Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (2024)

A complete guide for low-carb fruit you can eat on keto. A printable keto-friendly fruit list with carb content and easy keto fruit recipes you'll love!

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (1)
Table of Contents
  • The Ketogenic Diet
  • Fruit and Keto
  • Complete Keto Fruit List
  • 1. Star Fruit
  • 2. Tomatoes
  • 3. Blackberries
  • 4. Lemons
  • 5. Raspberries
  • 6. Avocados
  • 7. Strawberries
  • 8. Cantaloupe
  • 9. Watermelon
  • 10. Peaches
  • 11. Plums
  • 12. Clementine
  • 13. Kiwifruit
  • 14. Blueberries
  • 15. Cherries
  • Fruits to Avoid on Keto
  • Keto Fruits Chart with Carbs
  • Printable Keto Fruit List
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Final Thoughts
  • Recipe Ideas
  • Breakfast Recipes
  • Dessert Recipes
  • Smoothie Recipes
  • 💬 Reviews

I am always asked the question, "Can you eat fruit on keto?"

Well... most types are high in sugar, so they're usually not on the keto menu.

The good news is there are some exceptions. Keto-friendly fruit that is low in net carbs and can be enjoyed daily!

The Ketogenic Diet

Whether you are considering the keto diet for weight loss or health benefits, you should know how keto works.

It's about altering your body’s metabolism and changing its fuel source from glucose to fat. This fat-burning process is called ketosis.

The most difficult part of the diet is maintaining the state of ketosis. In ketosis, your body burns fat for fuel and stops producing glucose.

This means avoiding several different types of food altogether. Grains, starchy vegetables, sugary fruits, baked goods, drinks, and snacks are just a few. All of them are off-limits on keto.

That can be quite disappointing if you are a fruit lover. But don't worry; there are some that are keto-friendly! So keep reading.

Fruit and Keto

Here's the good news: many of your favorite fruits are keto-friendly!

For example, berries like strawberries and raspberries are perfect for a keto diet. They're low in sugar and high in fiber, so they won't throw off your carb count for the day. Plus, they're packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

Below, I've put together a list of keto-friendly fruit you can enjoy without fear of kicking yourself out of ketosis.

Be sure to eat them in moderation, as some can contain natural sugars that could throw off your carb count for the day if consumed in large quantities. Happy snacking!

Complete Keto Fruit List

So now, I'm sure you're asking, "What fruit can you eat on keto?" Here's the complete keto-friendly fruit list with a printable chart. Enter your details below, and I'll send it straight to your email. Print it out and keep it on your fridge so you always know what to eat!

1. Star Fruit

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (2)

Star fruit is one the best low-carb fruits because of its low sugar content. The tropical variety makes for a great low-carb and high-fiber snack. It's soft with a sweet and sour flavor.

It's not very common and something many people will be unfamiliar with.

That's all the more reason to give it a look and try out something new!

It has a very low amount of net carbs (the number of carbohydrates your body will get from eating something) while providing many health benefits you may struggle to get while dieting.

  • Good source of vitamins C and B-6
  • High in potassium and magnesium
  • 1.5 grams of dietary fiber per half cup (54g)
  • 2 grams of net carbs per half cup (54g)

2. Tomatoes

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (3)

You may be surprised to learn that tomatoes are a fruit.

I won’t get into the details of botanical classification here! Just know that tomatoes are considered a fruit even though we think of them as a vegetable.

They are a super easy, low-carb option to add to your everyday meals. Add variety and a new taste to play around with when making recipes.

They also have many positive plant compounds to help round out your nutrition.

  • Contain the antioxidant lycopene, which can reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Good source of Vitamin C for your immune system
  • 1.1 grams of dietary fiber per half cup (90g)
  • 2.4 grams of net carbs per half cup (90g)

3. Blackberries

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (4)

Blackberries are a great option for people following a low-net-carb diet. They have a tart but sweet flavor. You can enjoy them as snacks or as part of a meal.

  • Great source of Vitamins C and K
  • 4 grams of dietary fiber per half cup (72g)
  • 3 grams of net carbs per half cup (72g)

4. Lemons

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (5)

A popular use for lemons is to flavor foods that might be a bit bland.

