Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (2024)

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This quick and easyCandied Pecans Recipeis perfect for snacking, topping salads, or gifting during the holiday season. The combination of caramelized sugar, warm cinnamon, and toasty pecans is one of my favorite holiday recipes that I eat all year long.

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (1)

This candied pecans recipe is one of my favorite treats. It has just the right amount of sweetness but the great nutritional benefits of raw nuts.

And I use them all the time.

I add coated pecans to my favorite salads. They are especially good on thisGreen Salad with blueberries.

Serve them on your favorite ice cream or as a brownie topping.

Or my most favorite way is to just eat a small bowl of these for my afternoon snack. A bowl of candy pecans and an orange is the perfect snack!

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (2)

What are Candied Pecans?

Candied pecans are pecan halves coated in a blend of caramelized sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. The result is a treat with a perfect balance of sweetness and crunch.

This recipe lets you make them with basic ingredients and no candy thermometer needed. And you still get great results every time.

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (3)

What ingredients are in Candied Pecans Recipe?

  • Sugar: Forms the sweet and crispy coating on the pecans.
  • Ground Cinnamon: adds a classic warm and spicy flavor.
  • Cream of Tartar: keeps the crystals in the sugar coating small so you don’t get big clumps of raw sugar
  • Boiling Water: Combines with sugar to make the base for the candied coating.
  • Pecan Halves: The star of the show, these raw pecans have a rich, buttery flavor and satisfying crunch.
  • Vanilla Extract: Adds a hint of sweetness and depth of flavor.

Pro Tip:Be sure to use pecan halves and not pieces. While pieces will work, they aren’t as beautiful in this sugared pecans recipe, and they are harder to make an even layer.

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (4)

How to Make Candied Pecans Recipe:

  1. Combinesugar and candy ingredients andbringto a boil over medium heat.
  2. Simmeruntil sticky and well combined.
  3. Removefrom heat,stirpecans into cinnamon sugar mixture, thenlet coolfor a few minutes.
  4. Addvanilla,mixingso you have an even coating on each nut.
  5. Spreadcandies pecans on a prepared baking sheet in a single layer, separating the clumps.
  6. Coolthenserveorstore.

Pro Tips:Use parchment paper or a silicone baking mat to line your baking sheet for easy removal and cleanup.

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (5)

Are Candied Pecans Recipe Gluten-Free?

Yes, this candied peacans recipe is gluten-free! It is a great recipe to serve to your friends with dietary restrictions. It also makes great gifts!

How Long Do Candied Pecans Recipe Last?

Candied pecans will last in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks. But I never have them last that long. They are such a sweet snack that a large bowl of these is gone in a day or two.

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (6)

Are Candied Pecans Recipe Healthy?

While candied pecans are not necessarily healthy (they have been candied), they are a great option since candied pecans are full of healthy fats and good protein. If eaten in moderation, they are a perfect sweet treat to satisfy any craving.

Can You Freeze Candied Pecans Recipe?

Yes you can freeze candied pecans! If you have a huge batch you really cannot eat, feel free to put these in a freezer safe container. When you pull them out of the freezer, spread them on parchment paper so they thaw crunchy and do not get soggy in the bag.

Pro Tip:If you really have more of this candied pecan recipe than you can eat, put them in a mason jar with a bow and give them to your neighbors. A bag of caramelized pecans makes perfect last-minute gifts for happy holidays or any time you want to say hello to your neighbors.

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (7)

Can you use different nuts in this Candied Pecans Recipe?

Yes you can use different nuts in this candied pecans recipe! But if you do, do not call them “pecans.”

Call them whatever kind of nut you choose to use. I really like using walnuts and cashews.

Can you use brown sugar to make Candied Pecans Recipe?

Yes you can use brown sugar to make candied pecans! I prefer using white sugar because it lets the flavors of the nuts, cinnamon, and vanilla really shine through.

However, these are also delicious when made with brown sugar. Brown sugar is just white sugar mixed with molasses, so it will give you a deeper flavor and a darker molasses taste to your nuts.

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (8)

What to Serve with Candied Pecans Recipe:

You can serve so many things with candied pecans. I like to sprinkle them on salads, ice cream, or enjoy as a standalone snack for my sweet tooth. Pair them with cheese and fruit for a delightful appetizer or part of your charcuterie board.

Are Candied Pecans Recipe Good for You?

At my house, candied pecans are good for you. I always encourage delicious recipes with protein to satisfy your sweet tooth.

The protein helps you feel fuller longer so you feel the need to indulge less. Besides, pecans provide healthy fats and essential nutrients, so candied flavored pecans are a great snack.

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (9)

Additional Pecan Recipes You’ll Love…

Whether you are looking for an easy recipe with simple ingredients or you need some homemade holiday gifts, this candied pecans recipe has the perfect amount of sweetness and is an easy way to make something delicious in your kitchen.

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (10)

Candied Pecans

Yield: 6 Servings

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 8 minutes

Total Time: 18 minutes

Indulge in the sweet crunch of our Candied Pecans Recipe! Perfect for snacking or elevating your favorite dishes like salads and sweet potatoes!


