Play 'Jumpman' on C64 online.
Jumpman game data
Commodore 64 game name: Jumpman | Release date: 1983 | Publisher: Epyx | Game media type: d64 | Language: en
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About Commodore 64 Jumpman
Jumpman is a platform game written by Randy Glover and published by Epyx in 1983. It was first developed for the Atari 8-bit family, and versions were also released for the Commodore 64, Apple II, and IBM PC. [source:]
According to the story, the base on Jupiter has been sabotaged by terrorists who have placed bombs throughout the base’s three buildings. The object of the game is to defuse all the bombs in a platform-filled screen. Jumpman defuses a bomb by touching it. Jumpman can jump, climb up and down ladders, and there are two kinds of rope each allowing a single direction of climbing only.
The game map is organized into a series of levels, representing the floors in three buildings. When all of the bombs on a level have been deactivated, the map scrolls vertically to show another floor of the building. When all of the levels in a building are complete, a screen shows the remaining buildings and moves onto the next one. The order of the maps is randomized so players do not end up trapped on a level they cannot complete.
Hazards include falling “smart darts” (small bullets that fly slowly across the screen, but when orthogonally lined up with Jumpman, greatly speed up and shoot straight in his direction), fall damage, and other hazards that are unique to a certain level. Upon being hit or falling from a height, Jumpman tumbles down to the bottom of the screen, with a measure from Chopin’s Funeral March being played.
Points are awarded for each bomb defused, with bonus points available for completing a level quickly. Jumpman’s game run-speed can be chosen by the player, with faster speeds being riskier but providing greater opportunity to earn bonus points.
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This file type doesn't support auto Joystick port detection. Please choose 'Joystick Swap Ports' if needed.
Jumpman C64 keyboard mapping
When you start a game, each joystick port is automatically turned on. Sometimes this causes a problem as the joystick port is mapped to the keys below. If a game uses these keys, you need to turn off the joystick ports.
C64 emulator joystick - keyboard mappings
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Bottom Buttons: Quick Access Features
Information Window: This information guide.
Load Program: Easily load any C64 program from your local drive. We support a variety of file formats including S64, D64, G64, X64, ZIP, PRG, P00, T64, TAP, and CRT.
Virtual C64 Keyboard: Activate an on-screen keyboard to type in anything, just like on a real C64.
Joystick 1 On/Off: Switch Joystick 1 on or off (keyboard mapping is WASD + Left Shift).
Switch Joysticks: Toggle between joystick ports as needed.
Joystick 2 On/Off: Switch Joystick 2 on or off (keyboard mapping isCURSOR keys + Left/Right CTRL).
Learn more about joystick emulation and keyboard mapping below.
Top Buttons: Enhance Your Experience
Full Screen Mode: Dive into full-screen for an immersive experience. Press ESC or F11 to exit.
CRT Effect: Relive the nostalgia with a special effect that mimics old CRT TVs.
Screenshot: Capture memories! Save screenshots as PNG files.
Sound Control: By default, the sound is off. It automatically turns on when you load a program. Toggle it on or off as you like.
Save State: Save your current emulator state. Remember, saving again overwrites the previous save.
Load State: Load a previously saved state and pick up where you left off.
Joystick to Keyboard Mapping
Joystick 1: Use 'A' (Left), 'D' (Right), 'W' (Up), 'S' (Down), Left Shift (Fire).
Joystick 2: Use Cursor keys (Left, Right, Up, Down) and Left/Right Ctrl (Fire).
Tip: Swap joystick ports easily with the swap button located between the two joystick controls.
Enjoy on Touchscreens
Mobile friendly! Use the emulator on phones and tablets by tapping the four corners and the center.
Gamepad Support
USB Gamepad Devices
Connect a USB gamepad or joystick. We support 1 or 2 gamepads + paddles (axes 3/4).
Mobile Device Compatibility
While primarily designed for desktops, the emulator works well on tablets and mobile devices.
Browser Compatibility
Enjoy seamless performance on major browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and the latest Opera.
Credits: Original Commodore 64 Javascript emulator by Thomas Hochgoetz.
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Happy computing,
Kornel Kolma (Ko-Ko)