A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (2024)

Chapter 1: Fists of the Superheavy Samurai

Chapter Text

Yuri - Phobos Island, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

Rain hammered the city for hours. Yuri learned it was going to be like this for a week. He walked down the wet sidewalk with his hands in his pockets and his hood down. His boots stomped puddles, soaking his jeans up to his ankles.

"I don't understand why I can't have a beer or a soda at least," Yuri said to Ser Norman, who was hovering by his side as a phantom that only he could see. The ten foot knight clad in a colossal set of platinum armor walked through people without them noticing and stood as silent as the dead, but Yuri heard his voice clearly.

"Because," he said, "that filth is going to pollute your body and your mind. Now that you're King of Duelists in this city with that silly title you wanted, you have to take care of yourself."

"Silly title," Yuri said with a chuckle. "I think it's badass."

"Bad...ass?" The ghostly knight asked. "What's so bad about a donkey?'

Yuri burst out laughing. "Badass," he said. "Not bad ass. The word means someone who is uh...cool."

"Are you cold?"

Yuri shrugged. "Sure."

"Then put on another shirt."

"I don't think you're getting it, man," Yuri said with a sigh. "I mean, like, cool means...well, it's an expression of admiration and respect for a person or a deed, you know?"

"How confusing. To refer to others as a temperature for good work."

Yuri shook his head. "Forget it, man. Anyway, the Ruby Dragon is too far away. We're going to have to go somewhere else to eat."

Ser Norman shrugged his broad shoulders. "Where would you suggest?"

"Let's see," Yuri said. He looked about and thought hard. "Well, ah. I know just the place."

He crossed the street, glowing red from the stoplight overhead, and walked until he stood in front of a cafe resembling a medieval tavern, with its wooden front door and round windows with beveled glass. Ser Norman eyed it critically, raising one ghostly eyebrow. "Ah, a tavern. Excellent. I did not think we'd find such a luxury in this labyrinth of glass and steel you call a city."

"You should feel right at home," Yuri said. He held open the door for the ghost to enter, then stepped in behind him. The sounds and smells of the place made his mouth water. A woman, looking to be about in her twenties with red hair and pale skin, was busying herself around a long oak bar. She stopped and wiped the sweat from her forehead as she heard Yuri walk up to a table near the front of the tavern.

"Ah, adventurers!" Ser Norman said, pointing at a table by the hearth where a group of twenty-somethings were playing Dungeons and Dragons in full costume. One man with black hair and pale skin wore a robe of velvet purple with golden stars all over it and a golden, winged wizard hat.

"You encounter the golem guarding the sacred amulet of the Robotak. Roll the dice," said the Dungeon Master, who wore a black cloak with a skull pendant around his neck.

"Hello, milord!" the pretty, red-haired woman said as she approached him, tucking the bar towel into her belt. She had a platter full of mugs and glasses of mead and ale.

"What is Milord drinking this evening?"

"I'll have an ice-cold cola..."


Yuri rolled his eyes at his knight. "Can I just have a glass of hot water?"

"What, no honey wine or mead?" The barmaid looked at Yuri with a bemused expression. "The water's on the house, of course," she said. "What else can I get for you, milord?"

"A ham sandwich with fries, please?"

The girl's eyes twinkled. "Ah, you're Yuri. I saw you win the King of the Ring Tournament the other day. You were amazing. Have a seat, and I'll be right back with your order."

Ser Norman and Yuri found a table. Ser Norman admired the theme of the tavern. Decorative ivy ran along the wooden paneling and the walls of polished logs gave the place a cozy and rustic atmosphere. The smell of cooking meat and sweet pastries filled the air, and Yuri inhaled deeply.

Yuri looked through his phone, texted his friends, and checked out the feed. Ser Norman gazed out the window, watching the raindrops splatter in the puddles.

"Is this anything like how it is in Termnnia?" Yuri asked, rapidly texting on the keypad with his thumbs.

"Hm?" said the knight. "Not quite. But it's... close. This is my first time entering a tavern in 50,000 years."

"Your soul is trapped in the pendant. Tell me, what do you do in there?"

"I don't float about in oblivion if that's what you mean. The curse trapped me in there, but thanks to my power, I was able to create an abode within it for myself."

Yuri took the pendant from under his shirt. "Is there any way to free you?"

"I don't think there is a way. But now that you and I are connected, I have found some sort of peace."

Yuri grinned. "Glad I could help somehow."

"Yes. So long as I can watch you and your friends Duel, I suppose my confinement can be bearable."

The woman returned with a glass of hot water for Yuri. Yuri set down his phone and thanked her. He blew at the water before taking a sip.

"Well, now that winter break is tomorrow, you'll be seeing us play more often. I'm King of Duelists now. If I can do that, I can free you from your curse."

Ser Norman laughed. "Ever the arrogant one. I'd be careful not to let it get the best of you, my young friend. He who wields arrogance as a weapon finds himself defenseless against the arrows of humility."

"Right," Yuri chuckled. "Don't worry. Brett and Randall were prime examples of that."

He drank his hot water, enjoying the heat going down his throat and warming up his insides. "You've got nothing to worry about. I promise."

Prince Jaeyoung - Whiteblade Harbor, Thara/Termnnia

Jaeyoung slipped out of the Red Palace late in the evening, about three hours before dawn. It had been raining since midnight and showed no signs of letting up. Even though the hour was late, there were still people walking down the streets. Some were dock workers off to get an early morning start. Others were shady individuals, heading into less-than-favorable taverns to discuss shady business with their comrades. Jaeyoung's cloak did much to prevent the town guards from suspecting that he was up to no good. His cloak was made of expensive black leather and trimmed with gold etched with leafy ornamentation. Also, the badge displaying the emblem of the Kingsblades was pinned over his shoulder. Some guards who did see him pass by gave him an honorable nod before going on their way.

Jaeyoung stepped into a noodle shop right in front of a body of water called the Whiteblade Sound.

Even though they were in Western Termnnia, the windows were still lit with neon signs and a flatscreen television mounted on the wall could be seen from the window outside, a sign of the technological revolution that started sweeping the medieval landscape of the West.

Jaeyoung stepped inside through two swinging wooden doors. He smelled the sweet scent of spices, cooked vegetables, and egg rolls baking in the kitchen in the back. Oriental Uzumenese music was playing on the intercom, another oddity that wasn't seen in the medieval establishments of Western Termnnia. Each booth in the shop had a porthole with an aquarium displaying gold and red fishes swimming around in forests of green underwater leaves. Little lamps hung from the ceiling offering very little light, making the restaurant very dim and mysterious-looking. There was a figure, hooded and concealed in a gold and red cloak in the corner with an aquarium full of small sharks swimming behind him. He was helping himself to a thick bowl of steaming soup.

A short Uzumenese man was sweeping the floors behind the counter. He wore a white bandanna around his round, bald head, and wore a white apron over a striped yellow and black sweater and tank pants. "Hello," he said. "Can I help you?"

Jaeyoung removed his hood. His long black locks went flowing down the left side of his face.

"Your Highness," the man said bowing. "The usual, I suppose?"

"Darkfire Dragon Soup," Jaeyoung nodded. "I'm feeling stressed tonight, so add a little burn to it, please."

"Of course. Uh, that fellow back there." He pointed at the cloaked figure. "He..."

"Yes, I know. I received his letter. I'll be over there with him if you need anything."

"Of course, I'll go prepare the soup."

He rushed into the kitchen to prepare the prince's meal, yelling at his employees to double their pace and add more spice. Jaeyoung walked to the table at the end and sat down. Before uttering a word, he looked around. Save for a few wanderers in cloaks of their eating soup in the corner, they were all alone.

"You're late," said the figure cloaked in red and gold. He took off his hood, revealing a young man with a square-shaped head, bushy black eyebrows, and a pink triangular nose. His well-oiled hair was formed into a black pompadour and he sported a red sash around his head.

"Gong..." Jaeyoung said silently. "Glad to see you're here."

Noboru Gongenzaka was the young man's native name back in Uzumè, but here, everyone just called him Gong. "Someone had to stay behind and keep Uzumè," Gong replied, slurping up some more ramen. "How goes the war here in Termnnia?"

"We're at a ceasfire at the moment," Jaeyoung replied. "Avi decimated King Forrest's landing forces in the Emerald Marches last month. And now that Alexis's friend, Jasmine, found a stone that allows her to summon a leviathan, his forces have been at a standstill."

"Hmm," Gong said, slurping up some noodles. "Avi's dragons in the air. You and your prince buddies on land, and now this...Jasmine taking control of the ocean. Heh, our side's winning. You guys deserve a good break."

"Yes but don't let the fact that we're on vacation make you think we're taking it easy. We're still on high alert. Who knows what else King Forrest has in store for us after losing the Emerald Marches? They were his only easy access into Termnnia."

"Mmmm," Gong replied with a nod. He drank some of the broth with his white porcelain spoon. "You can't be too careful these days. Even the road is getting infested with mercenaries and Duelist Hunters from the Covenant of Yeyu. On my way here, I ran into some...shady individuals." He reached into his black and gold coat and took out a roll of parchment. "They were some highwaymen who mistook me for a student at the local Duel School."

Jaeyoung raised his eyebrows and chuckled. What horror must those fools have felt when they realized they ambushed the Master Duelist, Gong, and his Superheavy Samurais? "Ooof, I can imagine their regret at that."

"They were carrying this around," Gong said, sliding the parchment across the table to Jaeyoung. He picked it up and wasn't surprised to find that it was a promise of payment. There were photos of Yugi Muto and the Alliance Princes with prices going from 5 to 50 billion gold coins.

"That's a steep price," said Jaeyoung. He laughed seeing his photo and the price on his head. The list of offenses to King Forrest was long.

Destruction of His Majesty's forces.
Sabotage of Naralian supply lines.
Assassination of his majesty's loyal nobles.
Theft of valuable artifacts from Naralian temples and palaces.
Sheltering and protecting the Dragon Summoner, Avi.

Before he could read any more, he laughed, rolled up the parchment, and tossed it aside. "Someone really wants us dead. So what brings you out here, Gong?"

"I need your help getting back to Domino so I can head for Leo Corp and use the Interdimensional Portal. I want to go to the Standard Dimension and help Yuri."

"I see." Jaeyoung looked around. "Well, given that the war has been halted once again, I don't see the harm. Why do you, a guy who can punch holes into mountains, need protection."

"Lots of shady individuals been seen around here. I have a tendency of getting followed, whereas you and your pals detect them from a mile away and end them rightly."

"All right. We can go to Domino at once."

"I appreciate it, your majesty."

After finishing their soup, Gong and Jeayoung got up, paid the owner of the shop, and headed outside into the rainy night where someone cloaked in black was waiting for them, standing under the street light. Soon more of them started coming out and surrounded them.

"I see you're not the only one who got that bounty notice," laughed Jaeyoung.

"What did I tell you?" Gong said. "I attract trouble like a pig attracts flies."

Jaeyoung put his hands in his pocket and removed his deck. The gold ring on his index finger transformed to become a Duel Disk made of jade and gold with neon green lights trimming the edges. Suddenly Gong turned a gold bangle hidden underneath the sleeves of his cloak into a Duel Disk and ran behind Jaeyoung. Another hunter was coming their way. Clearly, this was going to be an ambush, but the two did not expect Gong to be by his side.

"Looks like you're gonna need some backup," said Gong.

"Yeah, looks like I am," Jaeyoung agreed, his eyes scanning through the rain to make sure no one else was coming toward them. Nope. It was just those two. Jaeyoung smiled in disappointment. "Too bad. I was really hoping for more."

Gong smiled as he stood back to back with Jaeyoung. "And here I was thinking the same thing. Guess great minds do think alike."

Once the bounty hunters powered up their Duel Disks, the matches began. "DUEL!" all four of them shouted over the splashing of the rain.

On Gong's side, his opponent started off. He first Xyz Summoned Bahamut Shark and Todadly Awesome and set four cards face-down on the field with ease. Then Jaeyoung's opponent went next, eager to show off his Salamangreat Deck, which broke Jaeyoung's heart. The noble Soulburner's favorite archetype in the hands of this scum was almost an insult in his eyes, causing his soul to start burning with anger. The Salamangreat Player began his turn by Link Summoning Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf and Salamangreat Balelynx. Then he set two cards face-down.

"Unimpressive," said Gong. "How dare these fools approach Duelists of our caliber with such amateur strategies."

Jaeyoung scoffed as well. "Yeah. Another couple of scrubs who think, because they have shiny cards in their decks or copying a legendary Duelist, makes them professional. Why don't we retort, shall we?"

"I'll start first!" said Gong. "Draw. I play the Spell Card, Sekka's Light!"

"A spell card?" Jaeyoung asked. "That's odd. I thought you didn't run any spells or traps in your deck."

"When in war, sometimes you gotta adapt and break tradition!" said Gong. "It goes against my Superheavy Style but it makes my deck twice as deadly. Watch as I use my spell..."

"I think no!" said the hunter. "I use Toadally Awesome's effect to send it away and negate your spell."

Gong just smiled. "Well, my spell is not done yet. I banish it to reveal one card in my hand. I send it to my deck and draw one card. Now, I summon Superheavy Samurai Wagon!" He summoned a mechanical samurai merchant carrying a giant wagon full of spare parts and weapons for Superheavy Samurai monsters. "Using his special ability, I switch my Superheavy Samurai Wagon to defense mode. Then back to attack mode. Doing so allows me to add a Superheavy Samurai Soul monster from my deck to my hand. Then, since I have no spells or traps in my Graveyard, I special summon Superheavy Samurai Spy! Then, I equip him with the monster, Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer! And then, since I have no spells or traps in my Graveyard, I discard Superheavy Samurai Bike from my hand and add a Superheavy Samurai monster to my hand from my deck."

Gong held open his palm to the sky and conducted a Link Summon, Tributing his Spy to Link Summon a monster called Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow, which was a green robot with white sashes striped with red. Its ATK was 0, making the hunter laugh.

"He looks weak," said Gong, "but what he lacks in ATK points, he more than makes up with his special ability. But first, I'll use Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer's effect from the Graveyard and add a Superheavy Samurai from my deck to my hand. Now, I'll use Scarecrow's effect. If I have no spells or traps in my Graveyard, I can discard a monster and special summon a Superheavy Samurai monster from the Graveyard. Return Superheavy Samurai Scales!"

He summoned a green robotic samurai with a katana.

"Using Scale's effect, I can special summon a Level 4 Superheavy Samurai monster from my Graveyard. Return, Superheavy Samurai Bike! And it's a Tuner monster!"

Jaeyoung looked over his shoulder with a smile. "Uh oh. You're in for it now."

Gong was engulfed in an aura of blue flames as he Tuned his Bike with Scales to Synchro Summon his Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji. The ground quaked as a red robotic ogre with six golden exhaust pipes on its back jumped down from the sky. It raised its spiked club as a display of dominance before making the night tremble with a terrifying war cry. Its ATK was only 500 but its DEF was a mighty 2500.

"I activate Shutendoji's special effect!" shouted Gong. "When he's Synchro Summoned and I have no Spells or Traps in my Graveyard, all of your Spells and Traps are destroyed!"

The bounty hunter cried out in horror and Shutendoji raised his club, smashing it on the ground. All of his foe's face-down cards shattered into pieces before his very eyes.

"Now, I equip Scarecrow with Superheavy Samura Soulpeacemaker! And then, because I have no Spells or Traps, I send Superheavy Big Benkai to the Graveyard to Special Summon the mighty Superheavy Samurai Monk Warrior Big Benkei!"

He summoned a Pendulum retrain of his beloved ace, Big Benkei to the field. He had metal armor fashioned to look like monk's robes and carried purple prayer beads in one hand. White, sweet-smelling smoke, fumed out of the chrome exhaust pipes on its back.

ATK/1000 DEF/3500 [Scale 1]

"And I'm far from done!" shouted Gong. "I activate Soulpeacemaker's effect! I can tribute my Scarecrow and Special Summon another Superheavy Samurai monster from my deck. I call on another Superheavy Samurai Bike!"

He summoned a lavender-colored motorcycle with a samurai motif.

"And now, I tune it and Monk Warrior Big Benkei to Synchro Summon my heart and soul to the very field!" Gong's fiery aura now turned red and gold and his eyes started glowing white. "You'll all pay for endangering the High King! This monster is going to send you both straight to hell! Synchro Summon! Level 12! Superheavy Samurai Overlord Masurao!"

Gong summoned a gigantic Superheavy Samura monster that looked remarkably like him. It fell down from a gigantic orb of light hovering over their field. It carried a red and gold sword in its hand that was as tall as a small building. It swung the sword around and positioned itself behind Gong.

ATK/2100 DEF/4000

"Damn, Gong!" laughed Jaeyoung. "That thing looks just like you!"

"Thank you, your highness. It was a gift from Master Yugi and High Chancellor Pegasus as a reward for my defense of the Dorian Pass. I took out 800 Naralians alone with my Big Benkei."

"Tell me all about it later, man. I want to hear about that tale with a bowl of hot noodles. Show me what that monster can do."

Gong nodded back at him and Synchro Summoned another one of his powerful monsters with one more combo. Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo. This monster had an ATK of 2400 and a DEF of 3800. What made Gong's Superheavy Samurai monsters special was that they could attack from DEF Mode. So not only did they provide a sturdy defensive wall to defend his Life Points, but they also provided a powerful offense as well to deal with problematic monsters.

As Gong finished off his opponent, Jaeyoung started his turn. "I activate Pot of Extravagance! I banish six cards from my Extra Deck face-down and..."

"I don't think so!" jeered the bounty hunter. "I activate Salamangreat Roar, which cancels out your spell."

Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf took a deep breath and roared at Jaeyoung's spell, turning the card gray.

"Very well," said Jaeyoung. He examined his hand. All of his cards were outlined with gold. Add the fact that the cards he had were going to make a deadly combo this turn, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "To continue my turn, I activate the spell Ancient Warrior's Saga - Deception and Betrayal! During my main phase, I can special summon Ancient Warriors from my hand but it will cost me damage equal to their Level times 100. Then, from my hand, I activate the ability of my Ancient Warriors - Loyal Guan Yun!"

"I activate Solemn Strike!" said the hunter. "By paying 1500 Life Points, I will negate your monster's effect! Your plans are ruined!"

"Is that so?" said Gong. He cracked his knuckles as he stood behind Jaeyoung's shoulder. The hunter's fallen comrade was lying on his back on the ground in a smoldering ruin. "It's going to take more than that to stop Prince Jaeyoung! Go, Your Highness. Show this punk what I mean."

"With pleasure. I take 600 points of damage to Special Summon Ancient Warriors - Savage Don Ying!"

He summoned a bearded swordsman with a giant sword and a big raven-black beard. He wore black and gold armor with a purple silk suit underneath. He swung his massive sword around and roared fiercely at the bounty hunter.

ATK/2200 DEF/1800

"Using Don Ying's ability, I'll add an Ancient Warrior's continuous spell to my hand. I activate Ancient Warriors Saga - Three Visits! Then, I take 800 Life Points so that I can summon Ancient Warriors - Rebellious Lu Feng!"

He summoned a mighty swordsman in black and gold armor, carrying a decorative halberd. He rode atop a red stallion with green eyes and saddled with gold.

ATK/2800 DEF/2200

"With, Three Visit's effect, I target Lu Feng and add an Ancient Warrior monster with a different name to my hand. And then I summon Ancient Warrior Masterful Sun Mou from my hand. He summoned a warrior with a red cape donning beautiful blue-scaled armor with white fur lining.

"Go get 'em, Jaeyoung!"

"Oh, I'm just getting started, Gong! Using Sun Mou's effect, I send Ancient Warrior's Saga - Deception and Betrayal to the Graveyard and add Ancient Warriors - Ingenious Zhuge Kong from my deck to my hand. And since he was added to my hand with the effect of an Ancient Warriors monster, I can Special Summon him to my field."

This time, Jaeyoung summoned a warrior garbed in elegant robes of white, gold, and jade silk. He had a fan of sharp white feathers as his weapon of choice.

"And since another Ancient Warriors monster effect was activated, Sun Mou can destroy one of your monsters. I choose Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf!"

Sun Mou drew both his twin swords and performed elegant swordplay that looked more like dancing than combat. With two fierce strikes, he cut Sunlight Wolf across the chest. The wolf howled and shattered.

"Now the conditions are set!" announced Jaeyoung. The symbol for Link Summoning appeared over him. Sun Mou and Zhuge Kong turned into orbs of light that flew into the symbol. "I Link Summon! Jaeyoung announced. Ancient Warriors Oath - Double Dragon Lords!"

Two Ancient Warriors acting as one monster appeared on the field. One of them was Zhuge Kong and the other was an Ancient Warrior known as Virtuous Liu Xuan. Both of them had updated garments, a gesture of their updated status as warlords.

ATK/1100 LINK -2

Jaeyoung and Gong laughed together at the sight of the majestic duo. "And now!" Jaeyoung continued. "Using Double Dragon Lords' effect, I send my Ancient Warrior Saga spell to the Graveyard and destroy your last remaining monster. Then, I can add a Ancient Warriors monster to my hand. And I'll summon him to the field since his ability allows me to Special Summon him when I have two or more Ancient Warriors on the field. I summon Ancient Warriors - Valiant Zhang De!"

Now Jaeyoung summoned a warrior in green armor lined with tan fur. A red scarf with two tails was wrapped around his neck and he carried a huge spear in one hand.

ATK/2700 DEF/900

"And it's about to get worse for you. With Double Dragon Lords on the field, all my Ancient Warrior monsters gain 500 ATK points. And Valiant Zhang De gains 300 ATK points for every Ancient Warriors monster on my field. You do that math, fool! This Duel is over!"