  1. Stir together the sugar, cinnamon, cream of tartar, and boiling water in a small saucepan.
  2. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil.
  3. Continue to cook at a slow boil over medium heat for about 8 minutes or so, stirring constantly.
  4. Remove saucepan from heat, and stir in pecans.
  5. Add vanilla, and continue to stir until pecans are evenly coated.
  6. Pour pecans onto a sheet of parchment paper.
  7. Separate nuts that have clumped together with a fork.
  8. Let cool.
  9. Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 6Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 621Total Fat: 37gSaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 32gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 2mgCarbohydrates: 74gFiber: 5gSugar: 69gProtein: 5g

Originally Posted on Life Currents, posted with permission.

Originally Posted: December 11, 2015

Photos & Text Updated: December 23, 2023

Candied pecans recipe - A Dish of Daily Life (2024)


What is the nutritional value of candied pecans? ›

There are 160 calories in a 1 ounce (28.000g) serving size of Candied Pecans. The calorie breakdown is 79% fat, 23% carbs, and 5% protein.

How do you keep candied pecans from sticking together? ›

Stir them every 10 minutes or so to avoid them clumping together, or you can just break them apart with a spatula or your hands later.

How long do candied nuts last? ›

To Store: Candied nuts can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature or in the fridge for several weeks. To Freeze: They freeze well in an airtight container for up to 2 months.

Why are my candied pecans soggy? ›

If your pecans are soft, it's most likely because they weren't baked long enough and are still retaining moisture. The sugar needs to bake long enough to caramelize and form a brittle coating on the nuts.

Is it OK to eat pecans every day? ›

Eating a handful of pecans each day can help satisfy cravings for unhealthy snacks and provide a nutritious boost to any meal. Furthermore, pecans can also be included as part of a healthy diet when combined with other nutrient-rich foods in moderation.”

Is pecan candy good for you? ›

Being that pecans are the main ingredient; the snack contains essential vitamins & minerals, can aid in long-term heart health, can be enjoyed by gluten intolerant consumers, can provide a high number of antioxidants, and can supply a large amount of protein & fiber.

Why are my candied pecans not crunchy? ›

Beat an egg white with a fork. This is what helps the flavored sugar adhere to the nuts. It also helps to create a light and crispy candied coating. When I first made candied pecans, I was skeptical of the egg white, but after trying it, I became convinced.

Why do you soak pecans before roasting? ›

Wet pecans allow the salt to stick easily to the nuts. Plus, soaking nuts helps neutralize enzyme inhibitors, which can harm your digestion, and reduce phytates, which decrease nutrient absorption. Just submerge your nuts in water while the oven is heating up and you'll be good to go.

Should you wash pecans before you crack them? ›

Don't wash pecans. Don't run water over them or even use a damp towel to clean them. Especially in-shell pecans.

Can dogs eat pecans? ›

These nuts are toxic for dogs. Eating them can result in pets becoming sick and needing immediate veterinary care. “The reason pecans are considered toxic is that they contain a compound called juglone, also found in walnuts, that is harmful to dogs,” advises Dr. Klein.

What is the difference between Candied Pecans and praline pecans? ›

What is the difference between candied pecans and pralines? Candied pecans are pecans coated in egg whites, sugar, and spices, then baked until crispy. Pralines are a drop-candy with a caramel-like base and crunchy pecans mixed in.

Can candied nuts go bad? ›

Ba-dum-dum. Okay, all bad dad jokes aside, these candied walnuts will last quite a while. All nuts do go rancid eventually, but as long as you cool them completely and then store them in an air-tight container, they should be good for about a month. You might also like our Candied Pecans recipe or Candied Almonds!

Why do my pecans taste bad? ›

Nuts with higher fat content, like walnuts and pecans can also go rancid after a few months if stored at too warm a temperature. If you notice that your nuts have taken on a noticeably bitter, sour flavor, they may have entered this unfortunate phase.

Why do my pecans taste bitter? ›

Pecans have two sources of bitterness -- naturally occurring tannins in the kernel and pieces of corky material from the inside of the nut which can adhere to the kernel. Some of the tannin and all of the corky material can be removed by washing the kernels before cooking.

What is the fuzzy stuff on pecans? ›

Kernel fuzz is not a disease and the brown material that is adhering to the kernel surface is not dangerous to eat. It only tastes dry and bitter. The fuzzy material on the kernel is actually part of the nut's inside shell packing material.

Are glazed pecans healthy for you? ›

This crunchy snack of glazed pecans is great for topping ice cream, garnishing a salad, or nibbling all on their own. They'd even make a great gift or game day appetizer. Nuts are high on the list of healthy snacks with great levels of fiber, protein and unsaturated fats.

How many pecans can I eat a day? ›

Like many other nuts, pecans contain a high percentage of fat and can lead to diarrhea if too many are eaten in a short amount of time. Over-consumption may also lead to digestive issues like gas and bloating. Recommendation: One ounce (15-19) pecan halves per day.


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.