Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (2024)

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (1)

Nowadays, getting asked, "What's your sign?" is as common of an icebreaker as asking what someone does for work. So, whether you’re an astrology expert or novice, you’re *probably* familiar with your zodiac sign, a.k.a. your Sun sign.

This sign is determined by the sun's position in the sky when you were born, so you just need to know your birthdate to figure out which of the 12 signs you fall under: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

If you're interested in astrology, understanding your Sun sign is key to understanding, well, yourself. “The sun symbolizes the core identity and ego needs of the individual that expresses itself through our fundamental character,” says Angel Dawn, a certified professional astrologer and modern mystic based in Los Angeles. Your Sun sign traits manifest in your sense of self and “color all areas of life, including choice of career, partner, interests and more,” she explains.

In relation to your birth chart—which is comprised of multiple planets and houses that guide all the different aspects of your life—think of your Sun sign as the "boss" that determines the placements of the other planets, Dawn adds.

Use this calculator to find your birth chart:

This birth chart calculator was created by in collaboration with astrologer Narayana Montúfar.

It's worth noting, though, that your Sun sign isn’t the only factor in your birth chart that determines your personality. To really understand how astrology influences your personality, pay attention to your "Big Three"—your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign. They reflect your self-expression, emotional temperament, and self-presentation, respectively.

So, if your Moon sign is a reflection of your emotional reactions and moods, then your Sun sign is the lens in which you understand your emotions, says Dawn. Meanwhile, your rising sign bridges the gap between your internal world of emotions and the external environment because it represents how you carry yourself in the world, Jasmin Alejandrez-Prasad, an astrologer, Bruja, and creator of The Modern Spiritual Latina Oracle Deck, previously told Women's Health.

However, your Sun and Moon signs may not always complement each other, says Dawn, as “some signs have various degrees of tension with others,” she says. “This helps explain why everyone is different even though they share the same Sun sign.”

And when it comes to astrological compatibility between two people, you actually need to examine of all planetary placements, with a specific focus on your moon, Venus, and Mars signs. But based purely on Sun sign personality traits, the same signs—or signs within the same natural element (fire, earth, air, or water)—can be compatible, says Dawn. However, “the naturally opposing sign, which is the sign opposite yours on a zodiac wheel, can also create an exciting complementary energy,” she adds.

Now, to take your astrology knowledge up a notch, you’ll also want to know about the four triplicities and three quadruplicities. Each zodiac sign falls under one of these triplicities, better known as natural elements, and there are three zodiac signs in each group: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Every sign can also be categorized under one of the quadruplicities or modalities known as cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs.

Ready to get started with the stars? Here's everything to know about all the zodiac sign dates, personality traits, ruling planets, and more.

Zodiac Signs Dates

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (2)

  • Aries: March 21 - April 19
  • Taurus: April 20 - May 20
  • Gemini: May 21 - June 20
  • Cancer: June 21 - July 22
  • Leo: July 23 - August 22
  • Virgo: August 23 - September 22
  • Libra: September 23 - October 22
  • Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
  • Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
  • Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
  • Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
  • Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Triplicities And Quadruplicities

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (3)

There's more to know about your Sun sign other than its accompanying Rising and Moon signs—there's also your natural element (a.k.a. triplicity) and quadruplicity, which will tell you *even* more info about yourself.

  • Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius): They tend to rely on their passion, take risks, and worry about consequences later, Erin River Sunday, the resident astrologer for Birthdate Candles Co., previously told Women's Health.
  • Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn): These signs are practical and methodical, Linda Joyce, a professional astrologer and author of The Star Within: Tapping the Power of The Zodiac, previously told Women's Health.
  • Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces): This element is symbolic of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition, as well as the cycles of death and rebirth, says Valerie Mesa, a Miami-based intuitive astrologer, writer, and visual storyteller.
  • Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius): These signs have earned the reputation of intellectual socialites and use their communication skills and curiosity to gain new ideas, says Ryan Marquardt, a professional astrologer and cosmic messenger based in West Hollywood, California.

