SpeedFan Not Detecting Fans: How to Fix (2024)

SpeedFan Not Detecting Fans: What to Do

Your computer’s fans are an essential part of keeping it cool and running smoothly. But what happens when SpeedFan, a popular fan control utility, doesn’t detect your fans? This can be a frustrating problem, but there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to troubleshoot SpeedFan not detecting fans. We’ll cover common causes of the problem, as well as solutions for each one. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to get SpeedFan back up and running so you can keep your computer cool and running smoothly.

SpeedFan not detecting fans
  • The fans are not connected to the motherboard correctly.
  • The fans are not turned on.
  • The fan speed is too low for SpeedFan to detect.
  • SpeedFan is not installed correctly.
  • Check the fan connections and make sure they are secure.
  • Turn on the fans.
  • Increase the fan speed in the BIOS or operating system.
  • Reinstall SpeedFan.

What is SpeedFan?

SpeedFan is a free and open-source software utility that monitors and controls the fans in your computer. It can be used to adjust the fan speed, monitor the temperature of your components, and troubleshoot cooling problems. SpeedFan is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

SpeedFan works by reading the temperature and fan speed data from the sensors on your motherboard. This data is then displayed in a graphical interface, which allows you to monitor the temperature of your components and adjust the fan speed as needed.

SpeedFan can be used to troubleshoot cooling problems by identifying which components are overheating and which fans are not working properly. It can also be used to improve the performance of your computer by reducing the temperature of your components.

Why is SpeedFan not detecting fans?

There are a few reasons why SpeedFan might not be detecting your fans.

  • The fans might not be connected to the motherboard. Make sure that the fans are connected to the motherboard correctly. The fan headers are usually labeled “CPU Fan”, “System Fan”, “Power Fan”, etc.
  • The fans might not be spinning. If the fans are not spinning, SpeedFan will not be able to detect them. Try turning on the computer and listening for the fans. If you do not hear any fans, there might be a problem with the fans or the fan headers.
  • The fan speed might be too low. SpeedFan requires a minimum fan speed of 200 RPM in order to detect the fans. If the fan speed is too low, SpeedFan will not be able to detect the fans.
  • The fan speed might be too high. SpeedFan can only detect fans that are spinning between 200 RPM and 10,000 RPM. If the fan speed is too high, SpeedFan will not be able to detect the fans.
  • The fan speed might be being controlled by a third-party software. If you are using a third-party software to control the fan speed, SpeedFan will not be able to detect the fans.

If you are sure that the fans are connected to the motherboard correctly, are spinning, and are within the speed range that SpeedFan can detect, then the problem might be with SpeedFan itself. You can try updating SpeedFan to the latest version or reinstalling the software. If that does not work, you can try using a different fan monitoring software.

Here are some other tips that might help you troubleshoot the problem:

  • Try disabling any overclocking software that you are using.
  • Try disabling any power saving features that you are using.
  • Try restarting your computer.
  • Try connecting the fans to a different fan header on the motherboard.
  • Try using a different fan.

If you are still having problems, you can contact the SpeedFan support team for help.

How to troubleshoot SpeedFan not detecting fans

SpeedFan is a popular software program that allows you to monitor and control the speed of your computer’s fans. However, there are some instances where SpeedFan may not be able to detect your fans. This can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Incorrect fan settings: SpeedFan relies on the correct fan settings in order to function properly. If your fan settings are incorrect, SpeedFan may not be able to detect your fans.
  • Corrupted SpeedFan database: The SpeedFan database stores information about your computer’s fans. If the database is corrupted, SpeedFan may not be able to detect your fans.
  • Outdated SpeedFan software: SpeedFan is regularly updated with new features and bug fixes. If you are using an outdated version of SpeedFan, it may not be able to detect your fans.

If SpeedFan is not detecting your fans, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

1. Check your fan settings: Open the SpeedFan settings and make sure that the fan settings are correct. The correct fan settings will vary depending on your computer’s hardware.
2. Rescan your fans: Click the “Rescan” button in the SpeedFan interface to rescan your computer for fans. This will force SpeedFan to re-read the fan settings and try to detect your fans.
3. Repair the SpeedFan database: If the SpeedFan database is corrupted, you can try to repair it using the “Repair” function in the SpeedFan interface.
4. Update SpeedFan: If you are using an outdated version of SpeedFan, you can try updating to the latest version. This may fix the issue with SpeedFan not detecting your fans.

If you have tried all of the above troubleshooting steps and SpeedFan is still not detecting your fans, you may need to contact the SpeedFan support team for further assistance.

