How to set up PPTP VPN on Android - Available options explained (2024)

This short tutorial helps you set up PPTP VPN on Android devices. It also explains why PPTP is not the best protocol to use, how to set PPTP up on your Android device, and what alternatives you need to consider.

PPTP VPN setup on Android [Summary]

Setting up PPTP on Android is easy and several options are available:

  • Option 1: Manually set up a PPTP VPN connection on your Android device:
    • From the Settings app select Connections. Next, tap More connection settings.
    • Tap on VPN.
    • Tap on the three-dot button from the left of VPN. Next, tap Add VPN profile.
    • Enter a name for the connection and fill in the server name or IP address.
    • Type in the authentication username and password.
    • Tap Save account information. Select the newly created VPN profile in the VPN list.
    • To connect tap the key icon and, then, Connect.
  • Option 2: Use a VPN Android app that can create a PPTP VPN tunnel.
  • Option 3: Set up PPTP on your router and connect your Android devices to the router.

Are you looking for more options to connect to a VPN from Android? Start by reading how to use a VPN on Android.

What You'll Learn

What is PPTP, and why it is not safe to use it on Android

The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is one of the most commonly used protocols for establishing VPN connections.

As it is fast and easy to set up, the PPTP VPN protocol helps applications that require fast processing, and it is effective on devices with limited processing power (including older Android phones).

However, due to security concerns, PPTP is no longer considered safe. Consequently, Apple removed PPTP from macOS and iOS. Nonetheless, PPTP can still be set up on Android devices, as well as on Windows and Linux machines.

How to set up a PPTP connection on Android

PPTP is quite easy to set up on Android phones and tablets. Here are the available options.

Manually set up a PPTP VPN connection

Android offers built-in VPN components for creating encrypted tunnels using various protocols: PPTP, L2TP/IPsec, and IKEv2.

The manual PPTP setup on Android 10 consists of the following steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Select Connections. Next, tap More connection settings.
  3. Tap on VPN. Alternatively, you may search for “VPN” in the Settings app.How to set up PPTP VPN on Android - Available options explained (1)
  4. Tap on the three-dot button from the left of VPN. Next, tap Add VPN profile (Add VPN network for older Android versions). How to set up PPTP VPN on Android - Available options explained (2)
  5. Fill in the name field for the VPN connection, let the type set to PPTP, fill in the VPN server name or IP address, and let the PPP encryption (MPPE) option checked.How to set up PPTP VPN on Android - Available options explained (3)
  6. (Optional) For DNS, forwarding, and proxy settings select Show advanced options.
  7. Type in the authentication credentials, i.e., the username and password.
  8. Tap Save account information. You will see the newly created VPN profile in the VPN list.
    How to set up PPTP VPN on Android - Available options explained (4)
  9. To connect tap the key icon and, then, tap Connect.How to set up PPTP VPN on Android - Available options explained (5)

To turn the VPN off, swipe down the top menu and tap the VPN activated section. Next, tap the Disconnect button.

How to set up PPTP VPN on Android - Available options explained (6)

Use an Android VPN application from a VPN provider

Google Play is full of VPN software. However, only a few still expose the PPTP protocol. Such VPN client apps automatically configure PPTP VPN tunnels with one click. Additionally, they allow you to switch between protocols and VPN locations easily.

Unfortunately, we are not able to recommend any Android app using PPTP, but if you know any that you trust please let us know in the comments below the article.

Important! Stay away from free VPN apps. Even though they may offer an easy way to set up a PPTP connection, they are not trustworthy.

Set up PPTP on your router

If you connect to the Internet with a router, you have a convenient way to use the PPTP protocol. By setting up a VPN on your router, you may connect multiple Android devices to the VPN tunnel.

Many routers have options to create PPTP connections, and here are the steps to be followed:

  1. Access the router admin area.
  2. Look for the VPN settings page and PPTP options.
  3. Set the PPTP parameters (server address, username, password) and save the settings.
  4. Connect the Android device to the router and test the VPN connection.
How to set up PPTP VPN on Android - Available options explained (7)

PPTP VPN alternatives on Android

As explained above, PPTP is not a secure VPN protocol. Thus, don’t use it unless you have no choice! Other VPN protocols are safer and more reliable for Android devices:

  • OpenVPN works great on Android, and it should be your first option.
  • WireGuard, the new VPN protocol, can be used by installing the WireGuard client app for Android or by installing a native app from a WireGuard VPN provider.
  • L2TP/IPSec and IKEv2 are also built-in so that you may proceed with the manual setup similar to the one presented above. L2TP VPN is very similar to set up with PPTP.


The simplest way to use PPTP VPN on Android is to proceed with the manual setup. Additionally, you use a VPN app that offers access to PPTP, or you may set PPTP on your router.

Android OS is still supporting the PPTP protocol, but I strongly recommend considering an alternative VPN protocol.

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About the Author

Adrian Roman

Long-time VPN, proxy, and Smart DNS user, ibVPN co-founder, ex-ibVPN Product Manager, data security researcher.

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How to set up PPTP VPN on Android - Available options explained (2024)


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