A Guide by Azakaela
If the answer to that question is yes, then boy oh boy, do I have some awesome stuff to teach you. Making a radio mod for PZ can be a very rewarding way to put a lot of great content into PZ that fills the world and makes it less lonesome.
So let’s just f*ckin’ get started, I’ll give you everything you need to make an awesome mod.
(if the answer to the question is no, then I guess you can stop reading now.)😤
So first your gonna wanna read this thread about how the basics of Wordzed works, I’m not gonna regurgitate stuff that’s already out there, I just wanna show you how to put music in this bitch, and for that there’s a special version of Wordzed I use that has additional functionality that makes it possible.
So here’s that thread :
Download the manual there and read that too. Especially important to note is the list of frequencies that the base game uses. I’d advise making sure not to accidentally use the same frequencies if you want to leave the original radio broadcasts intact. Otherwise you’ll overwrite them.
-CTRL+Right Clicking on a broadcast line will bring up the Player Effects Window.
-Hit Add an Effect to be able to add skill boosts and apply moodlet changes when a player “hears” the broadcast.
-SHIFT+Right Clicking on a broadcast line will add a random amount of effects that apply -1 Stress and -1 Boredom to the whole broadcast.
-Clicking on Insert Line Right/Left after selecting a broadcast line will copy that broadcast line for every time it is clicked. (THIS WILL COME IN HANDY TRUST ME)
Getting Started
Alright so you’ll need the following things.
- WordZed (special edition) -- Inside the .Rar
- Audacity
- This Prestructured Mod Template -- Inside the .rar
- A lot of patience -- inside you, probably
- Mouse Clickr -- A mouse click counting program, its free (trust me you’ll want it)
- A calculator
- Probably beer 🍺
- A playlist of music you want to enter into the game!
- Oh and Notepad++ You’ll need that too.
- Convert your mp3 or wav or flac or what have you to .ogg using audacity
- To do this, import the file to audacity, then go to file, export and select .ogg
- Save your .ogg files to the RadioMusic folder within the modtemplate
- Rename them, this is important -- remove any instances of spaces or whatever so “Iron Man - Black Sabbath.mp3” should be changed to IronMan.ogg this will make it way easier for you for the next steps.
- After you’ve saved your files, go to the RadioMusic folder and up at the top set the view to Details and right click, add Length, so you can keep track of how long each song is.
- Alternatively you can open all the files in a media player of your choice; you’re gonna wanna be listening to music while you do this, why not the music you’re gonna be putting in the game?
- Open up Notepad and Calculator
- For each song you intend to enter in, multiply the number of minutes by 60, add the remaining amount of seconds and divide the result by 4.5. Keep track of the Song File Name and the Result number on notepad to keep everything in one spot for you.
- This is to ensure that your song plays without annoying radio static noise. PZ has a dynamic system for the duration of it’s broadcast lines that ranges from 1 second per line to 5 seconds per line, 4.5 has worked best in my testing.
- Open Wordzed and open the ModTemplate.XML
- Navigate to Adverts, where one song is already entered in for ya, notice the format?
- creates the music notes
- SONG NAME -- ARTIST NAME usually creates a duration of 3.5-5 seconds depending on the song name, but this is a proper way to credit the artists and this format was used in my mods, you can use your own format, but I suggest crediting the artist for sure
- Notice how some broadcast lines are blue? Ctrl+Right Click on the first line -- You’ll notice a +1 Drunkenness is added to it. (Drunkenness tags are what’s used to call a specific .ogg file.
- Now enter in a new broadcast underneath this one (and delete the old one if you don’t need it)
- Enter in the song title and artist name with music notes in the first broadcast line.
- Open Mouse Clicker, and move the Wordzed window so that you can see the Mouseclickerr AND your notepad document at the same time.
- Click on the first broadcast line so you can edit it’s text, reset mouse clicker then click on “Insert Line Right” underneath the blue arrow. Click on it for as many times as the songs corresponding Result Number in your notepad.
- Do this for every song you intend to enter in the mod.
- Now, starting from your first song you entered in your gonna enter them into the RadioWavs.lua!
- Navigate to RADIO MOD TEMPLATE\Contents\mods\RADIO MOD\media\lua\client\RadioCom to find RadioWavs.lua, open it with Notepad++
- I’ve done several example songs for you, you’re gonna wanna overwrite them, just write the file name that you choose for the song when you renamed it earlier.
- For each song you’re gonna enter it the same way, you’ll probably have to manually add more lines, when you do that, make sure to increase the number in the [brackets] too.
- Now go back to Wordzed, on the first line of every broadcast and CTRL+RIGHT CLICK; For each song your going to add a Drunkeness tag, make sure + is selected and enter in the corresponding number in the RadioWavs.lua file
- Repeat 16 for all your songs.
- Now the fun part. You’re gonna have to edit the script file, found here in the mod template: RADIO MOD TEMPLATE\Contents\mods\RADIO MOD\media\lua\client\RadioCom\sounds_RadioWavs
- I’ve included 10 examples of how it should be entered in, simply replace “songname” with the appropriate file name for every song that you’ve entered in
- You may have to do some copy and pasting to add some more in, this part is the most tedious. I hope you have your beer
- This script part makes it so the songs can be heard at a distance of 50 tiles, and fades the audio according to location and distance.
- Now that that’s done all that’s left is to go back to the xml file and set up your station so that it plays a random song for every half hour.
- I’ve set up an example Radio Station under Channels. You can simply rename this to have a station
- You’ll notice there is one script, set as the start script, set to loop 365 (days)
- It’s also set to exit to itself, with a 100 percent chance and 0 delay.
- With these settings it should play every half hour and loop 365 times. It’ll play for a year in game.
- You will also notice that all the broadcasts are set to have an Advert from “My Music” to play alongside every broadcast.
- This ensures that this radio station will always play music at any time, and it will choose randomly from the playlist everytime it plays.
- Now double check your work to make sure you haven’t mistyped a file name, or entered in a wrong tag; you’ll regret it when you’re testing and the wrong file plays or your character ironically gets an angry moodlet.
- Distribute the .xml file, and copy the new version to replace the one in RADIO MOD TEMPLATE\Contents\mods\RADIO MOD\media\radio
- Next step is to set your mod up and put it into the game and test out your music!
- Make sure you start a new game
If you have any problems with any of these steps, feel free to join the Survivor Radio Discord and I’ll answer any of your questions.
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