Unlike the triplicities, the three quadruplicities explain how the signs express themselves, as well as the challenges they might need to face in order to grow, says Narayana Montúfar, a senior astrologer at and and author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power.

  • Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn): These signs kick off each season and are known to take charge.
  • Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): These signs denote the midpoint of a season and tend to be unwavering, loyal, and stable.
  • Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): These signs end each season, making them flexible, versatile, and resourceful.

Now that you’ve got the gist of these astrology fundamentals, keep reading to gain a better understanding of each zodiac sign's dates, personality traits, ruling planets, symbols, and more, according to expert astrologers.

Aries: March 21 - April 19

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (4)

Ruling Planet: Mars

Ruling House: First House of Self

Symbol: Ram

Key Traits: Bold, fearless, competitive, restless

Aries signs are symbolized by the ram, and they loooove being the leader of the pack. Their boldness is one of many strengths that has earned them their rebel reputation. “Aries zodiac signs are willing to try new things and take risks,” explains Imani Quinn, a Quantum Mystic Oracle, speaker, and artist. “Their passion and fire energy can also make them very aggressive, with a hot head, which can wound others because of their hasty and impulsive actions." Not to mention, they usually have to be entertained or they can get restless pretty quickly, and they're v competitive, says Kerry Ward, a tarot reader and columnist at Cosmopolitan. Aries is also associated with the first house of self, which reflects identity, drive, and ego.

Read Aries sign’s full profile here.

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Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Ruling Planet: Venus

Ruling House: Second House of Income

Symbol: Bull

Key Traits: Grounded, dependable, hardworking, resilient

Taurus is an earth sign whose mantra is “slow and steady wins the race,” says Montúfar, and this sign's key traits make them built for stable, long-term relationships, adds Ward. Ruled by Venus, Taurus is also a big lover, pleasure seeker, and money magnet, thanks to their incredible manifesting skills. But don't think a Taurus wears rose-colored glasses—this sign's strengths actually lie in their pragmatism. No matter the weather, a Taurus' resiliency and ability to rationalize helps them find a solution. On the flip side, their unwavering loyalty can sometimes manifest as stubbornness, Quinn adds. Taurus is associated with the second house in astrology, which rules values and money.

Read Taurus sign’s full profile here.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (6)

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Ruling House: Third House of Communication and Thought Processes

Symbol: Twins

Key Traits: Curious, charming, communicative, flighty

Gemini is an air sign with a ton of superpowers, including multitasking, since they’re multifaceted and live outside of the box, according to Quinn. “Recognized as the sacred duality present in the universe, Gemini is an intellectual and versatile sign with an endless curiosity and a bright, quick-witted mind,” says Montúfar. While you most definitely want a Gemini on your trivia team, this sign changes their minds frequently, making them flighty and unreliable at times, says Marquardt. “It takes them a while to settle down because they’re so social and can’t bear to be restricted,” Ward adds. Gemini is associated with the third house of communication and thought processes.

Read Gemini sign’s full profile here.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (7)

Ruling Planet: The Moon

Ruling House: Fourth House of Home Life

Symbol: Crab

Key Traits: Loyal, protective, loving, well-spoken

One of Cancer’s strongest assets is their capacity for love—and the lengths they’ll go to for the people they care about. “Intuitive and tenacious, this sign sticks to their roots and excels at getting what it wants to protect their family and loved ones,” explains Montúfar. In romantic relationships, a Cancer sign will give you the world, as long as you give it right back, Ward notes. Because Cancers are water signs, they tend to be very in touch with their emotions, which can have its downsides, too. “They tend to have large mood swings,” Quinn explains. “And when they feel scared, they go into their shell." Cancer is associated with the fourth house, which rules over home, family, and origins.

Read Cancer sign’s full profile here.

