History for Sandbox/MorganWick - TV Tropes (2025)

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Changed line(s) 1,7 (click to see context) from:

!!Goblin Slayer's Allies
[[folder:Sword Maiden]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/AyaEndo (Japanese), Meg [=McClain=] (English)
[[caption-width-right:350:''With these eyes, I see many things... things you cannot imagine...'']]

A blind woman and former Gold-ranked adventurer who runs the Temple of Law as Archbishop of the Supreme God. Having heard of Goblin Slayer's achievements, she enlists him and his party to slay goblins infesting the sewers underneath Water Town, the city her temple oversees.


!!Goblin Slayer's Allies
[[folder:Sword Maiden]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/AyaEndo (Japanese), Meg [=McClain=] (English)
[[caption-width-right:350:''With these eyes, I see many things... things you cannot imagine...'']]

A blind woman

and former Gold-ranked adventurer who runs the Temple of Law as Archbishop of the Supreme God. Having heard of Goblin Slayer's achievements, she enlists him and his party to slay goblins infesting the sewers underneath Water Town, the city her temple oversees.

Changed line(s) 9,130 (click to see context) from:

* TheAce: She made her mark in history ten years ago for her role in defeating the Demon Lord, in particular ending the machinations of an order known as the Evil Sect. Even long after her retirement, the group is no closer to summoning their god thanks to her power and influence.
* ACupAngst: She goes through this in ''Daikatana'', wishing she was bigger like some fellow adventuresses. Needless to say, she gets her wish and then some.
* AllOfTheOtherReindeer: In her early days as Female Bishop, word got out that she failed her very first quest, a goblin-slaying mission no less. Almost every adventurer since gave her the cold shoulder because they didn't want to associate with such a beacon of bad luck and (perceived) incompetence, forcing her to peddle her services as an appraiser just to get by.
* BadassBureaucrat: As a Gold-Ranked Adventurer and part of the party that took down the last Demon Lord, she is one of the most powerful living adventurers of the last generation, and spends her time nowadays administering Water Town, reviewing the court proceedings of the Western Frontier region, occasionally presiding over trials, and such, though she can still blow away monsters with an awe-inspiring show of spellcasting might if circumstances warrant it.
* BlemishedBeauty: Suffice to say, Sword Maiden is painfully aware of the remaining scars and welts from her disastrous first adventure.
* BlindSeer: An encounter [[spoiler:with goblins]] early in her adventuring days left her eyes burned blind, but she was afterwards blessed with AuraVision that perceives enough to let her get around with minimal need for aid.
* BlingBlingBang: Her sword is gilded. Justified as she uses it as a MagicStaff and StaffOfAuthority rather than a melee weapon.
* BlowYouAway: Knows the spell "Blast Wind."
* BreakoutCharacter: She headlines SpinOff web novel ''Goblin Slayer Side Story 2: Tsubanari no Daikatana'' about her quest to take out the Demon Lord that was her original claim to fame, alongside her old party of adventurers.
* BrokenAce: Mixed with BrokenBird -- [[spoiler:a single mistake was all it took to make her what she is now. She is blinded, mentally-shattered, and instilled with a crippling fear of goblins. Her nights are constantly plagued with nightmares. Worst of all, no one would ever pay heed to her cries for help, because what would they, and a legendary hero like her, have to fear against the most common and lowliest of mooks]]?
* BrokenBird: A fragile and traumatized, but still lovely young woman. ''Daikatana'' describes her as "a girl of scant happiness," and adds the detail of laboring under harsh expectations before her disastrous adventuring debut.
* BrokenSmile: When Goblin Slayer rejected her romantic entreatments and mustered no sympathy for her past experiences, she cracked a wry, vacant little grin to his turned back as her inner demons rose up to drag her under completely... until Goblin Slayer relented and spoke words and promises that at last brought her reprieve from the trauma and nightmares of her past.
* ChronicHeroSyndrome: She wants to help her fellow adventurers and work towards saving the world in whatever small way she can. If she can't be on the frontlines, she provide support or advocate on other's behalf. In the last volume of ''Daikatana'', Samurai Captain internally jokes she's the one member of the party he doesn't need to ask if they want to go fight the Dungeon Master.
* ClingyJealousGirl: [[spoiler:While speaking with Noble Fencer in Volume 6 and learning about her being rescued by Goblin Slayer, she immediately casts Sense Lie before asking her opinion and intentions toward him. Later on, when she visits the Adventurer's Guild to ask Goblin Slayer to be a temporary bodyguard in Volume 8, she uses the opportunity to scope out her competition.]]
* ColorCodedEyes: Promo art and the anime show Sword Maiden's eyes to be a washed out blue-grey in color, further paled by her cataracts, and she more than fits their historic connotations of [[NaughtyNuns beauty]], [[BrokenBird cynicism]], and [[BlindSeer altered vision]].
* CombatMedic: As Female Bishop she had some healing miracles and was trained in first aid.
* CommonalityConnection: Feels kinship with Noble Fencer for their... [[RapeAsBackstory mutual trauma]], and takes her in a part-time assistant and informal apprentice when she sets up shop in Water Town as Female Merchant.
* CoveredWithScars: Her body is covered in several faint white lines that have all mostly healed by the time the events of the story take place. Her eyes, which she keeps behind a blindfold, were less so. [[spoiler:All evidence of having been a former toy for goblins]].
* CowardlyLion: [[spoiler:Even as late as Volume 8, she is not over her phobia of goblins despite how much peace of mind Goblin Slayer has helped her regain. She locks herself in her carriage for a full day after goblin wolf riders attempt to harass her caravan, and when she is sent as TheCavalry to get Goblin Slayer's injured party out of the Dungeon of the Dead, she is unable to bring herself to take any more active measures than shooting off one lighting spell from a far distance and clinging to her Alligator familiar as she watches her battle-priest retinue charge in for her (which is still an improvement in itself)]].
* DefiledForever: How she feels concerning her... experience in goblin captivity. Since ThereAreNoTherapists, she simply can't move on.
* DeskJockey: Like most Gold-ranks, Sword Maiden has been granted a high position in the Kingdom's court to tide her over in between nation-threatening disasters. She ruefully notes that even this is largely a sinecure; most of her day job is rubber-stamping reports from largely autonomous lower courts, and she is only rarely called upon to preside trials herself or manage Water Town directly.
* {{Determinator}}: Even after being raped, abandoned by her first party, ridiculed by scum on the street for being "weak", left with no support for her PTSD, and reduced to working for a pittance, she still wants to be a hero.
* DorkKnight: Ex-Gold rank adventurer and an archbishop of the Church of the Supreme God. Gets chided by her attendant for poor sleeping behavior, sulks for it, and nibbles on her pillow.
* DoubleEntendre: Couldn't resist cracking a pointed remark about Goblin Slayer "sharing a bed" with her and Priestess to heal him with Resurrection, cementing her status as TheTease.
* DueToTheDead: Prays for destroyed undead to be able to rest in peace, even in the Dungeon of the Dead, where she knows that most zombies and skeletons aren't necessarily rising due to unquiet spirits.
* EatingTheEyeCandy: [[spoiler:A slightly different take on the norm given her condition, but the Resurrection miracle provided ample opportunity to burn the sensation of Goblin Slayer's naked chest into her memories.]]
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: As a Gold-ranked adventurer, Sword Maiden is regarded as one of the kingdom's best individual combatants, is expected to take on quests of extreme governmental importance if they come up, and has been granted a position of national prestige in her church to occupy her peacetime.
* EnemyScan: Her ability to identify items and loot is a magic boon granted by her god. It can also detect curses.
* EyeScream: She wasn't always blind. [[spoiler:When goblins kidnapped her, among other things they burned her eyes with a torch]].
* FamedInStory: She was formerly a member of the adventuring party that slew a Demon Lord, becoming a household name in the process. A decade later, she is still regarded as a LivingLegend.
* {{Familiar}}: [[spoiler:[[SewerGator An albino alligator]]. It had been defending the sewers underneath Water Town well before Goblin Slayer's arrival and is the reason there are no giant rats to hunt]].
* FlashbackEcho: In the manga, Sword Maiden gets flashes of her time in the hands of goblins from just looking down at her own body.
* {{Foil}}:
** Both Sword Maiden and Goblin Slayer had their lives forever altered by the machinations of goblins at a young age. [[FreudianExcuse Shackled by intense trauma and mental baggage]], they are a pair of damaged goods who still pushed on and became successful adventurers. However, a closer look into their lives exhibits just how Sword Maiden is everything Goblin Slayer isn't:
*** Sword Maiden is a stunningly beautiful woman whose looks and grace draws admiration from all, complemented by robes that show off her curves and leave little to the imagination. The only imperfection about her appearance is the blindfold that covers her useless eyes. [[HeroicBuild Goblin Slayer isn't too bad]] [[BeautifulAllAlong on the looks department either]], but he covers everything behind plated armor and a closed helmet, and his eyes are ''never'' seen by the audience.
*** As an authority figure and dedicated caster of miracles, Sword Maiden rarely permits herself to take direct action, so she works through proxies such as hired help, astral projections, and familiars. Once she gets involved in a fight, though, she's packing enough power to bring even gods to their knees. Goblin Slayer is a frontlines man through and through, freely getting himself involved in the thick of combat. He's not an especially great fighter due to CripplingOverspecialization and cheap gear, but if it's good enough for goblins, then it's good enough for him.
*** Gold- and Silver-rank are granted only to the most powerful, skilled, and trustworthy adventurers as proof of their accomplishments. Naturally, Sword Maiden is utterly revered as an unquestioned LivingLegend for defeating the Demon Lord. By contrast, Goblin Slayer's skill as an adventurer is frequently doubted upon by skeptics, especially since he was only given his rank as the Guild's sole goblin exterminator.
*** However, it is ''because'' of Sword Maiden's accolades that [[LonelyAtTheTop she ends up finding herself distanced from her peers]], somebody to be admired from afar. Her subjects put too much faith in her abilities when she's the one who needs help the most. Until the events of Volume 2 occurred, she had virtually nothing to show for all the adulation heaped upon her. Goblin Slayer was mostly isolated too, but he's always had at least ''someone'' willing to reach out to him and give support, be it his childhood friend, his receptionist, or his partners.
*** Sword Maiden's mental health issues are characterized by vivid night terrors, arrested development, and a [[DesperatelyCravesAffection desperate need for love from an empathetic soul]]. Because of this, [[LivingEmotionalCrutch she latches onto Goblin Slayer like a child does with a security blanket]], and reveals another side of herself that is [[SmittenTeenageGirl vulnerable, fanciful, coquettish, and occasionally even petty]] when she's not upholding her image. Goblin Slayer is also mentally inhibited and sometimes insecure, but his emotions are mostly numbed whenever he isn't in the midst of TranquilFury.
*** Ultimately, their fates at the hands of goblins have taken them through wildly different approaches with their lives, becoming the crux of the issue at the climax of Volume 2 -- Sword Maiden had her innocence destroyed through degradation by torture and rape; for her, goblins were something to be feared. Indeed, her paralyzing phobia would plague her for years to come. Even so, she managed to save the world, and would go on to live a mostly functional life as a world-renowned holy woman. Meanwhile, Goblin Slayer had his innocence destroyed along with his sister and his hometown; for him, goblins were meant to be butchered with a ''vengeance''. This anger has been focused into an understandable desire to take down as many of the bastards as possible, and it has worked wonders for the people he saved, Sword Maiden included. [[SmallStepsHero He's never going to aim for higher though]], and his future prospects aren't good if he's left to his own devices.
** Not only do she and Priestess share some physical traits, but she too differentiates from Goblin Slayer's age by about five years, [[ShrinkingViolet behaved very much like the younger girl in her adventuring days]], and understood how menacing goblins can be at around the same age as well. Given some years, experience, and... [[ShesAllGrownUp filling out]], Priestess may mature to resemble Sword Maiden in both stature and position. [[spoiler:So it is not too difficult to infer that she is a possible outcome of Priestess' future, had Goblin Slayer been too late to rescue her in their first encounter]].
* FreudianExcuse: She's an emotional wreck behind closed doors, and a frequent victim of night terrors. For an archbishop and a major figure, she can be surprisingly cynical about heroes and politics. Even with those she likes, she can be unnerving at times, as Priestess can attest to, and some of her actions ([[spoiler:like attempting to ''seduce'' Goblin Slayer with her personal story about being a ''[[FanDisservice rape victim]]'']]) show signs of a not-entirely well woman. [[spoiler:Just like how Goblin Slayer's experience with the monsters left a lasting impression on his psyche, her experience as a prisoner broke her completely, except she's now too afraid to ever face goblins on her own]].
* GirlyGirlWithATomboyStreak: Samurai Captain finds her to be surprisingly physically active for a demure spellcaster of noble heritage.
* GoodIsNotSoft: In spite of her beauty and gentle appearance, she can be surprisingly harsh at times, such as warning Priestess that Goblin Slayer cannot protect her forever [[spoiler:directly after implying first-hand experience with goblin savagery. She also takes direct control of her [[SewerGator alligator]] to stalk the underground labyrinth, tearing monsters apart and chasing away adventurers to prevent casualties]].
* HandicappedBadass: Back in her heyday. She was blinded ''before'' she went on to become a legendary hero, performing the deeds that promoted her into Gold-ranked status.
* HardDrinkingPartyGirl: Downplayed, but Sword Maiden is a bit of a social drinker, getting noted in ''Daikatana'' as having a higher alcohol tolerance than most of her party despite being a very skinny teenage girl, and in Volume 8 of the main series being very eager to share some pulls of sweetened wine with Dwarf Shaman from a street vendor in the capital even as her carriage rides up to the castle where she is about to participate in urgent meetings.
* HeroicLineage: One of her long-ago ancestors was a Platinum-ranked hero. This put enormous pressure on her as a young girl growing up in a time of ascendant monstrous threats.
* HeroicRROD: Casts [[FantasticNuke Fusion Blast]] by herself by entering Overcast, burning and exhausting herself.
* HeroicSelfDeprecation: Years of the people around her being unable to accept the idea that she could have ever been any less capable or untouchable than she is now have caused her to internalize a self-image of herself as still the hapless, unfortunate rookie that got overpowered by goblins on her first quest, referring to herself as "Just a weak little girl" in need of saving, despite having long since risen to become a demon-slaying, world-saving Gold Rank. Also, in ''Daikatana'', she needed constant assurance that she was [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking doing a good job with the map she was in charge of drawing]].
* HighPriest: She's an archbishop, after all.
* {{Hypocrite}}: Chastises Priestess during their shared bath scene for [[LivingEmotionalCrutch leaning on Goblin Slayer as a source of strength]], and warns her to keep in mind that he inevitably will fall someday. By the end of the Water Town goblin extermination quest, Sword Maiden [[spoiler:has formed a romantic obsession for Goblin Slayer, to the point of shamelessly propositioning him on his last day in the city and using the memory of his martial prowess as a sleep aid]].
* IAmNotPretty: In a bonus chapter she sincerely asks what man would want her body. In fairness to her, the last time she could clearly see herself she was still an undernourished fifteen-year-old; while she knows she's filled out since then, she also drastically overestimates how bad her surface-scarring looks.
* ICanStillFight: Says this verbatim after [[spoiler: the Demon Lord's Fusion Blast attack]] left her sprawled on the floor winded and burnt.
* IDidWhatIHadToDo: [[spoiler:The vivisected girl in a back alley of Water Town that kick-started the whole investigation into potential goblins hiding in the sewers was a FrameUp... on the ''goblins''. Actual goblins would have taken the girl back to their nest first, not cut her apart in human territory, something that Goblin Slayer caught on from the start. The girl was really a victim of the Evil Sect's rituals, but the order was supposed to be dead, and Sword Maiden saw an opportunity to finally bring a proper scare and justification to actively hunt goblins in the sewers. Even if it means pinning the blame on the wrong culprit]].
* IJustWantToBeLoved: After losing her old adventuring party and finding herself [[LonelyAtTheTop isolated in a sea of supplicants, sycophants, and servants]], she is slowly falling apart from the need for someone, anyone at all, who understands her pain, likes her for herself, and is willing to comfort her in the face of the terrors of her past that still haunt her.
* InsecureLoveInterest: She is subtly upset upon learning that Goblin Slayer has a young woman waiting for him at home, and envies both her and Priestess for being much more emotionally resilient compared to a "desperate, weak girl" such as herself.
* IntimateHealing: What her miracle Resurrection essentially is. So long as the target is not actually dead, it can stitch shattered bones together, and restore a body to peak health and stamina. However, due to its [[AwesomeButImpractical extensive setup]] and [[VirginPower highly specific requirements]], she almost never uses it.
* IntimatePsychotherapy: Goblin Slayer, [[spoiler:a fellow victim of goblins]], seemed to fit what Sword Maiden wanted out of a confidant, and not just to empathize and soothe her anxieties: Come the opportunity to spend time together in private, [[ReadyForLovemaking her repeated pleas all but screamed exactly how she wanted him to "comfort" her]]. [[spoiler:Which is why she's crushed to learn the hard way that Goblin Slayer wouldn't (or couldn't) reciprocate her. He just kills goblins -- nothing more, nothing less. Sword Maiden would just have to make do with that instead]].
* IronicNickname: She is called the "Sword Maiden" but, as her backstory reveals, she was raped by goblins, thus is ''not'' a maiden at all. In a light novel interlude, a cultist of the gods of chaos spitefully {{lampshade|Hanging}}s this fact.
* IShouldHaveBeenBetter: Constantly berates herself for freezing up at just the mere mention of goblins in ''Daikatana''. Samurai Captain assures her that the rest of the party can handle them and she just needs to keep her cool for the other dangers of the dungeon.
* ItsPersonal: At first only hunted the Demon Lord from familial obligation and her own abstract wish to become a hero, then he [[spoiler: stole the souls of her first party]] right in front of her, and she had a reason to hate him all herself.
* TheJinx: No one wants to party with her after she escaped the goblins because losing to them in the first place got her labelled as "unlucky."
* KnightInSourArmor: Though semi-retired, she remains a high-powered and stalwart keeper of the peace, and champion of the Supreme God. However, she remains all but psychologically broken from her early experiences of the depths of the depravity of monsters, and during the occupation of Water Town by Evil Sectarians and a goblin nest she is aghast at [[BystanderSyndrome how none of the city natives seem to care about the periodic disappearances and butchering so long as they aren't in their neighborhoods]]. Not helped by the fact she can't get the army, who could effectively handle the problem, to help because the King is focused on using the army to exterminate demons.
* LightEmUp: Holy Smite is a blast of burning holy energy directly from her god to her heretical foes.
* LivingLieDetector: She is also capable of invoking the Sense Lie miracle, and Noble Fencer strongly suspects that she was subjected to it when Sword Maiden suddenly started grilling her on her feelings towards Goblin Slayer.
* LoveConfession: [[spoiler:Or something to that effect to Goblin Slayer, seeing as he's the only one making an effort to help -- everyone else sees her as a powerful figure, so they don't recognize her fear of goblins. Whether or not he acknowledges her words, or even hears them, is a different matter entirely]].
-->'''Sword Maiden:''' [[spoiler:I... I cherish you...!]]
* LovingAShadow: Sword Maiden's infatuation with Goblin Slayer began before she had ever met the man, having learned of his existence through folk songs. Once they meet, she willingly puts up with his brusque conduct, opens her heart to him, and more. It's quite a literal case too, considering her eyes; when she thinks of him, she imagines a figure clad in stalwart armor only tangentially related to Goblin Slayer's actual appearance. [[spoiler:In the end of Volume 2, Sword Maiden finally snaps and undergoes a mental breakdown when he firmly rejects her pleas to relieve her anguish. Having said that, his last words afterward not only bring her back from the brink, but reinforce her love and desire to pursue him.]]
* MagicalGesture: Performs mudras as well as mantras to cast arcane magic.
* MagicFocusObject: Certain spells require specific catalysts, such as a horn for "Blast Wind."
* MagicKnight: In ''Daikatana'' it's noted that while Female Bishop is unused to being on the front lines, she is trained in wielding martial weapons, and is at least strong enough to [[spoiler:cave in a brigand's head utterly with the hilt of her sword-staff.]]
* MagicStaff: A sword with gilded edges and scales hanging off the hilt, the sign of the Supreme God, serves as this.
* TheMillstone: Is convinced she is this for the Golden Party, and reassurances by Samurai Captain only work for a short time.
* MostCommonSuperpower: Has one of the largest busts of the entire cast, and her backstory marks her as the most powerful, if now retired, adventurer properly introduced as of yet.
* MsFanservice: She has a very voluptuous body, and gets both a FuroScene ''and'' a BedmateReveal scene involving Priestess, with Goblin Slayer participating in the latter. [[EvenTheGirlsWantHer Priestess herself has a hard time looking away]].
* NaughtyNuns: For someone intended to be a HighPriest, her ceremonial robes do a poor job at concealing her curves. [[spoiler:She is also deeply in love with Goblin Slayer and throws herself at his arms, alas he is too single-minded in his quest to pay any attention]].
* TheNavigator: Took over as cartographer and direction-giver for the Golden Party from Myrmidon Monk.
* NeverGetsDrunk: Or at least hungover, as she's noted to be tipsy after a night of merriment in ''Daikatana'' but is completely clear-headed the next day while Female Mage and even Myrmidon Monk are choking down hangover cures.
* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Her telling Priestess that there is good chance Goblin Slayer will die or disappear eventually, due to her own experiences, causes Priestess to FreakOut at a critical moment, nearly getting the entire party killed (or in the case of the females much, much worse).
* NoHeroToHisValet: The one person who treats Sword Maiden as just a woman besides Goblin Slayer is her Attendant, who freely chides and jokes about her lovelorn ways. She used to be just as stiff as anyone else when Sword Maiden was hiding her pain, but she's grateful for the newfound casualness all the same, particularly when she transcribes her letters to Goblin Slayer for her with discretion.
* NotHerself: Says that the main reason she was so harsh with Priestess in the bath was because mind-melding with her alligator familiar taxed her enough to rob her of her usual patience.
* OffscreenMomentOfAwesome: [[spoiler:While Goblin Slayer's company were busy foiling Dark Elf's plan to summon Hecatoncheir in the flesh, Sword Maiden participated alongside a Platinum-ranked hero in fending off the genuine article within the spirit realm via AstralProjection. Said giant was so powerful, its mere presence manifested in the real world as the howling storm the company did battle in]].
* OrnamentalWeapon: Her sword is a glorified catalyst, decorated with a gold cap on the tip and hanging scales on the crossguard.
* PastExperienceNightmare: Plagued by nightmares about her time at the hands of goblins for years on end, until Goblin Slayer leaves her with a promise to always answer her call for salvation, even in her dreams. Her personal attendants note that she has slept soundly and restfully ever since.
* ThePerilsOfBeingTheBest: Ever since she helped topple the Demon Lord, achieved the Gold-rank, and assumed her position as Archbishop, the people around her have stayed at arm's length and insisted on treating her as an all-powerful pillar of strength, when what she wants and desperately needs is someone she can be comforted by and be vulnerable around. The pressure to live up to her pedestal and hide the marks of her past trauma have beaten her psyche down almost more than the actual trauma itself. This is best exemplified in Volume 8, [[spoiler:when the Capital's upper echelon, upon learning that goblins have taken the Princess to the Dungeon of the Dead, starts imploring Sword Maiden to head there and rescue her. Caught between their expectations, her violent flashbacks, and her goblin phobia, the poor woman came dangerously close to snapping like a twig.]]
* PlayfulCatSmile: In the manga, when Goblin Slayer asks if she knew all along about the Water Town goblin nest before hiring him, and admits to having no basis for suspecting any conspiracy and had decided to interrogate all the quest-givers on a whim, Sword Maiden gives a tiny, rueful smirk at having fallen for the bluff and confessing so readily.
* PsychicLink: Can establish one with her giant white alligator familiar to direct it in patrolling the sewers for monsters. She dislikes doing so because she then feels the sensations of everything it does.
* PsychoticSmirk: Samurai Captain is unnerved to discover that when helping to beat back rogue adventurers accosting them in the Dungeon of the Dead, Female Bishop often develops a small, cold, cruel smirk while putting them down.
* RapeAsBackstory: [[spoiler:Over ten years ago she was knocked unconscious and dragged into a goblin nest, where she was tortured and raped for an indefinite amount of time. How she managed to get out was not explained, but the experience left her scarred both physically and mentally, with no one to turn to for comfort]].
* ReasonableAuthorityFigure: She too is one of the few people outside of Goblin Slayer's circle to fully comprehend the horrors goblins represent. However, she is unique in that she is in an actual position of power to make a change, and was the one who authorized the investigation and consequent purging of the sewers before hiring him.
* TheRedMage: She uses arcane magic as well as miracles, and could even combo-cast with Female Mage as Female Bishop. She claims not to see what's so valuable about the skill compared to a more advanced single-type caster.
* ReflectionlessUselessEyes: [[spoiler:Though she's long since healed the worst of the burn scars on her face, the eyes themselves remain opaque and sightless under her blindfold]].
* SanitySlippage: She was actually much more well-adjusted as a marginalized rookie freshly recovered from her captivity than as a mature hero a decade past the event. Being separated from her old companions, having to shoulder the expectations of the entire nation, and [[SanityMeter being exposed to the Dungeon of the Dead]] have all worsened her mental condition exponentially.
* SensorCharacter: She has enhanced hearing and smell as well as the ability to feel magic, so she often serves as the Golden Party's human hunting dog to detect cursed traps and hidden passageways.
* SensoryOverload: Gets almost knocked out by noisy or smelly places in ''Daikatana'' due to her SuperSenses.
* SewerGator: [[spoiler:She keeps a giant albino alligator as a {{Familiar}}, and uses it to patrol the sewers of Water Town. This is why Water Town never has giant rat extermination quests.]]
* SexForSolace: Ultimately what she wants from Goblin Slayer is a positive sexual experience. The anime plays it up after the Resurrection miracle as she gets ''very'' touchy and snugly with a [[ShirtlessScene shirtless]] Goblin Slayer.
* SilkHidingSteel: Early in volume 3 of ''Daikatana'', Samurai Captain praises her for her demure composure and also having a core of strength that has "been buried by all the stuff she experienced before, but is now beginning to show itself again".
* SkilledButNaive: ''Daikatana'' reveals her to have been this as an aspiring adventurer. Her initial class was [[PrestigeClass Bishop]] and it's stated that any decent Appraiser (her fallback career) needs to have an extensive background in magical studies to properly detect enchantments and curses on loot. All of this suggests either an exceptional prodigy or a woman who took extra time to fully develop her skills before taking to the field. It's just too bad that still wasn't enough to come out ahead on her first quest.
* SmellsSexy: Even Goblin Slayer himself can't help but take note of her beguiling fragrance.
* SourSupporter: Nakedly resents the King for dismissing her fear of goblins and supplications for proper military mobilization against them despite being her old adventuring partner and knowing the reason for her phobia, one example being him not doing anything about the growing Water Town goblin infestation problem. When he visits her to complain about Evil Wizard building a MageTower and shutting down regional trade routes while his army is still mopping up the demons, all she does is mock him for being both unwilling ''and'' unable to protect his subjects from local threats and sing a song celebrating the idea of him being violently deposed.
* StepfordSmiler: Is almost always smiling in all of her interactions. As the trope suggests, she's hiding a lot of depression and anxiety underneath.
* SuperSenses: Has heightened smell and hearing, which proves handy in tracking "newbie-hunting" rogues in ''Daikatana'' by the scent of blood that to others is completely covered by the sensory dampening magic of the Dungeon of the Dead. In volume 2, she can her a girl's muffled crying from across several busy market streets.
* {{Synchronization}}: She feels whatever her alligator familiar experiences. Seeing as she has it patrolling the sewers for monster swarms to fight and eat, she's often driven to the bathhouse to try to wash away the sensations.
* TearsOfJoy: After Goblin Slayer [[spoiler:promises to kill all goblins should she call for him, even in her dreams, she breaks down into these tears and declares her LoveConfession for him.]]
* TheTease: For an archbishop, [[NaughtyNuns she's surprisingly forward and flirty to Goblin Slayer]]. [[spoiler:It's genuine affection]]; much to her disappointment, [[IgnoreTheFanservice it never gets a rise out of him]].
* ThereAreNoTherapists: Forget professional help; almost none of the people around her that she wants to open up to about her torment are willing to believe that a woman of her power could have ever been taken advantage of by mere goblins, unwittingly shaming her for weakness and worsening her internal agony and self-disgust.
* ThisIsUnforgivable: [[spoiler: She/the Supreme God speaking through her passes judgement on the Demon Lord as she smacks him around and declares that his self-obsession and monomaniacal need to grow stronger at the expense of all other life on earth is what she finds most despicable about him]].
* TragicKeepsake: The magic blue ribbon one of her former friends wore is [[spoiler: the only thing that remains when they are all disintegrated]], and she wears it for the rest of the campaign against the Dungeon of the Dead.
* TurnUndead: Is naturally able to strip away necromantic magic.
* TykeBomb: Says that she was "molded" by her noble family to become a hero for their lifetime, though she wants that for herself now too.
* TheUnchosenOne: Unlike the elusive Platinum-ranked heroes, she just happened to be an exceptional individual who wasn't destined to save the world, but managed anyway.
* UtilityPartyMember: Sword Maiden's main role in the Golden Party was as their map-drawer in the dungeon.
* VaporWear: Her outfit is sideless, showing she doesn't wear underwear.
* VictoriasSecretCompartment: She's held on to the enchanted ribbon that serves as a key for the elevator of the Dungeon of the Dead for over a decade, and gifts it to Goblin Slayer when he ventures in to save the Princess after fishing it out of her bosom. It's not like her outfit has enough material for pockets.
* VirginPower: Her miracle Resurrection requires a virgin to be present. [[spoiler:Unfortunately, Sword Maiden has been violated by goblins and therefore can no longer perform it alone. She can, however, cast it with a virgin (such as Priestess) present nearby as a "material component" for her spell.]]
* WhenSheSmiles: When her attendant mentions Goblin Slayer and suggests writing a letter to him, Sword Maiden immediately perks up and her face literally beams with a huge smile. It's absolutely adorable.
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: PlayedForDrama. [[spoiler:The entire reason why she hired Goblin Slayer in the first place is because she can never bring herself to confront goblins ever again -- she fears that if the goblin swarm within the sewers ever makes it above ground, she will just fall apart entirely at the seams, leaving Water Town defenseless]]. In ''Daikatana'' [[spoiler:she freezes when confronted by them and feels constant paranoia in the dungeon that they might spread even to parts with stronger monsters that always kill and eat them.]]
* WillingChanneler: [[spoiler: She achieves the Call God miracle during the fight with the Demon Lord in the finale of ''Daikatana'', becoming possessed by the Supreme God for just long enough to strip away most of his magic enhancements]].
* WomanChild: She knows well enough to keep it hidden in public, but she can be a bit immature for a twenty-five-year-old. Sword Maiden has an especially noticeable habit of [[SmittenTeenageGirl sulking like a teenage girl]] whenever the subject involves Goblin Slayer. In a bonus chapter, it is revealed that several of her attendants take it upon themselves to bathe her, because if left to her own devices she will perform the bare minimum of grooming, and she pouts and sulks the whole time.
* {{Workaholic}}: She used to bury herself in work to distract herself from her problems. She's a little more lax now, but her attendants still think she needs more rest. Before Goblin Slayer helped her regain some peace of mind, there used to be times where she actually tried to sneak paperwork into the bath.
* YellowLightningBlueLightning: When she leads to charge to save Goblin Slayer's party from the remains of the cultist horde in Volume 8, she launches a spell that hits their vanguard with purple lightning.