They're great as a garnish, and lemon juice is used in many keto-baking recipes for its flavor. They're also a fantastic source of a substance called pectin.

Pectin can do several great things for your body, such as helping to stabilize your blood sugar, reducing inflammation, and even helping inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

  • Very high in Vitamin C (51% of your daily value!)
  • 2.8 grams of dietary fiber in one medium lemon
  • 3.4 grams of net carbs in one medium lemon (58g)

5. Raspberries

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (6)

Raspberries are one of the healthiest berries you can eat and are extremely low in sugar.

For every cup (123 grams) of raspberries, you only consume about 7 grams of net carbohydrates.

That means enjoying them in moderation is unlikely to knock you out of ketosis.

On top of that, they also provide many very healthy antioxidants and minerals that your body will appreciate.

  • Lots of health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer
  • 4 grams of dietary fiber per half cup (61.5g)
  • 3.5 grams of net carbohydrates per half cup (61.5g)

6. Avocados

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (7)

Avocados are great for the heart and an excellent addition to a ketogenic diet.

They are packed with healthy fats and low in sugar. These healthy fats are often exactly what you are after on keto.

In addition to being high in healthy cholesterol and phytosterols, avocados are also a good source of vitamins K, C, and folate. All of these nutrients are important for staying in ketosis.

They're also used in many low-carb recipes, so you have many options. Including them as part of your daily diet can help you reach your fitness goals while staying healthy simultaneously!

  • Good source of Vitamins K, C, and folate
  • Used in lots of low-carb recipes
  • 10 grams of dietary fiber in one medium avocado (201g)
  • 4 grams of net carbohydrates in one medium avocado (201g)

7. Strawberries

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (8)

Are strawberries keto? Yes! They're the third berry on this list and another fantastic choice.

They are nutritious, high in antioxidants and fiber, and relatively low in sugar. Snacking on strawberries is a good way to control hunger and stay healthy.

To choose the best strawberries, look for ones that are brightly colored and firm.

  • Nutritious and high in antioxidants
  • 1.45 grams of dietary fiber per half cup (76g)
  • 4.5 grams of net carbohydrates per half cup (76g)

8. Cantaloupe

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (9)

Is cantaloupe keto? Yes!

It's an excellent source of vitamins A and C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K.

So not only is it low in sugar, but it's also packed with nutrients essential for good health.

Just how many carbs are in cantaloupe?

  • Excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and K
  • High in potassium and folate
  • 1.4 grams of dietary fiber per half cup (78g)
  • 5.6 grams of net carbohydrates per half cup (78g)

9. Watermelon

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (10)

Is watermelon keto friendly? Yes! But it's a fruit you will have to be careful with!

As long as you are conscious of your daily carb limits when choosing to eat watermelon, you should be fine.

It's a good source of lycopene, which provides many benefits as an antioxidant.

Although naturally sweet, it contains mostly water, helping to bring down its total carb content. It's rich in nutrition, with a good amount of vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium.

So, there is no need to fear this popular melon. Just adjust your portion and dig in!

  • Ultra-hydrating
  • 0.3 grams of dietary fiber per half cup (77g)
  • 5.7 grams of net carbs in watermelon per half cup (77g)

10. Peaches

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (11)

If you live in the South, you are almost certainly familiar with peaches and have probably eaten quite a few.

It's a delicious and unique fruit but not as low in sugar as some other options. Be careful with your serving sizes, and watch your daily carb intake!

Peaches are a good source of many micronutrients, including vitamins A, C, B, and potassium.

  • Good source of micronutrients
  • 1 gram of dietary fiber in half a medium peach (75g)
  • 5.85 grams of net carbohydrates in half a medium peach (75g)

11. Plums

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (12)

A whole plum is a satisfying way to enjoy a sweeter fruit. You'll have to be careful because it is higher in sugar than other options.

They also contain several key nutrients: phosphorus and potassium.

  • 0.9 gram of dietary fiber in one medium plum (66g)
  • 6.6 grams of net carbohydrates in one medium plum (66g)

12. Clementine

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (13)

Clementine is another higher-sugar fruit you can still eat if you're careful.

It's also packed with immune-boosting vitamin C, which helps protect the body against free radicals and promotes healthy digestion.

