What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (2024)

Before Apple was the iPhone company, it was the iPod company. Apple’s portable music player dominated its market for most of its heyday between 2001-2010. While the last “classic” iPod was released in 2007, the name continued with the iPod touch line, phone-less iPhones that Apple is now finally discontinuing after more than 20 years.

Between 2001 and 2019, Apple and its partners released around 30 distinct iPod models, depending on what you call a “distinct iPod model.” (It’s more if you treat every U2-branded model as a distinct model or split the two revisions of the Classic, for instance.) That’s a lot of iPods! It’s enough for a March Madness-style (or, if you prefer, Squid Game marbles episode-style) battle royale.

In our family, we had six iPods: a third-gen, a fifth-gen, a second-gen Mini, a first-gen Nano, and second and fourth-gen Shuffles. So I know some of what I’m talking about here. Without further ado, let’s get to ranking 32 Apple iPod models. Be sure to stick around for the video at the end, where we reminisce about all things iPod.

Round 1 (iPods 32-17)

In this first phase of the bracket, I matched up a lot of similar pairs and had a few matchups between very different models.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (1)

#32: iPod+HP

The worst iPod in history, in my view, happened when HP skinned over iPods and tried to sell them as its own products. Although the fourth-gen iPod was a decent iPod, buying the HP model put you out of Apple’s support system and forced you to try to get support for an Apple product from HP, which wasn’t a great idea.

#31: Harry Potter iPod

Apple did a lot of weird, co-branded iPods between 2001-2004. You could get one with Beck’s or Madonna’s signature on the back, for instance. I’m calling out two on this list - the Harry Potter one and the U2 one (which had a great color scheme.) The Harry Potter iPod had a Hogwarts crest on the back and could only be purchased with a full set of Harry Potter audiobooks. Another dumb exercise in co-branding. Let’s put the rest of the “random celebrity signature” iPods here, too.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (2)

#30: iPod Nano 1

I mostly resent the first Nano for not being a Mini, but it ended up this low on the list because it was recalled for an exploding battery problem.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (3)

#29: iPod Shuffle 3

The only iPod to ever have no actual controls. The controls were on the headphone cord, which also meant you couldn’t use third-party headphones with it and have any control over your music. Awful idea.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (4)

#28: iPod Nano 3

The ugliest iPod in history - maybe the only ugly iPod? - was a squat, somewhat misshapen thing with an infinitesimal 2-inch screen that you were supposed to be able to play games on. Our reviewer liked it at the time, but to me now, the idea of playing video on a 2-inch screen is hilarious.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (5)

#27: iPod Photo

The 4th-gen iPod with a photo display could show your iPhoto or Photoshop album pictures on its tiny, 220-by-176 screen. This was a silly and weird feature. Even at the time (2004) when phone screens were also pretty small and low-res, the awkwardness of syncing your photos to your iPod and then looking at them … on your iPod … was odd. The bigger-screened, next-gen iPod with video got things right.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (6)

#26: iPod Touch 1

The original “iPhone without a phone” was a good idea, but I’m putting it down here because it charged you a $4.95 fee to get the version of iOS which had the App Store on it. That’s not cool.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (7)

#25: iPod Touch 3

Apple just kept revving the iPod touch for a while to keep it up to date with the previous year’s iPhones. There was nothing particularly notable about the iPod Touch 3, which was (like some other models in the line) mostly a rev to keep the processor similar to the ones in the iPhones, and thus maintain third-party app compatibility. A forgettable iPod.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (8)

#24: iPod Shuffle 4

I know a lot of more athletic people loved this tiny, clip-style iPod, but I did not. I never liked the super-small Shuffles’ proprietary USB cables. I put this in the bracket against the similar but much more powerful Nano 6, and the Nano 6 is the clear winner.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (9)

#23: iPod Touch 6

Once the iPod Touch 5 was two and a half years old, Apple needed to update the processor so the Touch could run the latest apps. So the Touch 6 was mostly just a processor bump, and I noted in my review that it had pretty short battery life. Like the Touch 3, not a memorable iPod.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (10)

#22: iPod Nano 2

A mini manque without quite all the charm. The second-gen Nano copied the Mini’s aluminum body and was considerably slimmer, but I feel like it lost some intangible element which makes the Mini more of a true classic.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (11)

#21: iPod Touch 4

The fourth-gen iPod touch introduced front and back cameras but stuck with the previous generation’s 3.5-inch screen as the device became more and more app-dependent. The Touch 5’s 4-inch screen makes the difference for the win here.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (12)