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Leo: July 23 - August 22

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (8)

Ruling Planet: The Sun

Ruling House: Fifth House of Pleasure, Creativity, and Children

Symbol: Lion

Key Traits: Courageous, charismatic, confident, jealous

This king of the jungle has a lust for life. “Leo can be bold and fearless, allowing them to take risks and pursue their dreams with vigor,” says Marquardt. If you know a Leo, then you probably also know that making a good impression is their number one priority. “This sign’s creativity and fiery magfnetism puts them at the center stage of life,” Montúfar explains. But even the sparkliest gem isn't perfect, and Leo is no different. For one, their self-assuredness can easily come off as co*ckiness. “They can place too much emphasis on material wealth and status, giving them a sense of entitlement and greed,” Marquardt says. Leo is associated with the fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and children.

Read Leo sign’s full profile here.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (9)

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Ruling House: Sixth House of Wellness and Routine

Symbol: The Maiden

Key Traits: Industrious, methodical, efficient, stubborn

In astrology, Virgo is “the maiden” or “virgin,” representing the ideal of wholeness and perfection, Montúfar says. So, naturally, you can count on a Virgo for anything from planning your birthday party to coaching you through your next presentation—and their resourcefulness is easily one of their many special strengths. “Virgo is capable of taking on high levels of responsibility, which fills them with a great sense of duty in the world,” says Marquardt. They’re used to wearing multiple hats at the same time and are often under the impression that they’re the best person to do it all. And if that belief gets challenged, they’ll push back and become stubborn (non-Virgos, you’ve been warned!). On the other hand, striving for perfection can often wear this sign down. Virgos are associated with the sixth house of wellness and routine.

Read Virgo sign’s full profile here.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (10)

Ruling Planet: Venus

Ruling House: Seventh House of Partnerships

Symbol: The Scales

Key Traits: Flirty, impressionable, people-pleasing, congenial

Sure, Libras are experts at keeping the peace (they are represented by the scales of justice, after all), but there’s nothing stronger than Libra’s congeniality. This sign "seeks to be a source of joy for others,” Marquardt says, and they’re basically the epitome of beauty, balance, harmony, and a sense of fair play. However, being a people-pleaser can render Libras defenseless as they try to make everyone happy (pssst, you can’t). “They always want to play the devil’s advocate and sometimes need a nudge to choose a side,” says Quinn. They’re also natural flirts and love to be loved, adds Ward. “Many people can get burned by thinking they were special to a Libra…only to discover they were one of several!” she says. Libras are associated with the seventh house of partnerships.

Read Libra sign’s full profile here.

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Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (11)

Ruling Planet: Mars (traditional astrology), Pluto (modern astrology)

Ruling House: Eighth House of Sex and Taboo

Symbol: Scorpion

Key Traits: Secretive, eloquent, intellectual, curious

Scorpios are the femme fatale type, and their borderline psychic ability is one of their strongest assets. “They have a keen intuition as a water sign, and their intuition is highly focused,” explains Marquardt. They also have a knack for “zeroing in on essential questions and gleaning the secrets that lie within,” says Montúfar. And while Scorpios love unraveling mysteries, they tend to withhold sharing secrets of their own. Scorpio’s unwillingness to be vulnerable makes them prone to holding grudges, Marquardt says. “Scorpio knows how to trigger other people and push their buttons behind limits.” Yet, they also love hard, so you can expect a Scorpio to fight till the end for the people they care about. As a fixed modality, they tend to be determined and stable, which also makes Scorpios super independent. Scorpios are ruled by the eighth house of sex and taboo.

Read Scorpio sign’s full profile here.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (12)

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Ruling House: Ninth House of Travel and Spirituality

Symbol: The Archer

Key Traits: Wise, open, optimistic, noncommittal

These thrill-seekers rely on their luck and natural positivity to move them from one adventure to the next “because they’re so focused on seeing the benefits of exploring new places and trying new experiences,” explains Marquardt. They’re also truth-seekers, and the best way for them to get answers is to seek out tons of connections with others. However, Sagittarius is extremely noncommittal because of their need for freedom, says Quinn, which can clash with their other responsibilities. “But if you satiate their need for change and expansion, then they will take to you well,” Quinn notes. Sagittarius is associated with the ninth house of travel and spirituality.