  • 1.3 grams of dietary fiber in one medium clementine (74g)
  • 7.7 grams of net carbohydrates in one medium clementine (74g)

13. Kiwifruit

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (14)

Kiwifruit is a healthy option that can complement your keto diet. You'll most likely use a very small amount of kiwifruit as a topping for certain dessert recipes.

They are rich in potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, making them great.

However, because they are higher in sugar than others on this list, you'll need to monitor your carb intake.

  • 2.1 grams of dietary fiber in one medium kiwifruit (69g)
  • 7.9 grams of net carbs in one medium kiwifruit (69g)

14. Blueberries

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (15)

Blueberries are the final fruit on our list. They can be used in very small amounts in keto recipes for jams, ice creams, and baking.

Blueberries are an excellent source of nutrients, including antioxidants and vitamin C. Additionally, blueberries are densely packed with antioxidants, which can help promote healthy skin, cognitive function, and overall health.

  • 2 grams of dietary fiber per half-cup serving of blueberries (74g)
  • 7.9 grams of net carbs per half-cup serving of blueberries (74g)

15. Cherries

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (16)

Cherries are another fruit that can be incorporated into your diet in a very small amount.

  • 1.25 grams of dietary fiber per half cup of pitted cherries (77.5g)
  • 8.25 grams of net carbs per half cup of pitted cherries (77.5g)

Fruits to Avoid on Keto

Now that we've covered what you can eat let's look at what you must avoid.

Common fruits such as oranges, grapes, mangos, bananas, pineapples, papayas, and apples can quickly kick you out of ketosis.

Dried fruits (such as raisins and dates) should also be avoided because they contain very high sugar.

In addition, smoothies and juices containing syrups should be avoided as well.

Remember that some of the fruits I'll list below CAN be used in certain keto recipes. This is because they're used in a very small amount.

A good example is bananas, which are very high in sugar and shouldn't be eaten. However, in small amounts, bananas can be used as an ingredient in keto banana bread.

Keto Fruits Chart with Carbs

USDA FoodData Centralprovides the information for these fruits. The net carb count excludes dietary fiber.

FoodServing SizeNet Carbs (g)
Star Fruit½ cup2
Tomatoes½ cup2.4
Coconut½ cup2.5
Blackberries½ cup3
Lemon1 med3.4
Raspberries½ cup3.5
Avocado1 med4
Strawberries½ cup4.5
Cantaloupe½ cup5.6
Watermelon½ cup5.7
Peach1 med5.9
Plum1 med6.6
Clementine1 med7.7
Kiwifruit1 med7.9
Blueberries½ cup7.9
Cherries½ cup8.3
Grapes½ cup13.7
Orange1 med14
Passionfrit½ cup15.4
Figs2 med16.2
Pear1 med18.7
Apple1 med22
Banana1 med25

Printable Keto Fruit List

I hope you've found the information in this article useful! Here's a printable complete ketogenic fruit list that you can keep on your phone or your fridge.

Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (17)

Grab the Printable Keto Fruit List

Updated for 2024!

Keto Fruit List PDF

Frequently Asked Questions

Are apples keto?

We all know apples will keep the doctor away, but they'll also keep ketosis away if you decide to eat them! Apples don't have a place on the keto diet.

One medium-sized apple contains over 22 grams of net carbohydrates [1]. That's more than most people's daily carb allowance!

Isn't there too much sugar in fruit?

Sugar is found in nearly every fruit, but that doesn't mean it's bad for you.

It can be good for your health, as it's usually high in nutrients and low in calories.

However, following a keto diet, you must be aware of the sugar content. You need to consume lower sugar varieties that contain higher amounts of fiber (and therefore lower net carbohydrates)

What are some common mistakes people make when eating fruit on keto?

Even when eating keto-approved fruits, you must be very careful of your intake. It's easy to underestimate your eating amount and go over your daily carb limit.

Ensure you always weigh your food and track your carb intake to stay in ketosis.

What is the best way to eat fruit on the keto diet?

I find the best way to enjoy fruit on keto is to add small amounts to different recipes.

A small amount used in baking, desserts, smoothies, and salads can add texture and flavor. Check out some of the recipes below for more ideas.

Final Thoughts

Being on keto doesn't mean you have to give up all fruits.