* TheAce: She made her mark in history ten years ago for her role in defeating the Demon Lord, in particular ending the machinations of an order known as the Evil Sect. Even long after her retirement, the group is no closer to summoning their god thanks to her power and influence.
* ACupAngst: She goes through this in ''Daikatana'', wishing she was bigger like some fellow adventuresses. Needless to say, she gets her wish and then some.
* AllOfTheOtherReindeer: In her early days as Female Bishop, word got out that she failed her very first quest, a goblin-slaying mission no less. Almost every adventurer since gave her the cold shoulder
because they didn't want to associate with such a beacon of bad luck and (perceived) incompetence, forcing her to peddle her services as an appraiser just to get by.
* BadassBureaucrat: As
a Gold-Ranked Adventurer and part of the party that took down the last Demon Lord, she is one of the most powerful living adventurers of the last generation, and spends her time nowadays administering Water Town, reviewing the court proceedings of the Western Frontier region, occasionally presiding over trials, and such, though she can still blow away monsters with an awe-inspiring show of spellcasting might if circumstances warrant it.
* BlemishedBeauty: Suffice to say, Sword Maiden is painfully aware of the remaining scars and welts from her disastrous first adventure.
* BlindSeer: An encounter [[spoiler:with goblins]] early in her adventuring days left her eyes burned blind, but she was afterwards blessed with AuraVision that perceives enough to let her get around with minimal need for aid.
* BlingBlingBang: Her sword is gilded. Justified as she uses it as a MagicStaff and StaffOfAuthority rather than a melee weapon.
* BlowYouAway: Knows the spell "Blast Wind."
* BreakoutCharacter: She headlines SpinOff web novel ''Goblin Slayer Side Story 2: Tsubanari no Daikatana'' about her quest to take out the Demon Lord that was her original claim to fame, alongside her old party of adventurers.
* BrokenAce: Mixed with BrokenBird -- [[spoiler:a single mistake was all it took to make her what she is now. She is blinded, mentally-shattered, and instilled with a crippling fear of goblins. Her nights are constantly plagued with nightmares. Worst of all, no one would ever pay heed to her cries for help, because what would they, and a legendary hero like her, have to fear against the most common and lowliest of mooks]]?
* BrokenBird: A fragile and traumatized, but still lovely young woman. ''Daikatana'' describes her as "a girl of scant happiness," and adds the detail of laboring under harsh expectations before her disastrous adventuring debut.
* BrokenSmile: When Goblin Slayer rejected her romantic entreatments and mustered no sympathy for her past experiences, she cracked a wry, vacant little grin to his turned back as her inner demons rose up to drag her under completely... until Goblin Slayer relented and spoke words and promises that at last brought her reprieve from the trauma and nightmares of her past.
* ChronicHeroSyndrome: She wants to help her fellow adventurers and work towards saving the world in whatever small way she can. If she can't be on the frontlines, she provide support or advocate on other's behalf. In the last volume of ''Daikatana'', Samurai Captain internally jokes she's the
one member of the party he doesn't need to ask if they want to go fight the Dungeon Master.
* ClingyJealousGirl: [[spoiler:While speaking with Noble Fencer in Volume 6 and learning about her being rescued by Goblin Slayer, she immediately casts Sense Lie before asking her opinion and intentions toward him. Later on, when she visits the Adventurer's Guild to ask Goblin Slayer to be a temporary bodyguard in Volume 8, she uses the opportunity to scope out her competition.]]
* ColorCodedEyes: Promo art and the anime show Sword Maiden's eyes to be a washed out blue-grey in color, further paled by her cataracts, and she more than fits their historic connotations of [[NaughtyNuns beauty]], [[BrokenBird cynicism]], and [[BlindSeer altered vision]].
* CombatMedic: As Female Bishop she had some healing miracles and
was trained in first aid.
* CommonalityConnection: Feels kinship with Noble Fencer for their... [[RapeAsBackstory mutual trauma]], and takes her in a part-time assistant and informal apprentice when she sets up shop in Water Town as Female Merchant.
* CoveredWithScars: Her body is covered in several faint white lines that have all mostly healed by the time the events of the story take place. Her eyes, which she keeps behind a blindfold, were less so. [[spoiler:All evidence of having been a former toy for goblins]].
* CowardlyLion: [[spoiler:Even as late as Volume 8, she is not over her phobia of goblins despite how much peace of mind Goblin Slayer has helped her regain. She locks herself in her carriage for a full day after goblin wolf riders attempt to harass her caravan, and when she is sent as TheCavalry to get Goblin Slayer's injured party out of the Dungeon of the Dead, she is unable to bring herself to take any more active measures than shooting off one lighting spell from a far distance and clinging to her Alligator familiar as she watches her battle-priest retinue charge in for her (which is still an improvement in itself)]].
* DefiledForever: How she feels concerning her... experience in goblin captivity. Since ThereAreNoTherapists, she simply can't move on.
* DeskJockey: Like most Gold-ranks, Sword Maiden has been granted a high position in the Kingdom's court to tide her over in between nation-threatening disasters. She ruefully notes that even this is largely a sinecure; most of her day job is rubber-stamping reports from largely autonomous lower courts, and she is only rarely called upon to preside trials herself or manage Water Town directly.
* {{Determinator}}: Even after being raped, abandoned by her first party, ridiculed by scum on the street for being "weak", left with no support for her PTSD, and reduced to working for a pittance, she still wants to be a hero.
* DorkKnight: Ex-Gold rank adventurer and an archbishop of the Church of the Supreme God. Gets chided by her attendant for poor sleeping behavior, sulks for it, and nibbles on her pillow.
* DoubleEntendre: Couldn't resist cracking a pointed remark about Goblin Slayer "sharing a bed" with her and Priestess to heal him with Resurrection, cementing her status as TheTease.
* DueToTheDead: Prays for destroyed undead to be able to rest in peace, even in the Dungeon of the Dead, where she knows that most zombies and skeletons aren't necessarily rising due to unquiet spirits.
* EatingTheEyeCandy: [[spoiler:A slightly different take on the norm given her condition, but the Resurrection miracle provided ample opportunity to burn the sensation of Goblin Slayer's naked chest into her memories.]]
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: As a Gold-ranked adventurer, Sword Maiden is regarded as one of the kingdom's best individual combatants, is expected to take on quests of extreme governmental importance if they come up, and has been granted a position of national prestige in her church to occupy her peacetime.
* EnemyScan: Her ability to identify items and loot is a magic boon granted by her god. It can also detect curses.
* EyeScream: She wasn't always blind. [[spoiler:When goblins kidnapped her, among other things they burned her eyes with a torch]].
* FamedInStory: She was formerly a member of the adventuring party that slew a Demon Lord, becoming a household name in the process. A decade later, she is still regarded as a LivingLegend.
* {{Familiar}}: [[spoiler:[[SewerGator An albino alligator]]. It had been defending the sewers underneath Water Town well before Goblin Slayer's arrival and is the reason there are no giant rats to hunt]].
* FlashbackEcho: In the manga, Sword Maiden gets flashes of her time in the hands of goblins from just looking down at her own body.
* {{Foil}}:
** Both Sword Maiden and Goblin Slayer had their lives forever altered by the machinations of goblins at a young age. [[FreudianExcuse Shackled by intense trauma and mental baggage]], they are a pair of damaged goods who still pushed on and became successful adventurers. However, a closer look into their lives exhibits just how Sword Maiden is everything Goblin Slayer isn't:
*** Sword Maiden is a stunningly beautiful woman whose looks and grace draws admiration from all, complemented by robes that show off her curves and leave little to the imagination. The only imperfection about her appearance is the blindfold that covers her useless eyes. [[HeroicBuild Goblin Slayer isn't too bad]] [[BeautifulAllAlong on the looks department either]], but he covers everything behind plated armor and a closed helmet, and his eyes are ''never'' seen by the audience.
*** As an authority figure and dedicated caster of miracles, Sword Maiden rarely permits herself to take direct action, so she works through proxies such as hired help, astral projections, and familiars. Once she gets involved in a fight, though, she's packing enough power to bring even gods to their knees. Goblin Slayer is a frontlines man through and through, freely getting himself involved in the thick of combat. He's not an especially great fighter due to CripplingOverspecialization and cheap gear, but if it's good enough for goblins, then it's good enough for him.
*** Gold- and Silver-rank are granted only to the most powerful, skilled, and trustworthy adventurers as proof
of their accomplishments. Naturally, Sword Maiden is utterly revered as an unquestioned LivingLegend for defeating the Demon Lord. By contrast, Goblin Slayer's skill as an adventurer is frequently doubted upon by skeptics, especially since he was only given his rank as the Guild's sole goblin exterminator.
*** However, it is ''because'' of Sword Maiden's accolades that [[LonelyAtTheTop she ends up finding herself distanced from her peers]], somebody to be admired from afar. Her subjects put too much faith in her abilities when she's the one who needs help the most. Until the events of Volume 2 occurred, she had virtually nothing to show for all the adulation heaped upon her. Goblin Slayer was mostly isolated too, but he's always had
at least ''someone'' willing to reach out to him and give support, be it his childhood friend, his receptionist, or his partners.
*** Sword Maiden's mental health issues are characterized by vivid night terrors, arrested development, and a [[DesperatelyCravesAffection desperate need for love from an empathetic soul]]. Because of this, [[LivingEmotionalCrutch she latches onto Goblin Slayer like a child does with a security blanket]], and reveals another side of herself that is [[SmittenTeenageGirl vulnerable, fanciful, coquettish, and occasionally even petty]] when she's not upholding her image. Goblin Slayer is also mentally inhibited and sometimes insecure, but his emotions are mostly numbed whenever he isn't in the midst of TranquilFury.
*** Ultimately, their fates at the hands of goblins have taken them through wildly different approaches with their lives, becoming the crux of the issue at the climax of Volume 2 -- Sword Maiden had her innocence destroyed through degradation by torture and rape; for her, goblins were something to be feared. Indeed, her paralyzing phobia would plague her for years to come. Even so, she managed to save the world, and would go on to live a mostly functional life as a world-renowned holy woman. Meanwhile, Goblin Slayer had his innocence destroyed along with his sister and his hometown; for him, goblins were meant to be butchered with a ''vengeance''. This anger has been focused into an understandable desire to take down as many of the bastards as possible, and it has worked wonders for the people he saved, Sword Maiden included. [[SmallStepsHero He's never going to aim for higher though]], and his future prospects aren't good if he's left to his own devices.
** Not only do she and Priestess share some physical traits, but she too differentiates from Goblin Slayer's age by about five years, [[ShrinkingViolet behaved very much like the younger girl in her adventuring days]], and understood how menacing goblins can be at around the same age as well. Given some years, experience, and... [[ShesAllGrownUp filling out]], Priestess may mature to resemble Sword Maiden in both stature and position. [[spoiler:So it is not too difficult to infer that she is a possible outcome of Priestess' future, had Goblin Slayer been too late to rescue her in their first encounter]].
* FreudianExcuse: She's an emotional wreck behind closed doors, and a frequent victim of night terrors. For an archbishop and a major figure, she can be surprisingly cynical about heroes and politics. Even with those she likes, she can be unnerving at times, as Priestess can attest to, and some of her actions ([[spoiler:like attempting to ''seduce'' Goblin Slayer with her
personal story about being a ''[[FanDisservice rape victim]]'']]) show signs of a not-entirely well woman. [[spoiler:Just like how Goblin Slayer's experience with the monsters left a lasting impression on his psyche, her experience as a prisoner broke her completely, except she's now too afraid to ever face goblins on her own]].
* GirlyGirlWithATomboyStreak: Samurai Captain finds her to be surprisingly physically active for a demure spellcaster of noble heritage.
* GoodIsNotSoft: In spite of her beauty and gentle appearance, she can be surprisingly harsh at times, such as warning Priestess that Goblin Slayer cannot protect her forever [[spoiler:directly after implying first-hand experience with goblin savagery. She also takes direct control of her [[SewerGator alligator]] to stalk the underground labyrinth, tearing monsters apart and chasing away adventurers to prevent casualties]].
* HandicappedBadass: Back in her heyday. She was blinded ''before'' she went on to become a legendary hero, performing the deeds that promoted her into Gold-ranked status.
* HardDrinkingPartyGirl: Downplayed, but Sword Maiden is a bit of a social drinker, getting noted in ''Daikatana'' as having a higher alcohol tolerance than most of her party despite being a very skinny teenage girl, and in Volume 8 of the main series being very eager to share some pulls of sweetened wine with Dwarf Shaman from a street vendor in the capital even as her carriage rides up
to the castle where she is about to participate in urgent meetings.
* HeroicLineage: One of her long-ago ancestors was a Platinum-ranked hero. This put enormous pressure on her as a young girl growing up in a time of ascendant monstrous threats.
* HeroicRROD: Casts [[FantasticNuke Fusion Blast]] by herself by entering Overcast, burning and exhausting herself.
* HeroicSelfDeprecation: Years of the people around her being unable to accept the idea that she could have ever been any less capable or untouchable than she is now have caused her to internalize a self-image of herself as still the hapless, unfortunate rookie that got overpowered by goblins on her first quest, referring to herself as "Just a weak little girl" in need of saving, despite having long since risen to become a demon-slaying, world-saving Gold Rank. Also, in ''Daikatana'', she needed constant assurance that she was [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking
doing a good job with the map she was in charge of drawing]].
* HighPriest: She's an archbishop, after all.
* {{Hypocrite}}: Chastises Priestess during their shared bath scene for [[LivingEmotionalCrutch leaning on Goblin Slayer as a source of strength]], and warns her to keep in mind
that he inevitably will fall someday. By the end of the Water Town goblin extermination quest, Sword Maiden [[spoiler:has formed a romantic obsession for Goblin Slayer, to the point of shamelessly propositioning him on his last day in the city and using the memory of his martial prowess as a sleep aid]].
* IAmNotPretty: In a bonus chapter she sincerely asks what man would want her body. In fairness to her, the last time she could clearly see herself she was still an undernourished fifteen-year-old; while she knows she's filled out since then, she also drastically overestimates how bad her surface-scarring looks.
* ICanStillFight: Says this verbatim after [[spoiler: the Demon Lord's Fusion Blast attack]] left her sprawled on the floor winded and burnt.
* IDidWhatIHadToDo: [[spoiler:The vivisected girl in a back alley of Water Town that kick-started the whole investigation into potential goblins hiding in the sewers was a FrameUp... on the ''goblins''. Actual goblins would have taken the girl back to their nest first, not cut her apart in human territory, something that Goblin Slayer caught on from the start. The girl was really a victim of the Evil Sect's rituals, but the order was supposed to be dead, and Sword Maiden saw an opportunity to finally bring a proper scare and justification to actively hunt goblins in the sewers. Even if it means pinning the blame on the wrong culprit]].
* IJustWantToBeLoved: After losing her old adventuring party and finding herself [[LonelyAtTheTop isolated in a sea of supplicants, sycophants, and servants]], she is slowly falling apart from the need for someone, anyone at all, who understands her pain, likes her for herself, and is willing to comfort her in the face of the terrors of her past that still haunt her.
* InsecureLoveInterest: She is subtly upset upon learning that Goblin Slayer has a young woman waiting for him at home, and envies both her and Priestess for being much more emotionally resilient compared to a "desperate, weak girl" such as herself.
* IntimateHealing: What her miracle Resurrection essentially is. So long as the target is not actually dead, it can stitch shattered bones together, and restore a body to peak health and stamina. However, due to its [[AwesomeButImpractical extensive setup]] and [[VirginPower highly specific requirements]], she almost never uses it.
* IntimatePsychotherapy: Goblin Slayer, [[spoiler:a fellow victim of goblins]], seemed to fit what Sword Maiden wanted out of a confidant, and not just to empathize and soothe her anxieties: Come the opportunity to spend time together in private, [[ReadyForLovemaking her repeated pleas all but screamed exactly how she wanted him to "comfort" her]]. [[spoiler:Which is why she's crushed to learn the hard way that Goblin Slayer wouldn't (or couldn't) reciprocate her. He just kills goblins -- nothing more, nothing less. Sword Maiden would just have to make do with that instead]].
* IronicNickname: She is called the "Sword Maiden" but, as her backstory reveals, she was raped by goblins, thus is ''not'' a maiden at all. In a light novel interlude, a cultist of the gods of chaos spitefully {{lampshade|Hanging}}s this fact.
* IShouldHaveBeenBetter: Constantly berates herself for freezing up at just the mere mention of goblins in ''Daikatana''. Samurai Captain assures her that the rest of the party can handle them and she just needs to keep her cool for the other dangers of the dungeon.
* ItsPersonal: At first only hunted the Demon Lord from familial obligation and her own abstract wish to become a hero, then he [[spoiler: stole the souls of her first party]] right in front of her, and she had a reason to hate him all herself.
* TheJinx: No one wants to party with her after she escaped the goblins because losing to them in the first place got her labelled as "unlucky."
* KnightInSourArmor: Though semi-retired, she remains a high-powered and stalwart keeper of the peace, and champion of the Supreme God. However, she remains all but psychologically broken from her early experiences of the depths of the depravity of monsters, and during the occupation of Water Town by Evil Sectarians and a goblin nest she is aghast at [[BystanderSyndrome how none of the city natives seem to care about the periodic disappearances and butchering so long as they aren't in their neighborhoods]]. Not helped by the fact she
can't get the army, who could effectively handle the problem, to help because the King is focused on using the army to exterminate demons.
* LightEmUp: Holy Smite is a blast of burning holy energy directly from her god to her heretical foes.
* LivingLieDetector: She is also capable of invoking the Sense Lie miracle, and Noble Fencer strongly suspects that she was subjected to it when Sword Maiden suddenly started grilling her on her feelings towards Goblin Slayer.
* LoveConfession: [[spoiler:Or something to that effect to Goblin Slayer, seeing as he's the only one making an effort to help -- everyone else sees her as a powerful figure, so they don't recognize her fear of goblins. Whether or not he acknowledges her words, or even hears them, is a different matter entirely]].
-->'''Sword Maiden:''' [[spoiler:I... I cherish you...!]]
* LovingAShadow: Sword Maiden's infatuation
with Goblin Slayer began before she had ever met the man, having learned of his existence through folk songs. Once they meet, she willingly puts up with his brusque conduct, opens her heart to him, and more. It's quite a literal case too, considering her eyes; when she thinks of him, she imagines a figure clad in stalwart armor only tangentially related to Goblin Slayer's actual appearance. [[spoiler:In the end of Volume 2, Sword Maiden finally snaps and undergoes a mental breakdown when he firmly rejects her pleas to relieve her anguish. Having said that, his last words afterward not only bring her back from the brink, but reinforce her love and desire to pursue him.]]
* MagicalGesture: Performs mudras as well as mantras to cast arcane magic.
* MagicFocusObject: Certain spells require specific catalysts,
such as a horn for "Blast Wind."
* MagicKnight: In ''Daikatana'' it's noted that while Female Bishop is unused to being on the front lines, she is trained in wielding martial weapons, and is at least strong enough to [[spoiler:cave in a brigand's head utterly with the hilt of her sword-staff.]]
* MagicStaff: A sword with gilded edges and scales hanging off the hilt, the sign of the Supreme God, serves as this.
* TheMillstone: Is convinced she is this for the Golden Party, and reassurances by Samurai Captain only work for a short time.
* MostCommonSuperpower: Has one of the largest busts of the entire cast, and her backstory marks her as the most powerful, if now retired, adventurer properly introduced as of yet.
* MsFanservice: She has a very voluptuous body, and gets both a FuroScene ''and'' a BedmateReveal scene involving Priestess, with Goblin Slayer participating in the latter. [[EvenTheGirlsWantHer Priestess herself has a hard time looking away]].
* NaughtyNuns: For someone intended to be a HighPriest, her ceremonial robes do a poor job at concealing her curves. [[spoiler:She is also deeply in love with Goblin Slayer and throws herself at his arms, alas he is too single-minded in his quest to pay any attention]].
* TheNavigator: Took over as cartographer and direction-giver for the Golden Party from Myrmidon Monk.
* NeverGetsDrunk: Or at least hungover, as she's noted to be tipsy after a night of merriment in ''Daikatana'' but is completely clear-headed the next day while Female Mage and even Myrmidon Monk are choking down hangover cures.
* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Her telling Priestess that there is good chance Goblin Slayer will die
or disappear eventually, due to her own experiences, causes Priestess to FreakOut at a critical moment, nearly getting the entire party killed (or in the case of the females much, much worse).
* NoHeroToHisValet: The one person who treats Sword Maiden as just a woman besides Goblin Slayer is her Attendant, who freely chides and jokes about her lovelorn ways. She used to be just as stiff as anyone else when Sword Maiden was hiding her pain, but she's grateful for the newfound casualness all the same, particularly when she transcribes her letters to Goblin Slayer for her with discretion.
* NotHerself: Says that the main reason she was so harsh with Priestess in the bath was because mind-melding with her alligator familiar taxed her enough to rob her of her usual patience.
* OffscreenMomentOfAwesome: [[spoiler:While Goblin Slayer's company were busy foiling Dark Elf's plan to summon Hecatoncheir in the flesh, Sword Maiden participated alongside a Platinum-ranked hero in fending off the genuine article within the spirit realm via AstralProjection. Said giant was so powerful, its mere presence manifested in the real world as the howling storm the company did battle in]].
* OrnamentalWeapon: Her sword is a glorified catalyst, decorated with a gold cap on the tip and hanging scales on the crossguard.
* PastExperienceNightmare: Plagued by nightmares about her time at the hands of goblins for years on end, until Goblin Slayer leaves her with a promise to always answer her call for salvation, even in her dreams. Her personal attendants note that she has slept soundly and restfully ever since.
* ThePerilsOfBeingTheBest: Ever since she helped topple the Demon Lord, achieved the Gold-rank, and assumed her position as Archbishop, the people around her have stayed at arm's length and insisted on treating her as an all-powerful pillar of strength, when what she wants and desperately needs is someone she can be comforted by and be vulnerable around. The pressure to live up to her pedestal and hide the marks of her past trauma have beaten her psyche down almost more than the actual trauma itself. This is best exemplified in Volume 8, [[spoiler:when the Capital's upper echelon, upon learning that goblins have taken the Princess to the Dungeon of the Dead, starts imploring Sword Maiden to head there and rescue her. Caught between their expectations, her violent flashbacks, and her goblin phobia, the poor woman came dangerously close to snapping like a twig.]]
* PlayfulCatSmile: In the manga, when Goblin Slayer asks if she knew all along about the Water Town goblin nest before hiring him, and admits to having no basis for suspecting any conspiracy and had decided to interrogate all the quest-givers on a whim, Sword Maiden gives a tiny, rueful smirk at having fallen for the bluff and confessing so readily.
* PsychicLink: Can establish one with her giant white alligator familiar to direct it in patrolling the sewers for monsters. She dislikes doing so because she then feels the sensations of everything it does.
* PsychoticSmirk: Samurai Captain is unnerved to discover that when helping to beat back rogue adventurers accosting them in the Dungeon of the Dead, Female Bishop often develops a small, cold, cruel smirk while putting them down.
* RapeAsBackstory: [[spoiler:Over ten years ago she was knocked unconscious and dragged into a goblin nest, where she was tortured and raped for an indefinite amount of time. How she managed to get out was not explained, but the experience left her scarred both physically and mentally, with no one to turn to for comfort]].
* ReasonableAuthorityFigure: She too is one of the few people outside of Goblin Slayer's circle to fully comprehend the horrors goblins represent. However, she is unique in that she is in an actual position of power to make a change, and was the one who authorized the investigation and consequent purging of the sewers before hiring him.
* TheRedMage: She uses arcane magic as well as miracles, and could even combo-cast with Female Mage as Female Bishop. She claims not to see what's so valuable about the skill compared to a more advanced single-type caster.
* ReflectionlessUselessEyes: [[spoiler:Though she's long since healed the worst of the burn scars on her face, the eyes themselves remain opaque and sightless under her blindfold]].
* SanitySlippage: She was actually much more well-adjusted as a marginalized rookie freshly recovered from her captivity than as a mature hero a decade past the event. Being separated from her old companions, having to shoulder the expectations of the entire nation, and [[SanityMeter being exposed to the Dungeon of the Dead]] have all worsened her mental condition exponentially.
* SensorCharacter: She has enhanced hearing and smell as well as the ability to feel magic, so she often serves as the Golden Party's human hunting dog to detect cursed traps and hidden passageways.
* SensoryOverload: Gets almost knocked out by noisy or smelly places in ''Daikatana'' due to her SuperSenses.
* SewerGator: [[spoiler:She keeps a giant albino alligator as a {{Familiar}}, and uses it to patrol the sewers of Water Town. This is why Water Town never has giant rat extermination quests.]]
* SexForSolace: Ultimately what she wants from Goblin Slayer is a positive sexual experience. The anime plays it up after the Resurrection miracle as she gets ''very'' touchy and snugly with a [[ShirtlessScene shirtless]] Goblin Slayer.
* SilkHidingSteel: Early in volume 3 of ''Daikatana'', Samurai Captain praises her for her demure composure and also having a core of strength that has "been buried by all the stuff she experienced before, but is now beginning to show itself again".
* SkilledButNaive: ''Daikatana'' reveals her to have been this as an aspiring adventurer. Her initial class was [[PrestigeClass Bishop]] and it's stated that any decent Appraiser (her fallback career) needs to have an extensive background in magical studies to properly detect enchantments and curses on loot. All of this suggests either an exceptional prodigy or a woman who took extra time to fully develop her skills before taking to the field. It's just too bad that still wasn't enough to come out ahead on her first quest.
* SmellsSexy: Even Goblin Slayer himself can't help but take note of her beguiling fragrance.
* SourSupporter: Nakedly resents the King for dismissing her fear of goblins and supplications for proper military mobilization against them despite being her old adventuring partner and knowing the reason for her phobia, one example being him not doing anything about the growing Water Town goblin infestation problem. When he visits her to complain about Evil Wizard building a MageTower and shutting down regional trade routes while his army is still mopping up the demons, all she does is mock him for being both unwilling ''and'' unable to protect his subjects from local threats and sing a song celebrating the idea of him being violently deposed.
* StepfordSmiler: Is almost always smiling in all of her interactions. As the trope suggests, she's hiding a lot of depression and anxiety underneath.
* SuperSenses: Has heightened smell and hearing, which proves handy in tracking "newbie-hunting" rogues in ''Daikatana'' by the scent of blood that to others is completely covered by the sensory dampening magic of the Dungeon of the Dead. In volume 2, she can her a girl's muffled crying from across several busy market streets.
* {{Synchronization}}: She feels whatever her alligator familiar experiences. Seeing as she has it patrolling the sewers for monster swarms to fight and eat, she's often driven to the bathhouse to try to wash away the sensations.
* TearsOfJoy: After Goblin Slayer [[spoiler:promises to kill all goblins should she call for him, even in her dreams, she breaks down into these tears and declares her LoveConfession for him.]]
* TheTease: For an archbishop, [[NaughtyNuns she's surprisingly forward and flirty to Goblin Slayer]]. [[spoiler:It's genuine affection]]; much to her disappointment, [[IgnoreTheFanservice it never gets a rise out of him]].
* ThereAreNoTherapists: Forget professional help; almost none of the people around her that she wants to open up to about her torment are willing to believe that a woman of her power could have ever been taken advantage of by mere goblins, unwittingly shaming her for weakness and worsening her internal agony and self-disgust.
* ThisIsUnforgivable: [[spoiler: She/the Supreme God speaking through her passes judgement on the Demon Lord as she smacks him around and declares that his self-obsession and monomaniacal need to grow stronger at the expense of all other life on earth is what she finds most despicable about him]].
* TragicKeepsake: The magic blue ribbon one of her former friends wore is [[spoiler: the only thing that remains when they are all disintegrated]], and she wears it for the rest of the campaign against the Dungeon of the Dead.
* TurnUndead: Is naturally able to strip away necromantic magic.
* TykeBomb: Says that she was "molded" by her noble family to become a hero for their lifetime, though she wants that for herself now too.
* TheUnchosenOne: Unlike the elusive Platinum-ranked heroes, she just happened to be an exceptional individual who wasn't destined to save the world, but managed anyway.
* UtilityPartyMember: Sword Maiden's main role in the Golden Party was as their map-drawer in the dungeon.
* VaporWear: Her outfit is sideless, showing she doesn't wear underwear.
* VictoriasSecretCompartment: She's held on to the enchanted ribbon that serves as a key for the elevator of the Dungeon of the Dead for over a decade, and gifts it to Goblin Slayer when he ventures in to save the Princess after fishing it out of her bosom. It's not like her outfit has enough material for pockets.
* VirginPower: Her miracle Resurrection requires a virgin to be present. [[spoiler:Unfortunately, Sword Maiden has been violated by goblins and therefore can no longer perform it alone. She can, however, cast it with a virgin (such as Priestess) present nearby as a "material component" for her spell.]]
* WhenSheSmiles: When her attendant mentions Goblin Slayer and suggests writing a letter to him, Sword Maiden immediately perks up and her face literally beams with a huge smile. It's absolutely adorable.
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: PlayedForDrama. [[spoiler:The entire reason why she hired Goblin Slayer in the first place is because she can never bring herself to confront goblins ever again -- she fears that if the goblin swarm within the sewers ever makes it above ground, she will just fall apart entirely at the seams, leaving Water Town defenseless]]. In ''Daikatana'' [[spoiler:she freezes when confronted by them and feels constant paranoia in the dungeon that they might spread even to parts with stronger monsters that always kill and eat them.]]
* WillingChanneler: [[spoiler: She achieves the Call God miracle during the fight with the Demon Lord in the finale of ''Daikatana'', becoming possessed by the Supreme God for just long enough to strip away most of his magic enhancements]].
* WomanChild: She knows well enough to keep it hidden in public, but she can be a bit immature for a twenty-five-year-old. Sword Maiden has an especially noticeable habit of [[SmittenTeenageGirl sulking like a teenage girl]] whenever the subject involves Goblin Slayer. In a bonus chapter, it is revealed that several of her attendants take it upon themselves to bathe her, because if left to her own devices she will perform the bare minimum of grooming, and she pouts and sulks the whole time.
* {{Workaholic}}: She used to bury herself in work to distract herself from her problems. She's a little more lax now, but her attendants still think she needs more rest. Before Goblin Slayer helped her regain some peace of mind, there used to be times where she actually tried to sneak paperwork into the bath.
* YellowLightningBlueLightning: When she leads to charge to save Goblin Slayer's party from the remains of the cultist horde in Volume 8, she launches a spell that hits their vanguard with purple lightning.

Changed line(s) 133,139 (click to see context) from:

[[folder:Noble Fencer]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/SumireUesaka (Japanese), Creator/AnairisQuinones (English)
[[caption-width-right:350:Noble Fencer after the events of Volume 5]]

An aristocratic young woman who ran away from home to become an adventurer. The plot of the fifth volume of the light novel is kicked off when Goblin Slayer and his party are hired to recover her when she goes missing hunting goblins in an ice mountain.