Double Dragon Lords - ATK 1600

Don Ying - ATK 2700

Lu Feng - ATK 3300

Zhang De - ATK 3200

All four of Jaeyoung's monsters attacked the bounty hunter at once, cutting him down piece by piece until his torso was just a limbless clump of flesh. Lu Feng picked up the pieces and threw them up into the air. He launched a fireball from his hand and burned them to ashes.

"I see you haven't lost your touch," said Gong. He walked over to the other fallen bounty hunter and removed his head with his Orichalcium katana.

"What are you going to do with that?" Jaeyoung asked.

"I'm going to impale it and stick it in the front gates," said Gong. "And I'm going to add the footage of our Duel and replay it on a screen over the head. It's a message to anyone stupid enough to want to accept the bounty on you guys."

"Nice work," said Jaeyoung. "It's time we stopped being soft on these criminals. Knowing how pathetic most of our politicians are getting these days, these scumbags will be out of the dungeon within a day. Can't have that happening now, can we?"

Gong kicked the headless hunter's body into the ocean. "No, we can't allow that. Well, I'm ready. Take me to Yuri."

Chapter 2: The New Apprentice

Chapter Text

Randall Lawson, Ruby Dragon Gaming Shop, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

He never thought he'd be sweeping the rubber mats at the entrance of a card game shop. A few months ago, he was one of the richest and most elite Duelists in the city. But after multiple losses to Yuri and his friends, Randall Lawson's career fell into ruin. He knew he had himself to blame for what happened. His ego and dirty schemes against Yuri and the others cost him his reputation.

And after seeing Brett Martinetti, his former mentor, brutally beat Yuri in front of thousands of fans, promotions avoided anyone who had anything to do with him.

Randall sighed and sweeped the floor again. "Why did I have to make such a fool of myself?" he thought. "If it wasn't for my ego I would be enjoying life like Yuri. How does he do it?"

"Randall!" Sergie the shop owner barked from behind the counter. "When you're done sweeping the doorstep, I want you to dust all the glass cases. After that, you must organize all the booster packs."

"Yes, sir," Randall answered in a monotone voice. The automatic doors slid open, ringing the little bell above it. Natalya scampered inside wearing a jean jacket over her tutu. She clearly just got back from her dance lesson. She was panting and her face was flushed red. It was clear she ran here as fast as she could to get to work on time. The five-layered nylon skirt flapped wildly.

"Natalya!" Randall said, his face turning pink. "You made it."

The young girl smiled, breathing heavily as if she couldn't get enough air in her lungs. "I...made...it."

Sergie grunted. "Get changed before you catch a cold. You were almost late."

"I'm sorry, Uncle. We had to have another tryout for the Prima Ballerina role and the instructors had us do it over and over again. They want to choose the best dancer for the part."

"I'm sure they will." He kissed her on the forehead and pinched her cheeks. "Now, hurry along. Change and get to work."

Natalya nodded and disappeared into the back room. He said something in Russian to which she answered him with a "Da."

Randall leaned against the broom and admired her. Ever since working at the Ruby Dragon, he had been taken by the beautiful ballerina. Though he was a good foot taller than her, he liked her short stature. It was adorable. Her long silky red hair, pale skin, and pretty green eyes captivated him.

Hard to believe she was known by other Duelists as The Gale. He heard stories about a tough female Duelist who beat her foes with a powerful Simorgh Deck but never would he guess she was a dainty little ballet dancer. But she was tough when she needed to be. She did aid Yuri in beating the Rare Hunters after all. That required a great deal of skill and courage.

Randall soughed in lament. He wished he was still at the top of his game. Now, he was just a pathetic nobody forced to serve as an errand boy in a card store. He thought his former status as regional champion would have impressed Natalya, but it didn't seem to faze her.

"I've got to change that," he muttered, continuing to sweep the entrance of the shop.

"So uh... she's a ballerina, huh?"

Sergei looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Natalya had come to work plenty of times in her tutu.

"You just noticed?" he asked rather sternly.

"No," Randall replied. "I just thought she'd be more into sports or something."

Sergie shrugged his shoulders and went back to counting the money.

"Does she uh... have anyone who holds her heart?"

"You mean a boyfriend? Ha! Never. My Natalya has no time for romance," Sergei said sharply. "She has bigger dreams than some boy can offer her. Besides, I wouldn't get too attached to her if I were you. She's going to Julliard in New York next year."

"Oh. Wow, she must be really good."

"She works hard. Just like I taught her. That's something you can learn from her."

"What does that mean?" Randall demanded.

"It means I'm tired of having to remind you to do your chores. Now get back to sweeping!"

Natalya came out of the back room in jeans and a T-shirt with the Ruby Dragon Gaming logo on it. She tied her red apron around her waist and put on the black baseball cap Sergie wore.

"Ready to go to work?" he asked.

"Yes, Uncle," she answered with a smile. "I am ready to face the day. Yuri and his friends will be here later. They're going to watch Patty in the talent show and Nick is off Dueling in some tournament on Paradiso Prima."

"Well now, that's impressive. Tournaments held there are usually reserved for only the best of the best."

Natalya chuckled. "Well, he is a Duelist in the Millennium Tournament. That's pretty much a guaranteed ticket to the best tournaments in the world."

Randall felt a cold stab in his chest. He used to participate in the exclusive tournaments on Paradiso Prima. Now Nick, once the worst player in the group and a Stowaway from the slums, was participating in those big games.

He leaned against the broom. His body became heavy.

"Are you okay?" Natalya asked him.

"I'm all right. So uh... what made you decide to do ballet?"

"My parents were both dancers before they were killed."

"What happened?"

"The Resource Wars. Many battles took place in my country and a stray bomb hit their village. I lived with my neighbors until Uncle Sergei came for me. I was very lucky to have such a good man take care of me. It was because of him that I'm here in Aquarius."

"Well, if you need anything, I can take care of you."

Natalya smiled. "I think I will manage. I have made great friends thanks to Yuri and they take good care of me."

"I mean...I could help you if you ever get into trouble or something."

"I appreciate your concern. But I can take care of myself. Patty taught me a lot about being tough."

Randall conceded with a chuckle. "Yeah, I imagine she's a pro at that. Well, I'd better get back to sweeping."

Natalya nodded and turned on the counter fan. A pleasant breeze swept through the store. She grabbed the feather duster and went to work dusting the shelves. Randall just watched her work. Dancing as a ballerina really did wonders for her physique. She had long legs and slender arms that were well-toned thanks to her rigorous training. Her hands were small and her fingers were delicate and nimble. He imagined them wrapping around his neck while she kissed him.

"Natalya..." He whispered.

Suddenly the doors slid open with a hiss. "Hey! Look who's here!" shouted Sergie.

Yuri and the others entered the shop laughing and carrying their things. Patty had a big guitar case on her back. Natalya ran to greet them with a hug. "Hi, guys! How was the show?"

"I got fourth place," said Patty. She carried Max in her arms. The puppy sniffed the air, recognizing Natalya's perfume, and barked.

Tyson patted her shoulder. "You made the top five, girl."

"Yeah, that's pretty good," said Natalya. "What about you, Nick? How was the tournament?"

"I won baby!"

Patty and Penelope whooped and clapped their hands.

"Aha!" Sergei proudly boasted. "I knew you could. So what did you get?"

"Only this!" He reached into his pocket and showed him a brand new alternate art Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

"Ahhh!" Sergie swooned. "And look at the artwork! My God, it's amazing!"

Randall felt the cold stab in his chest again. A Red-Eyes Black Dragon? He got another one?!

"So you going to add that to your deck?" Natalya asked.

Nick shook his head. "Nope. This dragon and the first one I got are going into a new deck I'm making just for my sister, Jeannie."

"Oh, for Jeannie?" Sergie asked. "How is she? I'm sure she would have seen you on TV by now."

"She did," said Yuri. "She sent me an email the other day and we have good news."

"Ah, let's hear it."

"It's wonderful, Sergei!" said Penelope. "Jeannie is coming to Aquarius for winter break!"

Sergie's eyes grew as large as saucers. He then burst out laughing and pulled his students in for a group hug. "That is excellent news. We must celebrate this! Does she need any help with the travel arrangements? I can chip in if you like."

"Naw, that's all right, Sergei. Patty and Penelope helped me take care of that already."

Sergei beamed at the three of them. "Ah, Nick. You have two very wonderful girlfriends. You should be so happy."

Nick put his arms around Patty and Penelope. "Oh, I am. I owe these two everything."

Randall felt sick to his stomach. But he had to force himself to smile, even though his face hurt while doing so. He had to keep his cool in front of the store owner. He leaned against the broom and tried to act relaxed.

"So I take it you're going to be looking through these?" Sergei jerked his thumb at a poster called Red-Eyes Revolution where cards that supported the legendary monster were displayed. A rare prismatic version of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon was in the set but the chances of getting it were extremely low.

Nick nodded. "Yeah. Did they come in yet?"

"Not yet," said Sergie. "We don't get this set until tomorrow. But I'll reserve some for you."

"Awesome. Thanks a lot."

"In the meantime you can help yourself to the Red-Eye Rage structure deck. It's got reprints of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon in it but they're common."

"No big deal," said Nick. "I'm going to search through those packages until I find that prismatic rare dragon. That'll make a great addition to my sister's new deck. Right, babe?"

Patty nodded. "Yep. That would make a great early Christmas gift for Jeannie."

"Although I'm kinda bummed that Red-Eyes Black Dragon is so easy to get now," said Nick. "Kinda takes away the majesty and uniqueness of it."

"It was only a matter of time," said Yuri. "That card couldn't stay unique forever. Not with all of the stronger cards out there. And with all those new support cards, he has to be printed more."

"Well, look at the bright side," said Tyson. "The card you have is one of the original five that were made. Sure, there are a lot of copies out there now, but they'll never be as valuable as yours."

"Yeah," said Nick. "Haha, you're right. So, who's up for Dueling in the ARC Chamber?"

"Me!" Natalya raised her hand. "I've been waiting all week to play against you guys again."

"I'm game," said Patty.

They all agreed to go. Yuri looked at Randall and said. "What about you? You want to join?"

Randall gulped and shook his head. "No... no thanks. You guys go ahead. Besides, someone has to stay up here and watch the store."

"Oh. All right then."

Sergei gave him the keys to the ARC Chamber. "You remember how to work this thing, yes?"

"Yes, sir."

"Wait!" shouted Fani. "Wait for me!" he ran through the doors of the store.

"You're late," said Sergei.

"Sorry, sorry. My mom wouldn't let me leave without a bite to eat."

"Then you should eat before getting ready for work," said Sergei. "Because you were late, I can't let you join the others in the ARC Chamber, Fani."

"What? Awww, but I want to see everyone Duel."

"Work first," said Sergi. "Do a good job and I'll think about letting you have a turn in the ARC Chamber once we get back."

"Okay," Fani replied glumly.

Randall stepped in. "Sergei. It's a little slow today. I can take care of the floor. Let the kid have some fun."

"Huh? You'd do that?" Fani asked.

Nick looked at him with suspicion. "Hey, just what are you up to, Lawson?"

Randall frowned at him. "Can't you go two seconds without getting a hair up your ass about something? Your sister is coming and everyone is happy. Don't ruin the moment with your paranoia."

"Seriously, Nick, lighten up," said Natalya. "I think it was awfully nice of Randall to offer to give Fani some free time. What's wrong with that?"

"She's right," said Sergie. "All right, Fani. Go on. But Just one Duel, okay? One Duel and you get to work."

Fani squealed like a little girl. "Thank you, Mr. Sergei. Thank you, Randall!" He hugged both men tightly.

Sergie and the group headed into the elevator down to the ARC Chamber while Randall stayed behind.

"You sure you don't want to go with them?" Sergei asked.

"Pfft. What's with the change of heart?" Randall asked while sweeping the floor. "A second ago you scorned Fani for being late and now you're offering me the chance to play?"

"Well, like you said, it's a slow day. And Yuri offered you a chance to hang out with his friends. You should take advantage of that. It's a rare thing when Yuri reaches out to someone new. You of all people should be taken advantage of this considering you were once the goon who sent countless bounty hunters after him."

Randall shrugged. "Well, if you insist. You sure you can manage the store with just a few other employees?"

"Da. If we need any help, I'll call you and Fani back up. Go down and have some fun with your former enemies, Randall."

He took off his apron and cap and stepped into the elevator. The cylindrical device descended deep into the shop, showing off the dark underwater scenery outside as they passed the windows. He saw the structures holding the city aloft and the illuminated windows of the different buildings. A pod of dolphins swam past them and a school of fish followed behind them.

The elevator came to a stop at the bottommost level of the building where the ARC Chamber was located. He stepped out and walked down a long glass tunnel offering a view of the ocean and its aquatic life. The tunnel opened up into a large viewing gallery with vending machines, chairs, tables, and even a small bar. Beyond that was another window looking into the ARC Chamber where Tyson and Nick were ready to clash. Their profile pics, names, favorite cards, and W/L ratio were displayed on the screens placed along the walls.

Nick Rogers - W/150 L187

Tyson Washington - W/99 L/25

The ARC Chamber was shaped like an octagon, with clear walls made of glass so viewers in the gallery could watch Duelists do battle.

"Ah, you made it," Yuri said.

The others weren't as happy to see him. Patty looked at him suspiciously, Penelope turned her head away, Natalya smiled, but the boys frowned and eyed him with scorn.

Randall cleared his throat. "Sergei let me come down. Is it okay if I watch?"

"Sure," Patty said with a shrug.

"Patty?" Penelope asked with a look of concern.

"It's cool, babe. Without Brett, this guy is nothing. Let him watch us play, I don't care."

Randall stood by the window next to Yuri and watched as the ARC Chamber transformed into an ancient castle ruin in the middle of a dense forest covered by a thick mist.

"Arf! Arf!" Max wagged his tail excitedly.

Nick - LP 8000 vs Tyson LP 8000


"So, you and me," said Nick. "It's been a while since you and I squared off, eh Tyson?"

"Yeah, after I walloped your ass ten times, you never challenged me again."

"Haha, but it's gonna be different this time," said Nick. "You forget, I'm the winner of the Millennium Tournament Final Qualifier."

"It's one thing getting into the tournament, Nick. It's another thing winning it. You're gonna be nothing but a warm-up before Carter and I return to Sergei's promotion and win that Tag Team Championship!"

"No way!" Patty squealed from behind the window. "You and Carter are gonna be a tag team?"

"Hell yeah," Carter said. "The Beastmaster and the One and Only! Me! After we conquer Dragon Den's tag team division, we're gonna enter Aquarius's first Tag Team Championship Tournament!"

"Aww, yeah!" Tyson said. "Carter and I are gonna be draped in gold. You just watch."

"You guys are going back to Dragon Den?" Randall asked. "I thought you were there as a one-time gig for his opening night."

"I don't know about the rest of these guys," said Carter. "But Tyson and I thought about it really hard. We want to perform in the show and win those belts. And like I said before, once we claim those babies, we're going to compete for the Aquariuan Tag Team Championship belts. They call us 'legendary' and what-not, right? Well, shouldn't legends be draped in gold?"

"Wow," said Fani. "Wouldn't it be something if all you guys had championship belts? You'd be the most powerful players in the city."

Nick rubbed his chin and bobbed his head. "Hmm, you know that doesn't sound like a bad idea," he said. "Sergei trained us really hard since we were kids. Why not show our thanks by bringing home championship belts from every tournament we enter? A new goal to strive towards."

Patty smiled. "Yeah. I like the sound of that. What do you say, Penelope? There's a women's tag team division, too. We should join together and win that title. Think of how proud Sergei would be of us."

Penelope nodded her head vigorously. "Oh, yes! That sounds wonderful! If you guys want to, then count me in. But it's only fair that Nick must get one, too. How embarrassing would it be if his girls got belts and he didn't?"

"But what belt would he get?" Yuri asked.

"Not to worry, King of Duelists," said Nick. "I have my eyes set on Aquarius's Pacific Championship. I already entered the tournament which is gonna be held in two weeks. So that means my little sister is gonna see me win championship gold before she leaves."

"What a coinkydink," said Patty. "The women's tag team tournament is held a day before the Pacific Championship Tournament."

"You don't say?" said Carter. "Huh, so everyone gets a chance to make some noise on their own before the main event."

"Oh, how exciting!" Natalya said.

Randall cleared his throat, interrupting them. "Speaking of championships, Yuri. Are you still thinking of entering the Aquarius Pacific League Tournament?"

Yuri folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the window. "Yeah, I am. So that means Nick is gonna have to get through me in order to win it."

"Pfft, challenge accepted, Yuri. Consider this match against Tyson my warning shot. I'm coming for you next time."

"A warning, huh?" said Tyson. "I highly doubt that. But let's talk about our quest for championship gold another time. Right now, we've got a Duel to play."

"Yeah, you're right," said Nick. "Let's get to it. You won the coin toss, so you go first."


"Draw!" Tyson said. He performed his opening combo, bringing out Cornfield Coatl and his mighty Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts. The four-armed winged fiend swung his massive red and gold greatswords in a display of strength and ferocity.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (1)

ATK/2400 DEF/600

"And now, with Berfomet's effect, I bring back Mirror Swordsman. Now, I'll Overlay my swordsman with Cornfield Coatl to Xyz Summon the Level 4 Illusion monster, Heretical Phobokorbos!"

Tyson Xyz Summoned a creature that looked to be more of a gold and black statue than a flesh and blood monster. It just hovered above Tyson's side of the castle, unmoving, not even blinking.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (2)

ATK/2100 DEF/1500

"Chimera Fusion activates and gets sent back to my hand. Your go, Nick."


"You don't expect your Berfomet and that giant...whatever that is to take me out, do you?" Nick boasted. "Come on, Tyson. Didn't you see what I did to Brett and his so-called protege Randall over there?"

"Then come get me, champ!"

"Will do! Get ready for the fury of my Gaia Deck, Tyson! First I play Graceful Charity!"

"I think not," said Tyson. "I'm gonna negate it with Ash Blossom."

"Arrrgh! FIne. But watch this! I activate the Field Spell, Galloping Gaia!"

A giant wall of flames rose behind Nick and the fiery-red spirit of Gaia the Fierce Knight stood ominously in the crackling inferno. His horse reared up, pawing the air with its forelegs.

"Oh no!" Carter cried.

"Uh oh!" Patty exclaimed. "Nick is going all in this game."

"Yeah, Papi, go!" Penelope cheered, shaking her hips in excitement.

"Easy, ladies. Papi's got this."

"Oh, f*ck off!" Yuri said, cringing. "We know what you're trying to do here."

Nick frowned at him, then resumed his Duel. "Whatever, champ. You're just jealous I got two girls. Anyway, my field allows me to add Curse of Dragon to my hand. And, since I control no monsters and you control one with 2300 or more ATK, I can summon Gaia the Magical Knight without Tribute!"

The blue and red-armored knight galloped out of the flames and stopped right next to Nick. The blood-red stallion reared up again and Gaia pointed his spear at the other monster.

ATK/2300 DEF/2100

"Now get ready to face the power of my Dragon Champion, because, with this combo, I'm gonna..."

"You ain't gonna do sh*t!" said Tyson. "Heiratical Phobos Kobos activates his effect." The giant statue began glowing with neon green light and it fired an orange beam at Gaia. "My monster can negate your Gaia's effect. And since he has an Illusion monster as an Xyz Material, this effect becomes a quick effect."

Nick's jaw dropped. "You're kidding!? You ruined my entire combo!"

Tyson placed his hands on his hips and laughed, his voice booming across the dark forest. "Sorry, but this match is over."

"Arrgh, I end my turn.":

"And my Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts' effect activates. By banishing him, I can Bring back Big-Winged Berfomet, triggering his effect, allowing me to add Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws and Chimera Fusion to my hand.


"Now, Nick, I play Chimera Fusion, combining Befromet and Gazelle to create another Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts!"

The two-headed flying lion let out a mighty roar as it descended upon the castle ruin.

ATK/2100 DFE/1800

Chimera's summoning allowed Tyson to fill up his board with the likes of Golgoil the Iron Giant Djin and Chimera the Illusion Beast, whose 3100 ATK made Nick incredibly nervous.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (3)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (4)

Fani pressed his hands against the glass, marveling at Tyson's lineup of monsters with awe. "Man, look at all those rare and powerful monsters. When am I going to get cards like that? Sergei keeps telling me I need to be patient, but when?"

Yuri patted Fani on the shoulder. "Don't worry, kid. I've been there. Just keep working hard and your deck will be a force to be reckoned with in no time.

"My Iron Giant allows me to bring back Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts from banishment!" said Tyson.

"Damn, Tyson, take it easy!" laughed Carter. "You already have enough firepower to beat Nick this turn."

Tyson laughed and held up his fist. "Sorry, Papi, you lose!"

All his monsters ganged up on his Magical Knight, destroying him and causing an explosion that sent Nick to the ground. His Life Points plummeted to 0.

"Aww, too bad," said Penelope. "Next time, Nick."

"Damn!" said Nick. "I've beaten every tough player on this island. How do I keep losing to you?"

"Cause I'm the Beastmaster, baby!" Tyson laughed, holding up his prized deck in the air. "All right, who's next?"

"I'll go," said Patty.

Randall moved forward before anyone else could speak. "I'll take her on."

Patty stopped in front of the door to the chamber and looked over her shoulder at him.

"Hey, I didn't give you permission to Duel my girlfriend!" Nick said.

"Who says I need permission?" said Randall. "There's nothing wrong with two Duelists going at it. Isn't that what this place is all about? Dueling?"

