Laptop sleeves - 14 inch | Vandaag besteld, Morgen in huis (2024)

Ben je op zoek naar een laptop sleeve voor jouw 14 inch laptop? Binnen ons assortiment zijn verschillende laptop sleeves 14 inch te vinden. Het is belangrijk om bij het selecteren van een laptop sleeve 14 inch te controleren of de aangegeven lengte en breedte op de productpagina goed overeenkomen met de afmetingen van jouw laptop. De ene 14 inch laptop is namelijk de andere niet, omdat de inch-maat alleen iets zegt over het diagonaal van het beeldscherm en niet over de afmetingen van je laptop.

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Laptop sleeves - 14 inch | Vandaag besteld, Morgen in huis (2024)


What size sleeve do I need for my laptop? ›

Measure diagonal

This size does not include the 'bezel' (the casing that surrounds the screen itself) which can often add an additional inch onto the size. So, you need to measure your laptop diagonally from edge to edge. Then you know your laptop's true inch size, which will help you choose your KNOMO bag or sleeve.

Is a laptop sleeve enough? ›

Before you buy a laptop sleeve, consider if you actually need one. Most backpacks, messenger bags, tote bags, and briefcases already have a protective slot for your laptop. If you carry your laptop outside of a bag, a laptop sleeve might be what you need—but if you're carrying a backpack anyway, it might not.

Do laptop sleeves protect laptops? ›

Sleeves provide protection from everyday hazards. Laptop sleeves shield your device from common threats like minor impacts, scratches, and dust. They are excellent ways to protect your portable computer when it's carried in a larger bag or backpack. This preventive measure can save you from expensive repair bills.

How tight should a laptop sleeve be? ›

You obviously want to avoid something too small, but you should also skip over the sleeves that are too large for your device. The idea is for your laptop to have a snug fit that is loose enough to fit the laptop while being tight enough that your device isn't sliding around in the sleeve.

What size is a 14 inch laptop? ›

How do you find out the dimensions of your laptop?
Inch sizeCM LxH
14 inch33,5 cm x 24,7 cm
15 en 15.4 inch36 cm x 27 cm
15.5 inch37 cm x 24,9 cm
15.6 inch37,4 cm x 24,5 cm
8 more rows

Does a 14 inch laptop fit in a 14 inch case? ›

If it is 14" wide, it WILL NOT fit in the 14" case. If it is 14" diagonal, it should but do measure the width as the bag is only 13.5" wide.

What is the best material for a laptop sleeve? ›

Let's examine the most common materials used to craft PC or MacBook sleeves and understand their unique characteristics. Nylon sleeves are popular due to their versatility. They are lightweight, durable, and water-resistant, providing excellent protection from minor impacts, moisture, and dust.

Do I really need a laptop bag? ›

Protection. Both a laptop bag and laptop sleeve provide an additional layer of protection when compared to just carrying your laptop as is. If you don't carry your laptop with you too often or if you are mostly indoors, then a slim laptop sleeve would provide a snug fit to minimise the risk of any marks or scratches.

How can I protect my laptop without a laptop sleeve? ›

Use a Well-Padded Laptop Bag with a Dedicated Compartment

Also, don't forget to check the bottom for padding. It's frequently overlooked, but a crucial consideration. You also need to make sure the backpack or bag has a compartment large enough for your laptop but not so large that your laptop can move around too much.

What should I look for in a laptop sleeve? ›

Most good quality laptop cases should provide super-soft padding or allocated pockets that wrap around your laptop snugly. That is why it's important to find a laptop case that is suitable for your size of device, so that it's not excessively moving around your bag.

What is the difference between laptop sleeve and laptop cover? ›

Laptop sleeves are slim, lightweight cases designed to protect your laptop from scratches and minor bumps, while laptop bags offer more space for accessories and are typically more durable.

What is the best way to protect laptop? ›

Get a reliable bag to carry your laptop.

A good laptop bag will have padded compartments specifically designed for a laptop of the right size. You don't want your laptop jostling around in a compartment that is too big for it. You can choose from a number of styles, including backpacks, messenger bags, and briefcases.

What size of laptop sleeve do I need? ›

The most effective way to determine this is by physically measuring the laptop screen. This measurement, taken diagonally from one corner of the screen to the opposite corner, should cover the screen area only, excluding the bezels.

Should I buy laptop sleeve? ›

In general, laptops encounter scratches and paint peeling for a period of time after use, while a laptop sleeve greatly avoids them. What laptop sleeve should I choose before making the purchase? The great protection makes a laptop sleeve, so make sure you are choosing one protective enough to safeguard a device.

Is it okay to have a bigger laptop sleeve? ›

If you need to carry additional accessories, a slightly bigger bag may be a better option. However, if you are traveling light, a snug fit may be more convenient. It's crucial to choose a bag that provides adequate protection to your laptop while also being comfortable to carry.

How to check laptop sleeve size? ›

This size doesn't include the casing that surrounds the screen itself, which can often add an additional inch to the size. So, you need to measure your laptop diagonally from edge to edge to get your laptop's true measurement in inches and be able to choose the right travel bag.

Will a 16 inch laptop fit in a 15.6 inch sleeve? ›

While it's possible for a 15.6-inch laptop bag to fit a 16-inch laptop, it depends heavily on specific designs and dimensions. Carefully considering both the bag and the laptop's measurements is crucial to ensure a proper and comfortable fit.

Will a 13 inch sleeve fit a 13.3 inch laptop? ›

yes,it can fit.

How do I know what size arm sleeve to get? ›

To get a compression arm sleeve that fits you perfectly, you need to start by measuring your relaxed bicep. You need to measure the center of your relaxed bicep and purchase a compression sleeve that is about half an inch to one inch smaller than the measured area.


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.