French Apple Cake - Easy - Recipe Winners (2024)

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French Apple Cake - Easy - Recipe Winners (1)

What Is French Apple Cake

French Apple Cake is really a lot of apple with a little bit of batter joining the apples together, baked till tender then a sugary, butter topping finishes off the cake. It’s more of a crustless tart than a cake, and perfect for serving after a hearty meal.

This French Apple Cake recipe is from Patricia Wells, an American cookbook author and teacher, who has lived in Paris for years. The story goes that Wells asked a Parisienne stall holder selling apples from her family orchard for a recipe.

This is her resulting French apple cake recipe. It’s a homely recipe, typical of French provincial home cooking. Delicious served cold with some Quick No Churn Vanilla Bean Ice cream, or hot with a Super Simple Creme Anglaise (custard).

At a Glance This Is What You Need To Make French Apple Cake

French Apple Cake - Easy - Recipe Winners (2)

We grew up surrounded by apple orchards so consequently apples featured heavily in our dessert repertoire. Although this particular cake recipe wasn’t about in the day, it would have been snaffled up, had it been.

All In One Apple Cake

This French Apple Cake is a little winner. You’re simply making a batter and coating the apple slices with the batter and baking for 30 minutes then pouring a little topping made with egg, sugar and butter that bakes till its golden and a little crunchy on top. Super easy and delish! 😄

What Apples Are Best For Apple Cake

We used Granny Smith apples that are moderately sweet with crisp flesh, fresh from the orchard of our friend Carol. You can use whatever apples you like, but some apples contain more moisture than others, so the cooking time won’t be a constant.

When it comes to baking, the best baking apple varieties maintain their structure. The slices hold their shape and don’t go all mushy.

There are lots of other varieties that you can use such as:

  • Fuji – sweet and juicy
  • Pink Lady – balance between tart and sweet
  • Golden Delicious – firm, with a mild sweet flavour
  • Jazz – crisp and sweet
  • Honeycrisp – honey-sweet and tart flavour
  • Jonagold – tangy sweet flavour

Hot Tip # 1

Using a mandolin makes short work to slice the apples, but a sharp knife will do the job. Try to get the apple slices as thin as possible.

French Apple Cake - Easy - Recipe Winners (3)

The Batter

Hot Tip # 2

The batter for French Apple Cake is quite thin and the best way to make sure each slice of apple is coated is to use your hands to rub the apple slices ensuring that each slice is covered in the batter.

The Topping

The topping of melted butter, sugar and an egg mixed together sets to a thin crunchy golden topping that really finishes off the cake beautifully.

  • French Apple Cake - Easy - Recipe Winners (4)
  • French Apple Cake - Easy - Recipe Winners (5)

How To Store French Apple Cake

French Apple Cake is best stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Before serving remove cake from the fridge and allow it to come to room temperature for an hour or so.

Can I Freeze French Apple Cake

French Apple Cake can be frozen. Wrap the cooled cake in plastic film then wrap in alfoil. Freeze for 6-8 weeks. Take cake from freezer and remove alfoil and place on a plate in the refrigerator still covered to thaw overnight. Bring the cake to room temperature for an hour or so, removing plastic wrapping just before serving.

If you’d like to serve it warm unwrap the cake and preheat oven to 160c (320f) and pop the cake on a baking sheet for around twenty minutes. You’re not looking for the cake to be piping hot just simply to warm the cake if you don’t want it cold.

Watch How To Make French Apple Cake

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Don’t forget to rate this recipe and let us know what you thought when you make these fabulous French Apple Cake in the reviews below.

French Apple Cake - Easy - Recipe Winners (6)

Yield: 10 serves

French Apple Cake

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 50 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes

French apple cake is really a lot of apple with a little bit of batter joining the apples together, baked till tender then a sugary, butter topping finishes off the cake. It's more of a crustless tart than a cake, and perfect for serving after a hearty soup or stew.



  • lightly butter a 22cm (9 inch) cake tin and line base with baking paper
  • 1/2 cup plain (all purpose) flour
  • 1/2 cup caster sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon fine salt
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs, beaten lightly
  • 1/3 cup full cream milk
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 4 large apples (about 1 kg / 2 pounds) cored, peeled and cut into thin slices - see notes
  • icing sugar to dust - optional


  • 1/3 cup caster sugar
  • 1 large egg, beaten lightly
  • 3 tablespoons butter, melted



  • preheat oven to 200c (400f) bake not fan
  • in a large bowl combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt
  • add the vanilla, eggs, oil and milk and mix till well combined
  • add the apple slices and using your hands mix the apple with the batter so as to coat each individual slice of apple
  • pour into the prepared pan and bake on the centre shelf for 30 minutes - pop a timer on


  • in a small bowl combine the egg, sugar and butter and stir to blend then set aside
  • when the 30 minutes for the cake is up, remove cake from oven
  • pour topping mix over the cake and spread the topping evenly over the apples
  • return to oven for 20 minutes until some of the apple slices are tinged golden
  • remove cake from oven onto a wire rack
  • run a knife around the sides of the pan and allow to cool
  • turn cake out onto a plate and then turn onto an airing rack so the top of the cake is once again upright
  • cool
  • dust with icing sugar
  • serve at room temperature
  • enjoy!


