Salt and Vinegar Roasted Potatoes Recipe (2024)



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Tossing on s sheet pan is a pain. Throw it all in a bowl, toss and spread on a sheet pan. No big deal to wash the bowl!

Larry McD

To my sincere regrets, I have still not figured out how to "toss" ingredients on a sheet pan. Woe is me.


Any time I roast Yukons I put the cut pieces through several changes of water to remove the starch. Really helps to crisp the outsides.

chris nc

Jen, I line my baking pan with aluminum foil (for easy cleanup), then I line it with parchment paper. The potatoes will not stick and will brown on both sides without having to stir or flip them. The paper will brown some but it will not burn, even at 425 degrees convection....try it!


Malt vinegar makes them grrrooovy baby!


Roasting potatoes at high heat (400-450F) I find grape seed oil with it’s higher smoke point, works better than olive oil. Potatoes can stay on pan till they get a nice crust without burning or the smoke alarm going off. It’s a bit “thinner” too, so coats potatoes more easily and I find I can use a touch less oil.


These are hands down the best roasted potatoes I have ever made. I tried the recipe with sweet potatoes and they are just as good. I marinated the potatoes in the oil/vinegar mixture for about an hour, then drained and roasted them. I used the leftover oil/vinegar to sauté some broccolini, so it even did double duty.


Concurring here about the impossibility of tossing ingredients in oil on a sheet pan. Toss them in a bowl and then spread ingredients out. So what if you have to wash the bowl!


Two spatulas.


If you are in a bit of a hurry, you can par-cook the potatoes in the microwave. Particularly useful if you have hungry patrons looking over your shoulder harassing you about when dinner will be ready. Also, if you don't have a bowl big enough, or you just don't want an extra bowl to wash up, toss everything in a large plastic freezer bag, give it a quick mix and massage, tip onto your tray.


As others mentioned the white vinegar didn’t pack the punch I was looking for. Finished with malt vinegar instead and YUM they were excellent!


Use your hands to toss. NBD


Toss with your hands. Get in there!


To toss in a sheet pan, use your hands. Then, wash your hands.


Any time I roast Yukons I put the cut pieces through several changes of water to remove the starch. Really helps to crisp the outsides.


Simple and delicious. I’ve used these for dinner — an upscale take on fish and chips with NYT’s pan-seared halibut recipe — and with scrambled eggs for breakfast.


Love these. They remind me of the chip trucks around the Toronto area. Loads of malt vinegar on the side.


I parboiled the potato chunks in salted water, then drained them and returned to the pot to let them dry out for 30 minutes or so, shaking them a bit to roughen the edges (trick from Queen Nigella). Added the oil and vinegar to the pot, shook them around a bit more, then baked per instructions. Didn’t bother with the vinegar at the end, as others have said this makes them soggy. These are truly excellent, and I will make them often!


Easy and tasty. Forgot to add the last tablespoon of vinegar, but they potatoes still tasted really good and crispy.


Simple - and reminds me of English fish and chips, baked some haddock with this.

Janine Gross

Fantastic flavor! Finished with malt vinegar as others suggested. They did, however, stick badly to the pan. Any tips for preventing this that doesn't involve aluminum foil?


Parchment paper


Silpat, silicone parchment! Reduces waste compared to normal paper as well.


Lining every pan so one doesn't have to wash it - so much aluminum. Just a little soaking with water and my sheet pans come clean every time.

David B.

Good and tasty as roasted potatoes go. Didn't come out as crispy as I would've preferred.

Linda Kenyon

What Chris nc said about parchment paper! I always think of “Fahrenheit 451” and don’t stray beyond 425f.


Has anyone tried this with a balsamic vinegar?


Best recipe for roasted potatoes ever. Followed it faithfully except using airfryer instead of roast setting. Soooooo delicious!


Yes to malt vinegar.Add a little crushed red pepper, too.Delicious! Crunchy and golden outside, tender inside.


2 words Air Fry


Whisk the oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper in a MEDIUM-SIZED BOWL. Add the potatoes and toss to coat. Spread on baking sheet.

Bob S

These just don't pack enough vinegar punch. They're just roasted potatoes that you splash vinegar on at the end. Do try other recipes where you boil the potatoes in water with vinegar before roasting. Those turn out crisp outside with a creamy interior and a pleasant vinegar flavor all the way through.

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Salt and Vinegar Roasted Potatoes Recipe (2024)


What does putting vinegar on potatoes do? ›

The acid in the vinegar can also help to slightly break down the surface of the potatoes, aiding in the development of a crispier texture during frying. Additionally, the vinegar can contribute to a golden-brown color on the exterior of the fries.