Nick glared at him and folded his arms across his chest. Patty held up her hand to cool his clearly injured ego. "Relax, babe. I got this. Randall's right. Besides, I don't see an entourage of minions or anything surrounding him. We're just gonna Duel, right?"

"Yeah, that's all," Randall said. "If you want to, that is."

Patty shrugged. "Yeah. I do. Now, let's go."

They waited for Tyson and Nick to leave the ARC Chamber and were given access to enter. They both stepped inside, and once they closed the door, the arena was transformed into an ancient chapel filled with long rows of pews, a high-vaulted ceiling painted with images of priests, and an altar surrounded by candles. A stone statue of an angel stood over them, its head bowed, hands folded in prayer.

"This is my first time playing here," Randall said, admiring his surroundings. "Nice place, eh?"

"It's alright, I guess. But I'm more interested in seeing your deck in action. I hate to admit it, but your Voiceless Voice monsters are kind of cool. It's like the old monsters you used to play with evolved into those badass new forms."

"Well, I didn't think the legendary Reaper would be so intrigued by my new deck. Shall we get started?"

"Yeah, let's." She removed her academy blazer and loosened her tie. She wrapped her blazer around her waist and equipped her Duel Disk.

"All right. I'm summoning Magical Musketeer Caspar in ATK Mode!" She set her card on the blade of her brand Duel Disk, which was shield-shaped and had a purple scythe-shaped blade. She summoned a rifleman in black and gold armor shrouded by a red cape. As soon as his feet touched the ground, his stats window appeared and displayed 1200 ATK points. He fired two rounds in the air and posed next to Patty.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (5)

"Nice! Now I play the spell Fiendsmith Tractus! It allows me to add a Light Fiend monster to my hand so long as I discard a card. And the card I discarded was Fabled Lurrie, and when it's discarded by an effect, I get to Special Summon it!"

The card ejected from her Graveyard slot and she elegantly twirled it in the air before setting it on her Duel Disk. Then, she slammed it down and summoned out a winged fiend wearing a red helmet with green goggles.

"Next, I play Fiendsmith Santcus!" she declared, holding up her Spell Card. "If all I control are Light attribute Fiend monsters, I can special summon a Fiendsmith Token." A bat-like monster with one glowing red eye flapped its wings in rapid motion as it materialized on her side of the field.

"Now, the conditions are set," said Patty. "I banish Fiendsmith Tactus and fuse together Caspar and the Fiendsmith in my hand to create Fiendsmith Lacrimosa!"

She summoned a young man with red and white spikey hair wearing a black trenchcoat with chains. He transformed the Magical Musketeer into a fiendish cannon where the barrel resembled an eyeball inside a mouth of razor-sharp teeth.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (6)

ATK/2400 DEF/2400

"Whoa! Check that out!" Fani said. "I've never seen that before. You guys are always building something new."

"It's all part of the game, man," said Tyson. "Besides, you know Patty. If it deals with Fiends, she's gonna get her hands on it."

Patty fixed her hair and smiled. "Now that Lacrimosa is out, I'm allowed to bring back my Musketeer in DEF mode."

The Fiendsmith raised his hand, conjuring a red orb of energy which then transformed into Magical Musketeer Caspar, kneeling beside her.

"Now, I'm going to Tribute my Token to Link Summon Fiendsmith Requiem!"

The Fiendsmith Token was sucked into a forge where it laughed as its flesh and soul were forged to become a giant shield with a gaping mouth and a burning red eye.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (7)


"Now, I Tribute my Fiendsmith Requiem to bring out the Fiendsmith himself!"

The shield laughed manically before exploding into a thousand red embers, which then converged into a form of a young man in a black and red trenchcoat that was opened to show off his toned core. He slid his hand down his spikey red hair and chuckled as he stood next to Patty. The Fiendsmith Requiem monster hovered behind his back, acting as a shield and his main weapon.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (8)

ATK/1800 DEF/2400

"Where does Patty find these things?" Carter asked.

"And now, I Tribute both my Fiendsmith and Fabled Lurrie to Link Summon Fiendsmith Sequentia!"

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (9)

The forge that created the Fiendsmith's weapons rose out of the ground and conjured a dark entity that resembled the monster Despair from the Dark. It laughed fiendishly as it crossed it arms to display its 1200 ATK.

"Aww, yeah!" Patty cheered. "With this forge, I can summon my ace! With this, I send The Fiendsmith, Fiendsmith Reqiuem, and Fabled Lurrie to conjure Fiendsmith Dies Irae!"

The Fiendsmith returned to the field, wearing a brand new coat that revealed his upper torso. He was surrounded by an array of red and black chainsaws oddly shaped to resemble the madness of his creative process.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (10)

ATK/2800 DEF/2400

"All right, here we go!" Randall cheered. "Dueling you is always a blast. I'll give it my all."

"Your all's never going to be enough with me!" Patty laughed. "First, I tribute Caspar to Link Summon the adorable S:P Little Night!"

Caspar finished into one of the arrows of the Link Portal she created. Out from the portal emerged a little girl clad in ninja attire with 1600 ATK points. "Yyyaaah!" she yelled, thrusting her kunai in the air.

"We're nearing the end of my turn, boys and girls. To conclude, I activate Sequestria's effect, allowing me to equip itself to Fiendsmith Dies Irae.

The forge emerged from the ground and the Fiendsmith happily jumped aboard it as though it were his trusty steed.

"That's not all," said Patty. "It lets me bring back the original Fiendsmith. But he's not staying for long. I Overlay him and Fiendsmith Lacrimosa to Xyz Summon D/D/D Wave High King Ceasar!"

"The Different Dimension Deamons?" Yuri gasped. "Those are Declan's cards. The Card Nexus brought them here, too?"

"So it seems," said Ser Norman. "Interesting. I didn't think his Different Dimension Deamons would become cards here."

"First Jack Atlas's Red Dragon Archfiends. Yuto's Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. I wonder if anyone else's cards have been affected by this. Won't the others be mad about this?"

"Hmm. They may be otherworldly versions of the cards the heroes use back in our world, but they do not wield the actual power they contain. Here, these are mere playing cards."

"You're right," said Yuri. "But that still doesn't make them any less powerful. Do you think somewhere out there, there's a different dimension version of my Black Tyranno too?"

"Heh heh, maybe, Yuri, who knows."

"I end my turn," said Patty.


Randall drew and shouted: "Draw!" He felt he was ready to show off his Voiceless Voice monsters to Patty. But little did he know, there was a board of multiple negates on her side of the field. Every time Randall tried to make a move, Patty just negated and negated and negated his cards. D/D/D Wave King High King Ceasar sure did. And when Patty sent Fiendsmith Lacrimosa to the Graveyard as a the Xyz Material needed to use his effect, she shuffled a Light Fiend into her deck. Then Fiendsmith Lacrimosa fired his cannon at Randall, dealing 1200 damage before he went to the Graveyard.

Randall ended his turn with nothing on his field but his 50 ATK point Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice. He sucked up his pride and waited for Patty to launch her final assault. Her Fiendsmith Dies Irei, S:P Little Night, and Ceasar attacked him all at once, reducing his Life Points to 0 just like that.

"Yeah! That's my girl!" Nick cheered.

Patty smiled at him and waved.

"Nice duel!" said Randall.

"You too." Patty flung her hair behind her shoulder and looked back at the others. "Anyone else? How about you, Yuri?"

Yuri smirked. "Now we're talking!"

They stepped into the ARC Chamber, which changed to look like a gladiator arena surrounded by a crowd of Roman citizens, all cheering loudly for some bloodshed.

"Oh, I want in on this!" Carter said. "I'll face you, Yuri!"

Fani observed from the window as his heroes Dueled each other, watching how their strategies matched up against each other. His eyes followed Yuri's every move, trying to memorize the way he handled his deck so well. They switched up their decks each time, bringing out new monsters he had never seen before and watching them clash against each other. After one intense back-and-forth, Yuri defeated Patty and her army of Fiends. Carter got a win over Tyson's Chimeras with his Tearlament Deck. Then Randall and Yuri went head to head in a vicious clash of the titans.

"Aww, man, they're so awesome!" Fani cheered. "So this is what I need to be aiming for. I can do it. I'll be just like them. Just you wait."


A boy, hooded and cloaked in bright white robes slowly made his way to the audience chamber of a castle floating in a realm between the two prime worlds. It was bright white with hints of gold here and there. But outside, a dark and cloudy abyss swirled around it, full of lightning and thunder. It was an intimidating place, but one that the boy felt comfortable in.

He crossed a long bridge over an indoor river and into the audience chamber where a wizard wearing dark purple robes sat on a throne of gold, surrounded by seven women with their faces concealed in the darkness of their hoods. They sat in a ring on their own thrones of white stone, carved to look like roaring wyrms from a time long forgotten.

The boy knelt before the wizard, who gazed down at him.

"Report...Vyce," the wizard said.

"Expeditionary teams are on standby. We're set to cross into the Standard Dimension at your command, Lord Denethon."

"Good. The Rare Hunters failed in their task of eliminating Yuri. But there was so much that we've learned about the little prince. His symbiosis with Ser Norman the Conqueror is most intriguing."

"We still have yet to figure out what the power is, my lord," Vyce said, raising his head. "That Pendant is more powerful than we ever could have imagined."

"Taking it from him won't be so easy," said one of the hooded women. "He's gotten so much stronger."

Annaviel removed her hood, letting her long red hair flow out. "Master. I don't think it's wise to send this boy on such an important mission."

"Now, now," said Denethon. "Vyce is more than capable of completing this task. You forget your place, Annaviel. You spent too much time listening to the schemes of Bakura. It's clouded your judgment."

Annaviel gritted her teeth and looked away.

"I will not fail," said Vyce. "I was one of the Guardians of the Kingdom in Between. For many years, I've fought monsters beyond your wildest imagination. I know how to defeat Yuri and retrieve the Pendant for you, Master."

"Then do so," said Denethon. "But do not underestimate him. With that pendant around his neck, he has powers beyond comprehension. Based on Annaviel's reports, they can even break the laws of the Standard Dimension."

"I wish to test that out for myself," said Vyce.

Annaviel shook her head. "I don't like this. He shows the same arrogance that cost Laxius his life."

Vyce swiftly turned his head toward her. "I am not like that fool! I warned you all not to send him in."

"I knew what I was doing," said Denethon. "Laxius was merely an instrument to test my hypothesis on Yuri and Ser Norman's bond. Now that we've got the sufficient amount of data we need, it's time to put things in motion."

"So be it," said Annaviel, returning to her seat and concealing her face in the shadows of her hood once again.

"Go, Vyce. See how much our prince has learned?"

Vyce nodded. "It will be done, my lord."

Chapter 3: Reunion

Chapter Text

— Jeannie, Wilcox Mansion, Pennsylvania/Standard Dimension —

The suitcases lay on the bed of her room, each one filled with clothes, shoes, and other necessities she needed for her trip. Jeannie, now finally out of the hospital in full health, was ready for her winter break on Aquarius. And after so many years, she would see her brother, Nick. Despite her lamp being on, the string lights she had over her window were still illuminating her room. Jeannie closed her eyes and listened to the music playing on her phone.

"Jeannie, do you have everything?" asked Mrs. Wilcox, the woman who adopted her many years ago. She stepped into the room with some clothes fresh from the laundry.

"Yes, Mom." Jeannie opened her eyes and went to the closet. She took out a box wrapped in pink paper with a large white ribbon tied around it.

Mrs. Wilco*k saw the gift and smiled. "Well, aren't you excited? You haven't seen your brother in person since you were four."

"I've got to thank Yuri Montgomery for bringing us back together." She bit her lip. "For a while, I thought he'd never answer my emails"

"Well, I'm sure you're glad he did. Who better to take care of you on your trip than the future President and CEO of Phobos Corp?" Mrs. Wilcox started folding Jeannie's clothes and placing them in her luggage. "So, are you ready for this?"

"Oh, yeah, totally," Jeannie nodded as she put the gift down and took out her makeup bag from underneath her pillows. "I can't wait to see my brother. Most of all, I can't wait to see my Red-Eyes Black Dragon again."

Mr. Wilcox rushed to the door. "Jeannie, are you done yet? The plane leaves in two hours."

"Okay, Dad." She picked up her phone and put it in the side pocket of her suitcase. "Just let me pack my charger. Mom, you're going to pick up my souvenirs, right?"

"Of course, dear. Just make sure you're not late. If you miss the flight, that'll be $300 wasted."

"Mom!" Jeannie giggled. "I won't miss the flight." She hugged her mother. "Thank you so much for letting me go."

"Of course, dear. Have a safe trip. Make sure to tell your brother hello for us."

"And don't forget to give Nick our love," Mr. Wilcox said as he wheeled Jeannie's luggage into the hallway. "Maybe he'll come here sometime."

"You guys are the best parents in the world," Jeannie whispered. She zipped up her bag and kissed her adoptive parents on the cheek before following her father downstairs.

— Mindy, The Kingdom of Mondé —

Elz. XV, Year 18 4AOS

Mindy, clad in gleaming armor of silver steel, rides atop a powerful stallion also armored from snout to tail in silver plate. In her right hand, she wields a sword shining as bright as the sun and gallops toward an army of ogres and six giants taller than mountains, who are roaming the countryside. Her steed's hooves thunder across the ground, and when he strikes the earth with his forelegs, pillars of fire erupt beneath their foes, turning them into dust. The ogres think she is an easy match and can't wait to add her flesh into the soup tonight.

"We'll eat you good," they chortle as they run after her. They howl in laughter as she rides faster and faster, swinging her sword from left to right, decapitating each ogre one by one. Then the giants come running up behind her, roaring and beating their chests, stomping down on trees like grass, eager to squash the girl. She rides between their legs, slashing at their ankles with her blade.

If her range is too short, an aura of light appears around her sword, increasing its length. The giants fall to the ground like mighty towers tumbling from an earthquake. She gallops toward an endless sea of ogres. There had to be tens of thousands of them. They saw her disturbing their siege on the city and attacked her all at once.

Mindy grins and pulls back hard on the reins as a horde of ogres rush for her. "Yah!" she cries, kicking her steed's flanks with the heels of her boots. A shock wave ripples across the plains, sending the horde flying into the air like toy soldiers knocked off a table by a child's hand.

Her horse tramples over those who survive, leaving behind a trail of flattened ogres like pancakes on the ground. She swings her sword 1000 times per second as she passes through the endless army.

They continue to attack her.

Trolls in the cliffs above toss boulders the size of buildings at her. She kicked her horse and it jumped up into the air. It hopped from boulder to boulder, sending the projectiles flying into the army of ogres. She reaches the top of the cliff and jumps off her stallion. She turns into a streak of light. A second later, she is back on her horse, riding down the face of the cliff. The trolls are motionless. Then, bright streaks slash out of their bodies, and they turn into ash. Mindy moved so fast, her strikes were two seconds delayed from when she actually made them.

She returns to the army. The hilt of her sword extends and the light lengthens the blade by ten yards, turning it into a lance. She points it forward and rides straight toward the enemy. The tip of her blade moves so fast that it looks like a solid shaft of light piercing everything it touches, leaving a line of corpses trailing behind her like a wake. She rides on and on without stopping. The dumb creatures continue to chase her. As she races ahead, she sees a long-haired troll with a crown made of bones. He was riding a tiger as big as an elephant and wielding a club that could flatten houses. He swings at her head as she rides past, but she ducks it easily.

Her blade becomes a whip that cracks miles across the plains. It decapitates more than 500 ogres before retracting and turning into a sword again. The king is angered and orders two of his best giants clad in gigantic plates of armor to go after her. She turns and gallops toward them, laughing as she watches their huge feet smash the ground. She and her horse move as fast as light, dodging every attack they make. One giant swings a sledgehammer the size of a tower, smashing the ground where she was just standing. But she is now standing fifty yards away with her blade pointing up at an angle.

A beam of light pierces through the giant's skull, exploding his head in a flash of light and fire. The other giant tries to crush her with both hands. She parries the mountain-sized fist with just her sword, creating a million sparks in the air, and cuts the fingers off his other hand as it comes swinging for her. The giant screams in agony and falls on his back. She jumps high into the air, slashing through his arms a thousand times per second, slicing them up into bits, and then impales the sword deep into his chest.

The second giant roars to avenge his fallen friend and runs at her. She stands still and waits. The creature raises its club over her head. She fixes her hair and turns into a flash of light. She emerges on the opposite side of the giant, holding her sword. She opened her eyes and smiled, looking over her shoulder. A drip of blood falls from the edge of her blade. SLASH! SLASH! SLASH! The giant's body comes apart in six pieces.

She turns around and faces the dumbfounded troll king. "Are you going to fight me or not?" she taunts him.

"I'll kill you, woman!" he growls and spurs his tiger into a run.

"Here I am," she says, beckoning him with her hand.

The troll swings his club at her. She moves her head a few inches to the left, letting the weapon pass right by her nose. The king's expression changes to one of astonishment. Mindy smiles and cuts off his head. It flies off his shoulders and falls into the dirt. She gallops toward his army and rides through them, cutting down each creature like weeds. When she reaches the end of the line, she sheathes her sword and opens her hand. Her stallion is struck by lightning and turns into a fiery black horse with red wings. He leaps into the air and flies across the plains toward the next city.

The people cheer her name as she flies into the stars where she would dwell until they needed her.

"MINDY! MINDY! MINDY!" they cried, waving their banners and flags at her.

"Mindy...Mindy...WAKE UP!" said a voice that shook her from her daydream.

"What?!" Mindy found herself back in reality, sitting against a tree. Kairi, Sansa, Cindy, Gail, Saphira, Wendy, and Angelica are looking down at her, shaking their heads in disapproval.

"Dozing off, eh? You're just asking to get reprimanded. You're lucky we found you and not Lorelei. If you keep this up, I'm going to have to start calling you Mindless Mindy," Kairi chided her.

"I wasn't sleeping! I was meditating," Mindy declared, crossing her arms defensively.

"Is snoring a part of the meditation process?" Kairi asked, smirking.

Mindy flushed. "I...um..."

Wendy held out her hand. "Come on, Two more hours and training is over. You can do it."

Mindy got up and took her hand. "I'm fine. Thanks for the concern, guys. Ugh, I don't see what the point of all this training is, though. We're the best soldiers in the kingdom."

"We have to keep our skills sharp, silly," said Gail. "If we grow weak, we lose our edge. Special Forces are the swords of their respective kings. And as swords, we must constantly be honed and sharpened so that we may strike with precision at any given moment. Don't tell me you forgot that?"

Mindy nodded. "Right, yeah. Sorry about that."

"Just stay out of trouble," said Angelica. " Your ass is still on the stove for letting Therondor out the other day."

Mindy grumbled. "Are you guys ever going to let me live that down?"

"That horse is the Stallion of the Kings for a reason," snapped Sansa. "He is not some toy for you to play with when you want. He is a noble creature and should only be ridden by a true warrior."

"Whatever," sighed Mindy, rolling her eyes.

"Look, I know your two best friends are out there as heroes," said Kairi, "but you're not them. So stop trying to be."

"I'm not trying to be anyone," said Mindy. "I just want to do my part to protect the kingdom. Is that too much to ask?"

"Your part is to keep the palace grounds secure and make sure everything is in order," said Gail. She looked at her twin who nodded in agreement.

"Aww, man. I wanna go on an adventure," moaned Mindy.

Saphira shook her head. "Don't be selfish, Mindy. We've all been assigned our roles in life. There are no shortcuts, no excuses. You can't just skip past all the hard work that comes before achieving greatness. That's the path taken by slobs and people without ambition."

"We know how you feel, Mindy," Cindy said softly. "It must be very difficult having your two best friends out there fighting monsters and saving the world, while you're stuck here guarding the palace with us. But we're not so bad. We have fun together, don't we? Besides, hunting for goblins, wyverns, trolls, and giant ants can be fun."

Mindy gulped so loudly that her comrades could hear it. "That stuff is really out there?"

"Leave it to my sister to keep the squad's Beastiary by her bedside," Wendy muttered.

"What? We need to know what we're up against."

Kairi nodded. "Fair enough, but we're not on some kind of vacation. Now get back to work, soldiers!"

Mindy followed the others and looked at the forest where Therondor's stall was.

"That's twice in a row. Could that stallion in my dreams be Therondor?" Her flesh said don't but her overzealous heart said yes. She just had to see the stallion again.

— Yuri, Aquarius Airport/Standard Dimension —

Yuri stood with his friends right in front of the terminal watching the massive VTOL passenger plane descend down the runway. Nick stood at the front of the group with Patty and Penelope by his side. Sam and Consuelo came along as well. After so many years of hearing about Jeannie from Nick, the two of them were looking forward to seeing her. The giant plane taxied over to the gate and parked in the space reserved for it. As soon as the door opened, and the stairs descended, passengers poured out like ants marching into the sunlight. For Nick, it felt like an eternity. The comfort of his girlfriends couldn't soothe his anxiety. He held his breath in anticipation, hoping that Jeannie would come out. A few minutes later, his wish became reality.

A girl wearing a pink hoodie walked through the doorway and immediately scanned the area for her brother. She rolled her suitcase over to the edge of the gate and smiled. There was no doubt that the young man standing with all his friends was her long-lost brother. They both shared the same shade of blonde hair and the same brown eyes.

They locked eyes with each other and froze. Their hearts began pounding so hard it felt like they would burst from their chests. It was as if time itself had stopped, allowing the siblings to look into one another's souls. The bond between them was more powerful than any magic. Nick let his girlfriends go and rushed over to his sister.