The main thing is to be aware of the types you can and can't eat. This helps you substitute high-sugar varieties with lower-carb ones when cravings strike.

I suggest you print out the chart at the end of this article and keep a copy on your fridge.

You can play around with many different types of fruit without having to worry about ruining your ketosis and starting from scratch again.

There is quite a bit of argument that you should work with them where you can use them to benefit from the health benefits only they can provide.

A handful of berries can be a healthy sweet treat, added to full-fat whipped cream or Greek yogurt for an occasional indulgence.

Recipe Ideas

Here are my favorite keto diet fruit recipes. They are a great way to add variety and flavor to your keto diet. They are healthy, delicious, and low in net carbohydrates.

We've got everything from pancakes and ice cream to smoothies and mousse!

Breakfast Recipes

  • Coconut Flour Pancakes - Light and fluffy low-carb pancakes made with coconut flour are the perfect keto breakfast. Top them with your favorite seasonal varieties like sliced strawberries or kiwifruit.
  • Chocolate Chaffles - a chaffle is the keto version of a waffle made with eggs and cheese. This recipe has a delicious chocolatey flavor and crispy texture. It can be topped with sugar-free syrup and fresh blueberries.
  • 3-Ingredient Chia Seed Pudding - another healthy keto breakfast made with only 3 ingredients. Top the pudding with fresh blueberries for a nutritious breakfast.
  • 5-Minute Raspberry Chia Seed Jam - a delicious homemade chia seed jam that is sugar-free and can be made with blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries! It's great to spread on my fathead bagels or fresh bread rolls.

Dessert Recipes

  • Strawberry Cream Cheese Tart - a favorite family dessert with a creamy cheesecakey taste and tart texture. Topped with a thick, sticky, and sweet strawberry sauce.
  • Vanilla Custard (Vanilla Pots de Crème) - a delicious vanilla custard made with just 4 simple ingredients. Perfect hot or cold topped with fresh strawberries, nuts, and sugar-free sweeteners. I love topping this custard with fresh sliced strawberries.
  • Strawberry Chocolate Mousse - a satisfyingly rich and decadent mousse made with 4 ingredients. This a quick and easy chocolate fix for all of us chocoholics. Garnished with fresh sliced strawberries, yum!
  • Cacao Chia Pudding - a light and fluffy dessert loaded with nutrients, fiber, and healthy fats. It's made with avocado, almond or coconut milk, chia seeds, cacao powder, and Erythritol and topped with fresh raspberries.
  • Sugar-Free Frozen Yogurt - made with frozen mixed forest fruit, including blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries.
  • Homemade Fruity Ice Cream - made using just 3 ingredients: frozen or fresh strawberries, heavy cream, and Erythritol.

Smoothie Recipes

  • Strawberry Avocado Smoothie - easy and fast to make (ready in just 5 minutes). It's packed with healthy fats and a light and fruity flavor.
  • Raspberry Cheesecake Smoothie - sweet and creamy, it tastes just like a cheesecake. Fresh or frozen raspberries are blended with all the other ingredients. It all comes together in only 5 minutes!
  • Creamy Chocolate Avocado Smoothie - absolutely packed with energy and heart-healthy fats. This is one of my go-to keto smoothie recipes. You can add blueberries for extra flavor and heavy cream for a creamier texture.
Best Keto Fruits List With Recipes (Free Printable List) (2024)


What fruit is the most keto-friendly? ›

Keto-friendly fruits include avocados, watermelon, strawberries, lemons, tomatoes, raspberries, peaches, cantaloupe, star fruit, and blackberries. If you're unsure whether the keto diet is right for you or how it may affect your health, consider speaking with a dietitian or your healthcare provider.

What foods can I eat unlimited on keto? ›

Foods you can eat on the keto diet include fish and seafood, meat and poultry, non-starchy vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, and zucchini, avocados, berries, nuts and seeds, eggs, high-fat dairy products, olive oil and other oils, and high-cocoa chocolate.

Can you eat fruit everyday on keto? ›

Keto Fruit in Moderation

Keep in mind that, consumption of fruit on the keto diet should still be limited. Modified keto dieters aim for around 30–50 grams of net carbs per day to maintain ketosis and maximize results, and you could get there quickly with too fruit.

