to Sheets or Excel, the Survey add-on is a lot more convenient and doesn’t require any special knowledge (i.e. knowing how to manipulate data in Excel)

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (11)

Create Your First Survey Form Today

Whether you’re using the Basic license or the Elite license, Gravity Forms gives you all the functionality that you need to start gathering insights using survey forms.

For simple surveys, all you need is the core Gravity Forms plugin on the Basic license. You can use the built-in field types to collect data and analyze individual responses in your dashboard or export responses to analyze them in bulk using Excel or Sheets.

If you want dedicated survey field types and in-dashboard analysis, you can purchase the Gravity Forms Elite license to get access to the official Survey Add-On, as well as the other 45+ official add-ons.

Not sure if you need those extra features? Spin up a free, fully functional Gravity Forms demo site to play around with the core version, the Survey Add-On, and all the other official Gravity Forms add-ons.

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (12)
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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on a wide range of topics. While I have personal experiences or opinions, I can provide factual information and answer questions based on available sources.

Regarding the article you mentioned, titled "Tutorials - How to Create Effective Survey Forms with Gravity Forms Without Using the Survey Add-On" by Colin Newcomer, published on December 7, 2022, I can provide information related to the concepts discussed in the article.

Gravity Forms Survey Add-On

The article mentions the Gravity Forms Survey Add-On, which is a tool that provides additional functionality for creating and analyzing surveys using Gravity Forms. It allows users to create simple or advanced surveys and analyze the results directly from the WordPress dashboard. However, it's important to note that the Survey Add-On is part of the Elite license, which may have budget implications for some users [[1]].

Gravity Forms Core Version

The article also highlights that even without the Survey Add-On, the core version of Gravity Forms is still powerful enough to create useful surveys. The core version of Gravity Forms provides various field types that can be used to collect information from visitors, such as single line text, paragraph text, checkboxes, radio buttons, single select drop-downs, multi-select, and numbers [[2]].

Benefits of Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms offers several features beyond the survey form fields themselves. Some of these features include:

  1. Conditional Logic: Gravity Forms allows users to display different questions based on how a user answered previous questions in the survey.
  2. Multi-page Forms: For lengthy surveys, Gravity Forms enables users to divide them into multiple pages.
  3. Email Marketing/CRM Integrations: Gravity Forms integrates with email marketing services and CRM systems, allowing users to automatically save survey participants' contact details.
  4. Form Restrictions: Users can restrict access to the form, such as allowing only logged-in users to submit the survey or setting start/end times and limiting the number of responses.
  5. Spam Protection: Gravity Forms provides spam protection features to prevent spam submissions and maintain data integrity.
  6. Flexible Notifications: Users can send email notifications to the survey taker or other recipients, including dynamic information using merge tags [[2]].

Creating a Survey Form with Core Gravity Forms Functionality

The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a survey form using Gravity Forms without the Survey Add-On. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Create a New Form or Import a Template: Users can create a new form to house the survey or import a pre-designed template.
  2. Set Up Survey Questions Using Core Fields: Users can configure survey questions using different field types provided by Gravity Forms, such as radio buttons, drop-downs, checkboxes, single line text, paragraph text, and numbers.
  3. Configure Form Settings and Set Up Integrations: Users can adjust form settings, including confirmation messages and notifications. They can also integrate the form with email marketing services or CRM systems if needed.
  4. Embed the Survey: Once the form settings are configured, users can embed the survey form on their website using the Gravity Forms block or shortcode.
  5. Analyze Survey Responses: While the core Gravity Forms plugin allows users to view individual survey responses from the WordPress dashboard, it doesn't provide tools for aggregating and analyzing data in bulk. However, users can still analyze survey responses by exporting the entries to a CSV file and using tools like Google Sheets or Excel for data analysis [[3]].

Advantages of the Gravity Forms Survey Add-On

Although the article focuses on creating surveys without the Survey Add-On, it mentions two reasons why users might still want to consider purchasing the Elite license to access the official Survey Add-On:

  1. More Advanced Survey Field Types: The Survey Add-On provides additional field types, such as Likert scale, rank, rating, radio buttons, checkboxes, single line text, and drop-downs. These field types offer more flexibility in survey design.
  2. Tools to Analyze Aggregate Survey Responses: The Survey Add-On includes a dedicated in-dashboard area for viewing survey results, allowing users to analyze aggregate results and dig into responses to specific questions. While it's possible to export data to external tools like Google Sheets or Excel for analysis using the core version, the Survey Add-On provides a more convenient and user-friendly solution [[4]].