Jeannie ran towards him, leaving her suitcase behind. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she leaped into her brother's arms and cried out for joy. After so many years apart, the siblings were finally reunited. The tears flowing from Nick's eyes were like rivers that had been released after being dammed for far too long. He embraced his sister tightly, afraid that if he let go, she would disappear.

Carter sniffed back tears as he watched the moment unfold before his eyes. For the first time in forever, the gang saw tears escape Patty's eyes. She leaned against Consuelo who wiped her own eyes and put her arm around Patty. Sam tried to play it tough, but his eyes glazed over as he witnessed the heartwarming reunion. Even the most hardened and stoic members of the gang couldn't help but shed a tear or two. The love of brothers and sisters is like no other in all the world. For five long minutes, he just held her against his chest as she sobbed and trembled like a baby. He never wanted to let her go.

Yuri started to clap for the pair as the others joined in. The siblings looked up at the crowd of friends and smiled. Nick carried Jeannie over to them.

"Guys, this is my sister Jeannie." He introduced everyone to her.

No surprise that the first of them she would hug was Yuri. If it wasn't for him, she might have never gotten the chance to see her brother again. She wrapped her arms around Yuri's neck and thanked him over and over again.

"It was my pleasure," he said, patting her on the back. "Welcome to Aquarius."

Jeannie stepped back and wiped a few tears before looking around at the group. "So you're the famous Knights of the Ruby Dragon. Wow! I've been following you guys for months ever since I heard Yuri beat Randall Lawson. I mean...wow! It's really you. Tyson. Carter. Natalya. And...Patty! Oh, I've been waiting to meet you."

"Awww," Patty cooed and gave her a hug.

"Arf! Arf!" Max barked, wagging his little tail.

"Sorry," said Patty. "This is my baby, Max."

"He's so cute!" Jeannie squealed, scratching him behind the ears. "Hi, Max!"

Nick beamed with pride. "Jeannie. This is Consuelo Conception. She's the woman who's been taking care of me all these years. She risked everything to bring me and this guy right here to Aquarius."

"Hola, preciosa," Consuelo greeted her in Spanish, kissing her on both cheeks. "Bienvenidos. Nick has told me so many stories about you. You're more beautiful than I imagined."

"Hey, hey, aren't you forgetting about me?" Sam boasted.

Consuelo rolled her eyes. "And that is Samuel. I adopted him a few years after bringing Nick to Aquarius."

"Call me Sam. I'm Yuri's brightest student."

Yuri scoffed. "You're barely passing."

Sam frowned. "Whatever, sensei. I'll show you what I got next time we spar. Jeannie, nice to meet ya." He shook her hand and kissed the back of it.

Jeannie giggled. "It's so nice to meet you all." She hugged each one of them.

She was especially delighted to meet Penelope but was shocked to learn she was Nick's second girlfriend. "Well, I see Nick has been uh...very popular here in Aquarius," she said nervously. "So, where will I be staying."

"Are you a fan of Crystal Anderson?" Yuri asked.

Jeannie nodded. "Are you kidding? I've bought every single one of her albums. Why?"

"She's one of my best friends," said Yuri. "And she offered to let you stay in one of her penthouse suites during your stay here."

Jeannie's almond eyes widened with delight. "N-n-no way! She....she...she did?! Oh my god!"

Yuri chuckled. "Come on. She's at the Ruby Dragon with my friend Ren. They're both dying to meet you."

"We'll go get her luggage," said Tyson. "Come on, Carter."

They both headed over to the conveyor belt where the suitcases were being carried by an automated system.

Jeannie looked around as they walked across the airport to the parking lot. "Wow. Is this city really floating on water?"

"It sure is. After the Resource Wars, the best and brightest minds built this city to stand as a symbol of peace and a promise to never let a war like that happen again."

"See that big-ass tower in the distance" Nick said, pointing to the Phobos Quad-Towers at the center of the island. "That's the Phobos Corp HQ. There used to be only three of those skyscrapers. But that fourth one was built for Yuri as his eighteenth birthday present."

"Wow!" Jeannie gasped. "You're so lucky, Yuri! What does it look like inside?"

"I'll give you a tour once we get you settled," Yuri said. "After all, you're going to be staying with us for the next two weeks."

After getting Jeannie's luggage into the trunk, they all piled into the limousine waiting for them. Jeannie immediately took pictures of the vehicle and sent them to her friends back home. Once everyone was strapped in, it drove to the twisting highways around the city.

Jeannie squealed with excitement. They were so high up. It was like being in a fantasy world. The skyscrapers stood tall, reaching to the sky like swords held by titans. Each one was a masterpiece of art and architecture that represented the pinnacle of human achievement. And the people who lived within those towering monuments of progress wore clothes that dazzled her eyes.

She could hardly believe it. Even though she had seen plenty of photos of the city before, nothing compared to actually being there. She was constantly snapping pictures and taking photos. In no time at all, Patty became her new best friend.

She saw Duels breaking out all over the city. Monsters she had never seen before were conjured with the advanced Solid Vision technology that brought holographic magic to life. Her favorite monsters were the dragons, but she was also interested in the machines that dominated the game.

Patty sat next to her and explained everything about the game. Jeannie was no Duelist, and it was a strange time to be a new player. With Links, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum now in effect, it would take a lot of practice to learn the ropes. Still, she wanted to get started right away.

When the limo pulled up to the front entrance of the Ruby Dragon, Jeannie's jaw dropped to the ground. "So this is the famous store you guys hang out. Did you guys really defend it from being taken over by a rival shop?"

"It was quite a battle," Patty said. "Sergei, the owner, was so happy we beat our rivals. He said we were like his knights and that's how we came up with our group's name."

"Wow, I'm really looking forward to seeing the inside," Jeannie said, stepping out of the vehicle with Patty and Nick following.

"Welcome to our home away from home," Yuri said, leading the way to the door.

The store was packed with customers. All three floors of the shop were bustling with activity. Jeannie looked around in awe. She had never seen a store like this. It was so lively, and the atmosphere felt so warm and welcoming. And loud. Games ranging from Magic: The Gathering, Duel Masters, Cardfight: Vanguard, Digimon, and more were being played on tables placed all around the floor. She smelled delicious foods being prepared at the restaurant area and saw a couple of kids getting their cards signed by some professional players nearby. Giant screens showing off matches in the ARC Chamber below the store were hanging from the ceiling.

"Is this a store? It's like a mini-mall or something."

"It's just like, it's just like..." Tyson started singing.

"A mini-mall!" Yuri joined in, singing the rap song promoting the furniture store, Flea Market Montgomery.

Jeannie burst into laughter. "You two are weird."

"Living rooms, bedrooms, dinettes," Yuri and Tyson continued rapping in unison as they walked to the back of the store. "Oh yeah!"

"Come on, you dorks, you're scaring the poor thing," Patty chuckled. She put her arm over her shoulder. "Come on, baby. Let's go introduce you to Sergei."

They headed to the second floor where Duel Monsters reigned supreme. In the corner, there was a table surrounded by eight chairs. There, Ren and Crystal were enjoying some lunch and playing a casual game. They were both laughing at some joke when Yuri and his friends arrived.

"Oh..." Jeannie said, starstruck. "Yuri, that's...that's Crystal Anderson!"

"Yes, it is," said Yuri. "I'll be right back." He left them and went to talk to his friends.

Jeannie watched Yuri greet the singers who jumped out of their seats hearing the news that Jeannie had arrived.

Crystal gasped and covered her mouth. "Wow! She's here?!" She got to her feet and rushed over to Jeannie.

"Hey," Yuri said to Ren. "I know you're always busy, but I'm glad you could make it, man."

Ren slowly bobbed his head up and down. "This is a big moment for Nick. Only natural I'd make time and show up."

"So where've you been?" Yuri asked. "I haven't seen you since the Halloween party."

"Here and there," Ren said. "I'm sorry if I'm not around as much, bro. But you know my old man. You're not the only one inheriting a big-ass corporation. By the way, a little birdie told me you want to go to war with the Martinettis."

"Who told you that?"

"Someone I know."

Yuri shrugged. "I'm not afraid of them."

"You say that because you only had to deal with Brett, who was practically playing gangster with his Duel buddies. But now you're against Don Lucio and the Martinetti Family. There's a reason why your father bent the knee to them for so many years, man. They're dangerous."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

"All I'm saying is take it easy for now. Nick's little sister is in town and I don't want her getting caught up in anything crazy. All right. Just promise me you'll let things go while she's around."

Yuri sighed. He hated having to wait even more to exact his revenge on the mobsters that threatened his family. But Jeannie came first. "Fine," he said. "I won't start trouble."

"That's all I ask."

Meanwhile, Crystal was talking to Jeannie as though they had been friends for years. The group just loved her already. It wasn't surprising that they did. Her smile alone was enough to melt even the hardest of hearts. And her laughter was like a beautiful melody that soothed the soul. She was friendly and polite to everyone who greeted her. She didn't care who you were. Rich or poor, young or old, it didn't matter to her. Jeannie was so kind to everyone, it was difficult to hate her.

"I'm Fani! I'm a friend of Nick's." Fani shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Fani," Jeannie said.

"So, Jeannie," said Sergei. "Ever seen a Solid Vision Duel before?"

"Only on TV, sir."

"Ho, ho, ho. No need to call me sir, dear. Just Sergei is fine. Well, you're in for a treat. I have my own ARC Chamber down below the shop. One for the guests and one for Yuri and his friends. Heh, heh, cost me a fortune, but to see these kids Duel, it was well worth it. You ever play Duel Monsters before?"

Jeannie shook her head. "Nope. Never played."

Sergei smiled and patted her head. "Ahhh, no worries. How about we teach you to play?"

"I already have a deck for her," said Nick.

"Easy there, Nick. They're full of cards she's not going to understand from the get-go," said Patty. "Why not take it slow and use our old decks to teach her how to play?"

Nick nodded. "Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. I forgot how hard it is to learn how to play this game."

"That's okay," said Jeannie. "I made a deck myself back at home. I can use it to practice."

"Great. And don't worry, Jeannie. We're here to help you learn," said Tyson.

"That's right," said Carter. "It ain't easy being a new player, but don't sweat it. We'll help you out as much as we can."

"Thanks, guys," said Jeannie. "Um...is it scary?"

"No way," Sam boasted. "If a little kid like me can handle them, you sure can. Why don't you go against me in your first match?"

"Oh...sure," she said. "I'm sorry. It's just that I've heard the holograms are pretty real. They look so amazing on TV."

"Don't worry. The Solid Vision system doesn't hurt," Yuri assured her. "They'll push you around a bit, but they won't break skin or anything."

"Sweet!" said Sam. He hopped off his chair. "The honor of being Jeannie's first opponent is gonna be me. Haha, I can't wait to show her what I've got. Let's go to the ARC Chamber, Sergei."

Sam skipped off to the back of the store where the elevators were located. The others followed him, ready to watch his match with Jeannie. Down they went. Jeannie gasped when the glass walls of the elevator revealed the underwater world beneath the city.

"We're Dueling under the ocean!?" she exclaimed. "This place is so amazing!"

"Sure is," Patty said, hugging Jeannie's arm. "You're going to love it here."

The group took the elevator to the basem*nt level. There, a large pair of steel doors opened, revealing the glass tunnel to the ARC Chamber.

"How much did this place cost, Mr. Sergei?" Jeannie asked.

"Almost a billion. But thanks to Yuri's father, I was able to get this place up and running. I built this separate chamber for Yuri and his friends so we wouldn't have to wait for the customers in the other chamber."

The doors to the lounge opened. Jeannie was surprised to see it stocked with vending machines and comfortable chairs to watch the games from behind the viewing gallery.

"You ready to go?" Sam asked.

"Yes! I can't wait to play my first match. Wish me luck, guys!"

Yuri gave her a thumbs-up. "You'll do great."

The rest of them went to the gallery while Jeannie and Sam entered the ARC Chamber. The glass door closed shut.

"All right, folks!" Sergei shouted from the gallery. "Are you all ready for Jeannie's first duel?"

"Yeah!" the others cheered.

"Then let's begin! Field Roulette Go!" he pressed the button on his control panel, activating the random field generator that would pick one of the hundreds of different environments.

"Field of the Flower Goddess!" announced the computer's female voice.

The entire arena changed. The floor was now made of cobblestone and surrounded by flowers that swayed back and forth as though there was a gentle breeze. On both sides of the field stood two stone arches. Jeannie couldn't believe it. It was as if she had been transported to a whole new world. "Is this real?" she gasped. "I can smell the flowers! I can feel the breeze on my skin."

"The ARC System takes Dueling to whole new levels!" said Sam. He stood on a hill across from her. "The system produces sights and even smells. And the Solid Vision system projects monsters, giving them physical mass. They're real enough to touch. You're not gonna believe what they feel like until you Duel. Now, I'll start first by setting this monster face-down in DEF Mode!"

"Okay, not bad!" Jeannie said. "Draw!"

"Jeannie! That's too many cards!" Crystal called out from behind the screen.


"You drew five cards. You can only draw one card per turn."

"She's right," said Sam. "Since you saw what those cards are, you have to shuffle them to the bottom of your deck."

"Oh, I screwed up already!" Jeannie pouted.

"Don't worry. It's normal to make mistakes when you're new to something," Ren assured her.

Jeannie sent her cards to the bottom of her deck and drew one card. "All right. I summon Happy Lover in ATK Mode!" she said summoning a round pink fairy with blue wings.


"Can I attack?" she asked.

Sam shrugged. "Sure, go ahead."

"Oh, cool! My first battle. All right, Happy Lover. Attack his monster!"

The little fairy flew up and prepared to dive into Sam's side of the field. It slammed into a dinosaur with flames on its back.

"You just attacked Jurrac Stauriko! When he gets destroyed and sent the the Graveyard, his special ability activates."

"Special ability?"

Sam sighed and placed his palm on his forehead, smirking arrogantly as he shook his head. "I guess I have to explain this too, huh? Well, see how the color of your monster's card is yellow?"


"That means it's a Normal Monster. Normal monsters' don't do anything except act as your beat sticks. See my Jurrac Stauriko? His card is colored orange, meaning he comes with an ability I can use to change up the game. In this case, he lets me summon two Jurrac Tokens to my side of the field."

Two smaller versions of the flaming dinosaur emerged on either side of Sam's monster.

"Wow! You summoned more monsters! But wait. What are those?"

"They're called Tokens. They're like mini-monsters but more on that later. Now, they may not look strong, but they're good for other things. Like offerings for my Advanced Summon."

"What's that?"

"Jeannie!?" Nick called from behind the glass. "See those stars on top of the monster's artwork?"


"That's your monster's level. Monsters with a Level of 4 or lower can be summoned without cost and their ATK points are usually weak. However, monsters with Level 5 or higher, need one or more monsters to be offered as tribute for an Advanced Summon. Monsters with Levels 5 to 6 require one monster. But monsters 7-12 need two. And my jerk of a little brother is going to offer his two Tokens to Advanced Summon something strong!"

"What?" Jeannie asked.

Sam nodded. "That's right!"

He held out his hand and said: "I offer up my two Jurrac Tokens as tributes to Advance Summon Jurrac Spinos!"

A spinosaurus with a sail of flames burst into the field in a tower of fire. It roared at Jeannie, forcing her to cover her ears and scream.


Patty slammed her fists on the window. "Ugh! Sam, that little bastard! I knew he couldn't resist showing off. Now poor Jeannie has to contend with that thing!"

"Hey, Sam! Go easy on her!" Yuri shouted.

Sam stuck his tongue out. "Sorry, bro. But no pain, no gain. Besides, you taught me to never go easy on your opponents when you Dueled them. Say goodbye to your little fairy, Jeannie. Jurrac Spinos, roast it with your fire breath attack!"

The spinosaurus opened its jaws and spewed a torrent of fire towards Jeannie's Happy Lover, who shrieked before exploding into pieces.

Jeannie screamed, holding out her hands to endure the inferno swirling around her. When it died down, her Life Points dwindled to 2200. "That was scary!"

"You okay, Jeannie?" Tyson asked.

"Yeah," she said, nodding slowly. "Wow! So this is what a real Duel feels like."

"Now it's your turn," said Sam. "But my Jurrac Spinos sends a Spinos Token to your side of the field!"

A small copy of his monster appeared in front of Jeannie.

"Fine. Um, oh...this isn't fair! That thing is too strong."

"So put a monster in DEF Mode!" coached Crystal. "Monsters in DEF Mode can protect your Life Points."

"Oh, I see. Okay, I summon Fairywitch in DEF Mode!" She summoned her red-robed with pink wings but the gang cried out in agony. Jeannie didn't set her monster horizontally. Instead, she placed it vertically on the field meaning it was in ATK Mode.

"Oh no! I messed up again!?" Jeannie asked.

"Too bad," said Sam. "I draw. I activate Double Summon. It lets me summon two monsters this turn. First, I summon Jurrac Dino and then I call on Jurrac Protops. Now, since Jurrac Dino is a Tuner Monster, I'll use him to Synchro Summon a monster!"

"Synchro what?" Jeannie asked.

Sam didn't explain. He crossed his arms and sneered as his monsters formed to become his Jurrac Giganoto. With two powerful attacks, Jeannie's two monsters were taken out. She was blasted by their fire attacks and fell on her butt. "Ow!"

Her Life Points went down to 0 and the field returned to normal.

"And game!" Sam said. "Boy, Jeannie, you've got a lot to learn."

"That was mean!" shouted Penelope. "You're a jerk!"

"Hey, she's got to learn what she's getting into."

"I don't think so!" Fani said. "You and me, Sam! Right now!"

"Someone's simping," Ren said, chuckling.

"Am not! But if he's gonna treat someone new to Dueling like that, I'm going to teach him a lesson in manners."

Sam laughed. "You? You're just learning the game, too. You forget you're dealing with one-half of the Junior Division's Tag Team Champion."

"I don't care! You and me are going to face each other now!"

"Ha! You're not worth my time, rookie."

"Then why don't you face me?" a familiar voice said from behind them.

Sam gasped when he saw Crystals' angel-faced little cousin. Annabelle! She had come back to Aquarius!"

"Annabelle!" the group shouted in surprise. She was still in her academy outfit, but her blazer was wrapped around her waist and her tie was undone. Her suitcase rolled behind her.

"Hey, guys," she said waving at them. "I'd love to catch up with everyone but right now I have a bone to pick with Sam."

"What are you doing here?" Yuri asked.

"It's winter break, silly," she said. "Crystal invited me down here to hang out with you guys for the holidays. When she told me Nick's sister was going to be here, of course, I had to come. I hope it's okay if I join you all. And besides, I can't wait to crush this pipsqueak over there."

"Pipsqueak!" Sam yelled. "Me? I'm your tag team partner!"

"So what? You don't go picking on rookies just to make yourself feel better. I thought I taught you about respect and sportsmanship, but it seems my dragons are going to have to do it again."

"Go ahead," boasted Sam. "I'm not afraid of you. I learned a lot since you left. In fact, I daresay I'm able to keep up with Yuri and his friends."

"Don't make me laugh," said Annabelle. She opened her suitcase to get her cards and Duel Disk.

"Oh yeah? Well, we'll see if you're so tough when I wipe the floor with you! Bring it on!"

"No problem."

They got into position and began the match before Sergei could activate the field roulette.

Sam went first and Synchro Summoned his Jurrac Giganoto and his Jurraci Spinos together on his first turn. "Beat that, Annabelle! I told you I improved."

"You call that improvement? It's the same lame moves you used in the tournament. Now, I draw! I'm going to activate the effect of Imsety, Glory of Horus. By sending two cards from my hand to the Graveyard, including it, I can add a King's Sarcophagus from my deck to my hand. And I'll activate it!"

A large stone coffin appeared behind her.

"What is that?" Sam asked. "It looks like a Trap Card."

"Actually, it's a Continuous Spell. And it allows me to do this. By sending a card from my hand to the Graveyard, I can send a Horus monster to the Graveyard. And the card I sent there was called Duamutef, Blessing of Horus. And when it's sent to the Graveyard, I can special summon him so long as my sarcophagus is in play!"

A winged cat guardian that looked like it came from Ancient Egyptian mythology flew out of the sarcophagus.


"Oh, yeah. And this applies to the other two monsters I sent there earlier. So Imsety, Glory of Horus, and Hapi, Guidance of Horus can be summoned to my field from the Graveyard."

Her two Egyptian-themed monsters also emerged from the sarcophagus.



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"You've got to be kidding!?" Fani shouted. "She just summoned three powerful monsters like it was nothing!"

"Wow, she's really strong for a little one," said Jeannie.

"She's my cousin," boasted Crystal. "I taught her everything she knows. And if I know her, and I do, this is the final match of the game."

Annabelle snickered and held up a very shiny card. "I now sacrifice Hapi and Duamatef to Advance Summon Big Inflate Dragon!"

The wind started blowing hard again as the sky darkened. The clouds swirled around above them and lightning flashed. Then, they heard something roaring overhead. They looked up at the sky and saw a massive dragon with powerful muscles looming over the little girl like a powerful guardian.

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"Big deal!" said Sam. "My two Jurracs are way stronger than him!"

"Ha! Just wait until I activate his special ability, Sammy. I banish fifty cards from my deck!"

"What the..." Penelope yelled.

"Is she insane!?" Tyson shouted, placing both hands on the sides of his head. "She left herself with a deck of two cards!"

"It's not going to matter," said Crystal.

The dragon roared as a great power surged through its body. Its muscles swelled up and glowed with energy. "This is what I've been waiting for! When I banish fifty cards from my deck, his ATK power increases to 10,000 for the duration of the turn!"


"TEN THOUSAND!" Yuri cried out in shock..