What is the ratio of vinegar to water for potatoes? ›

Place potatoes into a pot and add 1 1/2 cups vinegar with 3 cups cold water (or enough to just about cover the potatoes). Add in 1 tbsp salt, give it a stir then bring to a boil. Cook until knife tender, around 25mins depending on the size of potato chunks.

Why do you soak potatoes in water before roasting? ›

Yes! Soak the potatoes in cold water to remove the excess starch from the outside of the potato. There are a few reasons why you want to remove that starch (it makes the potatoes burn, it keeps them from crisping up, it turns to sugar) but all you really need to remember is to soak them at least one hour.

What to eat with salt and vinegar potatoes? ›

Roasted Salt and Vinegar Potatoes

These potatoes make the perfect side dish for so many things. Serve with grilled steaks, seafood, a pot roast and more.

Does vinegar stop potatoes from cooking? ›

Vinegar helps boiled potatoes hold their shape

Since the objective is to fully cook the potatoes (without making them mushy), it's important to note that you just need a bit of vinegar to get the job done. Adding too much vinegar could cause the potatoes to cook way slower than desired, so it's all about balance.

How much vinegar do you put in potatoes to keep them from turning brown? ›

Just like you might use a squirt of lime juice to keep guacamole from browning, a bit of lemon juice or white vinegar in the bowl with the potatoes will ward off gray hues. Use one teaspoon to a half gallon of water to get all the anti-browning impact with no noticeable flavor changes.

How long to soak potatoes in vinegar to clean? ›

After rinsing potatoes in cold water to remove dirt (if necessary), submerge potatoes in a vinegar bath of approximately 3 parts water and 1 part white vinegar. Ensuring they're all completely submerged, soak potatoes for 5 to 10 minutes, and then pat dry for immediate use.

What is the best ratio for vinegar? ›

Vinegar/Water Ratios

As a general rule, most natural cleaning experts suggest mixing one part vinegar to one part water.

Should I soak potatoes in vinegar? ›

2) Soak them in cold water and vinegar. The vinegar is like magic for potatoes. It keeps them pretty while you cook them, soaking out the extra moisture, while at the same time not transferring the vinegar flavor to the chips. It's genius!

What happens if you don't soak potatoes before baking? ›

Soaking potatoes in water helps remove excess starch. Excess starch can inhibit the potatoes from cooking evenly as well as creating a gummy or sticky texture on the outside of your potatoes. Cold water is used because hot water would react with the starch activating it, making it harder to separate from the potatoes.

Should you boil potatoes before roasting? ›

Do I have to boil potatoes before roasting? Not necessary but this can help get the perfect consistency and crispiness. Make sure you boil them but leave them a bit al dente and they will crisp up perfectly in the oven.

What are the best potatoes for roasting? ›

Russet potatoes will produce crisper crusts and fluffier centers. Yukon Golds will be slightly less crisp and have creamier centers, with a darker color and deeper flavor. You can also use a mix of the two. The potatoes should be cut into very large chunks, at least 2 to 3 inches or so.

When you mix vinegar and salt? ›

Vinegar is acetic acid CH 3 COOH and simple salt is sodium chloride . The reaction between acid and the salt takes place as follows: Hence from the above reaction, we can say that when vinegar reacts with salt hydrochloric acid is produced.

Can you soak potatoes in vinegar overnight? ›

A Note from Feedfeed. These skin-on potatoes are soaked in vinegar overnight for extra flavor! The best part? Just season them up a bit the next day and pop them in the oven for extra crispiness.

Should you wash potatoes with vinegar? ›

After rinsing potatoes in cold water to remove dirt (if necessary), submerge potatoes in a vinegar bath of approximately 3 parts water and 1 part white vinegar. Ensuring they're all completely submerged, soak potatoes for 5 to 10 minutes, and then pat dry for immediate use.

Will vinegar keep potatoes from turning brown? ›

A: Place the potatoes in water to cover and add some acidity like a teaspoon of concentrated lemon juice or white wine vinegar to keep from browning.

Can you put vinegar in potatoes? ›

Eatwell 101 reports that using white, apple cider, or red wine varieties of vinegar all work well to keep potatoes intact, suggesting you rinse off the potatoes after boiling anyway to remove any lingering vinegar flavors (that is, if you're not looking to add too much of vinegar's signature tang to your dish).


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.