Read Sagittarius sign’s full profile here.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (13)

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Ruling House: Tenth House of Career and Reputation

Symbol: Sea Goat

Key Traits: Tough, responsible, hardworking, determined

Ever heard of a “sea goat”? You have now—it’s a mythological water creature that represents the Capricorn sign. “Ruled by Saturn, Capricorns are ambitious and determined initiators,” says Montúfar. If commanding a room with their authoritative presence alone isn’t Capricorn’s biggest strength, their self-discipline just might be. “They comfortably and successfully know how to delegate to others and with the vision to lead,” adds Quinn. But the caveat is that they have no issue throwing people under the bus to get what they want, according to Marquardt. So, balance in their relationships is a must. Capricorns are ruled by the tenth house of career and reputation.

Read your sign’s full profile here.

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Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (14)

Ruling Planet: Saturn (traditional astrology), Uranus (modern astrology)

Ruling House: Eleventh House of Community and Friendship

Symbol: Water Bearer

Key Traits: Innovative, courageous, independent, honest

People born under this sign are often humanitarian-focused, visionary, and progressive souls interested in making the world a much better place. As Marquardt puts it, they don’t care about what’s socially acceptable—they’re all about squashing the norms and progressing forward. In romantic relationships, they value their alone time and won’t tie their partner down, which can be frustrating for a quality time-loving S.O. But “where they lack in one-on-one dynamics, they make up for in their passion for the larger global community,” explains Quinn. Aquarius is also very honest—almost to a fault. “Aquarians don’t like conflict, but will speak their mind, often with powerful honesty,” says Ward. “They won’t hold back to spare others’ feelings.” Aquarius is associated with the eleventh house of community and friendship.

Read Aquarius sign’s full profile here.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (15)

Ruling Planet: Jupiter (traditional astrology), Neptune (modern astrology)

Ruling House: Twelfth House of Subconscious and Dreams

Symbol: Fish

Key Traits: Intuitive, empathetic, caring, loyal

“Dreamy and spiritual, this sign represents the end of the zodiacal journey,” Montúfar says. “Pisces wraps up the qualities of all the previous 11 signs to bring the spirit into a perfect state of wholeness.” This sign feels not only their own feelings, but also those of the people around them, Quinn explains. Pisces is the dream partner for their fellow signs due to their caring and loving nature, adds Ward. However, letting their imagination run wild can manifest in unrealistic expectations and extra scatter-brainedness, according to Marquardt. “Pisces is sometimes forgetful because their own fantastical thoughts can be distracting from their real-life obligations,” he explains. Pisces is associated with the twelfth house of the subconscious and dreams—and yup, that totally checks out.

Read Pisces sign’s full profile here.

Meet the Experts

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (16)

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (17)

Sabrina Talbert

Editorial Assistant

Sabrina is an editorial assistant for Women’s Health. When she’s not writing, you can find her running, training in mixed martial arts, or reading.

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (18)

Brittany Beringer

Freelance Writer

Brittany Beringer-Tobing is a freelance writer, mystic, creator, and full-time Aquarius based in San Diego, CA. Her bylines have appeared in POPSUGAR, Bustle, Well+Good, Frenshe, Thought Catalog, and more. She was formerly an astrology writer at Bustle where she covered all things mystical—from lunar forecasts and numerology to manifestation rituals and retrograde dos and don’ts. Outside of writing in the cosmic realm, you can catch Brittany casting spells, listening to true crime, and dancing the night away.

Your Sun Sign Has A Huge Impact On Your 'Core Identity' And 'Ego,' Say Astrologers (2024)


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