"Now, first, I'm going to attack your Spinos with Imsety! And when I do, my sarcophagus automatically destroys your Spinos!"

"NO WAY!" Sam shouted as the Egyptian monster vanished. He was wide open and at the mercy of Big Inflate Dragon.

"Big Inflate Dragon, attack his Life Points. Go, Thunderous Typhoon!"

The giant dragon charged up his fist and threw it at Sam's monster, destroying it instantly. Sam staggered backward, screaming in pain as he was struck by an invisible force that depleted all his Life Points with one attack.

"Holy...Shhhhit!" Nick exclaimed.

Annabelle scoffed and walked out of the Dueling Arena. "And that's how it's done," she said, tossing her hair back. She picked up her suitcase and headed to the lounge to join the others.

"I'm not going to be able to live this down," Sam said, rubbing his aching belly. "Man, she really let me have it."

"That thing was amazing!" Patty said. "Annie. Where did you get that?"

"Won a tournament back home," she said, showing off the ribbon hanging from her backpack. "Big Inflate Dragon was the grand prize. Isn't he just awesome?"

"Scary is what he is," said Fani. "Here I was boasting that I did 500 damage to Yuri the other day, and then here you are doing 10,000. Man, you guys are so strong. I've got so much to learn. So you and me are on the same boat, huh Jeannie?"

Jeannie nodded and smiled. "I think we're going to get along great, Annie."

"Me, too. It's so nice to meet you by the way. Nick told us all about you in the group chat. So you're here for winter break, too?"

"I am. Nick said he and the others are going to win some championship gold this season."

"Damn right we are," said Nick. "Here's how it goes. Every December, this big event called the Gold Week starts. As you know, there are five major islands on Aquarius. Neros, Mobius, Alejandra, Gondolin, and Eden. Each island has its own championship belt that must be defended during the Gold Week. We're going conquer each island. Patty is going to take Neros. Tyson will compete for the title on Mobius. I'm going to take the Alejandra title, Natalya will compete on Gondolin, and Carter will take Eden. Yuri is already the King of Duelists, so now it's our turn from some championship gold."

"Gold Week events are very elite," said Crystal. "Have you guys even qualified?"

"We have," said Penelope. "What do you think we've been doing all November."

"Wow, so you guys breezed through the qualifiers?"

"Damn right, even though we didn't have to," said Nick.

"What do you mean?" asked Ren.

"We're the heroes who beat the Rare Hunters," said Tyson. "The league directors have given us all special invitations. But we all declined. If we were going to those events, it's because we earned it."

"And it looks like you have," Crystal said proudly. "Wow, congratulations; all of you!"

"Wow, I don't think I can wait to see you guys in action!" Jeannie said.

"And there's more," said Nick. "Carter and Tyson are scheduled to compete for the Aquarius Tag Team championship. And Penelope and Patty earned the privilege to Duel for the belts in the women's tag team division. We're gonna win all those belts, sis. I promise that by the time you go home, the Knights of the Ruby Dragon will be adorned with gold.

"That's a bold plan," said Ren. "Why have you guys decided to undertake such a task?"

"For the past few months we've been hunted," said Patty. "Every opponent who's come our way thought of us as fair game. Even after the Rare Hunters, there's some idiot and his gang trying to stop us. It's high time we show them just who the hell they're messing with."

Sergei punched his palm with his fist. "This is it, my students," he said. "This is your moment to prove yourselves. After all the training you've been through and all the obstacles you've overcome, it is now time for you to rise above all else and achieve victory."

Nick nodded. "Yeah! Sergei's right. We've got something to prove and we're going to do it. Nothing can stop us now!"

Chapter 4: The Red Priest

Chapter Text

Vyce - ???

Vyce walked down the ruins of what was once a prosperous city. A metropolis that once thrived on the light of the High Kings of Termnnia. But after 200 years of interregnum, the divine light that aided in their survival vanished and left them to fend for themselves. This city was now nothing but a pile of rubble, overrun by weeds, rats, and monsters. The sky was dark and covered with thunderclouds. In the distance, he could see lightning flashing in the clouds, striking the tallest of the towers of the ruins that remained standing.

His boots crunched against the gravel as he continued to walk down the ruined streets. The sky, forever locked in twilight, rained small drops of ice-cold rain, chilling Vyce to the bone. His white hooded cloak protected him from the rain and repelled the lesser undead creatures that prowled the desolate streets of the city.

He found himself in a town square where there was a fountain that once shot water into the air, but now, it only filled with stagnant greenish-brown water, attracting more vermin.

Vyce stopped. He heard something behind him. In the blink of an eye, he materialized his neon green translucent twin swords and parried the attack of a figure hooded in black. The weapon he carried was a very long katana with a blade of crimson energy that splintered with red lightning. The two warriors stared each other in the eyes, but Vyce could not tell who this man was under that hood. The light was too dim.

The mysterious warrior jumped back and started spinning in the air while his blade spun like a deadly propeller. Vyce did the same and swung his dual blades in a circle, causing them to produce a similar effect. They charged across the empty plaza and engaged in a clash of powerful energy beams. Their swords emitted low-pitched humming sounds and they clashed several times in blinding speed. Each time the two crossed blades, the ground shook and dust rose around them. The sparks of their weapons colliding lit up the entire area.

The stranger jumped up in the air and landed on top of one of the buildings, still remaining in the ruined city. Vyce spun his blades as a sign of challenge before flying into the air. He zoomed toward the building and slashed the hooded warrior with both blades, sending him careening toward the ground.

The figure in black flipped in the air and caught himself before falling, then, with one swing of his sword, sent a massive red shockwave that cut through the air.

Vyce banked in the air and dodged it. The shockwave sliced a bell tower in half. As its ruin fell to the ground, the two locked in combat again, exchanging blow after blow, their weapons clashing and leaving trails of red and green sparks in the air.

When the bell tower finally hit the ground, the two anchored themselves and endured the powerful gust that the impact caused. The old bell groaned like a dying beast, their coats whipped violently in the wind. When it died down, they broke off, jumping up in the air before flying toward each other with such speed that when they met, their blades locked in place, creating a green and red vortex that spun around them, ripping up anything not nailed to the ground.

They held each other's swords tightly, glaring at each other. Then they jumped back and prepared for another attack. The man in black summoned two small golden orbs of energy in his hand and threw them at Vyce. Vyce sliced through them with his swords, destroying them completely.

Vyce summoned green pillars of light resembling a temple. From the tops of the obelisks, green lasers fired all around him in a circle. The hooded figure turned into a black blur as he dashed away from the lights. Vyce raised his swords and slashed down in the direction of his enemy, unleashing five green beams that followed the hooded figure.

The stranger was able to dodge some and parried others with his sword. He then cast a spell conjuring a red arcane circle with a complex rune in it. A multifaceted orb rose from the center of the circle and rotated while gathering power. The circle shot a red laser at the orb, causing it to spin rapidly and release an endless number of red beams to scatter everywhere.

Vyce dodged them easily and created two smaller circles beneath his feet. He then teleported, reappearing above the hooded figure's head, and slashed him with both swords. The figure blocked the attack with his katana and tried to push back. But Vyce kicked him in the face and then launched himself backward using his hands, landing on his feet.

The hooded figure smashed into a small building, causing it to collapse. Then, like a demon emerging from hell, he climbed out of the rubble and jumped into the air, preparing for another assault. He slashed his sword upward, sending a wave of energy at Vyce.

Vyce charged forward and crossed his swords over his face. The wave hit him but only pushed him back slightly. The violent forces hammered at the nearby building, destroying it. Vyce stood amidst the dust cloud, his hood covering his face.

The mysterious warrior charged forward and swung his katana down, hoping to cleave his opponent in half. Vyce disappeared and reappeared behind him and smacked him in the face with the hilt of his sword.

A horde of undead creatures burning with blue flames came rushing toward them. Vyce jumped up in the air and slammed his fists to the ground. A wall of green light erupted before him and crashed into the horde. They were consumed by green fire and crumbled to ashes.

His opponent tried to take advantage of the opportunity but he too was swarmed by the undead. He slashed the first one coming at him and then cut another one in half. The corpses kept on coming, however, and started jumping on him. His body sparked with red lightning as he charged energy into his sword. When it was full, he thrust it forward, releasing a massive shockwave that annihilated the zombies.

Vyce and the hooded figure continued their contest all the while battling flaming skeletons with rusted claymores and ashen zombies. One of the hordes charged for Vyce, but he spun and released green energy waves around him that sliced them in half. He teleported and appeared behind his opponent. His opponent vanished. He reappeared in the air and went into his Overdrive Mode, turning his katana into a seventeen-foot lance that emitted crimson energy. He charged down like a shooting star trying to stab Vyce who moved like the wind. He zigzagged through the air at speeds beyond the physical form of man.

He jumped, flipped backward, and landed on the other side of the plaza. A small horde tried to jump him. He swished his blade, causing them to freeze.

SLASH! SLASH! SLASH! Their bodies fell apart.

The hooded figure came soaring down, swinging his long lance. Vyce held his swords together and blocked the attack. The stranger tried to push back, but Vyce forced him away. The two warriors dashed forward again, crossing blades in a clash of red and green sparks.

The hooded figure's Overdrive Mode ended, and his lance returned to its original form. Vyce took the opportunity to slash him three times. He then spun and kicked him in the face. As the mysterious man staggered back, Vyce flew up in the air and unleashed several energy waves, cutting the buildings in half, and trapping his opponent between them. The figure created a multifaceted sphere to shield himself. The blocks exploded around him, but the sphere protected him from harm.

When the dust settled, Vyce and his foe were kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily. Vyce stood up straight and stared at the hooded figure as he did the same.

"Not bad," Vyce said. "Bakura trained you well. Red Priest."

The stranger removed his hood, revealing a blazing visor of red glass with a HUD inside showing various readings.

"You too, Vyce. Your reputation is well earned."

"What are you doing here?"

"Keeping my skills sharp. The madness of this world keeps you from getting rusty. Everywhere you turn, there's a monster trying to kill you. There's no better place to train than this place."

"So this is where you went running off to. No one has seen you since you attacked Cora Kaiba in Operation King's Lance."

"It was too easy. She would have been mine too had it not been for those Princes. I'll get them back when the time is right. So I take it you're looking for the Gate into the Standard Dimension. You don't have to look hard. This place is full of them. Do you know where we are?"

"I do. This is the realm that lies between Termnnia and the Standard Dimension. This is the place that guards the links between the two worlds from the Shadow Realm. But after 200 years without a High King, the light faded, and darkness overtook this place. The protectors of this world sometimes entered through these interdimensional gates to protect and watch the denizens of these Prime Worlds as angels known as Guardians. But they are gone now and only monstrous forms of who they were remain."

"Yes. After the monstrous beasts of the Shadow Realm took over, they sent vile spirits through the Gates and unleashed chaos and destruction into the Standard Dimension, causing the great calamities that occurred throughout its history. Every plague that afflicted its people. Every tyrant that rose to power, every war that was waged: all fabricated by them."

"And you knew about these Gates?" Vyce asked.

"Bakura taught me all about them. And it was I who helped your master, Denethon, aid the Rare Hunters in entering the Standard Dimension to hunt Prince Yuri. And let me guess. You're another one of Denethon's little pawns, sent to try and stop him?"

"I am. You're highly skilled. If you have such easy access to the Prince, why do you remain here? Why do you not fight him?"

"When you walk through those Gates into the Standard Dimension, you pay a great price. Cross into that boring and mundane world, and you lose every arcane ability you possess. All those fancy maneuvers and spells you used to spar against me. They're useless there. It is a world where the magical and divine cannot exist. But don't think for a moment that Yuri will still be easy game. He has forged a connection with Ser Norman the Conqueror. His body and soul have been infused with the powers of the Divines."


"Meaning the laws of the Standard Dimension don't apply to him. I've seen the things he can do, Vyce. To challenge him there without our skills means certain death."

"Hmph. No matter. I've got these."

He swung his arm across the air and conjured two of the robed assassins that attacked Yuri a month prior.

"These warriors you see before you do not exist. They are entities created by the powerful technology of the Fusion Dimension. Real Vision. Though artificial, they have a solid form and can attack your foe just like any other opponent. Since they are bound by technology and not magic, they are the perfect minions to attack Prince Yuri. After the last battle, I had to make a few modifications. And thanks to the battle data I collected when he was saved by Cora and Hawke, I have made these new creations much more formidable."

The Red Priest laughed. "So, I'm to assume then that this is your mission? To send these golems into the Standard Dimension and end the prince?"

"That is what Master Denethon commanded," said Vyce. "We can no longer waste time and resources sending Duelists after Yuri. It's high time for a more aggressive approach."

"Good luck. But be warned. He's picked up some serious skills training with the GX Duelists in the Noctix. There's no telling what they could have taught the bastard."

Vyce crossed his arms. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. What will you do now?"

"What else? I'm going to stay here and continue my training. It is all I have. As for you, Vyce, I hope you succeed in your quest. If you want direct access to the city, the Gate's over there."

He put his hood back on and dashed away.

Chapter 5: Brawl on the Beach

Chapter Text

Yuri - Ruby Dragon Gaming Shop, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

The sun had barely come up but Yuri had decided to go on a walk along the beach for some time alone. It had been some time since the Solid Vision assailants jumped him that night. It left an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, realizing that holographic technology so real it could practically kill him was probably stalking the shadows ready to jump at a moment's notice. Axel, Zane, Shay, and Kaito, told the Lancers to remain on high alert and now had operatives keeping a closer eye on Yuri. But that didn't make him feel any easier. His friends were now in grave danger with those things running around. And with Jeannie joining the group for Christmas break, he didn't want to succumb her to horrible memories the way Annabelle was when the Rare Hunters kidnapped them and forced them to Duel to the death at a moment's notice. Even with Yugi in their ranks, he still felt nervous and uncomfortable with it.

Yugi. It had been days since he had seen him. But he could not fault him for being so secretive. He wasn't even supposed to be in the Standard Dimension, but this new enemy had him so spooked he'd abandon the war just to come here and keep an eye on him. Yuri desperately wanted to talk to him. He had so many questions. Whenever he had a chance to speak to Axel or the others about him, they'd tell him that the less they spoke to him, the better. Yugi was not supposed to be here, so it was best to act like he didn't know the King of Games was watching.

Yuri stuffed his hands into his pockets, watching the small crack of sunlight off in the distance, turning his world a metallic shade of blue. The waves crashed against the sand, splashing the hem of his pants and shoes. He couldn't help but kick the water away from him with a laugh, trying to get out all his pent-up stress.

"I just hope they stay away from my friends," Yuri said.

Ser Norman hovered next to him. "If anyone can keep them safe from those golems, it's the Lancers. Don't worry. They're watching you as we speak and they've got squads watching your friends as well. Axel and Zane are taking no chances against them after that last attack."

"Thanks, Ser Norman," replied Yuri, rubbing the back of his head. "But I still don't like this. I'm still worried. Especially for my friends. They're already stressed out enough because of what happened with the Rare Hunters and the Laxius guy locking us in the Falsebound Kingdom. Everyone is so happy now. Jeannie is here, my friends are aiming to gear up for Gold Week. I don't want to spoil anything for them by letting some solid-vision assailants run around causing havoc. Maybe it's best that I do leave them. I don't want to keep them like this forever. They don't deserve this."

He stopped when six dark portals opened in front of him. "Oh no..."

Out from the portals appeared the same red-hooded assailants from last time. The Solid Vision assassins had come for him again. "Yuri!" Ser Norman shouted. "Let me take over!"

Yuri took off his jacket and tossed it in the sand. Yuri's right arm glowed white as arcane symbols orbited it. In a flash, his arm became encased in the resplendent gauntlet of platinum and gold adorned with metalwork filigree.

"Now turn on the replicator in your Duel Disk! Summon the weapon Cora gave you."

Yuri pressed the button on the side of his Duel Disk. A second later, the digital rings of light materialized from his disk's projectors and formed the shape of a sword Cora and Hawke gave him the night he was attacked. It was a longsword, made with the same metal Zane used to forge his Cyber Dragons. Once he gripped it, knowledge of advanced swordsmanship beyond his years flooded into his mind. He spun his sword around and assumed a defensive stance.

"Okay, bring it!" Yuri shouted at the assailants. "I'll kick all your asses if you even think about going near my friends!"

The six Solid Vision assassins materialized their blades as if conjuring them.

"I won't be able to fight as we do in the Noctix, but we will still have an advantage over these things," said Ser Norman. "Ready?"

Yuri nodded. "I'm ready."

"Good," said Ser Norman.

The assassins struck as fast as flashes of lightning. They were upon Yuri in seconds, swinging their swords. Yuri deflected all their blows and then parried the one who jumped up and aimed for his chest. Yuri ducked under his blade, thrusting his sword into the assassin's gut. He grunted and digitized. The Solid Vision was so lifelike it felt as if Yuri's blade really cut through the man's belly.

A second assassin rushed him, but Yuri quickly stepped to the side, avoiding him. He grinned, wishing he could move at the speed of sound like in his sparring matches in the Noctix against Jaden and the others. But this would have to do. Ser Norman's abilities only transferred over to him once they fully synched.

"Don't let them get close to you, Yuri!" Ser Norman called out. "Remember the training I taught you!"

"Got it!" Yuri called out.

He dashed toward the group of assassins. The first lunged at him with his blade. Yuri dodged it, stepping to the side and swung his sword diagonally upwards, cutting off his arm. He digitized into nothingness but two more took his place.

"Fine! More asses for me to kick!"

Two of them tried to attack him at once. He crossed his sword in front of himself and blocked the first one's blow. Yuri pushed his sword away and ducked under the other's swing. He rolled across the sand and turned around to see the assassins coming after him. Yuri jumped to his feet and spun around, swiping his sword cleanly through the throats of the two assassins.

They both dropped to the sand. As soon as Yuri did this, four more came out of the shadows and ambushed him. He held his ground, using every technique he learned during his training in the Noctix to keep them at bay. He parried each one of their blows with his sword, blocking high and low and striking back with ferocity and fury. He slashed at the closest one and spun around, catching him across the stomach with his blade.

One of them whipped a card out of his coat and summoned a Duel Monster called Chromatographagas a blazing warrior with a body of fire and fists of ice.

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"Uh oh..." Yuri said.

Chromatographagas rushed toward Yuri, who jumped over it with a flip and landed on the ground, watching as the flaming golem slammed its fist into the sand. It swung at him again, but Yuri ducked under another blow, and jumped on top of his shoulder, stabbing his sword into it. It only made the Solid Vision creature angry. "RAAAAAR!" it roared, swinging its arms and trying to throw Yuri off.

"Yuri, jump off and roll," said Ser Norman.

When Yuri heard what he had to do, he leaped off the golem's shoulders and tumbled across the sand, rolling out of reach. Two assassins took advantage of his vulnerable state and charged at him with their weapons raised. Yuri was quick to react and got to his feet, rushing towards them and sliding across the sand, tripping the assassins over him and sending them flying.

Chromatographagas, having lost sight of Yuri, rushed after him, slamming the ground so hard with his fist that it caused a mini tsunami of water to splash all over Yuri. The boy coughed and spluttered, but quickly regained his composure when he saw the rest of the assassins were still after him.

"So that's the way you want it, eh?" Yuri said. "Black Tyranno! Go!"

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The tyrannosaurus rose from his card and let out an earth-shattering roar. His green eyes flashed when he saw Yuri's foes. He charged at the assassins, smacking two of them aside like rag dolls with his tail.

"Time for a little makeover!" Yuri said. "I activate Crown of the Golden Kings and transform him into Kaiser Black Tyranno!"

Kaiser Black Tyranno roared again as he transformed into his new form. He stomped toward the assassins and breathed a torrent of black flames onto the group of hooded figures, melting them into nothingness.

"Now, I activate the spell, Regal Morphing Magic - High King's Resplendence! And transform Kaiser Black Tyranno once again! Xyz Summon! Royal Evolution! Rank 12! Kaiser Black Tyranno - Regal Mode!"

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The dinosaur form of Kaiser Black Tyranno began to shift, growing larger in size and strength. His body became more human-like with powerful arms and legs and a body armored like a knight's. "You thought your Solid Vision technology would keep you safe, but I'm afraid it won't be enough to protect you from this!"

Chromatographagas smashed his fist against his palm, accepting Yuri's challenge. He roared and charged towards Kaiser Black Tyranno. The two began to grapple with each other. They punched and kicked and wrestled, pushing each other back and forth. Meanwhile, Yuri dealt with the assassins. A clash of titans behind him. Chromatographagas slammed Kaiser Black Tyranno backward. But the dino-knight jumped up and latched onto its shoulder, sinking his teeth into the monster's neck.

The ground shattered around Yuri from the epic battle behind him. He spun around in time to see Kaiser Black Tyranno slamming his gigantic fist down on top of the golem. The impact sent sand flying everywhere. Yuri shielded himself with his arm and ran forward, jumping through the smoke to find his foes.

He found one of them charging straight at him and struck him across the face with his sword. Yuri spun around, bringing his blade down across another assassin's back. Kaiser Black Tyranno wrapped his arm around Chromatographagas's neck, keeping him still while the others came after Yuri.

Yuri parried a swing from the first one and stabbed him through the gut. The second tried to slash Yuri across the chest but Yuri stepped to the side, grabbed the back of his head and pushed him into the wall of sand. The third assassin leaped off the cliffside behind Yuri, intending to drive his sword into Yuri's back.