[[folder:Noble Fencer]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/SumireUesaka (Japanese), Creator/AnairisQuinones (English)
[[caption-width-right:350:Noble Fencer after


events of Volume 5]]

An aristocratic young woman who ran away from home to become an adventurer. The plot of the fifth volume of the light novel is kicked off when

Goblin Slayer and his party are hired to recover her when she goes missing hunting goblins in an ice mountain.

Changed line(s) 141,212 (click to see context) from:

* AcheyScars: The brand on her neck still pains her even two years after getting it. She considers it a sign that she is currently dealing with Chaos-corruption whenever it does.
* AncestralWeapon: She wields an ancient silver rapier that is a heirloom of her house. [[spoiler:She begs Goblin Slayer to let her accompany the party to retrieve it from the goblin paladin after he saves her and makes clear he intends to finish the job on her horde-extermination quest]].
* ArcHero: Of Volume 5, as the mission of that volume was to rescue her and later she acts as a GuestStarPartyMember to Goblin Slayer's team in their quest to stop the [[spoiler:Goblin Paladin]].
* BadassInANiceSuit: After becoming Female Merchant, she dresses in a fancy dark suit, but retains her skill with her rapier and lightning magic even as a retired adventurer, tempered and honed with painfully gained experience in reining in her pride, accurately judging her foes, and giving her all to overcome the cruelties of the world.
* BavarianFireDrill: She enters the secret enemy fortress in volume 11 by bluffing she is a collaborating merchant and just plowing through conversations attempting to steer her away from the garrison.
* BeautyIsNeverTarnished: Survives her experience with the goblins with only the brand on her neck, and rape. [[spoiler:Justified in that since she was powering the Goblin Paladin's magic, he probably wanted her in a good condition so she wouldn't die]].
* BigLittleSister: Priestess explicitly sees and treats her as a little sister, even though she is much taller and more developed.
* BirdsOfAFeather: With Priestess. [[spoiler:Just like her, she had her entire rookie party killed and was the SoleSurvivor]].
* BlingBlingBang: Her sword has a gold-plated hilt with a large gemstone set in front and under the blade.
* BlueBlood: Noted to be high in station, enough that Sword Maiden got involved in deciding who to send to rescue her.
* BreakTheCutie: She runs away from home to become an adventurer, with her first mission being a goblin-slaying one. [[spoiler:Her plan results in her team being killed and her body being branded, leaving her vengeful and broken with a desire to kill all goblins]].
* BreakTheHaughty: She starts out her adventure extremely confident in herself and [[UnderestimatingBadassery clearly not seeing goblins as worthy opponents]], to the point that she flies off the handle when one of her party members so much as suggests abandoning the mission that is clearly not going well, staunchly refusing to go home in shame as the adventurer who failed to handle some goblins. This series being what it is, this naturally goes terribly wrong, [[spoiler:leaving her entire party dead and herself traumatized and DefiledForever]].
* BuxomBeautyStandard: Literally one of the first things the light novel narration mentions about her is how well she fills out her breastplate.
* CantHoldHerLiquor: Admits quite frankly that she's not very good with alcohol when offered an ale.
* CastFromHitPoints: [[spoiler:The goblin paladin is able to use the brand of the God of Wisdom his lackeys gave her to use her lifeforce as fuel to perform magic at no cost to his own energy]].
* ClaimedByTheSupernatural: [[spoiler:The goblins branded her with the sign of the God of Wisdom and made her the living covenant that allows the goblin paladin to receive divine favor]].
* CoolSword: Her personal weapon is an amazingly light sword that is strong and sharp enough to cut through steel, and is made of incredibly rare and valuable aluminum.
* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: Colored illustrations reveal that she has blonde hair and golden eyes.
* DeerInTheHeadlights: Freezes up while climbing over her carriage in the middle of a goblin ambush, Goblin Slayer covers her and snaps her out of it.
* DefiledForever: It was stated that her chastity was among the precious things that the goblins have taken from her.
* DidntThinkThisThrough:
** She tried to eliminate the goblins by starving them out, but this resulted in her party draining their resources and energy over the course of weeks of camping in the mountain winter. [[spoiler:Which led to her party being wiped out and herself being captured and made into a sacrifice.]] Goblin Slayer himself admits that it wasn't a bad method, where it went wrong was [[spoiler:in not realizing that the cave they staked out wasn't the goblins' den, but their auxiliary temple]].
** She also depleted the nearby village of crucial supplies for the winter so she not only endangered her own team but the village she was working for.
** Worse, the novel makes it clear on multiple occasions she could've pulled the plug on the mission and regrouped at any point, but refused to do so out of stubbornness that she "couldn't be wrong".
* EmotionSuppression: [[spoiler:Does this almost instantly upon waking up back in the inn from being rescued from the goblin's temple. Priestess just as immediately sets about breaking her walls]].
* EpiphanyTherapy: [[spoiler:Upon seeing the goblin paladin again all the emotions she had been repressing since her rescue: her guilt over causing her friends' death, fear and sorrow from being taken by the goblins, and admission to not being as ready to be an adventurer as she thought, come crashing into all at once. But once she accepts what happened to her, she is able to properly engage with the fight against the goblins and later move on from the experience]].
* EscortMission: Is the object of one in volume 11, to justify bringing the party with her as she infiltrates and investigates the Desert Kingdom.
* EtTuBrute: Noble Fencer was most fond of Half-Elf Fighter, thinking they were getting along great while marching together and feeling hurt that she in particular was snubbing her.
* TheFace: After arranging for her and Goblin Slayer's party to conduct a mission in the Desert Kingdom together, she quickly establishes her niche as a social chameleon, using her status as scion to a high-status merchant as plausible cover for herself and her "bodyguard entourage" to visit the nation, and consistently making use of her wealth and charisma to divert attention from her martial-focused teammates, if not outright bribe or flatter the opposition to let them pass without a fight.
* FatalFlaw: Her {{pride}}. Her failed plan resulted in her party being placed in a dangerous position. Instead of retreating or calling off the quest when things were getting dangerous, she persisted out of fear of becoming a laughing stock for failing to complete a goblin subjection quest. [[spoiler:This ultimately leads to the death of her party members along with her being captured]].
* ForgotAboutHerPowers: When she finds herself surrounded by goblins while her sword is too frozen to get out of its sheath, she doesn't even '''attempt''' to cast a lightning spell that would surely have made a sizable dent in the horde. Admittedly, she probably wouldn't have gotten through the long invocation without getting knocked out, but in her panic she didn't even ''try''.
* GuestStarPartyMember: [[spoiler:Insists on accompanying the party to find and kill the goblin paladin, which Goblin Slayer and Priestess agree to]].
* HandyHelper: After being healed and retired from adventuring, Noble Fencer decides to stay and operate her part of the family business in Water Town and spends what time she can get away with as an unofficial assistant to Sword Maiden, fielding correspondence, managing meetings, and making court appearances alongside her.
* HartmanHips: The manga gives her extremely wide, curvaceous hips that she often has cocked during talking scenes.
* HatesBeingTouched: Downplayed. Noble Fencer is perfectly fine with people she knows, but nearly blows her cover during an infiltration in Volume 11 when a soldier touches her. Given her experiences, she's understandably jumpy with strangers.
* HonestAdvisor: In later volumes she is increasingly involved with the King as a general assistant and confidant on the level of his preexisting inner-circle.
* HoneyTrap: [[spoiler:Incapacitates a garrison of enemy soldiers by hotboxing them in a small room with her drugged perfume as she pretends to be a merchant come to cater on them]].
* HonoraryTrueCompanion: She has a close relationship with the main party even after her introduction is over and she returns home, becoming penpals with both Priestess and High Elf Archer (eventually adding Guild Girl to her social circle) and meeting up to help the party every few volumes in a mutual partnership.
* ImportantHaircut: Shears off her long hair at her neck [[spoiler:and offers it to Goblin Slayer as payment to let her join his party and fight to reclaim her stolen sword]].
* InadequateInheritor: Her principle motivations for running away to become an adventurer was how she nearly cracked under the pressure to live up to her family name and her insecurity over [[WellDoneDaughterGal being in her father's shadow]] and owing her every material possession to his fortune. She hoped starting a legacy all her own from scratch would be easier, make her feel freer, and be more rewarding. [[TraumaCongaLine It wasn't]].
* ItsAllAboutMe: Before her CharacterDevelopment and some horrible life altering events, Noble Fencer's goal was to simply make a name for herself, achieve glory, and climb up the Guild Ranks to become Gold- or Platinum-ranked in no time. To this end she didn't think out her strategies and didn't realize her rookie mistakes were piling up into a disaster.
* JuniorCounterpart: To Sword Maiden, or at least that's how the older woman sees it - Sword Maiden certainly knows they share similar experiences, and takes Noble Fencer under her wing in an attempt to guide her away from some of the emotional pitfalls that left her a long-term wreck before.
* LeeroyJenkins: [[spoiler:Unable to calm herself while seeing a goblin wearing the robes of her dead companion, she attacks one and forces the group to change their plans while in the goblin territory]].
* MadeASlave: [[spoiler:Goblin Slayer theorized that the goblin paladin kept her alive for this reason after he "breaks her spirit". Once she becomes his subservient slave, he would force her to use her ShockAndAwe magic to forge new weapons for his horde and eventually work her to death. Luckily, Goblin Slayer's party was able to save her before this can happen]].
* MagicalGesture: Draws sigils with her fingers to power up her Lightning spell.
* MagicKnight: She can use lightning spells alongside her swordplay.
* TheMillstone: [[spoiler:Her PTSD as a result of what the goblins did to her repeatedly throws wrenches into Goblin Slayer's plans when the party infiltrates the goblin paladin's fortress, and eventually leads to the goblin army spotting them (the agony from the magical brand leeching her lifeforce to power the paladin may also have been to blame to some extent). She does pull her weight later though]].
* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Her plan to safely eliminate the goblins involved starving them out, but her failing to perform proper reconnaissance or factor in the amount of supplies needed to maintain her party out in the wilderness over the course of weeks results [[spoiler:in her party being slaughtered and her being used as a sacrifice, which allows the goblin paladin to come into being]].
* NonIndicativeName: Partially. She is referred to as a "fencer", and she does fight with a rapier-like blade, but her name strangely gives zero indication that she can also use magic. "Noble Spellsword" would have been more appropriate.
* PartingWordsRegret: The last time she got to interact with her party, they were hazing her for the "bad" plan to starve out the goblins. Despite her team being the ones to say the hurtful parting word, their final conversation still fills Noble Fencer with regret.
* PenPals: It's stated that after returning home to become a merchant she is friends and stays in contact with Priestess (and possibly High Elf Archer) with regular letters.
* ProperTightsWithASkirt: As an adventurer, she wore very thick black hose under high boots and a layered skirt, presenting an image of a dignified young noblegirl making a name for herself as a swordswoman.
* PseudoRomanticFriendship: Initially tried to form one with her fellow party member Half-Elf Warrior, which ended tragically. Afterwards, she does end up forming one with Priestess who acted as her LivingEmotionalCrutch throughout Volume 5 after Noble Fencer's traumatic experience with the goblins. Some of their interactions include frequent hand holding (especially in ''[[TheMovie Goblin's Crown]]''), Priestess often trying to comfort her, and Noble Fencer beating a goblin priest to death after it hurt Priestess.
* RapeAndRevenge: [[spoiler:After being captured by a goblin horde led by a goblin paladin, she ended up being raped and branded by the monsters. The traumatic experience left her in a very vengeful state after she was saved. She was able to convince Goblin Slayer's party to let her join them on their mission and she was ultimately able to kill most of the goblins that tormented her after causing an avalanche to wipe them out]].
* RescueRomance: Subverted; while she's immensely grateful for everything Goblin Slayer has done for her, a conversation with Sword Maiden in Volume 6 confirms no underlying feelings for the man... [[ClingyJealousGirl much to Sword Maiden's barely-disguised relief]].
* RoyalRapier: Her sword seems to be one, with its extremely thin, long thrusting blade and ornate hilt.
* ScarsAreForever: Sword Maiden is able to neutralize the magic of the seal on her neck, but not even she is strong enough to erase it entirely.
* SchizoTech: Her CoolSword is made out of aluminum, which is well beyond the ability of a medieval tech base to refine and produce. Also a case of ConspicuousConsumption, since aluminum was so rare even when it could be made that it was more valuable than gold.
* ShockAndAwe: She has a Lightning spell. [[spoiler:The goblin paladin wanted to enslave her in the first place to make her use this magic to help him in his attempts to learn smithing. Goblin Slayer has her instead blast the top off a mountain to induce an avalanche]].
* SixthRanger: After being saved from her disastrous first quest in Volume 5, she maintains close ties with the party and semi-regularly helps them out with adventuring stuff, such as sneaking them into a meeting with the royal court and vouching for them alongside Sword Maiden in Volume 8, or securing them an out-of-country goblin mission in Volume 11 in which she participates and plays an essential part in its success.
* SkewedPriorities: While personally fond enough of Silver Blaze to be happy she's alright, she admits in the denouement of Volume 15 to only really caring about her as a contracted member of her new racing team with a lot of bets riding on her that are keeping her enterprise in the black.
* TheSocialExpert: Her experience navigating royal banquets and merchant negotiations gives her a highly developed charisma and sense of how to manipulate non-hostile opposing persons, something commonborn pure adventurers lack.
* SoleSurvivor: Of her party, she's the only one left alive.
* StartMyOwn: The reason she ran away and became an adventurer was because she wanted to achieve power and fame through her own abilities and not rely on her family name for prestige. [[spoiler:She learns that attaining personal glory is a more arduous and perilous task than she first assumed, and in the most gruesome manner possible]].
* ThatManIsDead: [[spoiler:Though the effect probably isn't meant to be as final as this trope usually comes off as, come Volume 8, she has shelved any remaining desire or dream to be an adventurer and the narrative rebrands her Female Merchant Leader]].
* ThisIsSomethingHesGotToDoHimself: [[spoiler:The reason Goblin Slayer and Priestess decide to bring her on their assault on the goblin stronghold is that they can tell that getting back in the saddle right now and confronting her trauma head-on is the only possible way she is ever going to have a chance at reclaiming her self-respect and recovering psychologically]].
* WalkingSpoiler: A given when her role in the story [[spoiler:is so closely bound up in a major [[TheReveal reveal]] of a new goblin evolution and the race's true potential for evil plans overall]].
* WealthyPhilanthropist: Becomes this after returning to her family and entering their merchant business, being the one to put the down payment on Guild Girl's training camp in Volume 6 in the hope of properly preparing other rookies for the hazards of adventuring.
* WholesomeCrossdresser: Though cut to her very womanly figure, she is still wearing a man's suit after becoming a businesswoman, something that draws a lot of attention in Volume 16, albeit with an admittance that it's a fashion choice that is catching on with a surprising number of young noblewomen.
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: She has a bit of PTSD from the goblins, and has difficulty facing them when her hate cools.
* YellowLightningBlueLightning: Her final Lightning spell in Volume 11 is purple.
* YoungerThanTheyLook: She's just shy of a year younger than Priestess, but taller and more womanly than her and even High Elf Archer.


* AcheyScars: The brand on her neck still pains her even two years after getting it. She considers it a sign that she is currently dealing with Chaos-corruption whenever it does.
* AncestralWeapon: She wields an ancient silver rapier that is a heirloom of her house. [[spoiler:She begs Goblin Slayer to let her accompany the party to retrieve it from the goblin paladin after
he saves her and makes clear he intends to finish the job on her horde-extermination quest]].
* ArcHero: Of Volume 5, as the mission of that volume
was to rescue her and later she acts as a GuestStarPartyMember to Goblin Slayer's team in their quest to stop the [[spoiler:Goblin Paladin]].
* BadassInANiceSuit: After becoming Female Merchant, she dresses in a fancy dark suit, but retains her skill with her rapier and lightning magic even as a retired adventurer, tempered and honed with painfully gained experience in reining in her pride, accurately judging her foes, and giving her all to overcome the cruelties of the world.
* BavarianFireDrill: She enters the secret enemy fortress in volume 11 by bluffing she is a collaborating merchant and just plowing through conversations attempting to steer her away from the garrison.
* BeautyIsNeverTarnished: Survives her experience with the goblins with only the brand on her neck, and rape. [[spoiler:Justified in that since she was powering the Goblin Paladin's magic, he
probably wanted her in a good condition so she wouldn't die]].
* BigLittleSister: Priestess explicitly sees and treats her as a little sister, even though she is much taller and more developed.
* BirdsOfAFeather: With Priestess. [[spoiler:Just like her, she had her entire rookie party killed and was
the SoleSurvivor]].
* BlingBlingBang: Her sword has
a gold-plated hilt with a large gemstone set in front and under the blade.
* BlueBlood: Noted to be high in station, enough that Sword Maiden got involved in deciding who to send to rescue her.
* BreakTheCutie: She runs away from home to become an adventurer, with her first mission being a
goblin-slaying one. [[spoiler:Her plan results in her team being killed and her body being branded, leaving her vengeful and broken with a desire to kill all goblins]].
* BreakTheHaughty: She starts out her adventure extremely confident in herself and [[UnderestimatingBadassery clearly not seeing goblins as worthy opponents]], to the point that she flies off the handle when one of her party members so much as suggests abandoning the mission that is clearly not going well, staunchly refusing to go home in shame as the adventurer who failed to handle some goblins. This series being what it is, this naturally goes terribly wrong, [[spoiler:leaving her entire party dead and herself traumatized and DefiledForever]].
* BuxomBeautyStandard: Literally one of the first things the light novel narration mentions about her is how well she fills out her breastplate.
* CantHoldHerLiquor: Admits quite frankly that she's not very
good with alcohol when offered an ale.
* CastFromHitPoints: [[spoiler:The goblin paladin is able to use the brand of the God of Wisdom his lackeys gave her to use her lifeforce as fuel to perform magic at no cost to his own energy]].
* ClaimedByTheSupernatural: [[spoiler:The goblins branded her with the sign of the God of Wisdom and made her the living covenant that allows the goblin paladin to receive divine favor]].
* CoolSword: Her personal weapon is an amazingly light sword that is strong and sharp enough to cut through steel, and is made of incredibly rare and valuable aluminum.
* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: Colored illustrations reveal that she has blonde hair and golden eyes.
* DeerInTheHeadlights: Freezes up while climbing over her carriage in the middle of a goblin ambush, Goblin Slayer covers her and snaps her out of it.
* DefiledForever: It was stated that her chastity was among the precious things that the goblins have taken from her.
* DidntThinkThisThrough:
** She tried to eliminate the goblins by starving them out, but this resulted in her party draining their resources and energy over the course of weeks of camping in the mountain winter. [[spoiler:Which led to her party being wiped out and herself being captured and made into a sacrifice.]] Goblin Slayer himself admits that it wasn't a bad method, where it went wrong was [[spoiler:in not realizing that the cave they staked out wasn't the goblins' den, but their auxiliary temple]].
** She also depleted the nearby village of crucial supplies for the winter so she not only endangered her own team but the village she was working for.
** Worse, the novel makes it clear on multiple occasions she could've pulled the plug on the mission and regrouped at any point, but refused to do so out of stubbornness that she "couldn't be wrong".
* EmotionSuppression: [[spoiler:Does this almost instantly upon waking up back in the inn from being rescued from the goblin's temple. Priestess just as immediately sets about breaking her walls]].
* EpiphanyTherapy: [[spoiler:Upon seeing the goblin paladin again all the emotions she had been repressing since her rescue: her guilt over causing her friends' death, fear and sorrow from being taken by the goblins, and admission to not being as ready to be an adventurer as she thought, come crashing into all at once. But once she accepts what happened to her, she is able to properly engage with the fight against the goblins and later move on from the experience]].
* EscortMission: Is the object of one in volume 11, to justify bringing the party with her as she infiltrates and investigates the Desert Kingdom.
* EtTuBrute: Noble Fencer was most fond of Half-Elf Fighter, thinking they were getting along great while marching together and feeling hurt that she in particular was snubbing her.
* TheFace: After arranging for her and Goblin Slayer's party to conduct a mission in the Desert Kingdom together, she quickly establishes her niche as a social chameleon, using her status as scion to a high-status merchant as plausible cover for herself and her "bodyguard entourage" to visit the nation, and consistently making use of her wealth and charisma to divert attention from her martial-focused teammates, if not outright bribe or flatter the opposition to let them pass without a fight.
* FatalFlaw: Her {{pride}}. Her failed plan resulted in her party being placed in a dangerous position. Instead of retreating or calling off the quest when things were getting dangerous, she persisted out of fear of becoming a laughing stock for failing to complete a goblin subjection quest. [[spoiler:This ultimately leads to the death of her party members along with her being captured]].
* ForgotAboutHerPowers: When she finds herself surrounded by goblins while her sword is too frozen to get out of its sheath, she doesn't even '''attempt''' to cast a lightning spell that would surely have made a sizable dent in the horde. Admittedly, she probably wouldn't have gotten through the long invocation without getting knocked out, but in her panic she didn't even ''try''.
* GuestStarPartyMember: [[spoiler:Insists on accompanying the party to find and kill the goblin paladin, which Goblin Slayer and Priestess agree to]].
* HandyHelper: After being healed and retired from adventuring, Noble Fencer decides to stay and operate her
part of the family business in Water Town and spends what time she can get away with as an unofficial assistant to Sword Maiden, fielding correspondence, managing meetings, and making court appearances alongside her.
* HartmanHips: The manga gives her extremely wide, curvaceous hips that she often has cocked during talking scenes.
* HatesBeingTouched: Downplayed. Noble Fencer is perfectly fine with people she knows, but nearly blows her cover during an infiltration in Volume 11 when a soldier touches her. Given her experiences, she's understandably jumpy with strangers.
* HonestAdvisor: In later volumes she is increasingly involved with the King as a general assistant and confidant on the level of his preexisting inner-circle.
* HoneyTrap: [[spoiler:Incapacitates a garrison of enemy soldiers by hotboxing them in a small room with her drugged perfume as she pretends to be a merchant come to cater on them]].
* HonoraryTrueCompanion: She has a close relationship with the main party even after her introduction is over and she returns home, becoming penpals with both Priestess and High Elf Archer (eventually adding Guild Girl to her social circle) and meeting up to help the party every few volumes in a mutual partnership.
* ImportantHaircut: Shears off her long hair at her neck [[spoiler:and offers it to Goblin Slayer as payment to let her join his party and fight to reclaim her stolen sword]].
* InadequateInheritor: Her principle motivations for running away to become an adventurer was how she nearly cracked under the pressure to live up to her family name and her insecurity over [[WellDoneDaughterGal being in her father's shadow]] and owing her every material possession to his fortune. She hoped starting a legacy all her own from scratch would be easier, make her feel freer, and be more rewarding. [[TraumaCongaLine It wasn't]].
* ItsAllAboutMe: Before her CharacterDevelopment and some horrible life altering events, Noble Fencer's goal was to simply make a name for herself, achieve glory, and climb up the Guild Ranks to become Gold- or Platinum-ranked in no time. To this end she didn't think out her strategies and didn't realize her rookie mistakes were piling up into a disaster.
* JuniorCounterpart: To Sword Maiden, or at least that's how the older woman sees it - Sword Maiden certainly knows they share similar experiences, and takes Noble Fencer under her wing in an attempt to guide her away from some of the emotional pitfalls that left her a long-term wreck before.
* LeeroyJenkins: [[spoiler:Unable to calm herself while seeing a goblin wearing the robes of her dead companion, she attacks one and forces the group to change their plans while in the goblin territory]].
* MadeASlave: [[spoiler:Goblin Slayer theorized that the goblin paladin kept her alive for this reason after he "breaks her spirit". Once she becomes his subservient slave, he would force her to use her ShockAndAwe magic to forge new weapons for his horde and eventually work her to death. Luckily, Goblin Slayer's party was able to save her before this can happen]].
* MagicalGesture: Draws sigils with her fingers to power up her Lightning spell.
* MagicKnight: She can use lightning spells alongside her swordplay.
* TheMillstone: [[spoiler:Her PTSD as a result of what the goblins did to her repeatedly throws wrenches into Goblin Slayer's plans when the party infiltrates the goblin paladin's fortress, and eventually leads to the goblin army spotting them (the agony from the magical brand leeching her lifeforce to power the paladin may also have been to blame to some extent). She does pull her weight later though]].
* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Her plan to safely eliminate the goblins involved starving them out, but her failing to perform proper reconnaissance or factor in the amount of supplies needed to maintain her party out in the wilderness over the course of weeks results [[spoiler:in her party being slaughtered and her being used as a sacrifice, which allows the goblin paladin to come into being]].
* NonIndicativeName: Partially. She is referred to as a "fencer", and she does fight with a rapier-like blade, but her name strangely gives zero indication that she can also use magic. "Noble Spellsword" would have been more appropriate.
* PartingWordsRegret: The last time she got to interact with her party, they were hazing her for the "bad" plan to starve out the goblins. Despite her team being the ones to say the hurtful parting word, their final conversation still fills Noble Fencer with regret.
* PenPals: It's stated that after returning home to become a merchant she is friends and stays in contact with Priestess (and possibly High Elf Archer) with regular letters.
* ProperTightsWithASkirt: As an adventurer, she wore very thick black hose under high boots and a layered skirt, presenting an image of a dignified young noblegirl making a name for herself as a swordswoman.
* PseudoRomanticFriendship: Initially tried to form one with her fellow party member Half-Elf Warrior, which ended tragically. Afterwards, she does end up forming one with Priestess who acted as her LivingEmotionalCrutch throughout Volume 5 after Noble Fencer's traumatic experience with the goblins. Some of their interactions include frequent hand holding (especially in ''[[TheMovie Goblin's Crown]]''), Priestess often trying to comfort her, and Noble Fencer
beating a goblin priest to death after it hurt Priestess.
* RapeAndRevenge: [[spoiler:After being captured by a goblin horde led by a goblin paladin, she ended up being raped and branded by the monsters. The traumatic experience left her in a very vengeful state after she was saved. She was able to convince Goblin Slayer's party to let her join them on their mission and she was ultimately able to kill most of the goblins that tormented her after causing an avalanche to wipe them out]].
* RescueRomance: Subverted; while she's immensely grateful for everything Goblin Slayer has done for her, a conversation with Sword Maiden in Volume 6 confirms no underlying feelings for the man... [[ClingyJealousGirl much to Sword Maiden's barely-disguised relief]].
* RoyalRapier: Her sword seems to be one, with its extremely thin, long thrusting blade
and ornate hilt.
* ScarsAreForever: Sword Maiden is able
to neutralize the magic of the seal on her neck, but not even she is strong enough to erase it entirely.
* SchizoTech: Her CoolSword is made out of aluminum, which is well beyond the ability of a medieval tech base to refine and produce. Also a case of ConspicuousConsumption, since aluminum was so rare even when it could be made that it was more valuable than gold.
* ShockAndAwe: She has a Lightning spell. [[spoiler:The goblin paladin wanted to enslave her in the first place to make her use this magic to help him in his attempts to learn smithing.
Goblin Slayer has her instead blast the top off a mountain to induce an avalanche]].
* SixthRanger: After being saved from her disastrous first quest in Volume 5, she maintains close ties with the party
and semi-regularly helps them out with adventuring stuff, such as sneaking them into a meeting with the royal court and vouching for them alongside Sword Maiden in Volume 8, or securing them an out-of-country goblin mission in Volume 11 in which she participates and plays an essential part in its success.
* SkewedPriorities: While personally fond enough of Silver Blaze to be happy she's alright, she admits in the denouement of Volume 15 to only really caring about her as a contracted member of her new racing team
with a lot of bets riding on her that are keeping her enterprise in the black.
* TheSocialExpert: Her experience navigating royal banquets and merchant negotiations gives her a highly developed charisma and sense of how to manipulate non-hostile opposing persons, something commonborn pure adventurers lack.
* SoleSurvivor: Of her party, she's the only one left alive.
* StartMyOwn: The reason she ran away and became an adventurer was because she wanted to achieve power and fame through her own abilities and not rely on her family name for prestige. [[spoiler:She learns that attaining personal glory is a more arduous and perilous task than she first assumed, and in the most gruesome manner possible]].
* ThatManIsDead: [[spoiler:Though the effect probably isn't meant to be as final as this trope usually comes off as, come Volume 8, she has shelved any remaining desire or dream to be an adventurer and the narrative rebrands her Female Merchant Leader]].
* ThisIsSomethingHesGotToDoHimself: [[spoiler:The reason Goblin Slayer and Priestess decide to bring her on their assault on the goblin stronghold is that they can tell that getting back in the saddle right now and confronting her trauma head-on is the only possible way she is ever going to
have a chance at reclaiming her self-respect and recovering psychologically]].
* WalkingSpoiler: A given when her role
in the story [[spoiler:is so closely bound up in a major [[TheReveal reveal]] of a new goblin evolution and the race's true potential for evil plans overall]].
* WealthyPhilanthropist: Becomes this after returning to her family and entering their merchant business, being the one to put the down payment on Guild Girl's training camp in Volume 6 in the hope of properly preparing other rookies for the hazards of adventuring.
* WholesomeCrossdresser: Though cut to her very womanly figure, she is still wearing a man's suit after becoming a businesswoman, something that draws a lot of attention in Volume 16, albeit with an admittance that it's a fashion choice that is catching on with a surprising number of young noblewomen.
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: She has a bit of PTSD from the goblins, and has difficulty facing them when her hate cools.
* YellowLightningBlueLightning: Her final Lightning spell in Volume 11 is purple.
* YoungerThanTheyLook: She's just shy of a year younger than Priestess, but taller and more womanly than her and even High Elf Archer.

Changed line(s) 215,217 (click to see context) from:

[[folder:Arc Mage]]
A high-ranking mage from the Capital. Left her position in ''Year One'' Volume 2 to study monsters on the frontier, and ends up hiring the young Goblin Slayer as a guard and helper, becoming the source of most of his understanding of goblin anatomy and ecology.


[[folder:Arc Mage]]

A high-ranking mage from the Capital. Left her position in ''Year One'' Volume 2 to study monsters on the frontier, and ends up hiring the young Goblin Slayer as a guard and helper, becoming the source of most of his understanding of goblin anatomy and ecology.