  • We used Granny Smith apples fresh from the orchard of our friend Carol. You can use whatever apples you like, but some apples contain more moisture than others, so the cooking time won't be a constant.
  • Slice apples as thin as possible

Nutrition Information



Serving Size


Amount Per Serving Calories 205Total Fat 9gSaturated Fat 4gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 5gCholesterol 69mgSodium 233mgCarbohydrates 30gFiber 0gSugar 29gProtein 2g

Nutritional information provided here is only intended as a guide.

Cooper standing guard, just incase something should fall while we do the finishing shots.

French Apple Cake - Easy - Recipe Winners (7)

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French Apple Cake - Easy - Recipe Winners (2024)


What is the history of apple cake in France? ›

The exact origins of the French apple cake, or “Gâteau aux Pommes,” are tough to trace, but the dessert is deeply rooted in French culinary traditions, where baking with seasonal fruits is common. Chef John's take features diced Honeycrisp apples (skin on) and dark rum for a richer flavor.

Why does my apple cake fall apart? ›

Why Did My Apple Cake Fall Apart? There are two main reasons why an apple cake would fall apart: (1) it was simply too warm when you were trying to cut and serve it or (2) you used too many/the wrong kind of apple.

What is a substitute for dark rum in apple cake? ›

This flavor pairs beautifully with the sweet vanilla cake and tart apples. However, if you would like to substitute the dark rum, I recommend using rum extract (2 teaspoons (10 ml) extract for every tablespoon (15 ml) of dark rum), or use another darker alcohol such as cognac or brandy.

What are the best apples for baking a cake? ›

According to New England Today, the best apples for baking are firm-tart apples, and firm-sweet apples. Firm-tart apples are apples like Granny Smith, Esopus Spitzenburg, Northern Spy, Ida Red, and Pink Pearl. Firm-sweet apples are Ginger Gold, Golden Delicious, Jazz, Jonagold, and Pink Lady.

Who was the French lady who ate cake? ›

Attribution to Marie Antoinette. The phrase was supposedly said by Marie Antoinette in 1789, during one of the famines in France during the reign of her husband, King Louis XVI. But it was not attributed to her until half a century later.

What is the oldest cake in the world? ›

The Egyptians gave us the world's oldest known cake–and also the world's oldest Tupperware as it happens. During the reign of Pepi II from BCE 2251 to 2157, bakers mixed up a wheat dough for flatbread and filled it with honey and milk. The dough was poured into two pre-heated copper molds that fit tightly together.

Why is my apple cake too moist? ›

The ratio of wet to dry ingredients determines a cake's moisture level. If there's simply too much flour and not enough butter, a cake will taste dry. On the other hand, if there's too much milk and not enough flour, a cake will taste too wet.

Why is my apple cake raw in the middle? ›

There are many reasons why your cake is over-cooking on the sides and under-cooking in the middle:
  1. It may be that your oven is running hot. ...
  2. If the oven temperature is correct, another issue may be pan size. ...
  3. If the pans are the correct size and the oven is running true-to-temp, the other issue may be your ingredients.
Dec 13, 2013

How do I make my cake more moist? ›

From ingredient swaps to unique methods, explore these ways to help make your cakes moist.
  7. USE CAKE FLOUR. ...

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For example, rum and bourbon give off nutty and vanilla tasting notes that work well with pie filling, cake mix and cookie dough (much like a vanilla extract). Red wine, port and brandy, on the other hand, add a sweetness that pairs nicely with glazes, chocolate cake and gingerbread.

What is the best rum for baking? ›

Taste a few good rums and decide what you like. Sometimes a very rich rum brings more flavor while a light rum is more subtle. Goslings and puss*rs are rich rums that have more rum flavor, while Bacardi Gold is much lighter. Myers's and Cruzan Blackstrap are among the darkest and richest rums for baking.

What is a rum soaked cake called? ›

A rum baba or baba au rhum is a small yeast cake saturated in syrup made with hard liquor, usually rum, and sometimes filled with whipped cream or pastry cream.

How many apples is 3 cups? ›

1 pound of apples will make about 3 cups sliced or cubed. 4 tennis ball-sized apples weigh about a pound.

What happened to Winesap apples? ›

In the late 20th century, Winesap apples faded from commercial production due to advancements in refrigeration, allowing an influx of other apple varieties to permeate the market.

What are the top 5 apples for baking? ›

For the best pies, crisps, and other baked treats, apples need to be firm enough to hold their own during the cooking process. We call these apples “baking apples” and to namedrop, they include Braeburn, Cortland, Honey Gold, Jonathan, Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Haralson, and Newtown Pippin.

What is the history of the French King Cake? ›

The King Cake is believed to have originated in France around the 12th century. These early Europeans celebrated the coming of the three wise men bearing gifts twelve days after Christmas calling it the Feast of the epiphany, Twelfth Night, or King's Day.

What is the history of apple desserts? ›

Apple Pie – The earliest apple pie recipe hails from England in 1381! (If you're interested in the controversy over who invented “pie à la mode” click here.) Eve's Pudding – This British dessert is made up of apples baked under a Victoria sponge cake. The earliest recipe dates from 1824.

What is the history of cake in Europe? ›

According to the food historians, the precursors of modern cakes (round ones with icing) were first baked in Europe sometime in the mid-17th century. This is due to primarily to advances in technology (more reliable ovens, manufacture/availability of food molds) and ingredient availability (refined sugar).

What is the story behind the Napoleon cake? ›

Originally named "mille-feuille", the Napoleon cake was supposedly brought to Russia by the French in the early 19th century. This cake commemorated the anniversary of the Russian victory against Napoléon Bonaparte in 1812.


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