Before he could do so, Kaiser Black Tyrannos caught him and tossed him into the horizon. He charged his body up, enveloping himself in golden flames. He stomped back to Chromatographagas who was sprinting towards him at full speed. He threw his hand out, grabbing Chromatophragas's fist, stopping him dead in his tracks. The fire surrounding Kaiser Black Tyrannos grew stronger as his body pulsated. In a burst of raw power, he fired an enormous stream of flames at the golem. Another assassin appeared, taking the place of two fallen ones. He raised a card into the air and summoned Silver Seyfert, a knight from a galaxy deep in space, wearing shiny armor that reflected light like stars. It leaped toward Kaiser Black Tyrannos with its glowing blades poised for combat.

Now both Yuri and Kaiser Black Tyranno were outnumbered. Just then a Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon and Magician of Black Chaos MAX rushed toward the beach. Cora and Hawke were running underneath them, heading straight for the fray.

"Yuri!" Cora shouted. "Keep it up!"

"Hang in there!" said Hawke, readying his sword.

Kaiser Black Tyranno let out a mighty roar as he unleashed the full force of his inner fire on Chromatographagas, turning him into nothingness. Meanwhile, Yuri had another problem on his hands. Ser Norman called out to him. "Yuri! Above you!"

Silver Seyfert and the new assassin attacked him at once. He leaped away in time to avoid getting slashed by their swords. Both monsters charged after him again. Yuri backed away and ducked under the first's slash, then blocked the next with his sword. He pushed them away with all his might, sending them flying backward.

Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon created two blue energy blades from his forearms and started spinning them like a helicopter, slicing through twenty of the assassins at once, leaving them to disintegrate. Magician of Black Chaos MAX launched a blast of dark energy from his staff, obliterating a group of Solid Vision villains in one blow.

"There are so many?" Yuri gasped, not believing how quickly the number of these holograms increased.

Ser Norman replied. "Don't give up, Yuri. You can do this."

"Get to the van!" Cora shouted as she and Hawke drew closer. "We have to get you out of here!"

Yuri took off running, following them towards the parking lot where the van was waiting for them. More holographic assailants popped up in front of Yuri and tried to stop him from escaping.

"Looks like you need some help!" someone said.

Out of the palm trees, Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei jumped up and landed in front of Yuri, swinging his club and smashing the hooded figures away with one hit.

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"What the..."

Gong walked out of the forest, cracking is knuckles. "You all right, Your Majesty?"

"Yeah but...who are you?"

"Heh. You know Yuya Sakaki, right?"

Yuri grinned and nodded his head. "Yeah, yeah, I know him."

"I'm a friend of his. Came all the way from Termnnia to lend y'all a helping hand."

"We could use all the help we can..."

"WATCH OUT!" Gong shoved Yuri to the side when three more holographic assailants swooped in and tried to slice Yuri open. Gong amazingly needed no sword. He punched the assassins so hard that they shattered into pieces.

"WHOA!" Yuri said, shocked by how powerful this man was.

Gong winked at him. "Come on, Your Highness. Let's get you out of here."

But before they could move, the assassins and the monsters they called vanished.

"What?" Cora cried. "Why did they disappear?"

Hawke looked around and spotted a figure cloaked in white standing atop a surf shop overlooking the beach. He slowly clapped his hands together. The sound echoed across the water. "Impressive," he said. "You sure have learned a lot since you left the Noctix."

"Who are you?" asked Yuri.

The mysterious figure pulled down his hood. His face was pale as snow, yet it was smooth and handsome. His eyes were deep pools of black with silver pupils. His hair was snowy-white and styled in a feathery look. "So, you are Prince Yuri. It is an honor to finally meet you."

"How do you know me?" Yuri asked.

"My master has told me much about you. I believe you two have already met. Does the name Denethon ring any bells?"

"Augh!" Cora gasped. "No!"

"He's the guy who sent the Rare Hunters after me!" Yuri cried. "What do you want?!"

"To end this pitiful Alliance once and for all. Your existence only leads to suffering and death. Many wars have started because of you. And many die trying to protect you. This curse you bring has also started to afflict your friends. You know Yuri, all of this can end if you just renounce your throne and accept this world as your home."

"Are you seriously asking Yuri to deny his destiny as the High King!?" Gong shouted,. standing in front of Yuri to protect him from the white assassin. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Someone who wants to put a stop to this madness. Look at you guys. Aren't you tired of all the fighting? Of all the war? You're all exhausted and longing to rest. But this pointless destiny of his will keep you bound to the sword for all eternity. It's not worth it, guys. You know this."

"You're an idiot!" Cora said. "Do you even know what Yuri has been through to reach this point? He's stronger than you know. And as he grows, so do we! It's going to take more than your Real Vision golems to scare us away. We're going to fight you to the end!"

"Make no mistake of that!" Hawke said, brandishing his sword. "We will never abandon Prince Yuri. And Yuri will never abandon his people."

"By pursuing this destiny he already has. Don't you understand? Yuri is a curse that brings war, fighting, and bloodshed. He will cause more pain for those around him than there already is."

"And just what do you intend to do to stop all this?" Cora said. "Do you have some master plan for installing peace the High King can't possibly hope to achieve?"

"I'm not the one with the plan, babe. Denethon's the one with the brains to get things going in Termnnia. I'm just the hired muscle here to make sure it gets done. If it makes you feel any better, though, I don't really want to kill you guys. I kinda like you all. And I especially adore you, Your Highness. You've got it made here, man. Forget about being High King. You have a future as the president of the company running this world. You've got good friends, a good home. Your pals are about to be champions and then you'll all rule this city together. Sounds good, right? Why risk it all for some pipe dream that may not even come true? The Prophecy of the High King is just something a bunch of crazy old men came up with to mess with your heads. It's all politics. And everyone knows politics aren't meant to serve the people. It's to add more gold to the pockets of those already rich. But if you choose to stay in this game, go ahead. But we'll be relentless. Until the day you die, we will continue to hunt you down. Even if it means putting your pals in the cross hairs."


The white-haired assassin chuckled and put his hands behind his back. "Don't worry. Your friends will be safe from us. But only if you cease this foolish quest and remain here ."

"This isn't Yuri's home!" Cora cried. "He belongs in Termnnia! It's where he was born!"

"But that place is no longer a home for anyone," said the assassin. "It's a battlefield plagued by endless fighting. All because of him. He has no business going back there. You should just stay here and enjoy life. Leave Termnnia to those who truly can save it."

"We will never give in!" shouted Hawke.

"That's up to him now, isn't it? I'll give you two days to think about it, big man. Think about your friends while you're at it. Think about that cute sister of Nick's. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her. Don't make me the bad guy here, Yuri. Think about what's right."

He turned and walked away, vanishing from sight. The four companions were alone again. The beach was still, save for the sounds of waves crashing against the shore. The moon bathed them in its silvery light. Gong turned to Yuri. "So, are you gonna do it?"

Yuri shook his head. "What do you think? He's just another poser in a hood who thinks he can scare me away. You guys know I won't let that happen. This destiny is mine! I'm going to become the High King. Not just for myself but for all of you as well."

"Then that's all that matters," said Cora. "I'm with you, Yuri. No matter what. Come on. Let's go home."

Suddenly, more Real Vision assassins appeared on the beach. One of them was different.

"Not again!" Yuri shouted.

"Go!" Gong shouted. "Get the prince out of here!"

Hawke took Yuri's arm and rushed towards the parking lot with Cora. As they ran, Yuri looked over his shoulder to see his new friend fight off the army of holograms.

Gong smirked when he saw Yuri watching him.

"But we gotta help Gong!" Yuri shouted, pulling himself away from Hawke's grasp.

Cora grabbed him by the arm. "No, Yuri! We have to go!"


"Gong is a strong man," said Hawke. "Trust me. He'll be fine. Come on!"

They all ran to the van as fast as their legs could carry them. Yuri looked over his shoulder to find the holographic soldiers swarming the beach. Gong and his Superheavy Samurai continued to fight them off. Yuri watched the battle until the van drove around the bend.

— Jeannie - Crystal's Apartment, Phobos Island —

She pulled back the curtains to reveal a beautiful view of the city, the sea, and the glowing bridge linking both sides of the island together. The sun was rising, bringing with it the dawn of a brand-new day. It was her second day on Aquarius and she couldn't wait to see more Duels and spend time with Yuri and his friends. She wore light blue zipped-up onesie pajamas covered in teddy bears, giving her a childish appearance. The sun reflected off the color of her nightwear, turning the walls a lighter hue of blue.

"Ugh...can someone turn off the sun!?" Patty groaned, sleeping on the couch in the living room. Penelope was on the floor, snoring softly and Natalya was sound asleep on the couch opposite of them with a waterfall of drool spilling out of her mouth.

The coffee table was littered with empty pizza boxes, soda cans, and candy wrappers. The Aquarius News Network was still showing the highlights of the Battle Royal Duel.

Jeannie snickered to herself and tiptoed toward Patty. "Dog pile!" she cried and jumped on top of her. Patty screamed and flailed her arms and legs, trying to push her friend off her back.

"Ahh, Jeannie! It's too early for this!"

"Wake up! Wake up!" Jeannie chanted while jumping up and down on her friend.

Penelope heard the noise and opened an eye. "Hijo de la reputisima madré, can't you guys ever let me sleep?" She pulled a pillow over her head and tried to ignore the chaos.

"Dog pile!" Patty and Jeannie shouted in unison, diving onto her and pinning her to the ground. "No! No!" Penelope yelled, flailing her legs.

Crystal came out of her bedroom, wrapping the rope around her silky, black bathrobe. Annabelle followed, rubbing her left eye as she yawned, her teddy bear hanging from her left arm. Crystal smiled when she saw the three girls on the floor. "Well, well. What's going on here?"

"Haaaa-ellp!" Penelope said. "They're killing me!"

Jeannie laughed and got off her. "Good morning, Crystal. Hey, Annie."

Annabelle just waved and shuffled to the bathroom.

"Morning, sweetie," said Crystal. "So what's on the agenda today?"

"A lot," said Patty, still sitting on Penelope's back. "We've got a tour of the city for Jeannie, shopping, then we're off to the Aquarium where Yuri's going to treat us to lunch. And, oh yeah, only the most important night in Tyson and Carter's lives. The Dragon Den Tag Team Championship Tournament. They're up against the best tag-teams in the business."

"This is so exciting," said Crystal. She started making coffee. "It's been their dream to be tag team champs."

"Yeah but this is just the stepping stone. Once they get their hands on those belts, they've got an automatic spot at the Aquarius Tag Team Championship tournament this Friday."

"Are you serious?" Jeannie asked. "Wow!"

Patty nodded her head. "You bet I am. They don't call December the Gold Rush for nothing. Every title is on the line these next two weeks. Our group is in each major tournament. And you're going to see us conquer them all, Jeannie."

"Can't wait to see it."

Crystal brought over four cups of coffee and placed them on the table. "Yuri sent a text to everyone this morning. He said he'd meet you guys at the park in a couple of hours. Fani has a new deck he wants to show everybody."

"Sounds like fun," said Jeannie. She sipped her coffee, looking at the TV as the announcers hyped the Gold Rush. "I'm really glad I could be here and get to know all of you."

"We're glad you could come, too," Crystal said. "Now come on, ladies. Time to clean this place up and get ready."

They were disgruntled at first, for it was still early and no one wanted to do anything besides lie around and sleep, but after some convincing, Patty and Penelope began tidying up the place while Jeannie helped Crystal in the kitchen with breakfast.

Once they were finished, they headed for the Gates of Peace, the giant fountain that symbolized the end of the Resource Wars of 2038. Jeannie gasped in amazement. She had never seen water shooting up as high as a skyscraper before, let alone three of them. "Wow!" she ran to the back railing to get a better look at the fountain's jets. A crowd of people stood along the walkways surrounding the fountains. Children played, joggers passed by, and couples strolled arm-in-arm.

She took a deep breath, loving the sweet smell of salt water and fresh flowers carried across the breeze. "This place is amazing! You guys are so lucky to be living here. Ugh, I could stay here forever!"

"That would be great," said Patty. "You and Nick would be together forever. But what about your foster parents."

"I can't stay with them forever. I turn eighteen soon. I'm going to college then moving out."

"What will you do once you graduate?" Penelope asked.

"I have no idea," Jeannie replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Whatever it is, I hope I get to see Yuri again. I like him. He's...nice."

Patty smirked and crossed her arms. "Just nice?"

Jeannie blushed. "Well...yeah. He's just a good friend. That's all."

Patty laughed. "You keep telling yourself that, sweetie. I don't blame ya. Speaking of which, there he is now at the ice cream parlor with Fani."

Jeannie looked where Patty was pointing and saw Yuri and Fani waiting in line to order ice cream. Behind them a crowd gathered watching Nick go one-on-six against a group of players, probably goons hired by someone from the competition to rough him up. Since there were so many of them, they had to suffer the penalty of playing with 2000 Life Points. Nick was standing strong with 8000 since he was the one getting gained up on. But with the line of monsters the boys had, they felt he could have had 10,000 Life Points and it wouldn't have made a difference.

Nick was up against Ally of Justice Decisive Armor (3300 ATK), XX-Saber Gottoms (3100 ATK), Centaur-Ion Arkcoela (ATK/3000), Giganticastle (ATK 2700), Grozer the Thunderclap Giant (ATK/2800), and Crimson Blader (2800 ATK).

"My brother!" Jeannie cried out at the shock of seeing him outnumbered by so many monsters. "Who are those guys?"

"Bounty hunters," said Crystal. "It's the Gold Rush after all. So players are sending mercenary Duelists to take out the competition."

"And Nick's battling six of them alone?" Jeannie said in desperation. "Come on, guys. We gotta help him!"

"Relax, hon," Patty said. "He'll be fine. This is a normal thing for him. You'd think people would get tired of hiring these guys to beat up on Nick. They've been doing this for months now. It's never worked before."

"And it won't work now," said Crystal. She waved at Yuri and Fani as they approached with their ice creams in hand. They had smiles on their faces, confident Nick knew what to do to take them on.

Before his back row could be destroyed by the monsters' effects, he activated the trap, Threatening Roar, which would stop them from attacking. Then he used Scapegoat to summon the colorful Sheep Tokens to his field.

"Awww!" Jeannie said, as she watched the cute little creatures bounce around the field. "Those are soooo cute!"

Now, it was Nick's turn. He Link Summoned twice until he could bring out the Link -4 monster, Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax. He was the ace Nick needed to beat his attackers. The cybernetic knight was untargetable, and if he battles a Special Summoned monster, he gains ATK equal to the ATK of the monster he battled with.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (19)

He attacked Centaur-Ion Arkcoela, increasing his ATK to 6000. The attack destroyed his opponent's Life Points, wiping them out to 0 and leaving only five bounty hunters.

Nick ended his turn. The bounty hunter with XX-Saber Gottoms increased his power with Megamorph. Since Nick's Life Points were higher, Gottoms's power was doubled, increasing his strength to 6200. He attacked, which was a stupid mistake. Nick laughed and explained the effect of Avramax again. The poor fool's arrogant expression turned into one of terror when the knight absorbed Gottoms's strength, growing to an astounding 9200 ATK points. Avramax parried Gottoms' attacks with expert swordsmanship before slicing him across the chest, causing the armored general to explode.

Jeannie squealed with delight and clapped her hands together. Fani could only watch with jealousy burning in his heart. "I want that card."

The most damage he ever did in the simulator app was 3000. To see Yuri and the others dealing 9000 and even 15,000 damage was insane. "I need to train harder," he said. "How do they do it?"

One by one, Nick destroyed the remaining bounty hunters. Avramax raised his sword up in victory and Nick turned around, arms folded over his chest and eyes closed in triumph. The crowd attempted to surround him but parted as soon as Penelope and Patty rushed through and jumped into his arms. They took turns kissing him. Nick put his arms over their shoulders and held up his deck case for all to see, which resulted in the cheering of the crowd.

"Any other bounty hunters stupid enough to challenge me!?" Nick shouted.

"Damn, Nick," Yuri said, fist-bumping his best friend. "That's the fifth group you've beaten this morning. You're unstoppable, man."

"No one is going to mess with our championship dreams. Those belts are going to the Knights of the Ruby Dragon! We're gonna conquer this city, guys!"

Ren, Carter, and Tyson ran down the sidewalk and joined their friends. "Ey! We saw that action from down the street! I just knew it had to be you, man!" Carter said, high-fiving Nick.

"Well, I just had to see it to believe it," said Ren. "I'm glad to see you've grown since the last time you and I Dueled, Nick."

"Yeah, that was back when my deck didn't have this arsenal of butt-kicking monsters. Maybe I can take you on sometime, eh, Ren?"

"Ah, well, you know me. I never shy away from a challenge, so I say bring it on, Nick. Good job."

Nick bobbed his head proudly. "Heh, yeah. Hard to believe I was the butt of your jokes a few months back, huh? Nick the loser. Nick the dork. That's what you called me, isn't it?"

"Hey, we were wrong," Patty said. "Once you started upping your game and...taking care of that bod of yours, we realized that you were a force to be reckoned with. And a guy who's hot and sexy."

"Haha! You guys hear that!?"

"Hey, I love you, too, Papi," Penelope whined, inching closer for a kiss.

Annabelle looked away in disgust. She didn't like watching Nick exchanging long and wet kisses with his girlfriends. "Get a room."

Nick ignored her remark and focused on Jeannie. She gave him a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you! You sure showed them! No one's going to stop you now!"

"Thanks, sis," he replied, hugging her back. "So, Fani. Where's this new deck you wanted to show us?"

Before Fani could answer, Sam showed up with the same co*cky grin on his face he always had. "A new deck, huh? And I suppose you wanna test it out against my brother and his friends, don't you?"


Sam cynically laughed. "Bruh, did you not see what my brother did to those bounty hunters? You really think you stand a chance against them? They're entering the Gold League and are fighting for the top belts in this city. You're out of your league."

Annabelle crossed her arms. "Well, what do you propose he does?"

"I say he takes me on," said Sam. "Unless he can beat me, he shouldn't even consider battling Yuri or anyone else in the Knights of the Ruby Dragon. It would be a waste of their time."

"Fine! After what you did to Jeannie last time, I'm gonna pound your ass into the ground!" Fani shouted.

Sam chuckled and walked off. "Follow me, little boy. Let's get this over with."

Yuri and the others followed him to an empty field right by the fountains, so the players could use them as a backdrop for their match. While Yuri and the rest of his friends watched.

"So who's this kid Sam is facing?" Ren whispered.

"He's a friend of Nick's from the slums," said Crystal. "He's got a lot of heart, but I'm not sure how well he'll do against Sam."

"Well, he's gotta do something," Patty said, putting her hands behind her head. "I'm curious to see how good he is."

Their match began but with 4000 Life Points.

"Why just 4000?" asked Fani.

Sam smiled. "Because it's all you're worth. You can go first."

"Fine! The fewer Life Points there are, the easier it will be for me to take you down. Draw! Now watch my new and improved deck! First, I summon Pahunder!"

He summoned an electric warrior in a blue suit with 1300 ATK.

"And his effect allows to conduct another Normal Summon this turn so long as its a Level 4 Light Thunder monster! Say hi to his son, Brohunder!"

He summoned a young boy with lighting for hair with headphones and a yellow and blue coat. His ATK displayed 900.

"Now, Brohunder allows me to add a Level 4 Light Thunder Seahorse to my hand. And I'll discard it with its effect, allowing me to add two Mahunders to my hand. And finally, I'll play the field spell, Mountain!"

The entire scene changed from the park to that of a rocky mountain covered with snow. "With this card, my..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know what Mountain does. It's the most basic card there is. I can't believe you're still running it. Now is that all you have to do or can I get on with my turn?"

"Grrr! I'll set a card face-down and end my turn."

T2 - Sam 4000 LP

"Draw!" Sam yelled. He looked at Annabelle and hoped she was watching. He looked for any means to impress her. "I summon Jurrac Guiba in attack mode!"

His flaming dinosaur screeched when it took to the field. 1700 ATK was displayed next to it on the stats window.

"And then I set one card face-down. And I'll attack your puny Brohunder with it. Go, Jurrac Guiba! Pyro Claws!"

Jurrac Guiba rushed forward and sliced Brohunders' chest with his blazing claws. The attack cut through Fani's Life Points like butter, depleting him of 3400.

"Is that really the best you can do?" Sam taunted. "I expected more from a guy who thinks they can Duel against my brother. and his friends. Heh, anyway, Jurrac Guiba's effect activates, allowing me to Special Summon a Jurrac Monster from my deck. Here's Jurrac Dino!"

Another dinosaur covered in flames emerged on the field, snarling and whipping its tail about.


"I end my turn."

T3 - Fani 3400 LP

"Draw! So you got one lucky strike. Big deal! And don't think I can't see what you're trying to do. You're going to Synchro Summon your Ace. Well, I'm sorry to say that won't be happening. First, I summon Mahunder!"

He summoned a woman in a red suit with yellow lightning acting as her mane of hair. Her ATK was 1400 but increased to 1600 with the bonus of the Mountain field.

"And now, I'm going to flip my face-down card! Judgement of Thunder! When I summon a Thunder monster, I can destroy one of your cards! So say goodbye to your Jurrac Guiba!"

Mahunder unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning from the heavens, which struck Jurrac Guiba and vaporized him.

"Aww, too bad. No Synchro Summon for you."

"So what? My Jurrac Dino is still stronger than both of your monsters."

"Yeah, but at least I don't have to contend with your Ace. I end my turn."

T4 - Sam 4000 LP

"Ha! I draw! You really think you're gonna be spared from the wrath of my Ace? I think not little boy. I summon Jurrac Igaunon!" He conjured an Iguanadon covered in orange fire. "He's a Level 4 monster and with Dino being a Tuner at Level 3, heh heh, well, what else can I say? Synchro Summon!"