Is peanut butter OK on keto? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

What is the lowest carb fruit for keto? ›

The best low-carb fruits to eat are the fruits that have the least carbs, including:
  • Watermelon.
  • Cantaloupe.
  • Strawberries.
  • Plums.
  • Kiwi.
  • Peaches.
  • Starfruit.
  • Honeydew.

What fruit has the lowest carbs? ›

Watermelon, the sweet summertime treat, is 92% water and the lowest-carb fruit by far, with 7.5 carbs for every 100 grams. It also has lots of vitamins A and C. Enjoy one cup, or 10 watermelon balls if you're feeling fancy.

Can you eat unlimited salad on keto? ›

Can you eat too much salad on keto? Vegetables do contain carbohydrates, so it is possible to eat too much salad and exceed your carb limit for the day. However, if you're careful about the greens and other veggies you include and don't overdo it, delicious salads can be a staple in your keto diet.

Is popcorn okay for keto? ›

Net carbs are calculated by taking the total grams of carbohydrate in a food and subtracting the amount of fiber. In this case, popcorn contains 6 grams of carbs per 1 cup serving and 1.2 grams of fiber, bringing the net carbs per serving to 4.8 grams. Yes friends, popcorn is indeed a keto food.

Which nuts for keto? ›

Here are some of the best keto-friendly nuts:
  • Almonds. Almonds are versatile and widely available low-carb nuts. ...
  • Macadamia nuts. Macadamia nuts are low-carb tree nuts grown in Australia. ...
  • Pecans. Pecans are an excellent source of low-carb, high-fat nutrition for your keto diet. ...
  • Brazil nuts. ...
  • Walnuts. ...
  • Hazelnuts. ...
  • Pine nuts.
Feb 10, 2023

Are cucumbers keto? ›

Cucumber is another popular salad vegetable. It contains many essential nutrients, including vitamin K. Cucumber is also suitable for the keto diet, as its carb content is just 3.63 g per 100 g. To make the carb content lower, a person can peel the cucumber before eating it.

Are hot dogs keto-friendly? ›

Hot Dogs Are Keto-Friendly

Hot dogs are made with ingredients that are naturally low in carbs. An average hot dog is about 1.73 grams of total carbs. As for the bun, you can't have a conventional bun in order to follow the keto diet. The average hot dog bun will cost you 24.3 grams of total carbs.

Is cottage cheese on keto diet? ›

Can I eat cottage cheese on keto? According to nutritionists, cottage cheese is generally not as keto-friendly as other cheese varieties. Although it is high in protein, it doesn't contain as much fat and may have a high carb content.

Can you eat all the cheese you want on keto? ›

You can eat high fat foods like cheese on the Keto diet. Cheddar, Gouda, goat cheese, and blue cheese are the best to consider. Cheese to avoid on Keto are cottage cheese and low fat and processed varieties.

What fruits Cannot be eaten on keto? ›

Low-carb options like berries, avocado, tomatoes, olives, and coconut offer the nutritional benefits of fruits without impacting ketosis. Conversely, high-sugar fruits like bananas, grapes, pineapple, mango, and apples should be avoided as they can impede progress on a keto diet.

What fruit is good for keto breakfast? ›

Top your protein-packed plain yogurt with some keto-friendly granola and a small bit of fruit for a breakfast treat. Avoid carb-heavy fruits such as apples and bananas, and stick to a small sampling of low-carb choices such as blackberries, raspberries, and star fruit.

Can you lose weight eating fruit on keto? ›

Fruit is naturally high in sugars - aka carbs - leading many to believe this food group is forbidden on a keto diet. But there is such a thing as low-carb fruit and it is possible to lose weight and enjoy this nutrient-dense food group without kicking your body out of ketosis.

What fruits and vegetables are OK on keto? ›

18 Keto Vegetables to Add to the Daily Rotation
  • Zucchini. Zucchini is rich in vitamin C and also contains phosphorus and potassium. ...
  • Mushrooms. Mushrooms are hearty vegetables that are packed with potassium. ...
  • Romaine Lettuce. ...
  • Radishes. ...
  • Cucumbers. ...
  • Arugula. ...
  • Asparagus. ...
  • Tomatoes.
Nov 14, 2023


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