#20: iPod Nano 4

The Nano 4 wasn’t all that bad. It had a tall screen which was good for scrolling through playlists, a classic click wheel, and nine different color options. But I bracketed it against the Nano 5, which was a killer Swiss Army knife of a gadget, so goodbye, Nano 4.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (13)

#19: iPod 2

Apple got rid of the charming mechanical scroll wheel on the iPod 2 but hadn’t yet gone to the lovely, fully solid-state approach of the iPod 3. The edges of the iPod 2’s physical buttons tended to get a bit grimy, and it still used a FireWire cable rather than the later, more common dock connector.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (14)

#18: iPod 5.5 (Video ‘06)

Yes, the 2006 upgrade to the video iPod made a lot of good incremental improvements, with a brighter screen and better battery life. But you don’t beat the bracket by being incremental. You beat it by being innovative, and this was an incremental iPod.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (15)

#17: iPod 3

I loved my iPod 3 and used it for more than a decade, but sometimes we must kill our darlings. The iPod 3 was a full redesign, with a touch-sensitive scroll wheel, the 30-pin dock connector, and a beautiful, luminous white-under-glass body. But up against the iPod 4, the iPod 3 must fail because it still relied on FireWire for charging, and USB has always been a much more widely adopted standard.

Round 2 (iPods 16-9)

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (16)

#16: iPod Photo ‘05

This iPod only made it this far in the list because I had bracketed it against the Harry Potter/Celebrity iPods. The iPod Photo was a silly idea in ‘04, and it was still a bit silly in ‘05 with a slimmer body and a lower price. The iPod Video was a better iPod for the time.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (17)

#15: U2 iPod

The U2 iPod is the last of our co-branded fourth-gen iPods. This one placed the highest of the bunch because I think its black-and-red color scheme was actually quite cool. The U2 color option continued up to the iPod Video ‘06 model.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (18)

#14: iPod Mini 2

The Mini 2 was an incremental upgrade to a marvelous iPod. It’s still nice, but incremental only gets you so far in this bracket.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (19)

#13: iPod Nano 7

The final iPod Nano existed a bit uncomfortably in the iPhone era. Bluetooth and video playback were good to have here, but the device has a sense of being something that’s almost about to play streaming music but not quite. The line was being eclipsed by the iPod touch at this point.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (20)

#12: iPod Shuffle 2

I really respect the idea here that you could clip a tiny iPod to your clothes and go running, and at least the Shuffle 2 had both controls on it (unlike the Shuffle 3) and a place to put your thumb where you wouldn’t hit the controls (unlike the Shuffle 4). But man, did I hate that it used a super-proprietary connector and could only be synced when sitting in its little dock.

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What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (24)

#11: iPod Touch 2

A built-in speaker, volume buttons, and included App Store support made this the first real “iPhone without a phone” and guided iPod users to transition into a world where music would be stored in a variety of apps or streamed over Wi-Fi, not just synced from iTunes.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (25)

#10: iPod Touch 5

This absolute banger of an iPod touch stuck around for years, almost until software wouldn’t run on its A5 processor anymore. The 4-inch screen, Siri, and dual cameras put this in many ways on par with the iPhone 5 and original iPhone SE (although it was slower.)

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (26)

#9: iPod 1

The OG iPod started it all, and that retro mechanical scroll wheel is a real trip. That mechanical wheel, in my mind, beats out the semi-upgrade in the iPod 2, but the original iPod’s chunky body, clumsy FireWire port, and low storage don’t match up to the classic iPod 4.

Round 3 (iPods 8-5)

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (27)

#8: iPod Nano 6

Our reviewer called the iPod Nano 6 a misstep, but this is my bracket, and I disagree. The iPod Nano 6 was the ultimate iPod shuffle: tiny for workout wear, but with a cute little touchscreen to help you navigate through your music.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (28)

#7: iPod Nano 5

A much more beloved Nano, the fifth-gen Nano added a video camera, voice recorder with mic, and FM radio to the traditional iPod-mini-like form factor. It was a bit of a hodgepodge of features, but the “MP3 + FM radio” combination was a winner.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (29)

#6: iPod Video

The video iPod, from 2005, was a generally great product. It was sleek, with a bigger screen than the iPod photo, and that screen was just big enough to watch Star Trek on the train back in an era when you couldn’t quite watch video on your phone yet. A really solid classic, and the predecessor to the actual Classic.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (30)

#5: iPod 4

The last of the pre-photo iPods, the iPod 4 beats out the iPod 3 by fully jumping on the USB bandwagon. Now, don’t get too excited - it’s USB-via-30-pin-cable - but with the touch-sensitive and haptic click wheel and longer battery life, the iPod 4 was a noticeable upgrade in various ways.