The two Jurracs jumped into three glowing rings and transformed into a vortex. The beast that emerged was terrifying. It was a massive blue dinosaur covered in orange flames.

"Here comes my boy, Jurrac Giganoto!"


"You're in for it now! Because Jurrac Giganoto gains 200 ATK for each Jurrac monster in my Graveyard. And with three of them in there, he gains a whopping 600 ATK points, increasing his ATK to 2700! Oh, but I'm not done. I activate the Equip-Spell, Psychic Blade!"

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (20)

A giant green sword with a cybernetic guard and hilt materialized in front of Jurrac Giganoto. The dinosaur snarled and used its jaws to clamp down on the hilt.

"Now, I pay 2000 Life Points to increase his ATK by 2000, raising his power to 4700!"

Sam 2000 LP

Giganotos' body glowed as Psychic Blade transferred more energy to it. Its flames turned bright blue and its eyes turned green as emerald circuit board patterns spread across its flesh.

"Oh, no..." said Nick. "I know where this is going. Man, this is going to be brutal."

"Go, Jurrac Giganoto! Destroy his pathetic Mahunder with your Psychic Blade!"

Jurrac Giganoto let out a monstrous roar and charged toward Mahunder, slashing her through the stomach with his blade. The attack wiped Fani's remaining 3400 away and ended the Duel in his favor. The mountain field vanished and they were back in the park.

"You big dummy!" laughed Sam. "You really think you can face my brother and his friends with THOSE cards?"

Fani punched the ground, wishing it was Sam's face. "Yeah. I did."

"You're a joke. If you want to face Yuri or any member of the Knights of the Ruby Dragon, beat me first. Otherwise, you're not worthy."

"Who are you to determine who we can and can't Duel?" said Carter. "We'll take on whoever we damn well please. We don't need your permission."

"Come on, guys. Don't tell me you're going to stand up for this loser," said Sam.

Crystal stepped forward. "Yes. He's our friend and has every right to battle us if he wants to."

"No," said Fani. "No, he's right. If I can't even beat him, I have no right to waste your time against me. I don't want to be some easy win. I want to be a proper challenge for you guys. I want to spar against you the way you guys do each time in the ARC Chamber. I want to create memories with exciting matches against you guys, not some squash match that won't be memorable for either of us. Sorry, guys. I guess I gotta get stronger. I can't beat Sam right now."

"Fani..." Annabelle muttered under her breath.

Sam just shrugged. "Well, I'm glad someone finally has some sense."

"All right, that's enough!" Ren said. "You beat him. Great, congratulations. But just because you're better than someone doesn't mean you get to rub it in their faces. You can't beat them, can you?"


"That's what I thought. So stop disrespecting Fani and show some respect."

Sam raised his hands in surrender. "Sorry, man. Guess I got carried away."

"Yeah, you did," said Yuri. "Now, let's put this behind us, shall we? Jeannie wants to see the city and then you two have a tournament to prepare for."

Tyson put his arm over Carter's shoulder. "You hear that, bud? It's the night our dream becomes reality."

"Oh yeah," Carter nodded. "This is gonna be awesome! But first, how about that lunch at the Aquarium, eh?"

They headed to the parking garage where their cars were parked, chatting and laughing the whole way there. But Yuri trailed behind, his mind on edge after the assault on the beach earlier.

"Yuri. What's the matter?" Ser Norman asked. "You should relish spending time with your friends."

"It's kind of hard to do when you're expecting hooded holographic puppets that can kill you to jump out from the shadows. Look at them, Ser Norman. They're at peace and they're happy. I'm tired of seeing them get involved in these situations. All because of me."

"Don't worry. If anyone can protect your friends, it's the Lancers. Now, try to relax and have fun. If your friends see you like this, they're going to suspect something's wrong."

"Right. Thanks."

He caught up with the others and joined in on the conversation. A couple of minutes later, they entered the parking garage nearby. It was dark and cool in there. Carter pulled up in his black Corvette, which was an upgraded model with sleeker designs and more horsepower. Tyson parked his new Porche right next to him. Nick led Patty, Penelope, and Jeannie to the Ford Mustang Boss he won as a prize from his last Dueling tournament.

"Look at you guys in your nice rides," Patty said. "Damn, Tyson. When did you get that?"

"Yesterday, babe. I worked three years at my dad's restaurant to get this! Since I'm about to be draped in gold, it's only natural that I get a car that matches my status."

Patty rolled her eyes. "Well, gotta love your enthusiasm."

"Come on, let's go," Nick said, holding open the passenger-side door for Jeannie. She eagerly climbed into the seat and fastened her belt. Patty and Penelope sat together in the backseat.

Yuri's phone started to vibrate. "Uh...let me get this, okay, guys. I'll see you there in a bit."

"Don't be late," said Tyson, getting into his car. "First rounds are served at one o'clock sharp. We don't want to miss those."

"Don't worry. I won't. See ya there."

Tyson closed the door and revved the engine. Their cars all roared to life. As they drove out of the garage, Yuri looked through his contacts to see who called him. He didn't recognize the number. "Hello?"

"Hey, Yuri. It's me."

"Axel. What's up?"

"I heard what happened at the beach. Are you okay?"

"I made it without a scratch but that's not to say mentally I'm alright. How's the new guy? Gong?"

"He's fine. He's back at base and ready to go again. I've never seen such a hard head before. Anyway, I just wanted to check up on you."

"I'm fine. But for the love of everything you and the Lancers hold sacred, watch my friends. Please."

"Don't worry about a thing, man. We got fresh new Lancers from Termnnia hot from the selection tournament. And we got teams for each of your friends. We're gonna monitor them 24/7. If anything happens, we'll be right there, okay? Don't worry. Enjoy your day with your friends. It's an exciting time for y'all. I'm sure you'll need some sort of stress relief after today's events. Have fun and don't think too much about this."

"I can't, Axel. It's just...it's getting too hard trying to keep them safe. This new guy. Vyce. I don't know but he seems more dangerous than anything we faced in the past."

"We'll handle it, man. Zane and the others are already looking into it. And Yugi is out there hunting gangs and looking for clues."

"Can I please talk to him?"

"You know I can't do that, Yuri. He works alone and he prefers to be alone. Trust him, okay? And after you see your pals win gold, I need you to go to bed early. We're gonna have a meeting in the Noctix. Be there."

"All right. Same place?"

"Naw. After that last breach...we're not taking any chances. Alexis created a world for us to go to. We'll meet there until Bastion can look into how that last opponent you faced was able to sneak into our world."

"Axel. That opponent. I think it was..."

Ser Norman's voice rang in his ears, telling him not to say a word.


"Nevermind. I'll see you and the others tonight."

"All right. Take care. Have fun and stay alert. Out."

Yuri slipped his phone back into his pocket. "Vyce..." he muttered. He shook his head, got into his car, and drove off to catch up with his friends.

Chapter 6: Under the Seas of Friendship

Chapter Text

Yuri - Phobos Island Aquarium, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

Yuri met up with his friends on the first floor of the aquarium's parking garage. The walls were snowy white and lit with illuminated billboards advertising Aquarium-themed merchandise and showcasing images of sea turtles, dolphins, seals, and other aquatic animals.

"Took ya long enough," said Tyson. He was leaning against the side of his car, parked in the middle of Crystal and Ren's vehicles. They all were waiting patiently for him while on their phones.

"Sorry," said Yuri, walking up to them. "Dad called," he lied.

"Yeah, we get it, bro. Your dad has important stuff he needs to take care of," said Nick. "Well, now that you're here, let's get going. Jeannie wants to see the dolphins."

"All right, follow me," said Yuri. "It's on me today, guys."

"You don't have to do that, Yuri," said Ren.

"You kidding? Today's a special day for us. My treat, okay?"

He led them to the front of the building where a line was forming to buy tickets. To his surprise, he saw Randall. He was standing right by the steel statues of three dolphins as if waiting for them. He sported khaki shorts and a blue Hulu shirt that had a pattern of red hibiscuses on it. He wore dark shades to hide his eyes.

"Randall?" Yuri said.

"Hey," he said, easing his shades down his nose and looking at them.

"What are you doing here?" Nick asked.

"I uh...I just thought..." He looked at Natalya, looking stunning in her white summer dress. He coughed into his fist to get back into focus. "...it'd be nice to have lunch with you guys."

"Oh, really?" said Crystal, not too fond of him, for he was one of the many in Brett's gang to berate her with insults over the years. "If Yuri wasn't so nice, I'd tell you to f*ck off for all the things you did to me!"

"Yuri says he's cool with me."

"Cool but with boundaries," Yuri reminded him. "A lot of the things you did were unforgivable."

"I know. But I thought since I'm training with Sergei now and am no longer affiliated with Brett, maybe I could start showing my gratitude to you for giving me a chance. I don't...I don't..." he slid his hand down his hair. "I don't like the feeling of being hated."

"Because you no longer have the power not to care what people think of you," said Crystal.

"Something like that. Not having power, influence, and all that jazz really humbles you. Hate, bitterness...loneliness. They're not feelings I enjoy burning my soul every night. All I can do at night is think about all the things I've done to you guys. All the stuff I said. It was wrong. Heh. I said I hate feeling hated but I did a good job of making sure that happened. That's why I want to start again. And try to make amends. So can I join you guys on your outing today?"

Nick stepped forward. "Don't know. What do you say, Yuri? You cool with it?"

Yuri thought it over for a minute. He still felt a little uneasy about Randall's presence after everything he did to him and his friends. But then again, wouldn't their hate for him build hate inside him for them? It would be an endless cycle of hatred. And that was something he didn't want. Especially since he had enough to deal with as it is. "Okay. Randall can come with us."

"Awesome," Tyson said.

Nick sighed. "You're a better man than me, Yuri. I'll give you that. But word of the wise to you, Lawson. Keep your eyes on the fishes and your eyes off the girls. Especially my sister!"

Randall looked at Jeannie and smiled. "So you're the famous Jeannie I heard so much about."

"And you're the infamous Randall Lawson," Jeannie said, smiling back at him to show she had no disdain. "I heard all about you. Glad to see you stopped being such a jerk."

"Yeah. Well, let's not talk about that right now. That's in the past." He looked at Natalya, hoping this new attitude would impress her. So far, she was beaming at the fact that the knights and Randall were going to let bygones be bygones.

"Okay, if everyone's ready," Yuri said, looking up at the aquarium. The building was white with a giant blue roof shaped like a wave. On the wall facing the road were holograms of dolphins jumping into the air and splashing back down into the ocean. "Let's head inside and check out the animals. We can get lunch later. Sound good?"

"Sounds great," said Crystal.

"Let's go!" Ren cried.

They got in line for their tickets. As they waited for Yuri to find his credit card, Randall noticed Natalya fanning herself in the hot summer sun.

"Here. Stand under the palm," he said. He gestured for her to follow him to the shaded area underneath the trees and the large blue palm leaf-shaped parasol.

She followed him, giggling at the fact that he was trying so hard to be nice to her. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"So how is training with my uncle, going?" she said, sitting down on the ledge. "Oh!" she jumped off and rubbed her backside.

"You okay?" Randall asked.

"No. I forgot the stone is hot."

Randall laughed. "Want a kiss to make it better?"

"Ha, ha, ha," Natalya said sarcastically. "I should leave right now!"

"Sorry. I couldn't help myself. Anyway, training with your uncle is tough, but it's worth it. He was up all night teaching me complex combos with cards I never thought to use. My Voiceless Voice deck is strong, but it was missing some key support. I was too blinded by the rarity and strength of the base cards to see they were missing pieces."

"Like what?"

"Cards like Linkuriboh. I didn't think I needed it because he was weak, but little did I know, that the little guy is the key to bringing out stronger Link Monsters to support my ritual monsters. Duel Monsters is a more complex game than I thought."

"Oh, yes," agreed Natalya. "It's no longer who can bring out the biggest beat stick anymore. Now, it's about setting up your board to negate your foe's plans and hoping he doesn't have the hand traps needed to negate your negates. Once their board is clear, then you can move in and strike."

"Exactly! You get it! I see Sergei trained you well."

"Ha! That goes without saying. I'm only his niece after all."

"That's true," Randall said with a nod. "Say, uh...are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"I thought maybe you and I could hang out. Just the two of us."

"I can't. I have ballet lessons all day long."

"Right, right. Well, how about after?"

"Can't. I got to help Uncle Sergei at the shop. And I can't after that. I have a calculus exam to study for."

"Damn," Randall said. "You're pretty busy these days."

"It's my senior year. I have to end it right."

"But you're in the Summa Cum Laude. There's no need for you to worry so much about your studies."

"I have to. My family was hit hard during the Resource Wars. I have to be the link that breaks the chains of poverty they had to endure. My education will pave the way for a good life. Not just for me but for them. When I graduate with high honors, I'm going to New York to live with my aunt as I attend Juilliard. It's a great opportunity for me."

Randall's ears perked at the news of her moving away. "Juilliard, huh?"

"That's right."

"That's an awesome school. But that sucks you'll be going so far away. I...I'm gonna miss you."

"You hardly even know me."

"I know, I know. But you're a nice girl. A sweet girl. And..." He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "I was hoping we could spend a lot more time together before you left. I really like you."

"My friends don't," said Natalya.

"I'm working on that. Don't worry. I'm trying to prove to them I'm not a bad guy. I just hope you'd give me the chance to make things right."

"You can make things right with them. If you do, I'll be so happy for you. But I'm afraid if you're looking for a heart to capture, look elsewhere. Mine is off-limits. I have no time for boys. The most I can do is be friends with you, Randall. I'm sorry."

"Heh. I like a challenge."

Natalya rolled her eyes. "You are so annoying!" she said playfully, walking ahead of him into the aquarium. "Come on, let's go. Everyone else already went inside."

"Hey, hey, wait up! I'm coming. You walk fast for a little thing!"

Yuri walked inside first and was immediately greeted by the sound of waves crashing. The lobby was vast and tall, covered with white tile from top to bottom. At the center of it was a giant fountain of a giant whale shark made of glass. The water gushed out of its mouth and splashed down into a pool below. Around the lobby were several interactive touch tables where children could interact with the marine life in the aquarium. Their voices filled the air with excitement as they touched holograms of sea turtles, sea horses, and other animals. Yuri noticed many parents taking photos of their kids while they played around.

The dome above them was a giant screen that made it seem like they were underwater.

"Oh, wow!" Jeannie cried, looking up at the dome. "It's so beautiful."

"Pose by the fountain!" Patty said, whipping out her phone.

Jeannie fixed her hair and stood in front of the whale shark, striking a pose.

"Awwww," Patty teased, snapping more photos. "I love it! I love it!"

Ren chuckled. "She's too cute. She should model."

"Nick, stand with your sister!" Crystal said, standing with Patty.

"Come on, Nick!" Jeannie said. "Stand next to me."

"Haha, you bet!" He adjusted his jean jacket and stood with her.

"After all these years, you two are back together!" said Patty. "I want us all to remember this moment."

Everyone gathered around and took some group selfies in front of the whale shark. They even had an attendant take a photo of all of them with the whale shark in the background.

"How long has it been since we did something like this?" Tyson said, admiring the pictures. "Man, I missed doing stuff with y'all."

"School's been keeping you guys busy, huh?" said Ren.

"You're one to talk," said Carter. "I sometimes forget you even exist. What's been going on at your dad's company?"

"Business. But I'm going to leave it at that. Today is a day for fun, not for business talk."

"Heh. You got a point," Tyson agreed.

"We're going to the Australian rainforest exhibit first," said Yuri.

The friends ventured to the far end of the lobby where the clean white walls turned into red rocks with aboriginal markings. The group of friends stepped into the indoor Australian rainforest exhibit, greeted by a rush of warm, humid air and the sounds of exotic birds calling from the lush foliage above. They exchanged excited glances as they began their exploration.

Yuri eagerly snapped photos of the towering trees and vibrant greenery. "This place is incredible," he exclaimed.

Tyson led the group deeper into the exhibit, his eyes scanning for any signs of wildlife. "Keep your eyes peeled, you never know what we might spot in here," he said with a grin. A bird landed above him.

"Aaah! See what I mean!"

They laughed at his sudden scare.

Carter stopped to admire a display of tropical flowers, his fingers trailing over the velvety petals. "Man, I haven't been here in ages."

Sam, Annabelle, and Fani walked together into a dark cave where hundreds of lizards were on display in small exhibits.

Nick, flanked by Patty and Penelope, marveled at the diversity of plant life surrounding them. "This is like stepping into another world," he remarked, squeezing their hands affectionately.

"Look at those turtles," Patty said, rushing over to the tank where a dozen turtles swam around with huge fish.

"Aww, I love turtles!" Penelope said, joining her. "Nick. Come see."

Nick crossed his arms and leaned against a stone wall. "Naw, you two go ahead. I got a nice view from back here."

Jeannie wandered off on her own, drawn to a waterfall cascading into a crystal-clear pool. She dipped her fingers into the cool water, feeling the mist settle on her skin.

Ren, Crystal, Natalya, and Randall stuck together, their laughter echoing through the exhibit as they pointed out various species of birds and reptiles in their enclosures.

As they continued their exploration, the group encountered a rope bridge stretching across a ravine, its swaying motion adding to the sense of adventure. Without hesitation, they ventured across, their laughter mingling with the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures. A giant waterfall thundered next to the bridge into a pool below where saltwater crocodiles rested. Yuri spotted one and quickly snapped a few shots with his phone.

The exhibit led them into a vast outdoor space where native plants and animals flourished in a re-creation of an ancient Australian forest. At the center of the chamber was the skeleton of a giant lizard that once roamed prehistoric Australia.

"Look at the size of that monster, will ya?" said Carter.

"That's Megalania," said Yuri.

"Oh ho, our resident prehistoric expert is here to fill us in," said Crystal.

"Haha, that's why I have the dinosaur deck," said Yuri. "This thing is the biggest lizard to ever have existed. It would have made the Komodo Dragon look like a gecko. It died out around...uh...40 to 50,000 years ago. That's not too long ago when you think about it. It could have tangled with prehistoric man."

Tyson whistled. "Our ancestors had to go out with that thing running around? I'm sure glad they're extinct now."

"Prehistoric men were literally in an RPG," said Randall. "As soon as they stepped out of their shelters, they entered a world of monsters."

"Yeah," said Carter. "And if they didn't get eaten by these things they'd probably be killed by sabretooth tigers or those giant bears."

"Come on," said Yuri. "This tunnel will take us to the next exhibit."

All through the day, the group enjoyed the sights and sounds of the aquarium as they explored every exhibit there was to offer. In the underwater theater, they watched as sea lions put on a show for the audience, their agility and grace mesmerizing. They walked down a long underwater tunnel surrounded by colorful coral reefs teeming with fish of all shapes and sizes. They listened in fascination as the tour guide shared fascinating facts about the wonders of marine life. The girls stopped to take photos over a hundred times with the sharks that swam by and the brilliant reefs exploding with bright colors.

Finally, they ended their day at the gift shop where they each got a souvenir to commemorate their visit. Once the shopping was done, they took an elevator to the Underwater Palace, a restaurant with views of the ocean outside. As they sat at their table, they marveled at the school of fish swimming above them as they dined on a delicious meal.

"I'm never going to forget this," Jeannie said, looking through all the pictures she took throughout the day. "We have so many great memories."

"It's like we're kids again," Nick said. "Just hanging out without a care in the world. I wish it could be like this forever."

"What if we never see each other again?" Natalya said.

"Don't say that!" Patty scolded.

"You're going off to college," said Natalya. "You're all growing up and moving away. What are we going to do then?"

"We'll come back here during the holidays," Tyson said, "and hang out just like old times. I mean, yeah, it's not going to be as often, but don't ever say never. Because we're family, guys. We gotta make a vow that once or twice a year we meet up at the Ruby Dragon to hang out like old times."

"Or maybe we can all go on vacations together," Annabelle suggested.

"That's a great idea," said Nick. "And with Yuri being the future president and CEO of Phobos Corp, he'll pay for the flights."

"Ha, ha, ha," Yuri said sarcastically. "Sure thing, Nick."

They laughed as their drinks arrived. Crystal raised her glass and said, "Here's to making new memories."

Everyone clinked glasses and cheered. "New memories! New memories!"

"So I have a question," said Jeannie. "Something fortune-cookie-like or whatever. But what are your greatest fears?"

"Fears?" said Randall. "I'm afraid of failure. There. I said it."

"Seriously?" Tyson said. "You don't have to tell us that, man. It came true after your boss was kicked out of Aquarius."

"What about yours Tyson?" Natalya asked.

"Oof, that's easy. The Kumpo Dance."

"The what?" everyone said simultaneously.

"My mom's family comes from Senegal. And it's kind of like a ritual dance they do at special ceremonies. We went there when I was a kid to celebrate my cousin's coming of age. Man, that was the freakiest thing I've ever seen. Imagine if Cousin It from the Addams Family worked out in a gym every day, stuck a broomstick on his head, and started dancing all over the place. As a five-year-old kid growing up in Georgia, that was something I did not expect to see. It scared the living daylights outta me. The villagers said it was a benevolent spirit but when I got back home, I kept thinking it was going to jump out of my closet and start dancing that crazy dance"

They burst into laughter, slapping their hands on the table.

"No way!" said Carter. "You got things like Behemoth, King of a Hundred Battles, Berfomet, and Gravity Behemoth, and you're scared of a grass man dancing around?"

"That thing gave me nightmares, man! I still can't get over it! I keep imagining if it followed me back here somehow and started doing its dance outside my window. That will be the day I go into therapy for sure! But now that I'm older, I've grown to appreciate the beauty of the dance. What about you, King of Duelists?" he said to Yuri.