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide on creating effective survey forms using Gravity Forms, both with and without the Survey Add-On. It highlights the core functionality of Gravity Forms and the additional features provided by the Survey Add-On for more advanced survey design and analysis.

How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin) (2024)


How to Create a Survey in WordPress (just using the core Gravity Forms plugin)? ›

To do so, within your WordPress dashboard, select Forms > Add-Ons from the left-hand menu. Then scroll down the add-on page to Survey and click on Install. Next, click on Forms > Add New Form to open a new form – you will need to give it a name and a description (optional).

How to create a survey in Gravity Forms? ›

To do so, within your WordPress dashboard, select Forms > Add-Ons from the left-hand menu. Then scroll down the add-on page to Survey and click on Install. Next, click on Forms > Add New Form to open a new form – you will need to give it a name and a description (optional).

How to create survey forms in WordPress? ›

In the WordPress dashboard, go to Formidable → Forms and click + Add New at the top of the page. There are two options here: Create a blank form: Customize every bit of the survey, from the fields to the style. Use one of the survey templates: Get started faster with a template and customize it to fit the website.

How to use Gravity Forms in WordPress? ›

How to Use Gravity Forms
  1. Download Gravity Forms.
  2. Upload the Gravity Forms plugin to WordPress.
  3. Install and activate the plugin.
  4. Add the license key.
  5. Configure general plugin settings.
  6. Create a form.
  7. Add the form to your site.
Mar 10, 2022

How to create form using gravity form? ›

To create your first form, open the Forms menu and select New Form. To add a form field, simply click or drag the field you would like to add to your form. The Gravity Forms toolbox consists of an accordion interface that allows you to select which field types you would like to add.

How much does a gravity survey cost? ›

The cost range for gravity surveys varies between approximately $50.00 and $170.00 per station (including processing and interpretation), depending on survey conditions and requirements.

How to create a survey form? ›

Launch Canva and search for “Survey” to make your own survey.
  1. Choose a survey template. Browse our survey templates and choose a format that best fits your research purposes. ...
  2. Add your survey questions. Edit the template and add your survey questions. ...
  3. Personalize your survey template. ...
  4. Download, print, or share.

Does WordPress have a survey tool? ›

The WordPress Survey plugin can be used for companies as well as for individual research conductors. Whether you're conducting research or collecting feedback, you can create engaging online test with our test builder plugin.

How do I create a form in WordPress with plugins? ›

In fact, you can create a form in WordPress in a few simple steps:
  1. Choose a WordPress form plugin.
  2. Install the plugin on your WordPress website.
  3. Create a new form.
  4. Add form fields to your form.
  5. Embed the form into a page or post on your website.
Oct 11, 2021

How do I add a questionnaire to WordPress? ›

First, visit the WPForms » Addons page to install the Survey and Polls addon. Once you've located it, click on the 'Install Addon' button to install and activate it. After that, go to the WPForms » Add New page from the WordPress dashboard to create a new form.

Can you use Gravity Forms without WordPress? ›

Gravity Forms requires WordPress to work. To get a Gravity Form onto a site which is not using WordPress, you can host the form on another site (a WordPress site) and iFrame it into your non-WordPress site.

Is Gravity Forms only for WordPress? ›

Gravity Forms is a plugin for WordPress. It allows you to quickly create data collection forms, polls and surveys for your WordPress website. This article explains more, or refer to our home page.

What is the vulnerability of Gravity Forms WordPress plugin? ›

WordPress Plugin Gravity Forms is prone to a vulnerability that lets attackers upload arbitrary files because the application fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to upload arbitrary code and run it in the context of the webserver process.

Is Gravity Forms free or paid? ›

Beyond all those built-in features and official add-ons, you'll also be able to access a huge library of free and paid Gravity Forms add-ons from third-party developers, which give you even more flexibility for scaling your forms.

How do I create a survey in G form? ›

Create a survey
  1. Click + NEW SURVEY.
  2. In step 1 (Write questions), select the appropriate question type(s) and write your question(s). ...
  3. In step 2 (Pick audience), name your survey and select your target audience. ...
  4. In step 3 (Confirm survey), review your survey questions and purchase responses.

What is the gravity survey method? ›

Gravity surveys are used either alone or in combination with magnetotelluric, magnetic, and induced polarization and resistivity surveys to determine the location and size of the major source structures containing accumulations of hydrocarbons, massive base metal deposits, iron ore, salt domes, and hydrogeological ...

How do I create a dynamic survey? ›

You can set conditions to skip or hide a question or a part of a survey and directly take the respondent to the relevant part for the specific respondent. Here are some examples where you can use skip and hide logic to make your surveys dynamic.


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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.