What to do if you can’t fix SpeedFan not detecting fans

If you have tried all of the troubleshooting steps above and SpeedFan is still not detecting your fans, there are a few other things you can try:

  • Use a different fan monitoring software: There are a number of other fan monitoring software programs available that you can try if SpeedFan is not working for you. Some popular options include HWMonitor, CoreTemp, and RealTemp.
  • Contact your computer manufacturer: If you are using a laptop, you may want to contact your computer manufacturer for assistance. They may be able to provide you with a driver or utility that will allow you to monitor and control the speed of your fans.
  • Take your computer to a repair shop: If you are unable to fix the issue yourself, you may want to take your computer to a repair shop. A qualified technician will be able to diagnose the issue and repair your computer.

By following these tips, you can hopefully fix the issue with SpeedFan not detecting your fans. If you are still having trouble, you may want to contact the SpeedFan support team for further assistance.

SpeedFan is a powerful tool that can be used to monitor and control the speed of your computer’s fans. However, there are some instances where SpeedFan may not be able to detect your fans. This can be caused by a number of factors, including incorrect fan settings, corrupted SpeedFan database, outdated SpeedFan software, or a hardware issue.

If SpeedFan is not detecting your fans, you can try the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article. If you are still having trouble, you may need to use a different fan monitoring software program, contact your computer manufacturer, or take your computer to a repair shop.

Q: SpeedFan not detecting fans?

A: There are a few possible reasons why SpeedFan might not be detecting your fans.

  • Your fans might not be plugged into the motherboard correctly. Make sure that the fans are plugged into the correct fan headers on your motherboard. The fan headers are usually labeled “CPU Fan”, “SYS Fan”, and “AUX Fan”.
  • Your fans might not be spinning fast enough. SpeedFan requires that your fans be spinning at a minimum speed of 200 RPM in order to be detected. If your fans are spinning slower than this, SpeedFan will not be able to detect them.
  • Your motherboard might not be compatible with SpeedFan. SpeedFan is not compatible with all motherboards. If you are using a motherboard that is not supported by SpeedFan, you will not be able to use SpeedFan to monitor your fans.

Q: How do I fix SpeedFan not detecting my fans?

A: If SpeedFan is not detecting your fans, there are a few things you can try.

  • Check the fan connections. Make sure that the fans are plugged into the correct fan headers on your motherboard.
  • Try increasing the fan speed. If your fans are spinning slower than 200 RPM, try increasing the fan speed in your BIOS.
  • Try using a different version of SpeedFan. There are different versions of SpeedFan available, so try using a different version to see if that fixes the problem.
  • Try using a different fan control software. If SpeedFan is not working for you, you can try using a different fan control software. There are a number of different fan control software options available, so you can try a few different ones to see if you find one that works better for you.

Q: What are the benefits of using SpeedFan?

A: SpeedFan can provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Fan speed control: SpeedFan allows you to control the speed of your fans, which can help to improve your system’s cooling performance.
  • Temperature monitoring: SpeedFan can monitor the temperature of your system’s components, which can help you to identify potential problems.
  • Overclocking support: SpeedFan can be used to overclock your system’s CPU and GPU.

Q: What are the risks of using SpeedFan?

A: There are a few risks associated with using SpeedFan, including:

  • Incorrect fan speed settings: If you set your fans to spin too fast, you could damage your system.
  • Incorrect temperature readings: SpeedFan’s temperature readings may not be accurate, which could lead you to make incorrect decisions about your system’s cooling.
  • Overclocking: Overclocking your system can damage your components.

Q: How can I use SpeedFan safely?

A: To use SpeedFan safely, you should:

  • Only use SpeedFan to control the speed of your fans if you know what you are doing.
  • Make sure that you set your fans to a speed that is safe for your system.
  • Monitor your system’s temperature regularly to make sure that it is not overheating.
  • Do not overclock your system unless you know what you are doing.

    SpeedFan is a powerful tool that can be used to monitor and control the fans in your computer. However, there are some instances where SpeedFan may not be able to detect your fans. This can be due to a number of factors, including incorrect fan settings, incompatible hardware, or a corrupt SpeedFan installation.

If SpeedFan is not detecting your fans, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check your fan settings to make sure that they are set to be detected by SpeedFan.
  • Make sure that your hardware is compatible with SpeedFan.
  • Reinstall SpeedFan.

If you are still having trouble, you can contact the SpeedFan support team for assistance.

Here are some key takeaways regarding the subject of SpeedFan not detecting fans:

  • SpeedFan is a powerful tool that can be used to monitor and control the fans in your computer.
  • SpeedFan may not be able to detect your fans if your fan settings are incorrect, your hardware is incompatible, or your SpeedFan installation is corrupt.
  • You can troubleshoot SpeedFan not detecting your fans by checking your fan settings, making sure that your hardware is compatible, and reinstalling SpeedFan.
  • If you are still having trouble, you can contact the SpeedFan support team for assistance.

Author Profile

SpeedFan Not Detecting Fans: How to Fix (1)

Marcus Greenwood
Hatch, established in 2011 by Marcus Greenwood, has evolved significantly over the years. Marcus, a seasoned developer, brought a rich background in developing both B2B and consumer software for a diverse range of organizations, including hedge funds and web agencies.