Changed line(s) 219,281 (click to see context) from:

* AbsentmindedProfessor: Spends her days reading and muttering over her tomes in an overflowing shack and doesn't care enough to answer her door or keep an eye on her visitors.
* AmbiguouslyHuman: Even before she ascends (see below), there's something...off...about Arc Mage. During his first quest working with her, Goblin Slayer notes that, despite wearing long robes and moving through thick underbrush, her clothes never get caught on anything (he does shrug it off as her being that much more experienced than him or having enchanted clothes.) Throughout their association, she seems partially detached from events and the environment around her, as though she's one step removed from the world already.
* ArcHero: Acts as Goblin Slayer's travel companion during his adventures in Volume 2 of ''Year One''
* TheArchmage: [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin One of her titles,]] though she worked in a far more militaristic capacity than usual for this role.
* ArentYouGoingToRavishMe: {{Downplayed}}, when Goblin Slayer rebuffs her propositions in favor of having her give him better goblin-slaying tools, she falls over laughing with incredulity and chagrin. In the chapter afterwards she gets almost offended when Goblin Slayer doesn't react to her boasting of her womanly charms or inquire about how she deals with sexual solicitors.
* AscendToAHigherPlaneOfExistence: [[spoiler:She knows that her world is a board game. Her goal is to find the edge of the board and leave, potentially becoming a "player" herself. She eventually succeeds with Goblin Slayer's help.]]
* BadassBookworm: She studied under the very knowledgeable lizardmen and was a MilitaryMage. In Year One, she got roped into helping update the [[MonsterCompendium Monster Manual]] after she moved to town. Conveniently for her, Goblin Slayer shortly showed up and offered to help research goblins specifically.
* BrilliantButLazy: She's one of the most powerful spellcasters her world has seen in an epoch, but she also hates writing up reports or sticking to a consistent schedule. She happily procrastinates on the updates to the Monster Manual she was tasked with, and muses that if her personal projects hit a brick wall while she's in Frontier Town, she has no problem "lazing around here for at least another five years".
* BunnyEarsLawyer: She's as kooky as she is slovenly, and slow to extend a helping hand, but she's a brilliant enough wizard to have worked for the royal court, be trusted with updating adventurer guidebooks, and [[spoiler:discover the secrets of ascension]].
* CardsOfPower: Despite carrying a magic staff, a deck of richly illustrated playing cards is her primary instrument for spell channeling. She makes them herself, basing their portraits on the monsters she studies and filling them with details that don't make it into the Monster Manual, and in her off time she has a habit of shuffling and arranging them as a meditative or divining practice.
* ChainedByFashion: She wears some sort of decorative harness or faux-corset made of short lengths of thick chains around her waist, as a possible visual hint of her status as a high-ranked MilitaryMage, mild [[WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity manic tendencies]], and aspirations [[AscendToAHigherPlaneOfExistence to loose the fetter of her world]].
* CharmPerson: Freely admits to Goblin Slayer, that she hypnotizes and then uses [[LaserGuidedAmnesia amnesia hexes]] on the people who [[spoiler:ask for sexual favors from her]] when they wish to trade or ask for a quest reward. Cow Girl also suspects she has charmed the townspeople [[PerceptionFilter to ignore her]] when she loudly presses up to Goblin Slayer and no one spares a glance.
* CheshireCatGrin: She often gets a wide, cheeky smirk across her face when lecturing Goblin Slayer or reminiscing on past exploits.
* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: Her first reaction to Goblin Slayer showing her a magic ring is to think he wants her help proposing to someone.
* CuteClumsyGirl: In her introductory chapter she knocks over a stack of books nearly every page. Sometimes she saves them, other times she goes down with them.
* DimensionalTraveler: [[spoiler:Locating a corner of the world and stepping off of it was the method by which the sages of old became planeswalkers, a feat she performs with Goblin Slayer's help]].
* DissonantSerenity: She breezes through a goblin hunt with a detached goofy mien, wryly watching and refusing to help as Goblin Slayer wrestles for his life against attacking wolves and cracking jokes about a woman being used as a HumanShield by a hobgoblin. The only time her smile slips is when Goblin Slayer shoots down one of her teases, reminding her that ''he'' at least has to take everything seriously.
* EccentricMentor: She comes off as a {{Cloudcuckoolander}} and MadScientist, but she was also a very competent soldier and became Goblin Slayer's second mentor who taught him much about the characteristics of goblins.
* EscortMission: Her and Goblin Slayer's research recursions are filed as these. True to form, Arc Mage refuses to actually aid in combat unless absolutely necessary.
* ExcuseMeWhileIMultitask: She is able to perform an intellectually intensive magic ritual while keeping better track of Goblin Slayer's kill count that he can.
* FormulaicMagic: The main aspect of her magic ritual to break down the curses sealing the Shadow Tower is the construction of models for various four-dimensional polytopes.
* TheGlomp: When meeting Goblin Slayer just before their last quest, she tackle-hugs him at first sight right in front of Cow Girl, and remains wrapped around him for most of their ensuing conversation.
* GoodSmokingEvilSmoking: She occasionally puffs on a pipe during down time, which tends to emphasize either her studiousness or her seductiveness, depending on framing and how much she flaunts it.
* GoodWithNumbers: Her final adventure with Goblin Slayer has her show off that she is an incredibly accomplished geometer on top of all her other skills.
* GrammarNazi: Can be very pedantic, such as when she gets on Goblin Slayer's case for saying goblins see well "at night" instead of the more technically accurate "in the dark."
* HardDrinkingPartyGirl: Admittedly not very social, but otherwise she is a whimsical and sexually forward woman that tries to be a flirty TricksterMentor towards Goblin Slayer, and while she expresses chagrin over him getting it in his head he has to constantly supply her with hard apple cider, she has no qualms about guzzling the stuff each time he gifts her a bottle.
* TheHedonist: On more than one occasion she goes on a small tirade on how people should make full use of the basic pleasures to make life more worthwhile; eat good food, sleep when you want, and find someone to screw.
* HeIsNotMyBoyfriend: Naturally, rumors are quick to form over Goblin Slayer "seeing that strange woman living in a cabin by the river." When Cow Girl hears them and works up the nerve to confront Arc Mage, she laughs and assures her that he is just her helper on quests.
* TheHermit: She hates the idea of having people constantly around and judging her work or person, which is a big part of the reason why she claims a house outside of town proper and neglects her official write-ups.
* HomeNudist: Crawls out of bed naked and fusses with her personal projects without bothering to get dressed if she can get away with it. She'll only throw on a clean-ish dress or robe if someone is likely to drop in on her, because she knows "she looks too good to let people get away with a free show".
* HumansAreMorons: The night she and Goblin Slayer camp out before crawling the shade tower, she bitterly comments she sees no point in studying monsters and publishing bestiaries, as most adventurers are illiterate and almost all of them are too arrogant or idealistic in outlook to care about knowing their enemy, just charging at them sword-first.
* InsufferableGenius: Acts very haughty and condescending to Goblin Slayer in the beginning, though she quickly comes to respect his focus.
* LittleBlackDress: She wears one with a scalloped hemline under her robe, and is as vivacious as they come.
* MadScientist: She does have shades of this. During her and Goblin Slayer's research missions, she is rather overenthusiastic about studying goblins. When witnessing a female captive being used as a HumanShield, Arc Mage can't help but wonder if the woman is pregnant with a goblin and admits the she would have liked to examine the child when it was born. She later dissects the bodies of the goblins at the end of the mission.
* MagicStaff: A thin, elegant one that more resembles a walking stick.
* MilitaryMage: Used to not just be one, but also served as a marshal of them.
* MotorMouth: Never stops rambling about her past experiences or theories about the monsters they are hunting. Goblin Slayer is actually worried at points that her blathering is covering up the sound of approaching ambushes.
* MsFanservice: Her manga introductory chapter gives a lot of [[LegFocus angled shots and close-ups of her bare legs and thighs]], shown off by her short skirt, as well as [[MaleGaze one shot of her breasts]] when offering Goblin Slayer sex for the ring he brought. In her second manga-focused chapter, the curvature of her round rear through her thin robe is also drawn attention to on a couple occasions.
* TheNightOwl: A bonus chapter says that she has a habit of binge-reading until after dawn, then crashing until anywhere between just past noon to the next evening.
* NoiselessWalker: She can casually flounce through an overgrown forest path without her feet making a sound or any footprints, and her clothing never gets so much as a leaf stuck in it. Goblin Slayer cant tell if she's using magic, or is just that good at field work.
* NoSenseOfPersonalSpace: After waiting in the Guild Hall for Goblin Slayer before their last quest together, she [[TheGlomp glomps him]] when he finally arrives and has a conversation about their preparations while keeping him in a bear hug.
* PerpetualSmiler: Almost always has big smile on her face even when she is covering herself in goblins' blood, being surrounded by monsters that want to do unspeakable things to her, or seeing a goblin captive being used as a HumanShield. Her smile rarely falters.
* PlayingWithFire: In the manga she's magnanimous enough to relight Goblin Slayer's torch while he's fighting goblins, and makes the flames hot enough to melt goblin flesh.
* PowerPerversionPotential: [[spoiler:Casts illusions and memory charms on men she offers sex to so they think she followed through. She waves off Goblin Slayer questioning the ethics of that move by saying that [[JizzedInMyPants they got what they were after]] as far as they recall.]]
* RedBaron: Has a second, more theatrical moniker to punctuate her more standard epitaph; the Magus of Electricity.
* {{Seers}}: Her SympatheticPOV bonus chapter reveals she does have some capacity for clairvoyance; she gets dressed and expectant for Goblin Slayer to show up one morning because she recalls shuffling her deck the night before and catching a glimpse of a card representing a coming visitor.
* SelfDuplication: She knows the spell Other Self, though she complains that even with two or more of her she is never able to keep up with all of her daily tasks.
* SexForServices: Is prepared, [[GoodBadGirl crossing into eager]], to sleep with Goblin Slayer in exchange for the magic ring he's trying to get appraised. [[spoiler:Though as it turns out she doesn't actually physically sleep with the boys she propositions.]]
* SexyMentor: Nearly everything Goblin Slayer knows about the nature of goblins, he learned from her. She also is very proud of her beauty and tried to [[TheTease seduce]] Goblin Slayer multiple times, but is rebuffed every time because he isn't interested.
* ShamelessFanserviceGirl: She views having to put clothes on as another tiresome chore, with her dislike for third parties gawking or casting aspersions on her nudity being "a good 80 or 90 percent of the reason she ever bothers to get dressed".
* ShockAndAwe: She is an [[{{Pun}} Arc Mage]] and brags about specializing in electricity magic.
* ShowgirlSkirt: Her dress comes down to mid-thigh in front, but extends to her knees in the back.
* SleepsInTheNude: A bonus vignette bundled with a ''Year One'' manga volume reveals that Arc Mage strips before climbing in bed, whether to sleep or just curl up with a stack of books and unwind. Like Cow Girl, she also has a habit of puttering around her room and checking out the window buck naked right after waking up before thinking to start getting dressed.
* SmartPeopleWearGlasses: Her glasses mark her as a high-status mage, with all the wordy rambling one would expect.
* SmokingIsGlamorous: Has a pipe and makes quite the sultry show out of puffing on it.
* StatusBuff: In the final floor of the shade tower, she struggles to finish a spell formula to unlock a seal door before Goblin Slayer gets overwhelmed by goblins. She nearly despairs at her ability to do so, until Goblin Slayer [[EurekaMoment inspires the idea]] to use [[SuperSpeed Haste]] to work faster.
* TheTease: Constantly flaunts her figure and comes-on to Goblin Slayer, taking his continued disinterest as an affront to her charms, to say nothing of how she scams young adventurers by offering them [[spoiler:illusory]] sex.
* TrashOfTheTitans: Her rented house is overflowing with dust, piles of broken odds-and-ends, dirty dishes, and stacks upon stacks of tomes that block out the light.
* TricksterMentor: Tries to be this a little with Goblin Slayer, being very fickle and roundabout in providing answers to his questions, posing riddles about the nature of the world, and refusing to help him fight beyond the bare minimum even while watching him struggle for his life mere feet in front of her. It doesn't get very far on account of his single-mindedness. She has better luck with Cow Girl while encouraging her to be more relaxed towards her crush.
-->'''Goblin Slayer:''' You never say what you mean outright... but I get the gist.
* UnkemptBeauty: Her hair is usually a bird's nest, her favorite robe has patches, and she lives like a bibliophilic pig. And she's still absolutely gorgeous.
* WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity: She's capricious, obsessive, and more than a little [[ComedicSociopathy psychopathic]], all things Witch attributes to her sheer arcane might.
* AWizardDidIt: She explains to Goblin Slayer a little about the concept of "shades", semi-real magic echoes of objects or creatures on different planes of existence appearing in their world, only to encourage him not to think to deeply about how they actually manifest or what they seek to do.


* AbsentmindedProfessor: Spends her days reading and muttering over her tomes in an overflowing shack and doesn't care enough to answer her door or keep an eye on her visitors.
* AmbiguouslyHuman: Even before she ascends (see below), there's something...off...about Arc Mage. During his first quest working with her, Goblin Slayer notes that, despite wearing long robes and moving through thick underbrush, her clothes never get caught on anything (he does shrug it off as her being that much more experienced than him or having enchanted clothes.) Throughout their association, she seems partially detached from events and the environment around her, as though she's one step removed from the world already.
* ArcHero: Acts as Goblin Slayer's travel companion during his adventures in Volume 2 of ''Year One''
* TheArchmage: [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin One of her titles,]] though she worked in
a far more militaristic capacity than usual for this role.
* ArentYouGoingToRavishMe: {{Downplayed}}, when Goblin Slayer rebuffs her propositions in favor of having her give him better goblin-slaying tools, she falls over laughing
with incredulity and chagrin. In the chapter afterwards she gets almost offended when Goblin Slayer doesn't react to her boasting of her womanly charms or inquire about how she deals with sexual solicitors.
* AscendToAHigherPlaneOfExistence: [[spoiler:She knows
that her world is a board game. Her goal is to find the edge of the board and leave, potentially becoming a "player" herself. She eventually succeeds with Goblin Slayer's help.]]
* BadassBookworm: She studied under the very knowledgeable lizardmen and was a MilitaryMage. In Year One, she got roped into helping update the [[MonsterCompendium Monster Manual]] after she moved to town. Conveniently for her, Goblin Slayer shortly showed up and offered to help research goblins specifically.
* BrilliantButLazy: She's one of the most powerful spellcasters her world has seen in an epoch,
but she also hates writing up reports or sticking to a consistent schedule. She happily procrastinates on the updates to the Monster Manual she was tasked with, and muses that if her personal projects hit a brick wall while she's in Frontier Town, she has no problem "lazing around here for at least another five years".
* BunnyEarsLawyer: She's as kooky as she is slovenly, and slow to extend a helping hand, but she's a brilliant enough wizard to have worked for the royal court, be trusted with updating adventurer guidebooks, and [[spoiler:discover the secrets of ascension]].
* CardsOfPower: Despite carrying a
magic staff, a deck of richly illustrated playing cards is her primary instrument for spell channeling. She makes them herself, basing their portraits on the monsters she studies and filling them with details that don't make it into the Monster Manual, and in her off time she has a habit of shuffling and arranging them as a meditative or divining practice.
* ChainedByFashion: She wears some sort of decorative harness or faux-corset made of short lengths of thick chains around her waist, as a possible visual hint of her status as a high-ranked MilitaryMage, mild [[WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity manic tendencies]], and aspirations [[AscendToAHigherPlaneOfExistence to loose the fetter of her world]].
* CharmPerson: Freely admits to Goblin Slayer, that she hypnotizes and then uses [[LaserGuidedAmnesia amnesia hexes]] on the people who [[spoiler:ask for sexual favors from her]] when they wish to trade or ask for a quest reward. Cow Girl also suspects she has charmed the townspeople [[PerceptionFilter to ignore her]] when she loudly presses up to Goblin Slayer and no one spares a glance.
* CheshireCatGrin: She often gets a wide, cheeky smirk across her face when lecturing Goblin Slayer or reminiscing on past exploits.
* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: Her first reaction to Goblin Slayer showing her a magic ring is to think he wants her help proposing to someone.
* CuteClumsyGirl: In her introductory chapter she knocks over a stack of books nearly every page. Sometimes she saves them, other times she goes down with them.
* DimensionalTraveler: [[spoiler:Locating a corner of the world and stepping off of it was the method by which the sages of old became planeswalkers, a feat she performs with Goblin Slayer's help]].
* DissonantSerenity: She breezes
through a goblin hunt with a detached goofy mien, wryly watching and refusing to help as Goblin Slayer wrestles for his life against attacking wolves and cracking jokes about a woman being used as a HumanShield by a hobgoblin. The only time her smile slips is when Goblin Slayer shoots down one of her teases, reminding her that ''he'' at least has to take everything seriously.
* EccentricMentor: She comes off as a {{Cloudcuckoolander}} and MadScientist, but she was also a very competent soldier and became Goblin Slayer's second mentor who taught him much about
the characteristics of goblins.
* EscortMission: Her and Goblin Slayer's research recursions are filed as these. True to form, Arc Mage refuses to actually aid in combat unless absolutely necessary.
* ExcuseMeWhileIMultitask: She is able to perform an intellectually intensive magic ritual while keeping better track of Goblin Slayer's kill count that he can.
* FormulaicMagic: The main aspect of her magic ritual to break down the curses sealing the Shadow Tower is the construction of models for various four-dimensional polytopes.
* TheGlomp: When meeting Goblin Slayer just before their last quest, she tackle-hugs him at first sight right in front of Cow Girl, and remains wrapped around him for most of their ensuing conversation.
* GoodSmokingEvilSmoking: She occasionally puffs
on a pipe during down time, which tends to emphasize either her studiousness or her seductiveness, depending on framing and how much she flaunts it.
* GoodWithNumbers: Her final adventure with Goblin Slayer has her show off that she is an incredibly accomplished geometer on top of all her other skills.
* GrammarNazi: Can be very pedantic, such as when she gets on Goblin Slayer's case for saying goblins see well "at night" instead of the more technically accurate "in the dark.
* HardDrinkingPartyGirl: Admittedly not very social, but otherwise she is a whimsical and sexually forward woman that tries to be a flirty TricksterMentor towards Goblin Slayer, and while she expresses chagrin over him getting it in his head he has to constantly supply her with hard apple cider, she has no qualms about guzzling the stuff each time he gifts her a bottle.
* TheHedonist: On more than one occasion she goes on a small tirade on how people should make full use of the basic pleasures
to make life more worthwhile; eat good food, sleep when you want, and find someone to screw.
* HeIsNotMyBoyfriend: Naturally, rumors are quick to form over Goblin Slayer "seeing that strange woman living in
a cabin by the river." When Cow Girl hears them and works up the nerve to confront Arc Mage, she laughs and assures her that he is just her helper on quests.
* TheHermit: She hates the idea of having people constantly around and judging her work or person, which is a big part of the reason why she claims a house outside of town proper and neglects her official write-ups.
* HomeNudist: Crawls out of bed naked and fusses with her personal projects without bothering to get dressed if she can get away with it. She'll only throw on a clean-ish dress or robe if someone is likely to drop in on her, because she knows "she looks too good to let people get away with a free show".
* HumansAreMorons: The night she and Goblin Slayer camp out before crawling the shade tower, she bitterly comments she sees no point in studying monsters and publishing bestiaries, as most adventurers are illiterate and almost all of them are too arrogant or idealistic in outlook to care about knowing their enemy, just charging at them sword-first.
* InsufferableGenius: Acts very haughty and condescending to Goblin Slayer in the beginning, though she quickly comes to respect his focus.
* LittleBlackDress: She wears one with a scalloped hemline
under her robe, and is as vivacious as they come.
* MadScientist: She does have shades of this. During her and Goblin Slayer's research missions, she is rather overenthusiastic about studying goblins. When witnessing a female captive being used as a HumanShield, Arc Mage can't help but wonder if the woman is pregnant with a goblin and admits the she would have liked
to examine the child when it was born. She later dissects the bodies of the goblins at the end of the mission.
* MagicStaff: A thin, elegant one
that more resembles a walking stick.
* MilitaryMage: Used to not just be one, but
also served as a marshal of them.
* MotorMouth: Never stops rambling about her past experiences or theories about the monsters they are hunting. Goblin Slayer is actually worried at points that her blathering is covering up the sound of approaching ambushes.
* MsFanservice: Her manga introductory chapter gives a lot of [[LegFocus angled shots and close-ups of her bare legs and thighs]], shown off by her short skirt, as well as [[MaleGaze one shot of her breasts]] when offering Goblin Slayer sex
for the ring he brought. In her second manga-focused chapter, the curvature of her round rear through her thin robe is also drawn attention to on a couple occasions.
* TheNightOwl: A bonus chapter says that she has a habit of binge-reading until after dawn, then crashing until anywhere between just past noon to the next evening.
* NoiselessWalker: She can casually flounce through an overgrown forest path without her feet making a sound or any footprints,
and her clothing never gets so much as a leaf stuck in it. Goblin Slayer cant tell if she's using magic, or is just that good at field work.
* NoSenseOfPersonalSpace: After waiting in the Guild Hall for Goblin Slayer before their last quest together, she [[TheGlomp glomps him]] when he finally arrives and has a conversation about their preparations while keeping him in a bear hug.
* PerpetualSmiler: Almost always has big smile on her face even when she is covering herself in goblins' blood, being surrounded by monsters that want to do unspeakable things to her, or seeing a goblin captive being used as a HumanShield. Her smile rarely falters.
* PlayingWithFire: In the manga she's magnanimous enough to relight Goblin Slayer's torch while he's fighting goblins, and makes the flames hot enough to melt goblin flesh.
* PowerPerversionPotential: [[spoiler:Casts illusions and memory charms on men she offers sex to so they think she followed through. She waves off Goblin Slayer questioning the ethics of that move by saying that [[JizzedInMyPants they got what they were after]] as far as they recall.
* RedBaron: Has a second, more theatrical moniker to punctuate her more standard epitaph; the Magus of Electricity.
* {{Seers}}: Her SympatheticPOV bonus chapter reveals she does have some capacity for clairvoyance; she gets dressed and expectant for Goblin Slayer to show up one morning because she recalls shuffling her deck the night before and catching a glimpse of a card representing a coming visitor.
* SelfDuplication: She knows the spell Other Self, though she complains that even with two or more of her she is never able to keep up with all of her daily tasks.
* SexForServices: Is prepared, [[GoodBadGirl crossing into eager]], to sleep with Goblin Slayer in exchange for the magic ring
he's trying to get appraised. [[spoiler:Though as it turns out she doesn't actually physically sleep with the boys she propositions.]]
* SexyMentor: Nearly everything Goblin Slayer knows about the nature of goblins, he learned from her. She also is very proud of her beauty
and tried to [[TheTease seduce]] Goblin Slayer multiple times, but is rebuffed every time because he isn't interested.
* ShamelessFanserviceGirl: She views having to put clothes on as another tiresome chore, with her dislike for third parties gawking or casting aspersions on her nudity being "a good 80 or 90 percent of the reason she ever bothers to get dressed".
* ShockAndAwe: She is an [[{{Pun}} Arc Mage]] and brags about specializing in electricity magic.
* ShowgirlSkirt: Her dress comes down to mid-thigh in front, but extends to her knees in the back.
* SleepsInTheNude: A bonus vignette bundled
with a ''Year One'' manga volume reveals that Arc Mage strips before climbing in bed, whether to sleep or just curl up with a stack of books and unwind. Like Cow Girl, she also has a habit of puttering around her room and checking out the window buck naked right after waking up before thinking to start getting dressed.
* SmartPeopleWearGlasses: Her glasses mark
her as a high-status mage, with all the wordy rambling one would expect.
* SmokingIsGlamorous: Has a pipe and makes quite the sultry show
out of puffing on it.
* StatusBuff: In the final floor of the shade tower, she struggles to finish a spell formula to unlock a seal door before Goblin Slayer gets overwhelmed by goblins. She nearly despairs at her ability to do so, until Goblin Slayer [[EurekaMoment inspires the idea]] to use [[SuperSpeed Haste]] to work faster.
* TheTease: Constantly flaunts her figure
and comes-on to Goblin Slayer, taking his continued disinterest as an affront to her charms, to say nothing of how she scams young adventurers by offering them [[spoiler:illusory]] sex.
* TrashOfTheTitans: Her rented house is overflowing
with dust, piles of broken odds-and-ends, dirty dishes, and stacks upon stacks of tomes that block out the light.
* TricksterMentor: Tries to be this a little with Goblin Slayer, being very fickle and roundabout in providing answers to his questions, posing riddles about the nature of the world, and refusing to help him fight beyond the bare minimum even while watching him struggle for his life mere feet in front of her. It doesn't get very far on account of his single-mindedness. She has better luck with Cow Girl while encouraging her to be more relaxed towards her crush.
-->'''Goblin Slayer:''' You never say what you mean outright... but I get the gist.
* UnkemptBeauty: Her hair is usually a bird's nest, her favorite robe has patches, and she lives like a bibliophilic pig. And she's
still absolutely gorgeous.
* WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity: She's capricious, obsessive, and more than a little [[ComedicSociopathy psychopathic]], all things Witch attributes to her sheer arcane might.
* AWizardDidIt: She explains to Goblin Slayer a little about the concept of "shades", semi-real magic echoes of objects or creatures on different planes of existence appearing in their world, only to encourage him not to think to deeply about how they actually manifest or what they seek to do.

Changed line(s) 284,287 (click to see context) from:

[[folder:Swordstress Elf]]

A mysterious elf-woman and Bronze-ranked adventuress who has a few chance encounters with Goblin Slayer and decides to follow him around during the fourth story arc of ''Year One'' after declaring him a WeirdnessMagnet.


[[folder:Swordstress Elf]]


A mysterious elf-woman and Bronze-ranked adventuress

who has a few chance encounters with Goblin Slayer and decides to follow him around during the fourth story arc of ''Year One'' after declaring him a WeirdnessMagnet.

Changed line(s) 289,301 (click to see context) from:

* ActionGirl: As a Bronze-ranked adventuress, she's much more capable than Goblin Slayer, being able to kill large monsters in single hits. Since she's far more experienced in battles and adventures than he is, she becomes another mentor figure for Goblin Slayer during his first year.
* CoolSword: She uses a magic sword, which is why she is able to kill a Bug-Eyed Monster with it.
* DanceBattler: Her moves while sparring with Goblin Slayer involve a lot of twirling and he comments directly on her showy, acrobatic style.
* GuestStarPartyMember: She accompanies Goblin Slayer during the fourth arc of ''Year One'', since the path he walks reeks with chaos, becoming his party member.
* TheLightfooted: She continues the trend of highly experienced adventuresses that amaze Goblin Slayer with their ability to trek through nature without living footprints or seeming affected by the weather.
* MasterSwordsman: While giving Goblin Slayer some pointers on fighting, she demonstrates a superhumanly fast and flowing combat style and brags that she is self-taught in weapon-handling.
* MoneyDumb: While giving Goblin Slayer sword lessons, she admits with chagrin that she sold the magic sword they found in the cave of their second meeting and already wasted all the money she got for it in a few days.
* MsFanservice: An attractive looking ActionGirl who functions as Goblin Slayer's third SexyMentor in ''Year One''. While she dresses modestly, one memorable fanservice scene of her is taking off her boots and stockings, so that the readers can see her bare feet at the campfire.
* OffWithHisHead: She contemptuously decapitates an owlbear with one stroke of a mundane sword.
* OneDegreeOfSeparation: She is introduced traveling in the company of High Elf Archer before going off on her own and stumbling upon Goblin Slayer.
* OneHitKill: She's a highly lethal combatant that repeatedly demonstrates the capacity to dismember and kill even large monsters such as an owlbear or a nothic with a single slash of whatever blade she has in hand.
* SexyMentor: She continues the trend of attractive female mentors for Goblin Slayer in ''Year One'', after Arc Mage and Capital Inspector had done so. She teaches Goblin Slayer more about adventuring and also teaches him the fundamentals of swordsmanship. She presses her body against his when she teaches him how to hold a proper stance, and she refers to her training session as "payment with her body".
* WrongAssumption: In her first meeting with Goblin Slayer, she saw him building a fire outside a cave and leveled a blade at him, thinking he was some bandit setting a trap or some such. A short interrogation later cleared things up and she let him go as just some weird young adventurer.


* ActionGirl: As a Bronze-ranked adventuress, she's much more capable than Goblin Slayer, being able to kill large monsters in single hits. Since she's far more experienced in battles and adventures than he is, she becomes another mentor figure for Goblin Slayer during his first year.
* CoolSword: She uses a magic sword, which is why she is able to kill a Bug-Eyed Monster with it.
* DanceBattler: Her
moves while sparring with Goblin Slayer involve a lot of twirling and he comments directly on her showy, acrobatic style.
* GuestStarPartyMember: She accompanies Goblin Slayer during the fourth arc of ''Year One'', since the path he walks reeks with chaos, becoming his party member.
* TheLightfooted: She continues the trend of highly experienced adventuresses that amaze Goblin Slayer with their ability to trek through nature without living footprints
or seeming affected by the weather.
* MasterSwordsman: While giving Goblin Slayer some pointers on fighting, she demonstrates
a superhumanly fast and flowing combat style and brags that she is self-taught in weapon-handling.
* MoneyDumb: While giving Goblin Slayer sword lessons,
she admits with chagrin that she sold the magic sword they found in the cave of their second meeting and already wasted all the money she got for it in a few days.
* MsFanservice: An attractive looking ActionGirl who functions as Goblin Slayer's third SexyMentor in ''Year One''. While she dresses modestly, one memorable fanservice scene of her is taking off her boots and stockings, so that the readers can see her bare feet at the campfire.
* OffWithHisHead: She contemptuously decapitates an owlbear with one stroke of a mundane sword.
* OneDegreeOfSeparation: She is introduced traveling in the company of High Elf Archer before going off on her own and stumbling upon Goblin Slayer.
* OneHitKill: She's a highly lethal combatant that repeatedly demonstrates the capacity
to dismember and kill even large monsters such as an owlbear or a nothic with a single slash of whatever blade she has in hand.
* SexyMentor: She continues the trend of attractive female mentors for Goblin Slayer in ''Year One'', after Arc Mage and Capital Inspector had done so. She teaches Goblin Slayer more about adventuring and also teaches him the fundamentals of swordsmanship. She presses her body against his when she teaches him how to hold a proper stance, and she refers to her training session as "payment with her body".
* WrongAssumption: In her first meeting with Goblin Slayer, she saw him building a fire outside a cave and leveled a blade at him, thinking he was some bandit setting a trap or some such. A short interrogation later cleared things up and she let him go as just some weird young adventurer.

Changed line(s) 304,311 (click to see context) from:

!!Hero's Party
[[folder:Chosen Heroine]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/MiyuriShimabukuro (Japanese), Rachel Thompson (English)
[[caption-width-right:350:Chosen Heroine in ''Year One'']]

A young adventuress who is destined to save the world, her rapidly-escalating quest to reach and defeat the Demon Lord runs in parallel to Goblin Slayer's various extermination missions. Though she hasn't gotten seriously involved with the Goblin Slayer and his group yet, she has had dealings with some of the more high-profile supporting characters they have already helped.


!!Hero's Party
[[folder:Chosen Heroine]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/MiyuriShimabukuro (Japanese), Rachel Thompson (English)
[[caption-width-right:350:Chosen Heroine in ''Year One'']]

A young adventuress who is destined to save

the world, her rapidly-escalating quest to reach and defeat the Demon Lord runs in parallel to Goblin Slayer's various extermination missions. Though she hasn't gotten seriously involved with the Goblin Slayer and his group yet, she has had dealings with some of the more high-profile supporting characters they have already helped.