Round 4 (iPods 4-2)

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (31)

#4: iPod Touch 7

The Touch 7 (an iPhone without the phone) beats the Nano 6 (a multitouch Shuffle). The Nano 6 just tries a little too hard for its too-small screen. The Touch 7 was Apple's last model before it discontinued the iPod line on May 10, 2022.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (32)

#3: iPod Shuffle 1

I had the Shuffle up against the iPod Video. The first-gen Shuffle is the only iPod to ever use a standard USB plug. That’s so great! And it had controls on the body, so you could use it with any headphones! Yes, it only played one playlist, but you don’t want more than that on a screenless device. The Shuffle had amazing audio quality, and it was the first iPod to use flash memory, so it gets points for leading the way in a technology that now rules the world. In the bracket this time it goes up against the video iPod, and Steve Jobs did say video iPods were a bad idea. Shuffle wins because Steve says so, even though we all know he was lying.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (33)

#2: iPod Mini 1

The iPod Mini beat the 4th-gen iPod. This was a tough one; the fourth-gen iPod is an absolute workhorse. But the Mini is the essence of iPodness: palm-sized, candy-colored, and cool to the touch, with the click wheel and the full iPod interface. It’s a delight.

Round 5: The Best iPod Ever

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (34)

#1: iPod Classic

The iPod is a music player. It is a beautiful paragon of unitasking. It doesn’t need to play videos or games; it needs to hold your whole music library and enwrap you in it. The Mini was a wonderful iPod, but the iPod Classic is your whole musical world. Everything since then has been a bit of a corruption of the idea. The iPod Classic has since then become a beloved cult hit, with hackers upgrading the devices to get up to 4TB of storage and even Bluetooth audio. All hail the iPod Classic; long may she reign.

Now watch: The iPod's 20th Anniversary: A Look Back

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (35)

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (36) The iPod's 20th Anniversary: A Look Back

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About Me

I am an expert and enthusiast assistant. I have been trained on a diverse range of topics and have access to a wide array of information. My knowledge is constantly updated, and I can provide insights and assistance on various subjects.

Expertise in iPod History

This article delves into the history of Apple's iPod models, ranking them based on various criteria. I have a deep understanding of the evolution of Apple's iPod lineup, including the different models, features, and their impact on the market. My knowledge extends to the distinct characteristics of each iPod model, their technological advancements, and their significance in the portable music player industry.

Concepts Related to the Article

The article covers a wide range of iPod models, their features, and the author's personal experiences with them. It discusses the evolution of the iPod lineup, including the transition from classic iPods to the iPod touch line. Additionally, it provides insights into the unique characteristics and shortcomings of specific iPod models, such as the iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle, and iPod Touch. The article also touches on the co-branded and special edition iPods released by Apple, highlighting their impact on the market and consumer preferences.

If you have specific questions or would like to explore any particular aspect of the iPod's history or features, feel free to ask, and I'd be happy to provide detailed information.

What's the Best iPod Ever? Every Model, Bracketed and Ranked (2024)


Which iPod is most valuable? ›

The most valuable iPod Classics are the original 1st generation, a piece of Apple history, and the final two generations, which are still usable today. All sell particularly well if they are still in their original packaging.

What is the most expensive iPod ever sold? ›

A first-generation iPod, originally released in 2001, was reportedly sold to a buyer at auction for $29,000 in late July. The iPod was given as a Christmas gift in December 2001 to a teenager by his parents, who purchased the device for $399 plus tax at the time at a local mall in Plano, Texas.

What is the most updated iPod? ›

iPod touch (7th generation), introduced on May 28, 2019, features the A10 Fusion chip, enabling immersive augmented reality experiences and Group FaceTime, along with 256GB of storage.

What is the oldest iPod? ›

The first version was released on November 10, 2001, about 81⁄2 months after the Macintosh version of iTunes was released. Apple sold an estimated 450 million iPod products as of 2022. Apple discontinued the iPod product line on May 10, 2022. At over 20 years, the iPod brand is the oldest to be discontinued by Apple.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.