Originally, Hatch was designed to seamlessly merge content management with social networking. We observed that social functionalities were often an afterthought in CMS-driven websites and set out to change that. Hatch was built to be inherently social, ensuring a fully integrated experience for users.

Now, Hatch embarks on a new chapter. While our past was rooted in bridging technical gaps and fostering open-source collaboration, our present and future are focused on unraveling mysteries and answering a myriad of questions. We have expanded our horizons to cover an extensive array of topics and inquiries, delving into the unknown and the unexplored.

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SpeedFan Not Detecting Fans: How to Fix (2024)


Why are my fans not showing up in SpeedFan? ›

I would suggest first to check that you are running the latest BIOS version, which is currently version F23f released on 2018/03/09. If you wish to update, ensure first that you have backups for everything. Check to see that your fans are visible in the BIOS. If not, then it is unlikely that Speedfan can do any better.

Why is my computer not detecting the fan? ›

When the CPU fan cable is loose or connected to the wrong socket, your computer won't recognize that the fan is plugged in and will prompt a “511-CPU fan not detected” error. In this case, you should make sure CPU fan cables are properly connected to the correct socket.

Why are my system fans not working? ›

Troubleshooting Fan Failure

Check the power cord that is connected from the fan to the motherboard. Processor's fan might be incorrectly installed. Try plugging the fan heatsink cable into a different header on the motherboard. Clean up the dust.

Why is my fan speed control not working? ›

The most likely cause of fan speed control failure is a resistor failure at the fan's motor, although it can also be a defective control switch or burned-out fan motor.

How to check fans in BIOS? ›

Here's how to control your fan speed from BIOS:
  1. Turn on your computer and press the key to enter the BIOS (usually F1, F2, F10, Delete, or Esc).
  2. Navigate to the "Hardware Monitor" or "Fan Control" section of the BIOS. ...
  3. Look for an option that says "CPU Fan Speed Control" or something similar.
Apr 20, 2023

What causes computer fan failure? ›

Common causes for fans not working, abnormal, or loud fan noise, overheating: Fans or air vents are obstructed which reduces air circulation. Dust accumulation on vents or fans may reduce heat dissipation. There is not enough ventilation.

How can I test my PC fans? ›

In the BIOS menu, you can find the fan settings and see if they are set to automatic, manual, or disabled. You can also check the fan speed and temperature readings for your CPU and GPU. If the fan settings are incorrect or the readings are abnormal, you can try to adjust them or reset them to default values.

Why do fans just stop working? ›

Poor ventilation can cause dust and heat to get trapped inside the case of the motor. This can cause your fan to stop functioning—especially if your fan has an overheating feature that causes it to automatically shut off if it gets too hot.

How do I get my fan to work again? ›

Try troubleshooting some issues yourself first:
  1. Remove Fan Blockages. ...
  2. Replace Batteries. ...
  3. Ensure the Reverse Switch Isn't in Neutral. ...
  4. Check That the Wall Switch & Chain Are On. ...
  5. Frequently Tripped Circuit Breakers. ...
  6. Loose Wiring. ...
  7. A Faulty Fan Motor. ...
  8. Overheating or Faulty Fan Capacitor.
May 24, 2022

How do I troubleshoot a fan not working? ›

If your ceiling fan and light stopped working, there are a few ways to troubleshoot this problem:
  1. Step 1: Test your fan to make sure that it turns. ...
  2. Step 2: Check the breaker for your room to make sure your ceiling fan is getting power. ...
  3. Step 3: Replace one or all of the bulbs.

How to fix PC fans? ›

Use the screwdriver to detach the fan from the case or the component. Next, use the brush to gently remove any dust from the fan blades and the vents. Finally, use the compressed air to blow away any remaining dust from the fan and the case. Reattach the fan and the panel and plug in the computer.

How to know if a CPU fan is failing? ›

To check the condition of your fan, you should open your computer case and inspect the fan for any signs of damage, such as cracks, dents, or broken wires. You should also listen for any unusual sounds, such as grinding, rattling, or clicking. If you find any problems, you should replace the fan as soon as possible.

Why is my fan not speeding up? ›

Your ceiling fan speed can slow down because of dust accumulation, incorrect installation, capacitor issues, wiring problems or motor issues. Troubleshooting such problems includes part replacement, cleaning, and repair. 3. Should I check the fan's settings or controls first if it's running slowly?

Why is my high speed cooling fan not working? ›

The most common reasons for a radiator fan not working can be a blown-out fuse, a bad relay, or a broken wire. The faulty coolant temp sensor might also be a reason behind it. Whatever the case, a dysfunctional radiator fan can be fatal.

Does SpeedFan work for laptops? ›

A SpeedFan is free software that monitors a laptop's CPU temperatures, read voltages, and HDD temp while controlling the speed of fans, allowing you more control over your computer.


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