Changed line(s) 313,410 (click to see context) from:

* AbsurdlySharpBlade: Her sword can [[DimensionalCutter carve dimensional portals]] and slice demon souls to render them DeaderThanDead.
* TheAce: Her very first quest sees her slaying entire hordes of monsters, including dozens of goblins and a ''demon general'', single-handedly. And she only gets more powerful from there.
* AchievementsInIgnorance: One of the interlude chapters of the first volume tells the tale of how Chosen Heroine found a magic sword and killed one of the Twelve Generals of the Demon Lord while honestly believing that she was on a routine goblin-clearing job for rookie adventurers and that everything she encountered, fought, and did that day was normal for a Porcelain level quest.
* ACupAngst: She envies Sword Maiden's and Sword Saint's assets, as revealed during their fight against Hecatoncheir in Volume 3 and manga Chapter 40 respectively.
* AdaptationalDyeJob: Like Goblin Slayer, she's described as black-haired in text, but never illustrated as such until Volume 11, which shows she also has InnocentBlueEyes. This is in contrast to the anime and then later the manga, which both have designed her with deep red hair and eyes. Also, her armor is pure silver with slight blue and yellow trimmings in the illustrations, but grey with a yellow surcoat and red straps in the anime. However, when she was reintroduced in the second season of the anime, which released after those illustrations were published, her design was changed to reflect the official colors, {{subvert|edTrope}}ing this.
* BarrierWarrior: In one drama cd, she can cast a Barrier spell to construct a dome big enough to encompass a fortress and strong enough to weather a demon general's attacks. [[TheDreaded This is done only to make sure that none of the monsters inside can flee while she's marching over to them.]]
* {{BFS}}: Her holy blade is two-thirds as tall and just as wide as she is. In Volume 9, it is described as "ostentatiously large".
* BlitheSpirit: She was a happy-go-lucky country bumpkin before being found out to be the current hero of destiny, and the King and her teammates consider her simple jovial spirit to be as much a source of improvement for the places and people she visits as her ability to eliminate top-tier demons in a trice.
* BookDumb: Has tried to study history and magic seriously, but it's all too dry for her to stick with.
* BornLucky: It is not certain if her luck is part and parcel of being TheChosenOne, or if such fortune is what brought her to Platinum-rank in the first place. Either way, it is very real and part of what makes her so incredibly powerful.
** One example in Volume 3 occurs when she briefly meets Goblin Slayer for the first time. She eagerly approaches him, completely unaware the grungy warrior had set up goblin traps in her path beforehand. Not one of them triggered in her presence.
** [[spoiler:Her home happened to be one of the first villages to be saved by Goblin Slayer's intervention, ensuring her survival and a stable, happy childhood]].
* BornWinner: She starts her adventuring career already strong enough to kill entire groups of monsters with blade or magic before her tremendous luck kicks in, let alone when she finds and starts wielding her signature magic sword.
* BringMyBrownPants: Admits during her adventuring report to messing her underwear when she attacked a Demon General and he was the first monster she ever faced that didn't go down in one hit.
* CallForward: [[spoiler:As ''Year One'' reveals, this wouldn't be the first time she visits Goblin Slayer in the midst of making booby-traps right before the Autumn Festival rolls around]].
* CallingYourAttacks: Does this in Volume 7, to no one's surprise. Though it might have just been a spell.
* TheChosenOne: Ordained by fate to be the one to put an end to the Demon Lord's current attempt at a comeback, sooner or later. For this, she has been promoted to become the sixteenth Platinum-ranked adventurer in history.
* ChronicHeroSyndrome: Very much a bleeding-heart do-gooder, which her teammates have to accommodate when questing.
-->'''Sword Saint:''' All it takes is someone in distress to get you involved.
* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: So much so that her sidekicks are there to make sure she doesn't get too distracted. At one point, she sees the Rookie Duo has added Priestess (temporarily) and Harefolk Hunter (possible temporarily) to their team and immediately supports their ShipTease and growing BattleHarem.
* ComicallyInvincibleHero: Nearly every enemy she faces dies in one hit, the BigBad Demon Lord dies to her within a couple of months of her becoming an adventurer, before the start of the second volume, and she nakedly ''revels'' in her overpowered abilities every time she makes an appearance.
-->'''Hero:''' Well, I knew I could charge in there anytime and be like, 'Bam! I win!' Heck, winning's my role!
* CoupDeGrace: Though Sword Saint is able to duel and cripple the Undead King, it falls on Chosen Heroine and her divinely empowered sword to kill him completely.
* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: The anime depicts her as having red hair and eyes.
* CuteClumsyGirl: In a manga volume-included vignette, she trips a little getting up from sitting on a crate, and confesses to Priestess that she always stepped on people's feet when she danced at village festivals as a little girl.
* DarkAndTroubledPast: Subverted, because she was ''supposed'' to have one, but then [[ScrewDestiny Goblin Slayer saved]] her DoomedHometown from goblins and she was allowed to live a relatively happy childhood in an OrphanageOfLove.
* DiggingYourselfDeeper: When she runs into Goblin Slayer outside the frontier town, Chosen Heroine muses out loud that he has a strange outfit, realizes how that sounds, and tries to walk it back as she meant he looks "...Interesting."
* DimensionalTraveler: She and her party spent several months fighting demons in the "Plane of Annihilation" after defeating Hecatoncheir in Volume 3. They are also known as "the knights who traversed the storms of the three thousand realms."
* DoomedHometown: Subverted twice. The first time, during her childhood, [[spoiler:[[ImmuneToFate Goblin Slayer]] prevented it. The second time is prevented by the heroine herself when she personally kills [[DragonTheirFeet a demon general]] who threatened it as attempted retaliation for the death of the Demon Lord.]]
* DorkKnight: ''The'' single most powerful adventurer currently alive, she is also an extremely energetic and goofy teenaged girl.
* TheDreaded: High-level demons operating in the human world know about and are understandably terrified of her. So much so that the she has to take precautions to hide her movements and box in target monsters just to keep them from hearing she's coming and then heading for the hills.
* DreamingOfThingsToCome: [[spoiler:She had a dream at the end of ''Year One'' of the Holy Sword she would one day claim.]]
* DynamicEntry: Teleports into the stronghold of the Undead King mid-leap and roaring before running to kill a demon.
* EarlyBirdCameo: Chronologically speaking, she is introduced in ''Year One'' as a cheerful [[ConvenientlyAnOrphan orphan]] with a bad habit of running off on her own to explore.
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: She becomes one of a tiny handful of Platinum-ranked adventurers to ever exist after finding her divine sword, and is outfitted with armor and magic supplements of comparable resplendence while being granted full leeway to make her own path as she protects the world from demons and abominations.
* FearlessFool: Much to the exasperation of her teammates, [[IAlwaysWantedToSayThat she has a love for shouting stock battle quips]] and [[LeeroyJenkins jumping right into the fray without assessing the risks beforehand]]. Often times, she doesn't seem to have the foggiest idea about the gravity of the quests she takes. Fortunately for her and the rest of the adventurers, her talent and absurd luck does well to trivialize most dangers coming her way.
* FieryRedhead: She has a deep red hue to her hair and eyes in the anime and manga and, is exactly the kind of loud, hot-blooded hero she looks like.
* FlashStep: When hopped-up to her gills with S-tier MagicEnhancement, she can cut down and rush between mobs of monsters in less than a second.
* {{Foil}}: She is opposite to Goblin Slayer in almost every possible way. As TheChosenOne destined to save the world, she has had everything handed to her by her heroic fate, while Goblin Slayer is just an average person not destined for anything glorious who constantly fights an uphill battle and only makes it out alive through his own wits, resolve and [[ThePowerOfHate sheer hatred for his sworn enemies]]. She routinely battles the most powerful demon lords, Goblin Slayer just slays [[{{Mooks}} goblins]]. She is clad in resplendent armor befitting a high-ranking adventurer and wields a wondrous holy weapon, Goblin Slayer refuses to use enchanted weapons and wears a simple, battered armor which has had its only aesthetic element -- the horns on its helmet -- cut off because they only got in the way in goblin caves. She is an incredibly powerful MagicKnight, Goblin Slayer is a fighter of only average skill with no special abilities. She is known to [[LeeroyJenkins rush into battle headlong]] relying on her raw power and [[BornLucky incredible luck]] to keep her alive, while Goblin Slayer adamantly refuses to rely on luck, prominently utilizes stealth and [[CombatPragmatist underhanded tactics]], exploits the environment to his advantage whenever and however he can, and meticulously plans out every battle before it starts. Basically, the Chosen Heroine is the stereotype of what is expected of a powerful high-level adventurer, and the one the reader might have reasonably expected to be the main character, [[HeroOfAnotherStory had this been a very different tale]]. Goblin Slayer is, well... [[{{Deconstruction}} Goblin Slayer]]. Ironically, she is one of the most powerful beings in the world, but she is only so because of the will of the gods, while Goblin Slayer, despite being nothing out of the ordinary, is one of the few beings completely independent of the will of the gods, so much so that [[spoiler:the gods had planned for her to have a DarkAndTroubledPast backstory through a DoomedHometown... but then [[SpannerInTheWorks Goblin Slayer prevented that]] [[ScrewDestiny from happening by killing all the goblins]]]].
* ForgottenFirstMeeting: [[spoiler:By sheer coincidence, one of Goblin Slayer's earliest jobs happens to come from her hometown, where she is the first villager to meet him face-to-face. She took a shine to his activities, but has apparently since forgotten about him by the time she became a full-fledged adventurer herself]].
* GenkiGirl: In every appearance she makes, it is clear that she is a bundle of energy. So much so, in fact, that it is somewhat exhausting for her peers who deal with her on a regular basis. Even her relatively quieter moments involve running her mouth at top speed and getting easily distracted.
-->'''Chosen Heroine:''' (Literal seconds after waking up) All right! Time for another day of trying hard and doing my best!\\
'''Sword Saint:''' A good night's sleep and you're back to full tilt, aren't you?
* GrinOfAudacity: Flashes one as she squares off against the metal spider monster leading the demons in Volume 7.
* HaremSeeker: She's not one, but she supports heroes making them much to her sidekicks' embarrassment.
* HelmetsAreHardlyHeroic: Subverted and justified; [[spoiler:her first encounter with Goblin Slayer actually left enough of an impression that she now believes helmets are befitting of a good adventurer.]] The only reason why she doesn't wear one herself is because she regularly deals with monsters that can effortlessly separate her head from her shoulders, with or without protection, so she forgoes it for a better field of view.
* HeroicResolve: Even with her enchantments stripped, ribs cracked, and organs bruised, she still stands firm and walks steadily forward to finish off the Undead King.
* HeroOfAnotherStory: Her exploits have been the subject of periodic side-chapters since the beginning of the story, but she has yet to join forces with Goblin Slayer and crew.
* HeroWorship: According to Spearman, her "regular rookie" disguise is meant to emulate Female Warrior from Sword Maiden's old party, just in green.
* HotBlooded: Very loud and passionate, though certain side materials make it clear this is a more nuanced case than the stereotypical archetype. She takes preparation for missions very seriously and can be surprisingly cerebral and even borderline philosophical on topics like the nature of adventuring.
* HumbleHero: She actually doesn't take it for granted that she'll win every time, despite her outward bravado. She also claims that each of her victories so far was mostly thanks to her allies' support, and she remains confident that the forces of good will ultimately win, with or without her.
-->'''Hero:''' I guess if anyone was like, 'You sure you can save this world?' I'd be sort of like, 'I dunno!'
-->Hero was supposed to save the world. She wasn't the hero because she could save the world; it was trying to save the world that made her a hero. What she could do might not amount to much. But she had friends who mattered to her, and there were so many people in this world. So she had to save it, and she was confident it would work out somehow.
* IAlwaysWantedToSayThat: Chuckles and says this in the anime after crashing a necromancer's attempted VirginSacrifice and announcing that evil would not win this day.
* IChooseToStay: Deliberately spends months making a physical journey through several alternate dimensions to get back home so she could carve through the demon armies on their own turf and trim down their threat at the root.
* IJustKnew: The gods occasionally send her premonitions of her next task in her dreams, and she can apparently accurately pick out relevant locations and people to go to for those quests off of gut feeling.
-->'''Demon General:''' How did you know the location of our secret meeting place?!
-->'''Chosen Heroine:''' I had a hunch!
* IJustWantToBeNormal: {{Downplayed}}, she occasionally wonders if being a regular adventurer would be a more free and satisfying existence, but is still more than content with the trials and triumphs of her own career.
* InASingleBound: The anime has a scene of her leaping tens of feet in the air to come down on an evil priest with a downward slash worthy of a [[Franchise/FinalFantasy Dragoon.]]
* InnocentBlueEyes: The Volume 11 illustration gives her very pale blue eyes, to the point of also being IcyBlueEyes, but she's still the pinnacle of heroism in her World.
* KingIncognito: The Drama [=CDs=] reveal she likes to sometimes sneak off alone, disguise herself in basic gear, and do low-level quests anonymously. These charity runs almost always end with her running into a high-ranking demon, but her innate power is enough to take them out anyway.
* LargeHam: Unsurprisingly, she has a shamelessly loud presence and a love of theatrics.
* LeeroyJenkins: Slightly downplayed in that she actually takes pre-mission prepping and equipment maintenance very seriously, but she has no regard for stealth or preemptive strikes, being more than strong enough to get away with announcing her presence and charging, and with a [[IAlwaysWantedToSayThat love of theatrics]] big enough to do just that every time.
* LegendaryWeapon: The magic sword she found on her first quest is a sign of the gods' favor and task for her.
* LickedByTheDog: [[spoiler:It says something that, barring a possible candidate or two, she is the only person to have never been taken aback by Goblin Slayer's appearance or regard him with suspicion upon first impressions]].
* TheLightfooted: She leaps superhumanly high, prefers to dodge rather than block despite her excessive magical defenses, and can hop around on top of pressure-sensitive traps at her leisure.
* MagicalGesture: Is said to trace sigils in the air when casting.
* MagicEnhancement: Besides her magic sword, her usual suit of armor is enchanted, and Sage gives her a plethora of charms and buffs before a fight starts.
* MagicKnight: Can sling spells as easily as she chops heads, as she is described as casting at least a half-dozen Firebolts on her first quest without running her limit.
* MagneticHero: Befitting a [[AffectionateParody deliberately overblown]] DistaffCounterpart of a shonen action hero, a lot of people ruefully admit that something about her personality makes them fond of her in spite of themselves. Priestess is drawn into a conversation after catching Heroine spying on her dance practice, and is pleasantly surprised to realize her usual [[ShrinkingViolet self-conciousness and sensitivity]] are in no way kicking in while chatting with her. In Volume 8 the King outright says her ability to calm hostilities and befriend the untrusting without thinking is a greater boon than her overpowered combat abilities.
* MusclesAreMeaningless: Physique-wise, she's a regular, skinny teenage girl, and is if anything on the small side. Doesn't stop her from leaping into the air and freely swinging around a sword nearly as big as her.
* OneHitKill: Before she even officially became an adventurer, she was so used to monsters dying at the slightest blow from her that a top-ranking demon she found on her first quest ''not'' doing so caused her an OhCrap moment. Then she found her LegendaryWeapon and rectified that black-mark on her record.
* OneManArmy: Regularly enters hell and faces off against entire demon legions effectively singlehandedly, and wins.
* ParentalAbandonment: Her parents died in a war. She still was able to enjoy a somewhat happy childhood at the orphanage she grew up with and with a strong mother figure who raised her.
* PersonOfMassDestruction: Discussed. Chosen Heroine actually isn't one, and laments she doesn't have the power to scythe entire undead armies and level mountains with one sword-swing. Sword Saint rebuffs her by saying she wouldn't trust ''anyone'' with that kind of power, let alone someone as lackadaisical as her leader.
* PlayingWithFire: Mentions that she can cast Firebolt in Volume 1, although being TheAce she stated that she was able to spam this attack five or six times before getting tired, a feat that most veteran adventurers can't do.
* PluckyGirl: Even on the rare occasions an enemy proves able to overpower her, she never gets discouraged in a fight and always gives her all and feels assured she and her friends can pull through any trial.
* ThePollyanna: While she can acknowledge that she's only human and there is always a chance she could fall in battle, she nonetheless remains perpetually cheerful, optimistic, and with an unquenchable love of life, celebrating her every victory and new experience while confident in the belief that even if she one day fails, humanity as a whole will always find a way to beat back even the most apocalyptic of its foes.
* PowerOfTheSun: Claims to have this in Volume 10, and names several of her personal, magic-enhanced blows with sun-themed names such as "Dawn Strike".
* RedIsHeroic: The anime gives her red eyes and bright red hair, something reflected in a ''Year One'' Manga colored illustration.
* SavingTheWorld: Does this semi-regularly, though we usually only see part of the final battle each time.
* {{Seers}}: She has some method of scrying on faraway monsters. She spies on a demon fortress in a drama cd before sealing it up with a Barrier and heading inside to clean it out.
* ShipperOnDeck: Ships the Rookie Duo... and ships them with Harefolk Hunter. She even supports Rookie Swordsman gathering a BattleHarem that he's not trying to form.
* SmallRoleBigImpact: From Goblin Slayer to Chosen Heroine. In one of his unending attacks on the many goblins planning to attack villages, one of those said villages was where Chosen Heroine lived as a child. Because of this, she was spared from going through a tragic past as Goblin Slayer did as a child and had the chance to become a powerful, outgoing, and inspiring hero that Goblin Slayer never had.
* SmarterThanYouLook: She comes off as an endearingly earnest IdiotHero in the main storyline, but the side materials portray her as more aware of her surroundings than most assume, with surprisingly meticulous preparations for her quests and well-considered thoughts on the nature of adventurers and the problems of the guild ranking system. She's just too confident and content in her strength to get bogged down with more intense introspection.
* SummonToHand: Her magic sword is bound to her soul. So long as they are in the same dimension, it will appear at her side if she but holds out her arm and wills it.
* SwordBeam: Her "Dawn Strike" move is a massive green slash of energy that burns anything in its path.
* TechnicolorEyes: They're red in the anime.
* ThirdLineSomeWaiting: She gets at least one chapter every other volume chronicling the latest of her increasingly high-octane demon-hunting forays, and her lingering presence in the narrative is clearly building up to something, though so far the closest she's gotten to involvement in the main story is in Volume 3 when she [[spoiler:partners with Sword Maiden to fight off a rampaging PhysicalGod]] in the B-plot.
* ThisIsThePartWhere: Jokes when first standing-off against the Undead King that this ''should'' be when he makes an offer of YouWillBeSpared or WeCanRuleTogether, but that doesn't fit because its her team that busted in and is currently holding the advantage and issuing threats.
* {{Tsundere}}: Grew up in an OrphanageOfLove way out in the countryside, run by a nun of the God of Trade. Even years later, she still thinks of the matron as a [[ParentalSubstitute mother figure]], though she'd never admit it out loud.
* UnskilledButStrong: She's got no refined techniques or elaborate spells, just the sheer raw might to make the moves she does have hit with the force of a meteorite.
* TheWorldIsAlwaysDoomed: By Volume 13, even she is starting to get exasperated by the constant cropping up of cataclysmic threats.
-->'''Chosen Heroine:''' I wish we could do ''one'' adventure that doesn't involve the fate of the world!
* TheWorldIsJustAwesome: Takes delight in all the world has to offer, from its most fantastic vistas to its simplest comforts, and she wants to protect every bit of it.
* WorldsStrongestMan: She is easily the strongest character in the entire story, and would normally be the one to take care of any powerful GreaterScopeVillain that are working behind the scenes of main casts' adventures. While Goblin Slayer is on his "small-scaled" quests, she is the one preventing TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt.
* YourSizeMayVary: Not her, but rather her Holy Sword. In the light novel and manga, the sword is massive, being as large as she is despite her small stature. However, in the anime, the sword is much smaller to the point of being a short one-handed sword compared to her and probably just a step above a long dagger for anyone bigger than her. That said, her appearance in the second season, alongside changing her coloration to that of the illustrations, also boosted her sword's size up to the canon hugeness.


* AbsurdlySharpBlade: Her sword can [[DimensionalCutter carve dimensional portals]] and slice demon souls to render them DeaderThanDead.
* TheAce: Her very first quest sees her slaying entire hordes of monsters, including dozens of goblins and a ''demon general'', single-handedly. And she only gets more powerful from there.
* AchievementsInIgnorance: One of
the interlude chapters of the first volume tells the tale of how Chosen Heroine found a magic sword and killed one of the Twelve Generals of the Demon Lord while honestly believing that she was on a routine goblin-clearing job for rookie adventurers and that everything she encountered, fought, and did that day was normal for a Porcelain level quest.
* ACupAngst: She envies Sword Maiden's and Sword Saint's assets, as revealed during
their fight against Hecatoncheir in Volume 3 and manga Chapter 40 respectively.
* AdaptationalDyeJob: Like Goblin Slayer, she's described as black-haired in text, but never illustrated as such until Volume 11, which shows she also has InnocentBlueEyes. This is in contrast to the anime and then later the manga, which both have designed her with deep red hair and eyes. Also, her armor is pure silver with slight blue and yellow trimmings in the illustrations, but grey with a yellow surcoat and red straps in the anime. However, when she was reintroduced in the second season of the anime, which released after those illustrations were published, her design was changed to reflect the official colors, {{subvert|edTrope}}ing this.
* BarrierWarrior: In one drama cd, she can cast a Barrier spell to construct a dome big enough to encompass a fortress and strong enough to weather a demon general's attacks. [[TheDreaded This is done only to make sure that none of the monsters inside can flee while she's marching over to them.
* {{BFS}}: Her holy blade is two-thirds as tall and just as wide as she is. In Volume 9, it is described as "ostentatiously large".
* BlitheSpirit: She
was a happy-go-lucky country bumpkin before being found out to be the current hero of destiny, and the King and her teammates consider her simple jovial spirit to be as much a source of improvement for the places and people she visits as her ability to eliminate top-tier demons in a trice.
* BookDumb: Has tried to study history and
magic seriously, but it's all too dry for her to stick with.
* BornLucky: It is not certain if
her luck is part and parcel of being TheChosenOne, or if such fortune is what brought her to Platinum-rank in the first place. Either way, it is very real and part of what makes her so incredibly powerful.
** One example in Volume 3 occurs when she briefly meets Goblin Slayer for the first time. She eagerly approaches him, completely unaware the grungy warrior had set up goblin traps in her path beforehand. Not one
of them triggered in her presence.
** [[spoiler:Her home happened to be one of the first villages to be saved by Goblin Slayer's intervention, ensuring her survival and a stable, happy childhood]].
* BornWinner: She starts her adventuring career already strong enough to kill entire groups of monsters with blade or magic before her tremendous luck kicks in, let alone when she finds and starts wielding her signature magic sword.
* BringMyBrownPants: Admits during her adventuring report to messing her underwear when she attacked a Demon General and he was the first monster she ever faced
that didn't go down in one hit.
* CallForward: [[spoiler:As ''Year One'' reveals, this wouldn't be the first time she visits Goblin Slayer in the midst of making booby-traps right before the Autumn Festival rolls around]].
* CallingYourAttacks: Does this in Volume 7, to no one's surprise. Though it might have just been a spell.
* TheChosenOne: Ordained by fate to be the one to put an end to the Demon Lord's current attempt at a comeback, sooner or later. For this, she has been promoted to become the sixteenth Platinum-ranked adventurer in history.
* ChronicHeroSyndrome: Very much a bleeding-heart do-gooder, which her teammates have to accommodate when questing.
-->'''Sword Saint:''' All it takes is someone in distress to get you involved.
* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: So much so that her sidekicks are there to make sure
she doesn't get too distracted. At one point, she sees the Rookie Duo has added Priestess (temporarily) and Harefolk Hunter (possible temporarily) to their team and immediately supports their ShipTease and growing BattleHarem.
* ComicallyInvincibleHero: Nearly every enemy she faces dies in one hit, the BigBad Demon Lord dies to her within
a couple of months of her becoming an adventurer, before the start of the second volume, and she nakedly ''revels'' in her overpowered abilities every time she makes an appearance.
-->'''Hero:''' Well, I knew I could charge in there anytime and be like, 'Bam! I win!' Heck, winning's my role!
* CoupDeGrace: Though Sword Saint is able to duel and cripple the Undead King, it falls on Chosen Heroine and her divinely empowered sword to kill him completely.
* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: The anime depicts her as having red hair and eyes.
* CuteClumsyGirl: In a manga volume-included vignette, she trips a little getting up from sitting on a crate, and confesses to Priestess that she always stepped on people's feet when she danced at village festivals as a little girl.
* DarkAndTroubledPast: Subverted, because she was ''supposed'' to have one, but then [[ScrewDestiny Goblin Slayer saved]] her DoomedHometown from goblins and she was allowed to live a relatively happy childhood in an OrphanageOfLove.
* DiggingYourselfDeeper: When she runs into Goblin Slayer outside the frontier town, Chosen Heroine muses out loud that he has a strange outfit, realizes how that sounds, and tries to walk it back as she meant he looks "...Interesting."
* DimensionalTraveler: She and her party spent several months fighting demons in the "Plane of Annihilation" after defeating Hecatoncheir
in Volume 3. They are also known as "the knights who traversed the storms of the three thousand realms."
* DoomedHometown: Subverted twice. The first time, during her childhood, [[spoiler:[[ImmuneToFate Goblin Slayer]] prevented it. The second time is prevented by the heroine herself when she personally kills [[DragonTheirFeet a demon general]] who threatened it as attempted retaliation for the death of the Demon Lord.]]
* DorkKnight: ''The'' single most powerful adventurer currently alive, she is also an extremely energetic and goofy teenaged girl.
* TheDreaded: High-level demons operating in the human world know about and are understandably terrified of her. So much so that the she has to take precautions to hide her movements and box in target monsters just to keep them from hearing she's coming and then heading for the hills.
* DreamingOfThingsToCome: [[spoiler:She had a dream at the end of ''Year One'' of the Holy Sword she would one day claim.]]
* DynamicEntry: Teleports into the stronghold of the Undead King mid-leap and roaring before running to kill a demon.
* EarlyBirdCameo: Chronologically speaking, she is introduced in ''Year One'' as a cheerful [[ConvenientlyAnOrphan orphan]] with a bad habit of running off on her own to explore.
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: She becomes one of a tiny handful of Platinum-ranked adventurers to ever exist after finding her divine sword, and is outfitted with armor and magic supplements of comparable resplendence while being granted full leeway to make her own path as she protects the world from demons and abominations.
* FearlessFool: Much to the exasperation of her teammates, [[IAlwaysWantedToSayThat she has a love for shouting stock battle quips]] and [[LeeroyJenkins jumping right into the fray without assessing the risks beforehand]]. Often times, she doesn't seem to have the foggiest idea about the gravity of the quests she takes. Fortunately for her and the rest of the adventurers, her talent and absurd luck does well to trivialize most dangers coming her way.
* FieryRedhead: She has a deep red hue to her hair and eyes in the anime and manga and, is exactly the kind of loud, hot-blooded hero she looks like.
* FlashStep: When hopped-up to her gills with S-tier MagicEnhancement, she can cut down and rush between mobs of monsters in less than a second.
* {{Foil}}: She is opposite to Goblin Slayer in almost every possible way. As TheChosenOne destined to save the world, she has had everything handed to her by her heroic fate, while Goblin Slayer is just an average person not destined for anything glorious who constantly fights an uphill battle and only makes it out alive through his own wits, resolve and [[ThePowerOfHate sheer hatred for his sworn enemies]]. She routinely battles the most powerful demon lords, Goblin Slayer just slays [[{{Mooks}} goblins]]. She is clad in resplendent armor befitting a high-ranking adventurer and wields a wondrous holy weapon, Goblin Slayer refuses to use enchanted weapons and wears a simple, battered armor which has had its only aesthetic element -- the horns on its helmet -- cut off because they only got in the way in goblin caves. She is an incredibly powerful MagicKnight, Goblin Slayer is a fighter of only average skill with no special abilities. She is known to [[LeeroyJenkins rush into battle headlong]] relying on her raw power and [[BornLucky incredible luck]] to keep her alive, while Goblin Slayer adamantly refuses to rely on luck, prominently utilizes stealth and [[CombatPragmatist underhanded tactics]], exploits the environment to his advantage whenever and however he can, and meticulously plans out every battle before it starts. Basically, the Chosen Heroine is the stereotype of what is expected of a powerful high-level adventurer, and the one the reader might have reasonably expected to be the main character, [[HeroOfAnotherStory had this been a very different tale]]. Goblin Slayer is, well... [[{{Deconstruction}} Goblin Slayer]]. Ironically, she is one of the most powerful beings in the world, but she is only so because of the will of the gods, while Goblin Slayer, despite being nothing out of the ordinary, is one of the few beings completely independent of the will of the gods, so much so that [[spoiler:the gods had planned for her to have a DarkAndTroubledPast backstory through a DoomedHometown... but then [[SpannerInTheWorks Goblin Slayer prevented that]] [[ScrewDestiny from happening by killing all the goblins]]]].
* ForgottenFirstMeeting: [[spoiler:By sheer coincidence, one of Goblin Slayer's earliest jobs happens to come from her hometown, where she is the first villager to meet him face-to-face. She took a shine to his activities, but has apparently since forgotten about him by the time she became a full-fledged adventurer herself]].
* GenkiGirl: In every appearance she makes, it is clear that she is a bundle of energy. So much so, in fact, that it is somewhat exhausting for her peers who deal with her on a regular basis. Even her relatively quieter moments involve running her mouth at top speed and getting easily distracted.
-->'''Chosen Heroine:''' (Literal seconds after waking up) All right! Time for another day of trying hard and doing my best!\\
'''Sword Saint:''' A good night's sleep and you're back to full tilt, aren't you?
* GrinOfAudacity: Flashes one as she squares off against the metal spider monster leading the demons in Volume 7.
* HaremSeeker: She's not one, but she supports heroes making them much to her sidekicks' embarrassment.
* HelmetsAreHardlyHeroic: Subverted and justified; [[spoiler:her first encounter with Goblin Slayer actually left enough of an impression that she now believes helmets are befitting of a good adventurer.]] The only reason why she doesn't wear one herself is because she regularly deals with monsters that can effortlessly separate her head from her shoulders, with or without protection, so she forgoes it for a better field of view.
* HeroicResolve: Even with her enchantments stripped, ribs cracked, and organs bruised, she still stands firm and walks steadily forward to finish off the Undead King.
* HeroOfAnotherStory: Her exploits have been the subject of periodic side-chapters since the beginning of the story, but she has yet to join forces with Goblin Slayer and crew.
* HeroWorship: According to Spearman, her "regular rookie" disguise is meant to emulate Female Warrior from Sword Maiden's old party, just in green.
* HotBlooded: Very loud and passionate, though certain side materials make it clear this is a more nuanced case than the stereotypical archetype. She takes preparation for missions very seriously and can be surprisingly cerebral and even borderline philosophical on topics like the nature of adventuring.
* HumbleHero: She actually doesn't take it for granted that she'll win every time, despite her outward bravado. She also claims that each of her victories so far was mostly thanks to her allies' support, and she remains confident that the forces of good will ultimately win, with or without her.
-->'''Hero:''' I guess if anyone was like, 'You sure you can save this world?' I'd be sort of like, 'I dunno!'
-->Hero was supposed to save the world. She wasn't the hero because she could save the world; it was trying to save the world that made her a hero. What she could do might not amount to much. But she had friends who mattered to her, and there were so many people in this world. So she had to save it, and she was confident it would work out somehow.
* IAlwaysWantedToSayThat: Chuckles and says this in the anime after crashing a necromancer's attempted VirginSacrifice and announcing that evil would not win this day.
* IChooseToStay: Deliberately spends months making a physical journey through several alternate dimensions to get back home so she could carve through the demon armies on their own turf and trim down their threat at the root.
* IJustKnew: The gods occasionally send her premonitions of her next task in her dreams, and she can apparently accurately pick out relevant locations and people to go to for those quests off of gut feeling.
-->'''Demon General:''' How did you know the location of our secret meeting place?!
-->'''Chosen Heroine:''' I had a hunch!
* IJustWantToBeNormal: {{Downplayed}}, she occasionally wonders if being a regular adventurer would be a more free and satisfying existence, but is still more than content with the trials and triumphs of her own career.
* InASingleBound: The anime has a scene of her leaping tens of feet in the air to come down on an evil priest with a downward slash worthy of a [[Franchise/FinalFantasy Dragoon.]]
* InnocentBlueEyes: The Volume 11 illustration gives her very pale blue eyes, to the point of also being IcyBlueEyes, but she's still the pinnacle of heroism in her World.
* KingIncognito: The Drama [=CDs=] reveal she likes to sometimes sneak off alone, disguise herself in basic gear, and do low-level quests anonymously. These charity runs almost always end with her running into a high-ranking demon, but her innate power is enough to take them out anyway.
* LargeHam: Unsurprisingly, she has a shamelessly loud presence and a love of theatrics.
* LeeroyJenkins: Slightly downplayed in that she actually takes pre-mission prepping and equipment maintenance very seriously, but she has no regard for stealth or preemptive strikes, being more than strong enough to get away with announcing her presence and charging, and with a [[IAlwaysWantedToSayThat love of theatrics]] big enough to do just that every time.
* LegendaryWeapon: The magic sword she found on her first quest is a sign of the gods' favor and task for her.
* LickedByTheDog: [[spoiler:It says something that, barring a possible candidate or two, she is the only person to have never been taken aback by Goblin Slayer's appearance or regard him with suspicion upon first impressions]].
* TheLightfooted: She leaps superhumanly high, prefers to dodge rather than block despite her excessive magical defenses, and can hop around on top of pressure-sensitive traps at her leisure.
* MagicalGesture: Is said to trace sigils in the air when casting.
* MagicEnhancement: Besides her magic sword, her usual suit of armor is enchanted, and Sage gives her a plethora of charms and buffs before a fight starts.
* MagicKnight: Can sling spells as easily as she chops heads, as she is described as casting at least a half-dozen Firebolts on her first quest without running her limit.
* MagneticHero: Befitting a [[AffectionateParody deliberately overblown]] DistaffCounterpart of a shonen action hero, a lot of people ruefully admit that something about her personality makes them fond of her in spite of themselves. Priestess is drawn into a conversation after catching Heroine spying on her dance practice, and is pleasantly surprised to realize her usual [[ShrinkingViolet self-conciousness and sensitivity]] are in no way kicking in while chatting with her. In Volume 8 the King outright says her ability to calm hostilities and befriend the untrusting without thinking is a greater boon than her overpowered combat abilities.
* MusclesAreMeaningless: Physique-wise, she's a regular, skinny teenage girl, and is if anything on the small side. Doesn't stop her from leaping into the air and freely swinging around a sword nearly as big as her.
* OneHitKill: Before she even officially became an adventurer, she was so used to monsters dying at the slightest blow from her that a top-ranking demon she found on her first quest ''not'' doing so caused her an OhCrap moment. Then she found her LegendaryWeapon and rectified that black-mark on her record.
* OneManArmy: Regularly enters hell and faces off against entire demon legions effectively singlehandedly, and wins.
* ParentalAbandonment: Her parents died in a war. She still was able to enjoy a somewhat happy childhood at the orphanage she grew up with and with a strong mother figure who raised her.
* PersonOfMassDestruction: Discussed. Chosen Heroine actually isn't one, and laments she doesn't have the power to scythe entire undead armies and level mountains with one sword-swing. Sword Saint rebuffs her by saying she wouldn't trust ''anyone'' with that kind of power, let alone someone as lackadaisical as her leader.
* PlayingWithFire: Mentions that she can cast Firebolt in Volume 1, although being TheAce she stated that she was able to spam this attack five or six times before getting tired, a feat that most veteran adventurers can't do.
* PluckyGirl: Even on the rare occasions an enemy proves able to overpower her, she never gets discouraged in a fight and always gives her all and feels assured she and her friends can pull through any trial.
* ThePollyanna: While she can acknowledge that she's only human and there is always a chance she could fall in battle, she nonetheless remains perpetually cheerful, optimistic, and with an unquenchable love of life, celebrating her every victory and new experience while confident in the belief that even if she one day fails, humanity as a whole will always find a way to beat back even the most apocalyptic of its foes.
* PowerOfTheSun: Claims to have this in Volume 10, and names several of her personal, magic-enhanced blows with sun-themed names such as "Dawn Strike".
* RedIsHeroic: The anime gives her red eyes and bright red hair, something reflected in a ''Year One'' Manga colored illustration.
* SavingTheWorld: Does this semi-regularly, though we usually only see part of the final battle each time.
* {{Seers}}: She has some method of scrying on faraway monsters. She spies on a demon fortress in a drama cd before sealing it up with a Barrier and heading inside to clean it out.
* ShipperOnDeck: Ships the Rookie Duo... and ships them with Harefolk Hunter. She even supports Rookie Swordsman gathering a BattleHarem that he's not trying to form.
* SmallRoleBigImpact: From Goblin Slayer to Chosen Heroine. In one of his unending attacks on the many goblins planning to attack villages, one of those said villages was where Chosen Heroine lived as a child. Because of this, she was spared from going through a tragic past as Goblin Slayer did as a child and had the chance to become a powerful, outgoing, and inspiring hero that Goblin Slayer never had.
* SmarterThanYouLook: She comes off as an endearingly earnest IdiotHero in the main storyline, but the side materials portray her as more aware of her surroundings than most assume, with surprisingly meticulous preparations for her quests and well-considered thoughts on the nature of adventurers and the problems of the guild ranking system. She's just too confident and content in her strength to get bogged down with more intense introspection.
* SummonToHand: Her magic sword is bound to her soul. So long as they are in the same dimension, it will appear at her side if she but holds out her arm and wills it.
* SwordBeam: Her "Dawn Strike" move is a massive green slash of energy that burns anything in its path.
* TechnicolorEyes: They're red in the anime.
* ThirdLineSomeWaiting: She gets at least one chapter every other volume chronicling the latest of her increasingly high-octane demon-hunting forays, and her lingering presence in the narrative is clearly building up to something, though so far the closest she's gotten to involvement in the main story is in Volume 3 when she [[spoiler:partners with Sword Maiden to fight off a rampaging PhysicalGod]] in the B-plot.
* ThisIsThePartWhere: Jokes when first standing-off against the Undead King that this ''should'' be when he makes an offer of YouWillBeSpared or WeCanRuleTogether, but that doesn't fit because its her team that busted in and is currently holding the advantage and issuing threats.
* {{Tsundere}}: Grew up in an OrphanageOfLove way out in the countryside, run by a nun of the God of Trade. Even years later, she still thinks of the matron as a [[ParentalSubstitute mother figure]], though she'd never admit it out loud.
* UnskilledButStrong: She's got no refined techniques or elaborate spells, just the sheer raw might to make the moves she does have hit with the force of a meteorite.
* TheWorldIsAlwaysDoomed: By Volume 13, even she is starting to get exasperated by the constant cropping up of cataclysmic threats.
-->'''Chosen Heroine:''' I wish we could do ''one'' adventure that doesn't involve the fate of the world!
* TheWorldIsJustAwesome: Takes delight in all the world has to offer, from its most fantastic vistas to its simplest comforts, and she wants to protect every bit of it.
* WorldsStrongestMan: She is easily the strongest character in the entire story, and would normally be the one to take care of any powerful GreaterScopeVillain that are working behind the scenes of main casts' adventures. While Goblin Slayer is on his "small-scaled" quests, she is the one preventing TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt.
* YourSizeMayVary: Not her, but rather her Holy Sword. In the light novel and manga, the sword is massive, being as large as she is despite her small stature. However, in the anime, the sword is much smaller to the point of being a short one-handed sword compared to her and probably just a step above a long dagger for anyone bigger than her. That said, her appearance in the second season, alongside changing her coloration to that of the illustrations, also boosted her sword's size up to the canon hugeness.

Changed line(s) 413,418 (click to see context) from:

[[folder:Sword Saint & Sage]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/HarukaTomatsu (Sword Saint, Japanese), Creator/HonokaInoue (Sage, Japanese), Creator/JadSaxton (Sword Saint, English), Creator/MeganShipman (Sage, English)
[[caption-width-right:350:Sword Saint (left) and Sage (right)]]

Two Gold-ranked adventuresses, Sword Saint and Sage, who team up with Chosen Heroine.


[[folder:Sword Saint & Sage]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/HarukaTomatsu (Sword Saint, Japanese), Creator/HonokaInoue (Sage, Japanese), Creator/JadSaxton (Sword Saint, English), Creator/MeganShipman (Sage, English)
[[caption-width-right:350:Sword Saint (left)


Sage (right)]]

Two Gold-ranked adventuresses, Sword Saint and Sage, who team up with Chosen Heroine.

Changed line(s) 420,471 (click to see context) from:

* AdaptationDyeJob: Just like Chosen heroine, their designs were made for the anime before proper illustrations of them were drawn (in their cases chibi icons shown in light novel Volume 13), which resulted in major discrepancies when they finally got that art. Also like Chosen Heroine, when they reappeared in the second season that debuted after those illustrations were made, their designs were changed to reflect the official colors, {{subvert|edTrope}}ing this.
** Sage has blue dark blue hair and purple eyes in the anime, but her chibi icon depicts her with MysticalWhiteHair and SupernaturalGoldEyes. Her dress was also shades of blue and her cloak grey in the anime, while her chibi has them both pure white with silver trimmings and pale green underside.
** Sword Saint had green eyes, olive-tinted dark hair, and a slight tan compared to her teammates in the anime. Her chibi icon has red eyes, pure black hair, and is as pale as the other girls. Also, in the anime she had a dark red outfit with a navy blue capelet and gunmetal grey armor bits, while in Volume 13 her armor bits have a black finish with gold edging, her cape is white with pale red underside, and she wears a bright crimson vest.
* AffectionateGestureToTheHead: Sword Saint gives Chosen Heroine a DopeSlap for being nonchalant about their slog through the Plane of Annihilation [[VitriolicBestBuds but the two of them laugh over it and treat it as a lovetap.]]
* AllAmazonsWantHercules: Sword Saint will only consider a man more physically powerful than her as a proper romantic prospect, and since becoming Gold-ranked regularly laments her fear that she'll be single forever. Sage is unsympathetic, and in Volume 8 tells her to [[DeadpanSnarker go get hitched to a dragon if she's that desperate for a husband.]]
* AmazonBrigade: The two of them are part of one with Chosen Heroine.
* AnimalEaredHeadband: Sage's cloak has a hood with sewn-on cat ears sticking out the front that she always wears up.
* TheArchmage: Sage in volume 12 is called undisputably one of the strongest magic-users currently active in the Four-Cornered World, opposite Undead King.
* BadassNormal: Sword Saint can't cast spells, but her natural strength of arms is enough to keep up with the likes of Chosen Heroine.
* BagOfHolding: Sage has one to pack and organize her armory's worth of epic-tier MagicEnhancement consumables.
* BigEater: Chosen Heroine giggles in volume 12 about how Sage's delicate constitution belies a robust appetite.
* BloodFromTheMouth: Sage starts spitting up blood during the fight with Undead King due to entering Overcast.
* CloudcuckoolandersMinder: Mostly just following Chosen Heroine to make sure she doesn't get too distracted while on a mission.
* {{Counterspell}}: Sage can negate the Undead King's curses with spells of the opposite effect.
* DeadpanSnarker: Sage has a tendency to coolly glide through her scenes while dispensing soft-spoken verbal jabs.
-->'''Sage:''' (in response to Chosen Heroine loudly giving away their presence so she could make a cool statement) I can't fathom why you would throw away the advantage of a sneak attack.
* DeathFlight: Sage can use a Float spell to lift dozens if not hundreds of assorted demons and monsters into the air (it even renders flying creatures helpless), and then extinguish the spell to have them splat against the ground.
* DimensionalTraveler: They and their leader spent several months fighting demons in the "Plane of Annihilation" after defeating Hecatoncheir in Volume 3. They are also known as "the knights who traversed the storms of the three thousand realms."
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: They are both Gold-ranked adventurers, regarded as among the very best in their respective spheres of battle and study, and were hand-picked to be the long-term companions of the current divinely-favored, Platinum-ranked, world-saving heroine.
* FantasticNuke: Sage has a spell called Fusion Blast that can blow the top off of a mountain.
* HeroicRROD: The battle with Undead King takes so much from Sage she Overcasts and vomits blood just to keep up.
* HeroicSecondWind: Exhausted from cutting through demons, lacerated by a blade barrier, and stripped of her buffs, Sword Saint nonetheless picks up her mundane sword and overpowers an epic-level lich in a final exchange of blows.
* IaijutsuPractitioner: Sword Saint nearly gives Goblin Slayer an ImpromptuTracheotomy with the same movement she unsheathes her blade with while questioning him after bumping into each other in the woods.
* IChooseToStay: Deliberately spend months making a physical journey through several alternate dimensions to get back home so they could carve through the demon armies on their own turf and trim down their threat at the root.
* ImpossibleHourglassFigure: While Sword Saint is just one girl among many in the running for [[BuxomBeautyStandard biggest bust]] and [[HartmanHips hips]] in the series, its painfully undeniable that she has by far the spindliest waist. In some shots her midriff appears to actually be thinner around than one of her thighs, which can be seen [[https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/sword_saint_figure.jpg here]].
* KatanasAreJustBetter: As the first and most prominent melee-focused Gold-rank adventurer, Sword Saint would of course carry one of these rather than a western blade.
* KingIncognito: They occasionally join Chosen Heroine in disguise as "fellow rookies."
* LaserBlade: Sage can conjure a "force-sword" to slice down any monsters that get too close to her.
* MadeOfIndestructium: Sword Saint boasts that her katana can never break or bend, though it has no offensive enhancements beyond that.
* MagicEnhancement: Sage provides her team with a plethora of super high-tier buffing consumables before the fight with the Undead King. Beyond the MagicPotion list below, she provides quite a bit of MiracleFood and a bevy of further stuff the narration says could go on for pages.
* MagicMap: Sage has two; one that gives an unerring path to any stated goal, and one that shows traps on the way.
* MagicPotion: Sage collects and brews especially powerful ones that can grant buffs like SuperStrength, NighInvulnerability, {{Flight}}, and {{Telepathy}}.
* MasterSwordsman: Sword Saint [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin natch]]. Even Goblin Slayer, who takes a dim view of literally everyone and everything that doesn't have to do with goblins, instantly pegs her as at least Bronze level when he sees [[IaijutsuPractitioner how quickly and smoothly she unsheathes and resheathes her sword]] when threatening him in Volume 3.
* MeteorSummoningAttack: Sage's opening attack against Undead King is to conjure a hail of flaming meteorites.
* MostCommonSuperpower: Both are packing noticeable bust lines in addition to their prowess. Ironically, this means the strongest member of their party also happens to be the smallest.
* MrsExposition: Sage occasionally tells the rest of her party the background of whatever big monster they're fighting that day.
* MysticalWhiteHair: Sage's hair in the light novel is eventually revealed to be a stark white.
* NiceMeanAndInBetween: Including the head of their little PowerTrio Chosen Heroine; she is the Nice, with her boundless optimism and ability to befriend others being highly regarded in-universe. Sage is the Mean, being quite snooty about her intelligence over everyone else. Sword Saint is the In Between, being fairly stiff with outsiders, but striving for professionalism and apologizing if she gets overly aggressive, while being equally likely to join in on Chosen Heroine's playful regard for their quests as she is to try to smack her into comporting herself like a proper champion of the realm.
* NonchalantDodge: Sword Saint ducks the Undead King's LaserBlade with a slight shuffle of her feet and a headtilt.
* PocketDimension: Sage stores her equipment in a zero-space bubble she can access by opening a hole in the air next to her.
* RedEyesTakeWarning: Sword Saint in the light novels is eventually revealed to have pale rose colored irides, and as a Gold-rank she is handily one of the greatest melee warriors in the series.
* RedIsHeroic: Sword Saint in the light novels at least, when her vest or minidress is eventually revealed to be an especially vivid scarlet.
* SelfDuplication: Sage can maintain four Other Selves with barely any visible strain where just one would have a mid-to-upper level mage like Half-Elf Warlock or Witch suffering debilitating fatigue and migraines.
* SquishyWizard: Sage is noted to have an abysmally weak constitution in Volume 4 when Sword Saint worries she has gotten sick when she oversleeps and misses breakfast during Chosen Heroine's vignette. In Volume 10, she runs out of breath extremely quickly while running under the effects of Haste.
* StoneWall: As the only member of the party [[BadassNormal without magic supplementing her power]], Sword Saint's role in combat is the living sand-wall covering Sage as she prepares a big ritual spell to end the fight.
* SupernaturalGoldEyes: Sage's eyes in the light novels are eventually revealed to be a bright, gleaming yellow, like certain other veteran magic-users.
* SupportingLeader: Sword Saint is stated to be the formal head of the party, but Chosen Heroine is very clearly the star of their show.
* SurroundedByIdiots: Sage thinks so every time Chosen Heroine puts her foot in her mouth in front of a noble client, or when she and Sword Saint [[CasualDangerDialogue understate the threat-level of a world-ending horror they have to fight]].
* TeamMom: Due to Sage being so standoffish, Sword Saint is all on her own in wrangling Chosen Heroine, lecturing her on their duties for the day and admonishing her more wild tangents with a long-suffering smile, while also defending her against Sage's more acerbic put-downs. It even extends back towards Sage herself, as Sword Saint shows great concern after her health in their downtime.
* ThoseTwoGuys: In their first few appearances, their contributions to the scene broadly consisted of just hanging back together in the dungeon room entrance and snarking to each other about Chosen Heroine's rambunctiousness as the other girl merrily charges up to the monster of the day to bisect it with one blow.
* {{Tsundere}}: Sage adores her teammates, and shows it by grousing over how dumb they are at every opportunity. Sword Saint herself scolds Heroine and knocks her upside the head regularly out of sisterly concern and affection.
* WrongAssumption: Sword Saint nearly runs Goblin Slayer through in the forest because she thought he was an undead. Chosen Heroine chides her, while Sage actually maintains that Goblin Slayer looks suspicious regardless.


* AdaptationDyeJob: Just like Chosen heroine, their designs were made for the anime before proper illustrations of them were drawn (in their cases chibi icons shown in light novel Volume 13), which resulted in major discrepancies when they finally got that art. Also like Chosen Heroine, when they reappeared in the second season that debuted after those illustrations were made, their designs were changed to reflect the official colors, {{subvert|edTrope}}ing this.
** Sage has blue dark blue hair and purple eyes in the anime, but her chibi icon depicts her with MysticalWhiteHair and SupernaturalGoldEyes. Her dress was also shades of blue and her cloak grey in the anime, while her chibi has them both pure white with silver trimmings and pale green underside.
** Sword Saint had green eyes, olive-tinted dark hair, and a slight tan compared to her teammates in the anime. Her chibi icon has red eyes, pure black hair, and is as pale as the other girls. Also, in the anime she had a dark red outfit with a navy blue capelet and gunmetal grey armor bits, while in Volume 13 her armor bits have a black finish with gold edging, her cape is white with pale red underside, and she
wears a bright crimson vest.
* AffectionateGestureToTheHead: Sword Saint gives Chosen Heroine a DopeSlap for being nonchalant about their slog through the Plane of Annihilation [[VitriolicBestBuds but the two of them laugh over it and treat it as a lovetap.]]
* AllAmazonsWantHercules: Sword Saint will only consider a man more physically powerful than her as a proper romantic prospect, and since becoming Gold-ranked regularly laments her fear that she'll be single forever. Sage is unsympathetic, and in Volume 8 tells her to [[DeadpanSnarker go get hitched to a dragon if she's that desperate for a husband.]]
* AmazonBrigade: The two of them are part of one with Chosen Heroine.
* AnimalEaredHeadband: Sage's cloak has a hood with sewn-on cat ears sticking out the front that she always wears up.
* TheArchmage: Sage in volume 12 is called undisputably one of the strongest magic-users currently active in the Four-Cornered World, opposite Undead King.
* BadassNormal: Sword Saint can't cast spells, but her natural strength of arms is enough to keep up with the likes of Chosen Heroine.
* BagOfHolding: Sage has one to pack and organize her armory's worth of epic-tier MagicEnhancement consumables.
* BigEater: Chosen Heroine giggles in volume 12 about how Sage's delicate constitution belies a robust appetite.
* BloodFromTheMouth: Sage starts spitting up blood during the fight with Undead King due to entering Overcast.
* CloudcuckoolandersMinder: Mostly just following Chosen Heroine to make sure
she doesn't get too distracted while on a mission.
* {{Counterspell}}: Sage can negate the Undead King's curses with spells of the opposite effect.
* DeadpanSnarker: Sage has a tendency to coolly glide through her scenes while dispensing soft-spoken verbal jabs.
-->'''Sage:''' (in response to Chosen Heroine loudly giving away
their presence so she could make a cool statement) I can't fathom why you would throw away the advantage of a sneak attack.
* DeathFlight: Sage can use a Float spell
to lift dozens if not hundreds of assorted demons and monsters into the air (it even renders flying creatures helpless), and then extinguish the spell to have them splat against the ground.
* DimensionalTraveler: They and their leader spent several months fighting demons in the "Plane of Annihilation" after defeating Hecatoncheir in Volume 3. They are also known as "the knights who traversed the storms
of the three thousand realms."
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: They are both Gold-ranked adventurers,
regarded as among the very best in their respective spheres of battle and study, and were hand-picked to be the long-term companions of the current divinely-favored, Platinum-ranked, world-saving heroine.
* FantasticNuke: Sage has a spell called Fusion Blast that can blow the top off of a mountain.
* HeroicRROD: The battle with Undead King takes so much from Sage she Overcasts and vomits blood just to keep up.
* HeroicSecondWind: Exhausted from cutting through demons, lacerated by a blade barrier, and stripped of her buffs, Sword Saint nonetheless picks up her mundane sword and overpowers an epic-level lich in a final exchange of blows.
* IaijutsuPractitioner: Sword Saint nearly gives Goblin Slayer an ImpromptuTracheotomy with the same movement she unsheathes her blade with while questioning him after bumping into each other in the woods.
* IChooseToStay: Deliberately spend months making a physical journey through several alternate dimensions to get back home so they could carve through the demon armies on their own turf and trim down their threat at the root.
* ImpossibleHourglassFigure: While Sword Saint is just one girl among many in the running for [[BuxomBeautyStandard biggest bust]] and [[HartmanHips hips]] in the series, its painfully undeniable that she has by far the spindliest waist. In some shots her midriff appears to actually be thinner around than one of her thighs, which can be seen [[https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/sword_saint_figure.jpg here]].
* KatanasAreJustBetter: As the first and most prominent melee-focused Gold-rank adventurer, Sword Saint would of course carry one of these rather than a western blade.
* KingIncognito: They occasionally join Chosen Heroine in disguise as "fellow rookies."
* LaserBlade: Sage can conjure a "force-sword" to slice down any monsters that get too close to her.
* MadeOfIndestructium: Sword Saint boasts that her katana can never break or bend, though it has no offensive enhancements beyond that.
* MagicEnhancement: Sage provides her team with a plethora of super high-tier buffing consumables before the fight with the Undead King. Beyond the MagicPotion list below, she provides quite a bit of MiracleFood and a bevy of further stuff the narration says could go on for pages.
* MagicMap: Sage has two; one that gives an unerring path to any stated goal, and one that shows traps on the way.
* MagicPotion: Sage collects and brews especially powerful ones that can grant buffs like SuperStrength, NighInvulnerability, {{Flight}}, and {{Telepathy}}.
* MasterSwordsman: Sword Saint [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin natch]]. Even Goblin Slayer, who takes a dim view of literally everyone and everything that doesn't have to do with goblins, instantly pegs her as at least Bronze level when he sees [[IaijutsuPractitioner how quickly and smoothly she unsheathes and resheathes her sword]] when threatening him in Volume 3.
* MeteorSummoningAttack: Sage's opening attack against Undead King is to conjure a hail of flaming meteorites.
* MostCommonSuperpower: Both are packing noticeable bust lines in addition to their prowess. Ironically, this means the strongest member of their party also happens to be the smallest.
* MrsExposition: Sage occasionally tells the rest of her party the background of whatever big monster they're fighting that day.
* MysticalWhiteHair: Sage's hair in the light novel is eventually revealed to be a stark white.
* NiceMeanAndInBetween: Including the head of their little PowerTrio Chosen Heroine; she is the Nice, with her boundless optimism and ability to befriend others being highly regarded in-universe. Sage is the Mean, being quite snooty about her intelligence over everyone else. Sword Saint is the In Between, being fairly stiff with outsiders, but striving for professionalism and apologizing if she gets overly aggressive, while being equally likely to join in on Chosen Heroine's playful regard for their quests as she is to try to smack her into comporting herself like a proper champion of the realm.
* NonchalantDodge: Sword Saint ducks the Undead King's LaserBlade with a slight shuffle of her feet and a headtilt.
* PocketDimension: Sage stores her equipment in a zero-space bubble she can access by opening a hole in the air next to her.
* RedEyesTakeWarning: Sword Saint in the light novels is eventually revealed to have pale rose colored irides, and as a Gold-rank she is handily
one of the greatest melee warriors in the series.
* RedIsHeroic: Sword Saint in the light novels at least, when her vest or minidress is eventually revealed to be an especially vivid scarlet.
* SelfDuplication: Sage can maintain four Other Selves
with barely any visible strain where just one would have a mid-to-upper level mage like Half-Elf Warlock or Witch suffering debilitating fatigue and migraines.
* SquishyWizard: Sage is noted to have an abysmally weak constitution in Volume 4 when Sword Saint worries she has gotten sick when she oversleeps and misses breakfast during Chosen Heroine's vignette. In Volume 10, she runs out of breath extremely quickly while running under the effects of Haste.
* StoneWall: As
the only member of the party [[BadassNormal without magic supplementing her power]], Sword Saint's role in combat is the living sand-wall covering Sage as she prepares a big ritual spell to end the fight.
* SupernaturalGoldEyes: Sage's eyes in the light novels are eventually revealed to be a bright, gleaming yellow, like certain other veteran magic-users.
* SupportingLeader: Sword Saint is stated to be the formal head of the party, but Chosen Heroine is very clearly the star of their show.
* SurroundedByIdiots: Sage thinks so every time Chosen Heroine puts her foot in her mouth in front of a noble client, or when she and Sword Saint [[CasualDangerDialogue understate the threat-level of a world-ending horror they have to fight]].
* TeamMom: Due to Sage being so standoffish, Sword Saint is all on her own in wrangling Chosen Heroine, lecturing her on their duties for the day and admonishing her more wild tangents with a long-suffering smile, while also defending her against Sage's more acerbic put-downs. It even extends back towards Sage herself, as Sword Saint shows great concern after her health in their downtime.
* ThoseTwoGuys: In their first few appearances, their contributions to the scene broadly consisted of
just hanging back together in the dungeon room entrance and snarking to each other about Chosen Heroine's rambunctiousness as the other girl merrily charges up to the monster of the day to bisect it with one blow.
* {{Tsundere}}: Sage adores her teammates, and shows it by grousing over how dumb they are at every opportunity. Sword Saint herself scolds Heroine and knocks her upside the head regularly out of sisterly concern and affection.
* WrongAssumption: Sword Saint nearly runs Goblin Slayer through in the forest because she thought he was an undead. Chosen Heroine chides her, while Sage actually maintains that Goblin Slayer looks suspicious regardless.

Changed line(s) 474,481 (click to see context) from:

!!Human Kingdom Royalty
[[folder:The King]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/ShinichiroMiki (Japanese)
[[caption-width-right:350:Click [[labelnote:here]]\\
https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/knightofdiamonds.jpg[[/labelnote]] to see The King as the Knight of Diamonds]]

A former adventurer and current ruler of the country.


!!Human Kingdom Royalty
[[folder:The King]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/ShinichiroMiki (Japanese)
[[caption-width-right:350:Click [[labelnote:here]]\\
to see The King as


Knight of Diamonds]]

A former adventurer and current ruler

of the country.

Changed line(s) 483,522 (click to see context) from:

* TheAce: Was the most successful and celebrated adventurer during the rush to clear the Dungeon of the Dead.
* AlwaysSomeoneBetter: Was seen as this by Samurai Captain, who nearly unsheathed his blade in resentment at seeing a celebration break out for the Knight of Diamonds discovering a path to the third layer of the Dungeon of the Dead the night his own party just barely limped home from their first group excursion to the front of the first layer.
* AnimalMotifs: Later light novel have the King described as "like a lion" in varying points.
* BigGood: Well, he is the king of a country that is continuously being at war with evil, devil-worshipping monsters, so he kind of has to be this.
* BlingOfWar: As an adventurer, he wore a magic suit of armor that was encrusted if not made of ''diamonds''. Samurai Captain finds it hard to take seriously his claim of being from a poor noble family when seeing him in it (this of course assumes the suit was not loot found in the Dungeon of the Dead, or a heirloom deemed too precious or put in too much active use to be counted as a mere part of the treasury).
* AChildShallLeadThem: Was in his mid-to-late teens when the war against the Demon Lord ended and he ascended to the throne.
* CloseToHome: His angst about [[spoiler:his little sister's abandoned twin]] drives him to try to reach out to lost or distressed little girls. [[HeroicSelfDeprecation He wonders if this makes him self-centered]].
* ConspicuousConsumption: He and Female Merchant lament that though he doesn't care to waste money on unecessarily fancy stuff like quill pens, if the king lived austerely there are many people who would look down on that as false modestly or a sign of financial crisis, more than are currently looking down on him as a luxury-craving spendthrift.
* DorkKnight: As a young lord he was loud-voiced and awkward around children and adventurers outside his party, contrasted humorously against his status as the celebrated premier dungeon-delver of Fortress City. Over a decade later and as a matured King, he is still brash and hot-headed, his inner circle needing to exasperatedly shoot down his hammy declarations that he can solve all his nation's financial and bureaucratic woes if he was just allowed to take up his sword again to go slay some gold-hoarding dragons or not-so-secretly evil noblemen.
* DualWielding: Decides to take up a parrying dagger after almost dying to a cheapshotting "scruffy man."
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: He was dubbed the ''Knight of Diamonds'' in his adventuring days, likely to signify his royal status. He certainly had the armor and plethora of powerful charms to show for it.
* TheFettered: Considers himself and Samurai Captain to be on another level ethically as well as martially over the other adventurers for being the leaders of two of the only parties that are actually trying to put an end to the Dungeon of the Dead instead of keeping the loot train going. Samurai Captain thinks he's a little [[HolierThanThou sanctimonious]] about it, [[TheHypocrite despite repeatedly thinking almost exactly the same thing in his internal monologues]].
* HeroesPreferSwords: Uses a shiny broadsword to fight. It goes with his truly brilliant armor and self-image.
* HoldTheLine: When the war against the demons in ''Daikatana'' starts going disastrously badly for the mortal side, he is forced to give up his adventuring lifestyle, secure the Capital City from vampirized nobility, and muster a last fighting force to bog down the Army of Darkness long enough for the Golden Party to finally track down and eliminate the Demon Lord.
* ImpoverishedPatrician: Describes his family as poor for nobility. Samurai Captain wonders if relative poverty among the nobles isn't still fabulously wealthy objectively, if the quality of his gear is any indication (which, given that Samurai Captain ''knows'' the Knight of Diamonds is a successful adventurer and has been for a while, he shouldn't be taking as a given).
* InnocentlyInsensitive: Talks about how goblins aren't a significant enough threat to be bothered with to Sword Maiden, a woman who had been tortured and traumatized by such creatures.
* IShouldHaveBeenBetter: In a bonus chapter from the ''Daikatana'' manga, he approaches Female Bishop while she's alone to apologize for never trying to help with her harassment problem before Samurai Captain nearly started a bar brawl trying to defend her. The narration notes he gets frequent bouts of pained conscious like this "due to constantly cursing the blood he bears".
* KlingonPromotion: A very sympathetic case is how [[spoiler:he was crowned King to begin with -- he took the throne after euthanizing its previous occupant, who had become a Vampire Lord due to the corruption of Chaos]].
* MilitariesAreUseless: Goblin Slayer and Sword Maiden don't hold very high opinions for how the King distributes the country's military, especially since he believes that the Adventurer's Guild should be more than sufficient to counter the Frontier's threats. Because he keeps most of his forces stationed at the Capital to ward off demons, a lot of villagers are left to fend for themselves without expecting a response from the government. Even when there is a goblin infestation in a city's sewers, Sword Maiden has to request Goblin Slayer because her requests to him for military assistance are brushed off. This is discussed further in Volume 4 of the light novel. Most of the military is exhausted and suffered heavy losses from fighting the Demon King's armies, and any army he does raise to deal with threats like goblins will be peasant levies who cannot stay in the field for very long and will be poorly suited to fighting in tight, close quarters like ruins, sewers, and caves. Adventurers don't cost money to be deployed, and are much more experienced, well-armed, and motivated.
-->'''Lizard Priest:''' Two sure fronts of trouble are human money and human politics.
* MinorMajorCharacter: He is the king of the country where all the characters reside and is mentioned several times, but only makes a few appearances in the story.
* ModestRoyalty: Expresses to Female Merchant his discomfort with ostentation and wasteful spending, but is pressured by his attendants to show his nation's wealth on his person.
* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Pretty much the government's unwillingness to deal with the goblin threat can be traced back to him. Although in his defense, the guy is dealing with a world-ending threat on a weekly basis, so it is understandable why he is prioritizing his fighting force to prevent TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt. That said, him complaining about Sword Maiden's request for military force to deal with a goblin infestation in the Water Town's sewers despite the risk of them invading the town from the inside if left alone does raise some eyebrows.
* NoodleIncident: In Volume 4, Sword Maiden mocks him by bringing up a time when a bushranger ambushed him and beat him so badly he was sent running with his tail between his legs and [[ClothingDamage his pants ripped]].
* NoSocialSkills: He gets easily flustered when dealing with children, attempting to console a lost child by stomping up to her and yell "Don't you dare cry!" to his teammates' incredulity.
* ObstructiveCodeOfConduct: [[spoiler:When Princess gets kidnapped by a goblin ambush in Volume 8, he cannot bring himself to simply summon up his forces to go on a search and rescue; considering that he had been hands-off concerning goblin exterminations throughout the series, to suddenly gather his army for a goblin-slaying manhunt simply due to personal involvement would be political suicide, so he's forced to hire a discreet adventuring party]].
* RankScalesWithAsskicking: In the past, he was a powerful warrior whom even veterans respected, during a time when adventuring itself was considered a far more dangerous career prospect compared to its modern iteration. [[spoiler:Volume 8 shows that he has not lost his edge]].
* RedBaron: As an adventurer during the days of the Dungeon of the Dead, he was publicly known as the "Knight of Diamonds".
* ReluctantRuler: Has expressed his annoyance at being unable to act from beyond his throne on more than one occasion. During his meeting with Sword Maiden in Volume 4, he tiredly confesses how he wishes he was dungeon-diving with his old party like the good old days.
* RetiredBadass: Between being Gold-rank and the current ruling king, his skin is too valuable to let gallivate off to kill monsters and brigands. He takes this with ill-grace, and sneaks out to fight whenever he can.
* TheRival: Is personally familiar with Sword Maiden because his party was the main competition hers had in their attempts to reach the bottom of the Dungeon of the Dead first and exorcise the Demon Lord.
* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: Dismissive attitude towards goblins nothwithstanding, one doesn't stay the leader of a nation without a sharp head on his shoulders and a willingness to act. [[spoiler:And that's not going into the occasions when he picks up a sword once more...]]
* SlashedThroat: Courtesy of the large ax-wielding leader of the "scruffy men." He recovered fully though.
* SpareToTheThrone: Was the third-born son of his line, which was itself a minor branch family of the royal dynasty.
* UnexpectedSuccessor: Apparently his family was minor nobility that were only distantly related to the royal family, but when the latter [[RulingFamilyMassacre were all lost early in the war against the Demon Lord]], he was the closest suitable inheritor.
* VigilanteMan: [[spoiler:Recognizing a conspiracy within his court to have the Princess captured and used as a pawn for Chaos, he dons himself in his old armor and promptly slays all of them single-handedly. In fact, he had been cutting down corrupt figures who were otherwise untouchable by law for the past few years]].
* WarriorPrince: Fought against a high-tier vampire and led an army against a horde of demons and undead in the final battle versus Chaos before the last Demon Lord was defeated, this on top of his adventurer credentials. He is noted in the present day to have little talent or interest in leading anything ''besides'' a fight though.
* WhenAllYouHaveIsAHammer: The King started out as an adventurer, and wishes he could keep solving every problem as if he still was. Conspirators in his capital city? Let him personally gut them. Royal budget in the red? Let him go slay a dragon for its hoard. Unusual winter storm? Let him take his sword and find the evil wizard obviously responsible! His advisors coach him to refrain from leaping into action [[spoiler:with only partial success]].
* YoungAndInCharge: Samurai Captain, in his first proper conversation with the Knight of Diamonds, is shocked to realize the boy is actually younger than him; only fifteen, ''maybe'' just turned sixteen. Which means that he's still in his mid-to-late twenties when seen in the main story, and even back then he was involved with organizing his family's vassals and levies on top of being the head of his own adventuring party.
* YoungConqueror: [[spoiler: The way he specifically became gained the crown was by slaying the previous king, who had been corrupted by Chaos and become a Vampire Lord]].


* TheAce: Was the most successful and celebrated adventurer during the rush to clear the Dungeon of the Dead.
* AlwaysSomeoneBetter: Was seen as this by Samurai Captain, who nearly unsheathed his blade in resentment at seeing a celebration break out for the Knight of Diamonds discovering a path to the third layer of the Dungeon of the Dead the night his own party just barely limped home from their first group excursion to the front of the first layer.
* AnimalMotifs: Later light novel have the King described as "like a lion" in varying points.
* BigGood: Well, he is the king of a country
that is continuously being at war with evil, devil-worshipping monsters, so he kind of has to be this.
* BlingOfWar: As an adventurer, he wore a magic suit of armor that was encrusted if not made of ''diamonds''. Samurai Captain finds it hard to take seriously his claim of being from a poor noble family when seeing him in it (this of course assumes
the suit was not loot found in the Dungeon of the Dead, or a heirloom deemed too precious or put in too much active use to be counted as a mere part of the treasury).
* AChildShallLeadThem: Was in his mid-to-late teens
when the war against the Demon Lord ended and he ascended to the throne.
* CloseToHome: His angst about [[spoiler:his little sister's abandoned twin]] drives him to try to reach out to lost or distressed little girls. [[HeroicSelfDeprecation He wonders if this makes him self-centered]].
* ConspicuousConsumption: He and Female Merchant lament that though he doesn't care to waste money on unecessarily fancy stuff like quill pens, if the king lived austerely there are many people who would look down on that as false modestly or a sign of financial crisis, more than are currently looking down on him as a luxury-craving spendthrift.
* DorkKnight: As a young lord he was loud-voiced and awkward around children and adventurers outside his party, contrasted humorously against his status as the celebrated premier dungeon-delver of Fortress City. Over a decade later and as a matured King, he is still brash and hot-headed, his inner circle needing to exasperatedly shoot down his hammy declarations that he can solve all his nation's financial and bureaucratic woes if he was
just allowed to take up his sword again to go slay some gold-hoarding dragons or not-so-secretly evil noblemen.
* DualWielding: Decides to take up a parrying dagger after almost dying to a cheapshotting "scruffy man.
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: He was dubbed the ''Knight of Diamonds'' in his adventuring days, likely to signify his royal status. He certainly had the armor and plethora of powerful charms to show for it.
* TheFettered: Considers himself and Samurai Captain to be on another level ethically as well as martially over the other adventurers for being the leaders of two of the only parties that are actually trying to put an end to the Dungeon of the Dead instead of keeping the loot train going. Samurai Captain thinks he's a little [[HolierThanThou sanctimonious]] about it, [[TheHypocrite despite repeatedly thinking almost exactly the same thing in his internal monologues]].
* HeroesPreferSwords: Uses a shiny broadsword to fight. It goes with his truly brilliant armor and self-image.
* HoldTheLine: When the war against the demons in
''Daikatana'' starts going disastrously badly for the mortal side, he is forced to give up his adventuring lifestyle, secure the Capital City from vampirized nobility, and muster a last fighting force to bog down the Army of Darkness long enough for the Golden Party to finally track down and eliminate the Demon Lord.
* ImpoverishedPatrician: Describes his family as poor for nobility. Samurai Captain wonders if relative poverty among the nobles isn't still fabulously wealthy objectively, if the quality
of his gear is any indication (which, given that Samurai Captain ''knows'' the Knight of Diamonds is a successful adventurer and has been for a while, he shouldn't be taking as a given).
* InnocentlyInsensitive: Talks about how goblins aren't a significant enough threat to be bothered with to Sword Maiden, a woman who had been tortured and traumatized by such creatures.
* IShouldHaveBeenBetter: In a bonus chapter from the
''Daikatana'' manga, he approaches Female Bishop while she's alone to apologize for never trying to help with her harassment problem before Samurai Captain nearly started a bar brawl trying to defend her. The narration notes he gets frequent bouts of pained conscious like this "due to constantly cursing the blood he bears".
* KlingonPromotion: A very sympathetic case is how [[spoiler:he was crowned King to begin with -- he took the throne after euthanizing its previous occupant, who had become a Vampire Lord due to the corruption of Chaos]].
* MilitariesAreUseless: Goblin Slayer and Sword Maiden don't hold very high opinions
for how the King distributes the country's military, especially since he believes that the Adventurer's Guild should be more than sufficient to counter the Frontier's threats. Because he keeps most of his forces stationed at the Capital to ward off demons, a lot of villagers are left to fend for themselves without expecting a response from the government. Even when there is a goblin infestation in a city's sewers, Sword Maiden has to request Goblin Slayer because her requests to him for military assistance are brushed off. This is discussed further in Volume 4 of the light novel. Most of the military is exhausted and suffered heavy losses from fighting the Demon King's armies, and any army he does raise to deal with threats like goblins will be peasant levies who cannot stay in the field for very long and will be poorly suited to fighting in tight, close quarters like ruins, sewers, and caves. Adventurers don't cost money to be deployed, and are much more experienced, well-armed, and motivated.
-->'''Lizard Priest:''' Two sure fronts of trouble are human money and human politics.
* MinorMajorCharacter: He is the king of the country where all the characters reside and is mentioned several times, but only makes a few appearances in the story.
* ModestRoyalty: Expresses to Female Merchant his discomfort with ostentation and wasteful spending, but is pressured by his attendants to show his nation's wealth on his person.
* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Pretty much the government's unwillingness to deal with the goblin threat can be traced back to him. Although in his defense, the guy is dealing with a world-ending threat on a weekly basis, so it is understandable why he is prioritizing his fighting force to prevent TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt. That said, him complaining about
Sword Maiden's request for military force to deal with a goblin infestation in the Water Town's sewers despite the risk of them invading the town from the inside if left alone does raise some eyebrows.
* NoodleIncident: In Volume 4, Sword Maiden mocks him by bringing up a time when a bushranger ambushed him and beat him so badly he was sent running with his tail between his legs and [[ClothingDamage his pants ripped]].
* NoSocialSkills: He gets easily flustered when dealing with children, attempting to console a lost child by stomping up to her and yell "Don't you dare cry!" to his teammates' incredulity.
* ObstructiveCodeOfConduct: [[spoiler:When Princess gets kidnapped by a goblin ambush in Volume 8, he cannot bring himself to simply summon up his forces to go
on a search and rescue; considering that he had been hands-off concerning goblin exterminations throughout the series, to suddenly gather his army for a goblin-slaying manhunt simply due to personal involvement would be political suicide, so he's forced to hire a discreet adventuring party]].
* RankScalesWithAsskicking: In the past, he was a powerful warrior whom even veterans respected, during a time when adventuring itself was considered a far more dangerous career prospect compared to its modern iteration. [[spoiler:Volume 8 shows that he has not lost his edge]].
* RedBaron: As an adventurer during the days of the Dungeon of the Dead, he was publicly known as the "Knight of Diamonds".
* ReluctantRuler: Has expressed his annoyance at being unable to act from beyond his throne on more than one occasion. During his meeting with Sword Maiden in Volume 4, he tiredly confesses how he wishes he was dungeon-diving with his old party like the good old days.
* RetiredBadass: Between being Gold-rank and the current ruling king, his skin is too valuable to let gallivate off to kill monsters and brigands. He takes this with ill-grace, and sneaks out to fight whenever he can.
* TheRival: Is personally familiar with Sword Maiden because his party was the main competition hers had in
their attempts to reach the bottom of the Dungeon of the Dead first and exorcise the Demon Lord.
* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: Dismissive attitude towards goblins nothwithstanding, one doesn't stay the leader of a nation without a sharp head on his shoulders and a willingness to act. [[spoiler:And that's not going
into the occasions when he picks up a sword once more...]]
* SlashedThroat: Courtesy of the large ax-wielding leader of the "scruffy men." He recovered fully though.
* SpareToTheThrone: Was the third-born son of his line, which was itself a minor branch family of the royal dynasty.
* UnexpectedSuccessor: Apparently his family was minor nobility that were only distantly related to the royal family, but when the latter [[RulingFamilyMassacre were all lost early in the war against the Demon Lord]], he was the closest suitable inheritor.
* VigilanteMan: [[spoiler:Recognizing a conspiracy within his court to have the Princess captured and used as a pawn for Chaos, he dons himself in his old armor and promptly slays all of them single-handedly. In fact, he had been cutting down corrupt figures who were otherwise untouchable by law for the past few years]].
* WarriorPrince: Fought against a high-tier vampire and led an army against a horde of demons and undead in the final battle versus Chaos before the last Demon Lord was defeated, this on top of his adventurer credentials. He is noted in
the present day to have little talent or interest in leading anything ''besides'' a fight though.
* WhenAllYouHaveIsAHammer: The King started out as an adventurer, and wishes he could keep solving every problem as if he still was. Conspirators in his capital city? Let him personally gut them. Royal budget in the red? Let him go slay a dragon for its hoard. Unusual winter storm? Let him take his sword and find the evil wizard obviously responsible! His advisors coach him to refrain from leaping into action [[spoiler:with only partial success]].
* YoungAndInCharge: Samurai Captain, in his first proper conversation with the Knight of Diamonds, is shocked to realize the boy is actually younger than him; only fifteen, ''maybe'' just turned sixteen. Which means that he's still in his mid-to-late twenties when seen in the main story, and even back then he was involved with organizing his family's vassals and levies on top of being the head of his own adventuring party.
* YoungConqueror:
[[spoiler: The way he specifically became gained the crown was by slaying the previous king, who had been corrupted by Chaos and become a Vampire Lord]].

Changed line(s) 525,529 (click to see context) from:

!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/RinaHidaka (Japanese)

The King's little sister and a major person of interest in Volume 8.


!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/RinaHidaka (Japanese)

The King's little sister

and a major person of interest in Volume 8.

Changed line(s) 531,551 (click to see context) from:

* AlwaysIdenticalTwins: Averted; [[spoiler:Princess and Priestess are indeed identical in looks, but the defining physical difference aside from hair length is Princess is far more well-endowed than her ''very likely'' (still unconfirmed) long-lost twin sister]].
* BuxomBeautyStandard: Priestess is [[ACupAngst quite put out]] when she compares their bust-lines.
* DamselInDistress: [[spoiler:The main action of Volume 8 happens when goblins are sent to kidnap her for a VirginSacrifice when she sneaks out of the capital]].
* DeceasedParentsAreTheBest: Both her mother and father are described as "dearly departed" and she pines for them.
* DefiledForever: Discussed about her; although the goblins from the Dungeon of the Dead were under strict orders to leave her untouched to use as a VirginSacrifice, after she was rescued the conspiring nobleman thought about leaking the story of her kidnapping because people would naturally assume she was assaulted anyway and it would be a massive loss of face for the royal siblings, as a consolation prize for the failed offering. Enter the "Knight of Diamonds" to shut his mouth permanently before he got the chance.
* DidntThinkThisThrough: She wanted to be an Adventurer for one day and thought she could handle it. Lone, sheltered girl with little to no combat experience at all fueled by romantic dreams and fantasies running head first into danger; ''what could possible go wrong?''
* ExactWords: When Priestess, thinking her to be just another eager wannabe, warns her to make sure to shop for full and proper equipment, the Princess promises to take the advice to heart. [[spoiler:Cut to Priestess bawling her eyes out when she realizes that Princess stole her favorite chainmail and left a handful of gems behind as "payment"]].
* GuestStarPartyMember: [[spoiler:She tags along with Chosen Heroine, Sword Saint, and Sage in their quest to put down Jupiter's Ghost, helping in the fight by casting Purify on the monster]].
* HeroWorshipper: [[spoiler:Becomes one to Priestess after being saved from the goblins of the Dungeon of the Dead, to the point of devoting herself to the Earth Mother to be more like her]].
* IdenticalStranger: Is stated to heavily resemble Priestess, just with shorter hair and larger breasts. [[spoiler:Likely subverted after ''Daikatana'' Volume 2 and Volume 13 of the main story both reveal that Princess actually had a twin sister that disappeared somehow while still a baby]]. It's all but said (currently still unconfirmed) that [[spoiler:Princess and Priestess are twin sisters]].
* KingIncognito: Comes to Frontier Town in Volume 13 by posing as the priestess observing Guild Girl's practice-dungeon festival idea.
* MyGodWhatHaveIDone: [[spoiler:Her decision to take Priestess' equipment was obviously done at the spur of the moment, and the girl quickly felt ashamed of herself upon noting the care and attachment given to them. She resolved to return Priestess' belongings after her little adventure, but outside forces conspired otherwise]].
* OneTwinMustDie: The Volume 14 blurb reveals that Princess had a twin sister that was tossed out or abandoned as a newborn because the kingdom believes keeping twins under one roof invites misfortune.
* PluckyGirl: She maintains her cheery personality even after being abducted by goblins, and indeed used that experience to temper the worst of her prior frivolousness.
* RebelliousPrincess: Is infuriated with her brother's rank hypocrisy in denying her the chance to experience life as an adventurer when that was what he built his ascension to royalty on. [[spoiler:In Volume 8, Princess steals Priestess' equipment to try slumming it as a sellsword for a night. Goblins immediately [[TemptingFate get their claws on her the instant she's away from her handlers]]]].
* ReviveKillsZombie: Attempted this against Jupiter's Ghost, casting Purify on the seething mass of magically produced and mangled bodies that formed its being. How effective it was is unclear, as the Chosen Heroine immediately launches a follow-up attack and the scene cuts away before the fight can be joined in earnest or the monster can display any reaction.
* RichInDollarsPoorInSense: She understands monetary value, but decided that precious gemstones would be suitable for her plans to escape the Citadel. It's a miracle that the few people she paid with such conspicuous wealth were honest folk who wouldn't have mugged her for the rest of it.
* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: She has become an ordained priestess of the Earth Mother, and has some actual clerical responsibilities and powers.
* VirginSacrifice: The reason she wasn't raped or harmed by the Goblins unlike most of their victims is because they intended to use her as this. Thankfully, Goblin Slayer and Priestess saved her.
* TheWorldIsAlwaysDoomed: Her reaction when seeing Chosen Heroine out and about speaks volumes.
-->'''Princess:''' What kind of danger is the world in this time, O Great Hero?


* AlwaysIdenticalTwins: Averted; [[spoiler:Princess and Priestess are indeed identical in looks, but the defining physical difference aside from hair length is Princess is far more well-endowed than her ''very likely'' (still unconfirmed) long-lost twin sister]].
* BuxomBeautyStandard: Priestess is [[ACupAngst quite put out]] when she compares their bust-lines.
* DamselInDistress: [[spoiler:The main action
of Volume 8 happens when goblins are sent to kidnap her for a VirginSacrifice when she sneaks out of the capital]].
* DeceasedParentsAreTheBest: Both her mother and father are described as "dearly departed" and she pines for them.
* DefiledForever: Discussed about her; although the goblins from the Dungeon of the Dead were under strict orders to leave her untouched to use as a VirginSacrifice, after she was rescued the conspiring nobleman thought about leaking the story of her kidnapping
because people would naturally assume she was assaulted anyway and it would be a massive loss of face for the royal siblings, as a consolation prize for the failed offering. Enter the "Knight of Diamonds" to shut his mouth permanently before he got the chance.
* DidntThinkThisThrough: She wanted to be an Adventurer for one day and thought she could handle it. Lone, sheltered girl with little to no combat experience at all fueled by romantic dreams and fantasies running head first into danger; ''what could possible go wrong?''
* ExactWords: When Priestess, thinking her
to be just another eager wannabe, warns her to make sure to shop for full and proper equipment, the Princess promises to take the advice to heart. [[spoiler:Cut to Priestess bawling her eyes out when she realizes that Princess stole her favorite chainmail and left a handful of gems behind as "payment"]].
* GuestStarPartyMember: [[spoiler:She tags along with Chosen Heroine, Sword Saint, and Sage in
their quest to put down Jupiter's Ghost, helping in the fight by casting Purify on the monster]].
* HeroWorshipper: [[spoiler:Becomes one
to Priestess after being saved from the goblins of the Dungeon of the Dead, to the point of devoting herself to the Earth Mother to be more like her]].
* IdenticalStranger: Is stated to heavily resemble Priestess, just with shorter hair and larger breasts. [[spoiler:Likely subverted after ''Daikatana'' Volume 2 and Volume 13 of the main story both reveal that Princess actually had a twin sister that disappeared somehow while still a baby]]. It's all but said (currently still unconfirmed) that [[spoiler:Princess and Priestess are twin sisters]].
* KingIncognito: Comes to Frontier Town in Volume 13 by posing as the priestess observing Guild Girl's practice-dungeon festival idea.
* MyGodWhatHaveIDone: [[spoiler:Her decision to take Priestess' equipment was obviously done at the spur of the moment, and the girl quickly felt ashamed of herself upon noting the care and attachment given to them. She resolved to return Priestess' belongings after her little adventure, but outside forces conspired otherwise]].
* OneTwinMustDie: The Volume 14 blurb reveals that Princess had a twin sister that was tossed out or abandoned as a newborn because the kingdom believes keeping twins under one roof invites misfortune.
* PluckyGirl: She maintains her cheery personality even after being abducted by goblins, and indeed used that experience to temper the worst of her prior frivolousness.
* RebelliousPrincess: Is infuriated
with her brother's rank hypocrisy in denying her the chance to experience life as an adventurer when that was what he built his ascension to royalty on. [[spoiler:In Volume 8, Princess steals Priestess' equipment to try slumming it as a sellsword for a night. Goblins immediately [[TemptingFate get their claws on her the instant she's away from her handlers]]]].
* ReviveKillsZombie: Attempted this against Jupiter's Ghost, casting Purify on the seething mass of magically produced and mangled bodies that formed its being. How effective it was is unclear, as the Chosen Heroine immediately launches a follow-up attack and the scene cuts away before the fight can be joined in earnest or the monster can display any reaction.
* RichInDollarsPoorInSense: She understands monetary value, but decided that precious gemstones would be suitable for her plans to escape the Citadel. It's a miracle that the few people she paid with such conspicuous wealth were honest folk who wouldn't have mugged her for the rest of it.
* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: She has become an ordained priestess of the Earth Mother, and has some actual clerical responsibilities and powers.
* VirginSacrifice: The reason she wasn't raped or harmed by the Goblins unlike most of their victims is because they intended to use her as this. Thankfully,
Goblin Slayer and Priestess saved her.
* TheWorldIsAlwaysDoomed: Her reaction when seeing Chosen Heroine out and about speaks volumes.
-->'''Princess:''' What kind of danger is
the world in this time, O Great Hero?

Changed line(s) 554,561 (click to see context) from:

[[folder:Kingdom Court]]
!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/{{Lynn}} (Silver-Haired Attendant, Japanese), Creator/KenjiNojima (Cardinal, Japanese), Creator/HirokiYasumoto (Court Mage, Japanese), Creator/KentaroTone (Royal Guardsman, Japanese), Creator/AtsushiOno (Minister, Japanese), Creator/YasuhiroMamiya (Padfoot Advisor, Japanese)
[[caption-width-right:350:Silver-Haired Attendant]]
[[caption-width-right:350:Clockwise from top left:minister, cardinal, padfoot advisor, royal guardsman, court mage]]

All of the King's advisors and policymakers; in particular, his personal inner circle. It consists of an elderly minister, a red-haired cardinal, a tan-skinned court mage, a royal guardsman in silver armor, a Gold-ranked Padfoot adventurer-turned-advisor, and a silver-haired attendant.


[[folder:Kingdom Court]]
!!!'''Voiced by:'''

Creator/{{Lynn}} (Silver-Haired Attendant, Japanese), Creator/KenjiNojima (Cardinal, Japanese), Creator/HirokiYasumoto (Court Mage, Japanese), Creator/KentaroTone (Royal Guardsman, Japanese), Creator/AtsushiOno (Minister, Japanese), Creator/YasuhiroMamiya (Padfoot Advisor, Japanese)
[[caption-width-right:350:Silver-Haired Attendant]]
[[caption-width-right:350:Clockwise from top left:minister, cardinal, padfoot advisor, royal guardsman, court mage]]

All of

the King's advisors and policymakers; in particular, his personal inner circle. It consists of an elderly minister, a red-haired cardinal, a tan-skinned court mage, a royal guardsman in silver armor, a Gold-ranked Padfoot adventurer-turned-advisor, and a silver-haired attendant.

Changed line(s) 563,597 (click to see context) from:

* AmbiguouslyBrown: The court mage is described as "tan-skinned". Given how his complexion is not similarily emphasized in ''Daikatana'', it probably is just a tan. The AnimatedAdaptation, however, makes the character dark-skinned instead.
* BeastMan: The Gold-ranked adventurer is described as a Padfoot with the head of a dog, stubby hands, and copious bushy black hair.
* BodyguardingABadass: For all the royal guardsman's dismissiveness of his liege's combat ability, the man he is in charge of protecting is a celebrated veteran both in dungeon-delving and wars against demons.
* CloudCuckoolandersMinder: The cardinal's role as an advisor seems to mainly encompass him exasperately telling the King he can't [[LeeroyJenkins run off to personally kill evildoers and loot dungeons at the slightest problem]].
* CourtMage: One of the prominent advisors is this.
* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: Silver-Haired Attendant, as revealed by a character spotlight picture in Volume 15, has limpid grey eyes to go along with her trademark mane.
* DeskJockey: Basically all of the royal courts higher officials are Gold-ranked ex-adventuring buddies of the King that are being kept in reserve until a threat warranting their skills bestirs them from their comfortable jobs.
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: Several, if not, all of the advisors are Gold-ranked holdovers of the King's old personal adventuring posse, and while not all of them flex their battle prowess, they all maintain close ties with their old leader and have been granted positions in the highest and closest levels of royal appointment.
* GambitRoulette: Silver-Haired Attendant in Volume 12 [[spoiler:gives the Face and familiar-controlling wizard of the Shadowrunner party a secondary mission to take out the corrupt FantasticRacist city guardswoman trying to murder her half-elven bastard sister, and it is possible the initial contract (a hit placed on the half-elf by drug-runners she was in debt too) was a fake made by them as an excuse to get the party [[KillSteal in conflict with the real killer]]. Of course, the other four members of the party were kept completely in the dark on the real objective, with no guarantee or even real incentive that they would go after the guardswoman when the initial assassination fell through, [[DisposableSexWorker to say nothing of keeping the poor, opioid-addicted, discriminated-against prostitute alive on the off-chance they had reached her first]]]].
* TheGoodChancellor: The minister is an old man who handles most of the actual management of agreed-upon action.
* HardDrinkingPartyGirl: Silver-Haired Attendant can down two glasses of [[GargleBlaster dwarven fire wine]] in a single quaff each, and is barely affected by them.
* HighPriest: The cardinal presumably is one, though it's never clarified what god he serves.
* HonestAdvisor: Everyone of them is on the side of good and firmly in their king's corner, and also rarely hesitate to openly call him an idiot when he behaves childishly or pursues short-sighted plans.
* InnocentlyInsensitive: The elderly minister keeps butting into conversations to suggest minor incentives be made to make more rookie adventurers take goblin-slaying quests, or for Sword Maiden herself to lead a nest-clearing task force. He's not being dismissive or malicious about it; he genuinely is trying to come up with cost-effective solutions for the stated problem with no awareness of how dangerous goblins are to novice fighters and why precisely Sword Maiden simply ''cannot'' deal with it herself despite considering it such an issue.
* {{Jerkass}}: The royal guardsman is a mouthy asshole who makes repeated digs at the physical ability of the rest of the court (the majority of whom are spellcasters and retired adventurers) and who mocks the plight of goblin rape victims while saying he doesn't mind "broken goods", particularly in front of two women (Sword Maiden and Female Merchant) who suffered exactly that. The King makes excuses for him because he's an old adventuring buddy, but everyone else in the room either completely ignores him or views him with naked contempt.
* MysticalWhiteHair: The attendant has silver hair.
* NinjaMaid: The attendant is formally a part of the service staff, but is also a high-level ex-adventurer. [[spoiler:She also accompanies the King on his VigilanteMan hijinks]].
* OlderThanTheyLook: Silver-Haired Scout is at least the minimum age to become an adventurer in ''Daikatana'', but is small and fresh-faced enough to be compared to a ten-year-old girl. This becomes even more the case when she's pictured in the main series; twelve or thirteen years have passed since her heyday, and Silver-Haired Attendant is exactly as young-looking as she was before, just with longer hair.
* OneDegreeOfSeparation: Silver-Haired Scout and Female Warrior at least casually know each other in ''Daikatana'', and Samurai Captain speculates that they grew up in the same orphanage together.
* PintSizedPowerhouse: Silver-Haired Scout is described as barely taller than a [[{{Hobbits}} Rhea]] or a ten-year-old child, but she's still a competent and decorated veteran adventurer.
* PlatinumMakesEverythingShinier: The royal guardsman wears an entire suit of platinum armor.
* PraetorianGuard: The royal guardsman is a powerful former adventurer sporting conspicuous BlingOfWar.
* RetiredBadass: ''Daikatana'' reveals that all of these courtiers (except for the elderly minister) were members of the King's main adventuring party.
* SecretKeeper: [[spoiler:At the very least, the attendant knows about and participates in the King going out to lynch corrupt nobles and evil cultists he can't reach legally. It's hinted the others know or suspect it, but they do nothing to stop it]].
* ShipperOnDeck: Or at least that's what Female Merchant assumes; whenever she serves as a personal assistant to the King, most of his other attendants like the red-haired cardinal tend to clear the room and leave them alone together as noted in Volume 14, and the conclusion she leaps to as for why they do so is that they want or expect her to make a move on him to become his mistress or concubine.
* SignificantGreenEyedRedhead: The cardinal, who is one of the chief advisors, is prominently described as redheaded.
* SixthRanger: While a full story is never given, the Diamond Knight does say to Samurai Captain that Silver-Haired Scout was just a stray that he let tagalong with his party, the rest of whom were his retainers before he took up arms.
* TheSmurfettePrinciple: The only member of this little coterie in ''Daikatana'' that is a girl is Silver-Haired Scout.
* TheSpymaster: Silver-Haired Attendant is effectively this as the main direct hirer and liason of Shadowrunners commissioned to tidy the kingdom's diplomatic messes. Her appearance as a maid is a cover (and also an implication that she likes to dress and act as one).
* StandardRoyalCourt: Beyond the described inner circle, the King has a full-sized council of major-and-moderate ranking wizards, merchants, religious figures, and bueaucrats all jostling to bring their concerns to the fore.
* TheStoic: Silver-Haired Scout is described by Samurai Captain as slight of expression if not emotion, and by the Princess as having a habitually stiff face when not shooting reproachful looks at meatheads, though she [[NotSoStoic loosens up substantially]] with [[HardDrinkingPartyGirl a cup of strong wine]].
* TheTeam: The King was TheLeader of their adventuring party when that was all they were in ''Daikatana''. Silver-Haired Scout was TheLancer, as the one most at his side, even when he's dealing with social issues. The Mage was TheSmartGuy, the Padfoot and the Guard are both TheBigGuy, and the Cardinal is TheHeart on account of valiantly reining in the King's worst excesses when it comes to his desires to flee his court duties and hack up more monsters.
* UndyingLoyalty: When Diamond Knight is making preparations to head back to the capital to put down the vampirized king and face the Army of Darkness, he tries to offload Silver-Haired Scout to Samurai Captain. She affirms her intention to stick by him no matter how many forces of hell he marches against before he can even begin wording the requested transfer.
* WalkingTheEarth: Despite the Kingdom having a capital city that the King himself is pretty much shackled in, his council is stated to be a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itinerant_court traveling court]]; a form of government from European antiquity in which the ruling authority packed and moved up and down its territory, setting up shop in a various cities to address local issues and coordinate regional projects temporarily before moving in a manner comparable to a CircuitJudge.
* WizardClassic: The court mage, when seen as an active adventurer a little over a decade in the past, is described as a very large man, obviously much older than the rest of his team, and with a traditional long, bushy beard.


* AmbiguouslyBrown: The court mage is described as "tan-skinned". Given how his complexion is not similarily emphasized in ''Daikatana'', it probably is just a tan. The AnimatedAdaptation, however, makes the character dark-skinned instead.
* BeastMan: The Gold-ranked adventurer is described as a Padfoot
with the head of a dog, stubby hands, and copious bushy black hair.
* BodyguardingABadass: For all the royal guardsman's dismissiveness of his liege's combat ability, the man he is in charge of protecting is a celebrated veteran both in dungeon-delving and wars against demons.
* CloudCuckoolandersMinder: The cardinal's role as an advisor seems to mainly encompass him exasperately telling
the King he can't [[LeeroyJenkins run off to personally kill evildoers and loot dungeons at the slightest problem]].
* CourtMage: One of the prominent advisors is this.
* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: Silver-Haired Attendant, as revealed by a character spotlight picture in Volume 15, has limpid grey eyes to go along with her trademark mane.
* DeskJockey: Basically all of
the royal courts higher officials are Gold-ranked ex-adventuring buddies of the King that are being kept in reserve until a threat warranting their skills bestirs them from their comfortable jobs.
* ElitesAreMoreGlamorous: Several, if not, all of the advisors are Gold-ranked holdovers of the King's old personal adventuring posse, and while not all of them flex their battle prowess, they all maintain close ties with their old leader and have been granted positions in the highest and closest levels of royal appointment.
* GambitRoulette: Silver-Haired Attendant in Volume 12 [[spoiler:gives the Face and familiar-controlling wizard of the Shadowrunner party a secondary mission to take out the corrupt FantasticRacist city guardswoman trying to murder her half-elven bastard sister, and it is possible the initial contract (a hit placed on the half-elf by drug-runners she was in debt too) was a fake made by them as an excuse to get the party [[KillSteal in conflict with the real killer]]. Of course, the other four members of the party were kept completely in the dark on the real objective, with no guarantee or even real incentive that they would go after the guardswoman when the initial assassination fell through, [[DisposableSexWorker to say nothing of keeping the poor, opioid-addicted, discriminated-against prostitute alive on the off-chance they had reached her first]]]].
* TheGoodChancellor: The minister is an old man who handles most of the actual management of agreed-upon action.
* HardDrinkingPartyGirl: Silver-Haired Attendant can down two glasses of [[GargleBlaster dwarven fire wine]] in a single quaff each, and is barely affected by them.
* HighPriest: The cardinal presumably is one, though it's never clarified what god he serves.
* HonestAdvisor: Everyone of them is on the side of good and firmly in their king's corner, and also rarely hesitate to openly call him an idiot when he behaves childishly or pursues short-sighted plans.
* InnocentlyInsensitive: The elderly minister keeps butting into conversations to suggest minor incentives be made to make more rookie adventurers take goblin-slaying quests, or for Sword Maiden herself to lead a nest-clearing task force. He's not being dismissive or malicious about it; he genuinely is trying to come up with cost-effective solutions for the stated problem with no awareness of how dangerous goblins are to novice fighters and why precisely Sword Maiden simply ''cannot'' deal with it herself despite considering it such an issue.
* {{Jerkass}}: The royal guardsman is a mouthy asshole who makes repeated digs at the physical ability of the rest of the court (the majority of whom are spellcasters and retired adventurers) and who mocks the plight of goblin rape victims while saying he doesn't mind "broken goods", particularly in front of two women (Sword Maiden and Female Merchant) who suffered exactly that. The King makes excuses for him because he's an old adventuring buddy, but everyone else in the room either completely ignores him or views him with naked contempt.
* MysticalWhiteHair: The attendant has silver hair.
* NinjaMaid: The attendant is formally a part of the service staff, but is also a high-level ex-adventurer. [[spoiler:She also accompanies the King on his VigilanteMan hijinks]].
* OlderThanTheyLook: Silver-Haired Scout is at least the minimum age to become an adventurer in ''Daikatana'', but is small and fresh-faced enough to be compared to a ten-year-old girl. This becomes even more the case when she's pictured in the main series; twelve or thirteen years have passed since her heyday, and Silver-Haired Attendant is exactly as young-looking as she was before, just with longer hair.
* OneDegreeOfSeparation: Silver-Haired Scout and Female Warrior at least casually know each other in ''Daikatana'', and Samurai Captain speculates that they grew up in the same orphanage together.
* PintSizedPowerhouse: Silver-Haired Scout is described as barely taller than a [[{{Hobbits}} Rhea]] or a ten-year-old child, but she's still a competent and decorated veteran adventurer.
* PlatinumMakesEverythingShinier: The royal guardsman wears an entire suit of platinum armor.
* PraetorianGuard: The royal guardsman is a powerful former adventurer sporting conspicuous BlingOfWar.
* RetiredBadass:
''Daikatana'' reveals that all of these courtiers (except for the elderly minister) were members of the King's main adventuring party.
* SecretKeeper: [[spoiler:At the very least, the attendant knows about
and participates in the King going out to lynch corrupt nobles and evil cultists he can't reach legally. It's hinted the others know or suspect it, but they do nothing to stop it]].
* ShipperOnDeck: Or at least that's what Female Merchant assumes; whenever she serves as a personal assistant to the King, most of his other attendants like the red-haired cardinal tend to clear the room and leave them alone together as noted in Volume 14, and the conclusion she leaps to as for why they do so is that they want or expect her to make a move on him to become his mistress or concubine.
* SignificantGreenEyedRedhead: The cardinal, who is one of the chief advisors, is prominently described as redheaded.
* SixthRanger: While a full story is never given, the Diamond Knight does say to
Samurai Captain that Silver-Haired Scout was just a stray that he let tagalong with his party, the rest of whom were his retainers before he took up arms.
* TheSmurfettePrinciple: The only member of this little coterie in ''Daikatana'' that is a girl is Silver-Haired Scout.
* TheSpymaster: Silver-Haired Attendant is effectively this as
the main direct hirer and liason of Shadowrunners commissioned to tidy the kingdom's diplomatic messes. Her appearance as a maid is a cover (and also an implication that she likes to dress and act as one).
* StandardRoyalCourt: Beyond the described inner circle, the King has a full-sized council of major-and-moderate ranking wizards, merchants, religious figures, and bueaucrats all jostling to bring their concerns to the fore.
* TheStoic: Silver-Haired Scout is described by Samurai Captain as slight of expression if not emotion, and by the Princess as having a habitually stiff face when not shooting reproachful looks at meatheads, though she [[NotSoStoic loosens up substantially]] with [[HardDrinkingPartyGirl a cup of strong wine]].
* TheTeam: The King was TheLeader of their adventuring party when that was all they were in ''Daikatana''. Silver-Haired Scout was TheLancer, as the one most at his side, even when he's dealing with social issues. The Mage was TheSmartGuy, the Padfoot and the Guard are both TheBigGuy, and the Cardinal is TheHeart on account of valiantly reining in the King's worst excesses when it comes to his desires to flee his court duties and hack up more monsters.
* UndyingLoyalty: When Diamond Knight is making preparations to head back to the capital to put down the vampirized king and face the Army of Darkness, he tries to offload Silver-Haired Scout to Samurai Captain. She affirms her intention to stick by him no matter how many forces of hell he marches against before he can even begin wording the requested transfer.
* WalkingTheEarth: Despite the Kingdom having a capital city that the King himself is pretty much shackled in, his council is stated to be a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itinerant_court traveling court]]; a form of government from European antiquity in which the ruling authority packed and moved up and down its territory, setting up shop in a various cities to address local issues and coordinate regional projects temporarily before moving in a manner comparable to a CircuitJudge.
* WizardClassic: The court mage, when seen as
an active adventurer a little over a decade in the past, is described as a very large man, obviously much older than the rest of his team, and with a traditional long, bushy beard.

Changed line(s) 600,605 (click to see context) from:

!!Northern Kingdom Royalty


A knight of the Kingdom that helped the Northern tribes fight monster incursions in the last Demon King war, married a woman there, and was appointed viceroy when the region agreed to become the Kingdom's vassal.


!!Northern Kingdom Royalty


A knight of the Kingdom

that helped the Northern tribes fight monster incursions in the last Demon King war, married a woman there, and was appointed viceroy when the region agreed to become the Kingdom's vassal.

Changed line(s) 607,622 (click to see context) from:

* BarbarianLongHair: Wears his hair out in a silky mullet.
* BloodKnight: Is always raring for bloodshed and stays nonchalant even when being ambushed by a giant sea monster.
* CasualDangerDialogue: Strolls around on deck and laughs at his men being eaten by a sea monster and panicking.
* ClothingConcealedInjury: Is first seen wearing his cloak sideways to cover his arm being crippled from a stab in the shoulder during a routine raid some time beforehand.
* FeudingFamilies: His father ran away from the North with immediate family in tow to avoid being on the losing side of a blood-feud. He returned as an adult and nullified the feud by marrying into another family and fighting demons.
* GoingNative: Is a Viking by blood, but lived as long as he could remember in the southwestern Kingdom. He feels no particular kinship with his brethen and even years after moving back he still can't grasp their language or culture.
* GoodOldFisticuffs: Apparently fought a giant bee demon barehanded while courting his wife. He claims it was the only way to keep the battle fair in an apparent inside-joke with his bondsmen.
* HappilyMarried: Was and is deeply in love with the woman he married.
* LanguageBarrier: The Vikings have their own unique dialect of the Common Tongue that makes it difficult for outsiders to follow their conversations. He has been trying to learn their speech to fit in among them, but still needs his wife to supply specific words for him from time to time.
* MachoMasochism: He allegedly hasn't had his wounded arm magically healed because his wife is saving her miracles to interrogate prisoners, but it stands to reason that followers of the Sadistic Goddess look down on those who seek a swift remedy to injuries. Priestess offers to heal him when she meets him, which he allows solely because it would be ungracious to refuse a guest offering their services.
* MasterSwordsman: Is called as such and is able to ''duel'' with a giant sea-monster with a mundane longsword.
* OneDegreeOfSeparation: Is the maternal uncle of the current King of the human kingdom.
* PrettyBoy: On top of being unexpectantly young, Priestess notes him as being much more svelte and refined than the stereotypical viking. He even refuses to grow a beard despite the wife he excessively adores asking him to try it.
* SickeninglySweethearts: He and his wife are constantly cooing over each other with pet names, to the point that his bondsmen and the party roll their eyes or avert them from their extravagances.
* SpellBlade: [[spoiler:The climax of the fight with the sea-monster is a full-power blow from his sword enhanced with the ShockAndAwe blessing of his wife]].
* SwordPlant: Is repeatedly noted to have a habit of stabbing his sword into the ground to lean against the hilt.


* BarbarianLongHair: Wears his hair out in a silky mullet.
* BloodKnight: Is always raring for bloodshed and stays nonchalant even when being ambushed by a giant sea monster.
* CasualDangerDialogue: Strolls around on deck and laughs at his men being eaten by a sea monster and panicking.
* ClothingConcealedInjury: Is first seen wearing his cloak sideways to cover his arm being crippled from a stab
in the shoulder during a routine raid some time beforehand.
* FeudingFamilies: His father ran away from the North with immediate family in tow to avoid being on the losing side of a blood-feud. He returned as an adult and nullified the feud by marrying into another family and fighting demons.
* GoingNative: Is a Viking by blood, but lived as long as he could remember in the southwestern Kingdom. He feels no particular kinship with his brethen and even years after moving back he still can't grasp their language or culture.
* GoodOldFisticuffs: Apparently fought a giant bee demon barehanded while courting his wife. He claims it was the only way to keep the battle fair in an apparent inside-joke with his bondsmen.
* HappilyMarried: Was and is deeply in love with the woman he married.
* LanguageBarrier: The Vikings have their own unique dialect of the Common Tongue that makes it difficult for outsiders to follow their conversations. He has been trying to learn their speech to fit in among them, but still needs his wife to supply specific words for him from time to time.
* MachoMasochism: He allegedly hasn't had his wounded arm magically healed because his wife is saving her miracles to interrogate prisoners, but it stands to reason that followers of the Sadistic Goddess look down on those who seek a swift remedy to injuries. Priestess offers to heal him when she meets him, which he allows solely because it would be ungracious to refuse a guest offering their services.
* MasterSwordsman: Is called as such and is able to ''duel'' with a giant sea-monster with a mundane longsword.
* OneDegreeOfSeparation: Is the maternal uncle of the current King of the human kingdom.
* PrettyBoy: On top of being unexpectantly young, Priestess notes him as being much more svelte and refined than the stereotypical viking. He even refuses to grow a beard despite the wife he excessively adores asking him to try it.
* SickeninglySweethearts: He and his wife are constantly cooing over each other with pet names,
to the point that his bondsmen and the party roll their eyes or avert them from their extravagances.
* SpellBlade: [[spoiler:The climax of the fight with the sea-monster is a full-power blow from his sword enhanced with the ShockAndAwe blessing of his wife]].
* SwordPlant: Is repeatedly noted to have a habit of stabbing his sword into the ground to lean against the hilt.

Changed line(s) 625,628 (click to see context) from:


A woman from the North who is a religious leader and married to their viceroy.



A woman from the North

who is a religious leader and married to their viceroy.

Changed line(s) 630,651 (click to see context) from:

* AccentInterest: She has been learning the standard Common Tongue from her husband for a while, but still has a distinct accent. Priestess finds it bewitching to hear, but she's embarrassed of it and has been practicing by herself in secret to speak without it in preparation for a possible future trip down south to the Kingdom's court.
* BlemishedBeauty: Her extensive lightning scar is said by her to have scared off many potential suitors before the man who eventually became her husband moved in from the south.
* CharacterTic: She reflexively fiddles with her keys when embarrassed or insecure.
* TheChiefsDaughter: Was born into a family of prominence among her people.
* AChildShallLeadThem: She defensively states she was "hardly in the cradle" when her father and siblings died, but if she's really only a few years older than Priestess than she was certainly not mature when she rose to power.
* ClaimedByTheSupernatural: Her lightning scar is considered to be a sign of favor by the Mother of Darkness. [[spoiler:She can even call upon a miracle through it]].
* ClingyJealousGirl: Gets moody and passive-aggressive if her husband's attention turns to anyone else.
* CoolKey: Wears a collection of gold, silver, and black-metal keys at all times. Priestess at first assumes that they are a symbol of office, then later concludes they are an indicator of a married woman.
* CrushBlush: Frequently gets a radiant blush when teased by her beloved husband, or just thinking of him.
* EyeScream: As a little girl she was ''struck by lightning'' in the eye.
* HappilyMarried: Was and is deeply in love with the man she married.
* IAmNotPretty: Despite her scar supposedly being "a gift from the Mother of Darkness" and a point of pride, she considers it ugly, states prospective suitors turned her away because of it, and disbelieves both Priestess and her beloved husband that they still consider her beautiful regardless.
* TheMedic: She has no healing magic, but her service to the Mother of Darkness has made her an exemplary surgeon.
* ThePowerOfLove: She and her husband carry on about how the enhancement miracle she can cast on him is borne out of their mutual devotion and faith for each other as much or even more than it is a boon from the goddess she serves.
* RoadsideSurgery: Performs top-notch surgery on a longship deck in the middle of a pitch battle.
* ScarsAreForever: She got struck by lightning in the eye as a little girl, and to this day has a lichtenberg figure on her face, neck, right arm, and over her heart.
* SickeninglySweethearts: She and her husband are constantly cooing over each other with pet names, to the point that his bondsmen and the party roll their eyes or avert them from their extravagances.
* SkipTheAnesthetic: A good surgeon she may be, but as a devotee to "the sadistic goddess" she is hardly about to deign to offer something so heretical as a painkiller unless ''absolutely'' necessary.
* SuperEmpowering: [[spoiler:The only miracle she exhibits is when she grants her husband a strengthening aura of ShockAndAwe magic at the end of his fight with the sea-monster]].
* TortureTechnician: As a devotee to a goddess of pain, she of course is always ready to interrogate prisoners with stuff like serrated scalpels and the like.
* WorldsMostBeautifulWoman: Priestess thinks she matches if not exceeds Sword Maiden in the looks department, and that she could hold her own against the elves in a beauty contest.
* YoungerThanTheyLook: With how voluptuous and mature she is, she should be about as old as Sword Maiden. But no, Priestess deduces after a few conversations that she is maybe a few years older than her own 17-going-on-18.


* AccentInterest: She has been learning the standard Common Tongue from her husband for a while, but still has a distinct accent. Priestess finds it bewitching to hear, but she's embarrassed of it and has been practicing by herself in secret to speak without it in preparation for a possible future trip down south to the Kingdom's court.
* BlemishedBeauty: Her extensive lightning scar is said by her to have scared
off many potential suitors before the man who eventually became her husband moved in from the south.
* CharacterTic: She reflexively fiddles with her keys when embarrassed
or insecure.
* TheChiefsDaughter: Was born into a family of prominence among her people.
* AChildShallLeadThem: She defensively states she was "hardly in the cradle" when her father and siblings died, but if
she's really only a few years older than Priestess than she was certainly not mature when she rose to power.
* ClaimedByTheSupernatural: Her lightning scar is considered to be a sign of favor by the Mother of Darkness. [[spoiler:She can even call upon a miracle through it]].
* ClingyJealousGirl: Gets moody
and passive-aggressive if her husband's attention turns to anyone else.
* CoolKey: Wears a collection of gold, silver, and black-metal keys at all times. Priestess at first assumes that they are a symbol of office, then later concludes they are an indicator of a married woman.
* CrushBlush: Frequently
gets a radiant blush when teased by her beloved husband, or just thinking of him.
* EyeScream: As a little girl she was ''struck by lightning''
in the eye.
* HappilyMarried: Was and is deeply in love with the man she married.
* IAmNotPretty: Despite her scar supposedly being "a gift from the Mother of Darkness" and a point of pride, she considers it ugly, states prospective suitors turned her away because of it, and disbelieves both Priestess and her beloved husband that they still consider her beautiful regardless.
* TheMedic:
She has no healing magic, but her service to the Mother of Darkness has made her an exemplary surgeon.
* ThePowerOfLove: She and her husband carry on about how the enhancement miracle she can cast on him is borne out of their mutual devotion and faith for each other as much or even more than it is a boon from the goddess she serves.
* RoadsideSurgery: Performs top-notch surgery on a longship deck in the middle of a pitch battle.
* ScarsAreForever: She got struck by lightning in the eye as a little girl, and to this day has a lichtenberg figure on her face, neck, right arm, and over her heart.
* SickeninglySweethearts: She and her husband are constantly cooing over each
other with pet names, to the point that his bondsmen and the party roll their eyes or avert them from their extravagances.
* SkipTheAnesthetic: A good surgeon she may be, but as a devotee to "the sadistic goddess" she is hardly about to deign to offer something so heretical as a painkiller unless ''absolutely'' necessary.
* SuperEmpowering: [[spoiler:The only miracle she exhibits is when she grants her husband a strengthening aura of ShockAndAwe magic at the end of his fight with the sea-monster]].
* TortureTechnician: As a devotee to a goddess of pain, she of course is always ready to interrogate prisoners with stuff like serrated scalpels and the like.
* WorldsMostBeautifulWoman: Priestess thinks she matches if not exceeds Sword Maiden in the looks department, and
that she could hold her own against the elves in a beauty contest.
* YoungerThanTheyLook: With how voluptuous and mature she is, she should be about as old as Sword Maiden. But no, Priestess deduces after a few conversations that she is maybe a few years older than her own 17-going-on-18.

Changed line(s) 654,658 (click to see context) from:

!!Desert Kingdom Royalty

[[folder:Desert Princess]]

The next in line ruler of the Desert Kingdom. Abducted after her parents were killed in an attempt to intimidate her into giving away her throne.


!!Desert Kingdom Royalty

[[folder:Desert Princess]]

The next in line ruler

of the Desert Kingdom. Abducted after her parents were killed in an attempt to intimidate her into giving away her throne.

Changed line(s) 660,672 (click to see context) from:

* AbdicateTheThrone: Was being pressured to do this by the Regent, but refused.
* AnimalCompanion: Has a pet rat, trained enough to sneak messages out of the palace in lockdown.
* BuxomBeautyStandard: Is described as having an ample chest in one instance.
* DeathGlare: The prime minister feels she can have frozen and killed him with the venom of her outraged look.
* FaceDeathWithDignity: Refused to abandon her castle with her servants, even against their desperate warnings she would likely be abused and executed by the usurpers, charging them to secure outside help as she held her ground.
* ForcedToWatch: As the Regent's goblin army had their way with breeding slaves, as a threat to her integrity if she continued to hold out on him.
* GildedCage: Her servants liken her sheltered upbringing to one. Becomes more literal when she's captured by her EvilChancellor, how keeps her in her rooms but threatens her life with curses.
* TheHighQueen: Mature and firm in the face evil most depraved, she is poised to grow into a strong queen after being liberated by the Young Knight.
* LadyAndKnight: With the Young Knight that the handmaidens found.
* RaceAgainstTheClock: She is bonded to a cursed hourglass that will kill her if the prime minister lets it run out.
* RescueRomance: If the rumors are to be believed, Guild Girl states the young knight who liberated her is "by her side" now; implying the two have formed more than a LadyAndKnight relationship.
* RightfulKingReturns: While she was never out of power offically, she was pretty much a puppet queen by the Prime Minister until her handmaidens found a young knight that restored her to power.
* ShelteredAristocrat: Was never let out of the castle or exposed to shady diplomacy, like her father before her.


* AbdicateTheThrone: Was being pressured to do this by the Regent, but refused.
* AnimalCompanion: Has a pet rat, trained enough to sneak messages out of the palace in lockdown.
* BuxomBeautyStandard: Is described as having an ample chest in one instance.
* DeathGlare: The prime minister feels she can have frozen
and killed him with the venom of her outraged look.
* FaceDeathWithDignity: Refused to abandon her castle with her servants, even against their desperate warnings she would likely be abused and executed by the usurpers, charging them to secure outside help as she held her ground.
* ForcedToWatch: As the Regent's goblin army had their way with breeding slaves, as a threat to her integrity if she continued to hold out on him.
* GildedCage: Her servants liken her sheltered upbringing to one. Becomes more literal when she's captured by her EvilChancellor, how keeps her in her rooms but threatens her life with curses.
* TheHighQueen: Mature and firm
in the face evil most depraved, she is poised to grow into a strong queen after being liberated by the Young Knight.
* LadyAndKnight: With the Young Knight that the handmaidens found.
* RaceAgainstTheClock: She is bonded to a cursed hourglass that will kill her if the prime minister lets it run out.
* RescueRomance: If the rumors are to be believed, Guild Girl states the young knight who liberated her is "by her side" now; implying the two
have formed more than a LadyAndKnight relationship.
* RightfulKingReturns: While she was never out of power offically, she was pretty much a puppet queen by the Prime Minister until her handmaidens found a young knight that restored her
to power.
* ShelteredAristocrat: Was never let out of the castle or exposed
to shady diplomacy, like her father before her.

Changed line(s) 675,676 (click to see context) from:

[[folder:Young Knight]]
A farm boy in the desert with his uncle that agrees to go with the Handmaids to rescue the Desert Princess.


[[folder:Young Knight]]

A farm boy in the desert with his uncle that agrees to go with the Handmaids to rescue the Desert Princess.

Changed line(s) 678,684 (click to see context) from:

* AndTheAdventureContinues: Volume 11 ends with him becoming companions to the Royal Handmaidens and agrees to help save the Desert Princess; to which he succeeds.
* CoolSword: Wields a beautiful ancestral sword that his family sealed away long ago. In his hand is emits a whitish-blue glow and hums with power.
* HeroicLineage: He becomes the personal Knight "Like his Father before him"
* HeroOfAnotherStory: Even the Great Gods were ''extremely'' interested in his incredible tale of rescuing the Desert Princess, defeating the Prime Minister, restoring the Desert Kingdom to the Forces of Order, and becoming the Desert Princess's personal knight and implied lover '''all off screen in between volumes'''!
* LadyAndKnight: Becomes the "Knight" to the Desert Princess
* RagsToRoyalty: Implied, he starts as a farmer in the desert and succeeds in a quest to rescue the Desert Princess, and if rumors are to be believed, he forms a RescueRomance with the Desert Princess. At the very least, he has become her personal knight which is a ''major'' boost to his lifestyle.
* UndyingLoyalty: Agreed to go on a quest to save the Desert Princess and restore her to power out of the blue, liberates her and the Desert Kingdom from the Prime Minister, and becomes her personal knight.


* AndTheAdventureContinues: Volume 11 ends with him becoming companions to the Royal Handmaidens and agrees to help save the Desert Princess; to which he succeeds.
* CoolSword: Wields a beautiful ancestral sword that
his family sealed away long ago. In his hand is emits a whitish-blue glow and hums with power.
* HeroicLineage: He becomes the
personal Knight "Like his Father before him"
* HeroOfAnotherStory: Even the Great Gods were ''extremely'' interested in his incredible tale of rescuing the Desert Princess, defeating the Prime Minister, restoring the Desert Kingdom to the Forces of Order, and becoming the Desert Princess's personal knight and implied lover '''all off screen in between volumes'''!
* LadyAndKnight: Becomes the "Knight" to the Desert Princess
* RagsToRoyalty: Implied,
he starts as a farmer in the desert and succeeds in a quest to rescue the Desert Princess, and if rumors are to be believed, he forms a RescueRomance with the Desert Princess. At the very least, he has become her personal knight which is a ''major'' boost to his lifestyle.
* UndyingLoyalty: Agreed
to go on a quest to save the Desert Princess and restore her to power out of the blue, liberates her and the Desert Kingdom from the Prime Minister, and becomes her personal knight.

Changed line(s) 687,688 (click to see context) from:

A pair of handmaidens to the Desert Princess, an elf and a rhea, trying to get help for their mistress.



A pair of handmaidens to the Desert Princess, an elf and a rhea, trying to get help for their mistress.

Changed line(s) 690,698 (click to see context) from:

* AndTheAdventureContinues: Volume 11 ends with them becoming companions to a farm boy with HeroicLineage that agrees to help save the Desert Princess.
* BreakTheHaughty: The elf is incredibly snooty, and gets an inordinate amount of abuse compared to her rhea friend. [[spoiler:She eventually breaks down to a FarmBoy, kowtowing and weeping for help.]]
* HaughtyHelp: The elf is prideful even compared to other elves despite serving humans.
* MadeASlave: At one point they get caught by kidnappers with the intent of selling at the market. [[spoiler:They get bought by a farmer and escape with help from his nephew]] .
* SilentBob: The rhea doesn't talk where the reader can see what she's saying.
* ThoseTwoGuys: A pair of servants joined at the hip trying to get someone to help save their lady.
* TraumaCongaLine: The number of ambushes and attacks they suffer in their quest is ridiculous.
* UndyingLoyalty: They will not abandon their young charge, no matter how bad things get for them.
* VitriolicBestBuds: Always fighting, but they're good friends and care for the other almost as much as the princess.


* AndTheAdventureContinues: Volume 11

ends with them becoming companions to a farm boy with HeroicLineage that agrees to help save the Desert Princess.
* BreakTheHaughty: The elf is incredibly snooty, and gets an inordinate amount of abuse
compared to

her rhea friend. [[spoiler:She eventually breaks

down to a FarmBoy, kowtowing and weeping for help.

* HaughtyHelp: The elf is prideful even compared to other elves despite serving humans.
* MadeASlave: At one point they get caught by kidnappers with
the intent of selling at the market. [[spoiler:They get bought by a farmer and escape

with help from

his nephew]] .
* SilentBob:

The rhea

doesn't talk where the reader can see what she's saying.
* ThoseTwoGuys: A pair
of servants joined at the hip trying to get someone to help save their lady.
* TraumaCongaLine: The number
of ambushes and attacks they suffer in their quest is ridiculous.
* UndyingLoyalty: They will
not abandon their young charge, no matter how bad things get for them.
* VitriolicBestBuds: Always fighting, but they're good friends and care for the other almost

as much as

the princess.

History for Sandbox/MorganWick - TV Tropes (2025)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.