"My biggest fear...well, it's losing all of you."

"Awww..." they said in unison.

"That's sweet," Penelope said.

"But why is that your fear?" said Jeannie.

Yuri looked around at his friends. "I grew up with these guys. They've all become a part of my heart. If I were to lose them, a piece of me would be lost too. To me, we're a family. A family that's been through a lot together. I mean, we've been in danger several times, haven't we? The first time was back in kindergarten when a bully named Jason tried to throw me off a bridge. Then Nick came to the rescue and that's how we became friends."

"Yeah," Nick agreed. "Then all of us get chased around by Brett's bounty hunters. Then those Rare Hunters."

"Oh my!" said Jeannie. "I heard about that. Did they really trap you in that virtual world?"

"Yeah, but they learned not to mess with us!" Nick boasted.

"I'll say," said Jeannie. "You guys are really strong. And I know you: Carter and Tyson, are gonna win that tag team tournament tonight and earn your place in the championships in Gold Week next week."

"Don't worry. We got this," said Carter. "Anyone want a demonstration of my newest weapon?"

"I'll take you on!" Sam said. "I'm tired of all these boring fish. Let's have a Duel. There's an arena upstairs we can play in. Let's Duel before the food gets here. It shouldn't take too long."

"Yeah, it won't," said Tyson. "You're making a big mistake, but if you wanna take him on, go ahead. Come on, guys. Duel time!"

The rest of them cheered and they left the table. Up the stairs they went to the arena where the field was a glass floor with water underneath lit by round lamps at the floor below.

"Oooooh, it's like we're Dueling over the ocean," Jeannie observed.

Carter and Sam each activated their Duel Disks.

LP 8000

"Here we go!"

Sam was able to Synchro Summon his Jurrac Giganoto, followed by the Link -4 monster Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale, whose ATK increased to 3600 with his powerup effect, and finally Promethean Princess Bestower of Flames with an impressive 2700 ATK.

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"Wow..." Fani said, feeling jealous that someone younger than him was so experienced at the game that he could bring out so many tough monsters like it was nothing. Their effects required such a huge undertaking to bring them up, but Sam's knowledge of the cards allowed him to use certain monsters and cards to act as loopholes to bring out the bosses in no time at all.

"So what are you gonna do now, Carter? I loaded my Jurrac Deck with cards to help me take you guys out. Haha. Is anyone in the mood for fish sticks? Cuz my Pyro monsters are gonna cook your monsters up nice and crispy!"

"Let's see you try it," Carter taunted. "First, I send Icejade Tremora to the Graveyard."

"And I'll activate Maxx "C", which is gonna let me draw each time you Special Summon a monster!"

"Let's hope you draw something good then, Sammy. Because if you don't, I'm afraid I'm gonna end things now. Anyway, I Special Summon Icejade Aegerine by discarding a card from my hand. And when she comes into play, I get to Special Summon a Token."

"I activate Book of Moon to flip your monster face-down!" shouted Sam. "Sorry, Carter. But I'm not gonna let you win that easily."

"Let me win? Ha! I've already won, kid. Next, I summon Deepsea Diva in attack mode!"

He summoned a mermaid with the tail of a sea serpent. When she came out she sang a song to everyone present, causing them to clap and whistle with approval.

"With her effect, I can summon Neptabyss the Atlantean Prince from my deck!"

Neptabyss looked exactly like the legendary hero Poseidon, wielding his trident with ease and standing tall and proud before the others. His eyes were full of pride and confidence.

"With his effect, I send Atlantean Dragoons from my deck to the Graveyard to add one to my hand. And Dragoons's effect activates, allowing me to add Mermail Abyssmegalo to my hand. And I discard two cards from my hand to Special Summon him to the field!"

A blast of water burst forth onto the field, creating a tornado of water. From out of the spiral jumped an anthropomorphic megalodon colored red and white, wearing a colossal set of golden armor and wielding a sword with hundreds of teeth inlaid into it to act as a club.

"I'll activate the effect of the Dragoon sent to the Graveyard and add Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord to my hand. Next, I'm going to use Deepsea Diva and the token my Icejade created to Link Summon Marincess Coral Anemone!"

The Link Monster appeared on the field, using its tentacles to support itself while remaining under the influence of the mermaid's voice, causing the rest of the room to applaud again.

"With her effect, Deepsea Diva returns! And now, because I have five Water monsters in my Graveyard, I can Special Summon Moulinglacia!"

A tornado of arctic air spun around the arena. From out of it stepped a giant sea serpent armored in white and gold.

"Now that Moulinglacia has been summoned, you have to discard two cards from your hand!"

Sam sent the two cards away and uncaring shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Now, I'm going to use Marincess Coral Anemone, Deepsea Diva, and Moulinglacia to serve as the Links needed to bring out the beast that's going to lead me and Tyson to championship gold! I call on the Link -4 monster, Wordsea Deagon Zealantis!"

The arena had to digitize away, taking them to a virtual beach surrounded by ocean. Sam looked around in confusion, wondering what was happening. Seagulls flew in massive flocks, calling out in horror as if they were trying to get away from something. Then, from the depths of the ocean came a titanic serpentine form that loomed over the entire area, looking like it could swallow the world whole. It had scales that glowed brightly as though powered by nuclear power. It stood up on four massive pillars for legs that spanned almost a mile wide each. Its wings were so large they stretched across the horizon, blotting out the sun.

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"What the hell?" Sam said, looking on with awe and fear. He knew Carter was good, but he never expected this monster.

"Now, our entire fields will be wiped out by his power!"

Zealantis roared into the heavens and conjured a massive tidal wave that flooded the whole world. When the wave passed, their fields were bare, and they were standing over a small patch of land. It was all that remained of their island.

"What!? You wiped out our entire field?"

"I sure did. But enjoy the calm while you can."

The water erupted behind Carter and Zealantis reemerged, roaring at Sam's face, who took a step back, frightened by the ferocity of its roar. But that wasn't all. Carter's Icejade Aegirine returned. And when she did Abyssmegalo did so as well. Abyssmegalo had the power to attack TWICE, meaning he dealt 4800 damage to Sam's Life Points, wiping them to less than half in one move. Icejade followed with another 1500 damage and then, saving the best for last, Worldsea Dragon Zealantis reared up its head. A deep charging sound whirred inside its throat and it unleashed a blast of nuclear energy that struck Sam with the final blow, sending him flying across the arena. He swooped for about four feet and landed on his back with a thud. The holograms vanished, and they were back in the Aquarium.

"Wow!" Fani cried out in amazement. "He beat Sam on his first turn!" he looked a the knights with admiration making his eyes twinkle. "You guys are unreal!"

Sam pounded the ground with his fist. "Damn it! No matter what kind of monster I get, it's never enough to beat you guys!"

Fani scratched the back of his head, a deeper longing to be like them building up in his chest. "What do we have to do to even hope to stand a chance against you five?"

"I seriously doubt you can, junior," said Randall. "I tried. My best mercs tried. It never worked out for me. And I had the best cards money could buy."

Carter checked his watch. "Hey, that was quicker than I thought. Anyone wanna go one on one? I'm super pumped now that I've seen what Zealantis can do."

"Hey, I'll have a go," said Yuri.

"Me next!" said Tyson.

And so they continued having fun throughout the rest of the evening until they could Duel no more. Their food arrived, and they ate heartily before heading home in anticipation of the tag team tournament, little knowing that it was the first link in a long chain of events that would change who they were forever.

That night at the Ruby Dragon Arena by the sea, a huge flock of people rushed to see a slew of promising tag team players fight for the chance to win the Ruby Dragon Tag Team belts and earn their place in the Aquarian Tag Team Championship Tournament for Gold Week. The stands were filled with cheering fans waving glow sticks and flags. The excitement of the crowd was infectious as everyone cheered for their favorite teams.

There were a total of 32 pairs of duelists fighting to reach the top. Tyson and Carter plowed their way through every opponent they had without breaking a sweat. Their friends cheered from the front row, watching Tyson's beasts and Carter's sea serpents work in unison against the toughest meta decks they'd ever seen. They couldn't believe how far they'd come and how much stronger they'd gotten. The two summoned their best creatures to deal with the opposition.

Tyson called on Behemoth, the King of a Hundred Battles to crush his opponents. If they got too difficult, he would fuse his Illusion monsters to create Chimera the Phantom Beast King, and Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts. They slashed through hordes of Kashtira monsters, Branded/Albaz, Shadoll hybrid decks, and so many more. Carter unleashed complex strategies with his Tearlament Deck which he mixed in with his Ghoti monsters. In a stunning display of water and light, the underwater maidens took to the field, accompanied by the titanic-sized Ghoti of the Deep Beyond, a sea serpent that stood higher than the arena, haunting the night with its eerie call. With so many banished monsters, the beast's ATK went to 10,000.

In one Duel, Tyson has Berfomet the Mythical King of Beasts and Behemoth the King of a Hundred Battles standing together.

Carter had Tearlaments Rulkalllos, a powerful Fusion Monster with 3000 ATK, now 3500 on the count of his Field Spell, Primeval Planet Perlereino. Tyson was proving too tough to deal with, so their opponents decided to gang up on Carter, which was a big mistake.

"Fusion Summon!" Carter shouted. "I combine Tearlaments Scheiren and Tearlaments Reinoheart to form Tearlaments Kitkallos!"

A stunning display of glowing water danced around him as he merged two spirits into one. The combined spirit formed a blue-haired beauty in an ocean-themed dress. Her ATK was 2300. One of Carter's opponents acknowledged that she was a threat and looked to his partner who nodded. He gave a thumbs up, telling him he had a plan.

"Because I Special Summoned a Tearlament, my field spell destroys your Crimson Blader!"

The foe's red-armored swordsman was consumed by water, exploding in a burst of red sparks.

"And with Kitkallo's effect, I send a Tearlament monster to the Graveyard. And it was Tearlaments Havnis. When she's sent to the Graveyard by a card effect, I can Fusion Summon a monster from my Extra Deck. Now, I fuse her, Reinohart, and Kitkallos to create Tearlaments Kaliedo-Heart!"

He summoned a man with silvery-blue hair wearing robes resembling a mosaic window and a gown that looked like eels' tails. His ATK was 3000 and rose to 3500 with the field power bonus.

"Not so fast! I reveal my face-down card, Zoodiac Barrage! It lets me destroy your monster and then I can Special Summon a Zoodiac monster from my deck!"

"You won't do such a thing!" said Carter. "Rulkallos activates her effect, negating your card but she forces me to destroy Kaliedo-Heart, too."

Kaleido-Heart bowed his head and turned into water.

"Ha! What good did that move do you? You just destroyed your monster anyway."

"Man, do you two ever shut up?" said Tyson. "Carter negated your spell, preventing you from getting a free monster. It may have cost him his Ace but don't count on him being gone for long."


Carter slid his fingers down his signature fedora. "When Kaliedo-Heart is sent to the Graveyard by card effect, all I have to do is send one Tearlaments card from my deck to the Graveyard and he comes back!"

"What!?" the other player cried out.

Water formed into a rose-shaped bubble that floated over the field, growing larger and larger. Finally, Kaliedo-Heart returned.

"Impossible! How'd he come back?"

Tyson chuckled. "I told you. You're messing with the Knights of the Ruby Dragon now, dawg! And my boy Carter is still not done."

"Not by a long shot. I banish two Water monsters from my Graveyard to bring forth Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls!"

A giant blue dragon appeared on the field. It roared at the heavens and raised its arms to summon a torrent of rain that filled the arena.

"And since it's still my Main Phase, I can Special Summon Tearlaments Kash*tra from my hand, by banishing a Tearlaments card from my Graveyard. Go!"

He summoned a white-haired girl with red flesh wearing black and red armor. Her 2300 ATK increased to 2800.

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"Battle!" Tyson and Carter shouted.

"You boys are wide open!" Tyson sneered.

"ATTACK!" they both shouted. Tyson's beasts and Carter's Tearlaments and Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls joined forces for an all-out attack.

The opposing players were blown off their feet as a combination of water and shadow smashed into them, dropping their Life Points down to zero. The fans cheered. On the screen, the two opponents had a big red X stamped across their faces, signifying their loss. Carter and Tyson's images took over the screen as WINNERS was printed in bright bold letters.

"Alright, we won again!" Tyson said, giving Carter a high-five.

"And the team of Carter Kim and Tyson Washington advance to the next round!" shouted the MC.

By the time they entered the next match, the number of players dwindled down to eight. Fani sat anxiously on the edge of his seat, cheering his friends on. Crystal remained silent, watching everything with a stoic face. Patty and Penelope couldn't stop squealing whenever they saw Tyson and Carter together.

Meanwhile, across the arena, Tyson's family, who booked the whole first row, cheered and waved flags with his name on it and posters with his photos.

"Way to go, son!" shouted Mr. Washington. "That's my boy!"

It was Turn 5 of the Duel. Tyson had his Behemoth the King of a Hundred Battles out on the field, one card face-down and 2500 Life Points. He and Carter were getting hit hard, but they pushed back harder, determined to make it to the finals.

"You played good," he said to his opponent. "But we're better! I summon Gazelle, the King of Mythical Claws!" he smacked the card on his Duel Disk and conjured a lion with a very long black mane.

"And I'm gonna activate his effect so I can..."

"Don't think so! You're not calling out anymore of those freaky fusions of yours, so I'm gonna activate Ash Blossom to negate its effect!"

"I think not!" Carter retorted. "I activate Solemn Strike! By paying half my Life Points, your Ash Blossom's effect is negated and my partner is free to continue his turn!"

"Thanks for giving up those points for me, bro. Now, as I was saying, with Gazelle's effect, I add Berfomet of Big Wings to my hand. Now, I play Polymerization, fusing Berfomet and Chimera to become Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts!"

Chimera let out a roar that shook the arena. Its mighty wings flapped against the wind, sending gusts of air blowing at the two opponents.

"He's done it again!" shouted the MC. "Tyson turns the tables with his powerful Chimera monsters. Will it be enough to get the win?"

"Oh, it'll be more than enough!" Tyson said. Chimera Fusion returned to his hand and he used to create Chimera the Illusion Beast. Then he was able to bring out the 'waifu' of his deck, Nightmare Apprentice, to join the fray, allowing him to bring out more Illusion monsters to aid him in the Xyz Summoning of Heretical Phoboscobos, who practically negated his opponent's moves.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (31) A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (32) A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (33)

It was now Carter's turn. He had Icejade Gymir Aegirine and Snopios, Shade of the Ghoti on his side of the field along with Shif, Fairy of the Ghoti and White Aura Whale, who were soon going to depart the Duel to make way for Carter's Ace.

"I tune Shif, Fairy of the Ghoti with White Aura Whale!" he shouted. "Come forth, Ghoti of the Deep Beyond!"

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (34)

Once again, the crowd looked to the sky as Carter's massive phantom celestial sea serpent rose from the sound next to the arena, howling into the night. He and his opponents had enough banished monsters to make Ghoti of the Deep Beyond's ATK increase from ? to 7500.

"Ready, Tyson! They're all ours!"

"Right behind you, dude," said Tyson.

The two friends gave each other high fives as the battle commenced. In one move, they wiped their opponents out. Ghoti's attack blasted their Life Points down to zero as Chimera sent red waves of crescent energy at them. Nightmare Apprentice giggled and fired a stream of lavender energy from her staff. Meanwhile, the strange construct, Heretical Phoboscobos unleashed three orbs of blue fire from its body.

"And it's over! The Knights of the Ruby Dragon have won this match and are heading into the finals!"

"We did it!" Tyson shouted. He lifted his fist and Carter bumped it.

"That's my boys!" Patty cheered. Penelope clapped her hands excitedly while Fani nodded, happy that they were doing so well.

And the matches continued until Carter and Tyson stood together on the podium with championship belts as prizes for their victory.

"They've done it!" the MC announced.

Confetti burst out of cannons installed at the top of the ceiling as the fans cheered for the champions. Ghoti of the Deep Beyond loomed over the stadium and Chimera the Magical Illusion Beast spun his blades around behind Tyson. Tyson and Carter clinked their belts together and held them up, proud of what they'd accomplished.

"And there you have it folks! The winners of the first annual Dragon's Den Tag Team Tournament are Tyson Washington and Carter Kim. And as a bonus prize, they will have automatic qualification to the Aquarius Tag Team Championship Tournament next week in the annual Gold Week where every Championship Belt in Aquarius is on the line! Will these two titans be able to achieve this dream?"

The crowd cheered in approval. Ghoti of the Deep Beyond lowered its neck into the stadium so its head could be behind his master. His body was like water made into dragon shape, making the scenery behind him ripple.

The stadium lights turned off and the crowd was outside making their way to the parking lot to go home. Tyson and Carter were hounded by reporters asking them to pose with both their belts and their invitations to the Aquarian Tag Tournament. Girls flocked around Carter, begging him to give them autographs, while others asked Tyson if he wanted to date them. A girl tugged at the neckline of her tank top, exposing the upper half of her breasts to Tyson. She asked if he could sign them, and he did.

"Damn," said Crystal. "You guys are getting more and more famous by the day."

"Imagine when we actually win those titles next week," said Nick. He squeezed both Penelope and Patty's rear ends, making them squeal. "By the way, have you two begun training for the Women's Tag Team Tournament?"

"Oh yeah!" said Patty. "We've been practicing almost every day."

"Hell yeah, Papi," Penelope said. "No way we're gonna let those two cholos take all the glory. It's about time we kicked some butt, too."

A man laughed behind them. He was a black man with a bald head and a mustache wearing a bone-colored suit with a dark red undershirt and a gold chain around his neck. Two girls walked behind him in their Dueling gear. One was a thick young woman wearing a leather jacket with spikes. Her black hair was long and flowed down the left side of her face, while the right side was shaved leaving three hard parts in it. Her friend was dressed in attire akin to a punk schoolgirl. Her hair was tied into pigtails, one was highlighted in black and the other in red.

"You two ladies think you're gonna win the Women's Tag Team Championship?" he said. "Cute. Very cute. Who do we have here." He looked at Penelope and made a face like he saw something crawling out of the sewer. "A Stowaway who has no place being up here with the elite. And you," he said to Patty. "You're Yuri's ex-girlfriend. Hmph, looks like the drugs haven't rotted your brain yet."

Patty scowled. She wanted to slap the smugness off his face.

"Who is this guy?" asked Fani.

The man flipped his fingers, making a card appear in them. He flashed it in front of Fani's face. "The name's Panama Palmer. I'm the manager of the team that's actually going to beat the Sensational Dragon Sisters and WIN the Aquarius Women's Tag Team Championship. This is Kiki Pallette." He gestured to the punk rock girl beside him. "And this is Lulu McQueen, the Hardcore Princess. You two are looking at the future champions. So, why don't you run along and go back to your trailer park?"

Nick snarled. He didn't like the way Panama talked to his friends.

Panama stepped up to him, his eyes staring into Nick's. "Aha, look who it is. The Stowaway. Don't go acting all tough just because you entered a tournament full of rejects and got the last spot for the Millennium Tournament. Until you actually win those games, which you won't, then you'll always be a nobody. So crawl back to the sewers with the rest of the Stowaways, chump."

"Why, you son of a bitch!" Nick growled. He raised his fist to punch Panama's lights out but Crystal held him back.

"Don't," she said. "He's not worth it."

"Ah, ah. Touch me and I'll sue!" Panama said. "I'll make sure you never see the light of day again."

"Nick, stop!" Jeannie pleaded. "Just let it go. Please."

She grabbed her brother's arm and pulled him away.

"Yeah, listen to your little sister, chump," Panama sneered.

Patty looked at Jeannie sympathetically. She knew how much it pained her to see Nick get hurt by these kinds of people. "Come on, Jeannie," she said. "Let's get out of here. You can see us whip their sorry asses next week."

"Why not give a demonstration of your skills tomorrow at the show on Gondolin Island?" Panama suggested. "A hardcore match against two of my other clients. They're not as hot as these two queens, but they're still a damn good team. Ain't that right, Lulu?"

"You bet," the punk girl answered. "Can't wait to see them destroy you two. Maybe then you'll realize the Gold League ain't for you and go back to where you came from."

Panama laughed.

"We'll be there," Penelope said. She turned around and started walking away. "C'mon, Patty. Let's go. We got some training to do before we meet them."

Patty shrugged and followed her friend.

Panama snorted. "Losers."

The crowd thinned down. Patty and Penelope found themselves standing outside in front of a food truck.

"Is it always like this?" Jeannie asked. She was shivering with fright.

"It's all part of the game, baby," Patty said, ordering a hot dog with everything on it. "You just have to get used to it."

Jeannie sighed. She couldn't imagine herself in Patty's position. The life of being a famous Duelist had its perks, but it also came with the stigma of having to deal with jealous and competitive people.

"Even if you two don't win, which you will," said Crystal. "My girls are gonna beat their sorry asses."

"Oh, yeah. You're part of the Sensational Dragon Sisters," said Jeannie. "Layla Lovecraft and Shayla Chang are the ones holding the title right now."

"Ah, I see our team has a fan," Crystal said with a wink.

"Are you kidding!? The Sensational Dragon sisters are the reason I even got into Duel Monsters. If you hadn't piqued my interest in the game, I would have never joined the Dueling Forums where I saw the video of Yuri beating Randall. That's the video where I saw Nick."

"I think what she's trying to say is that she wants to be like you," Penelope said. "What do you say, Crystal? Think you have the time to take a new pupil under your wing?"

"Whoa!?" Nick said. "My sister? Under the tutelage of the legendary Queen of Dragons! Oh ho! Jeannie! You gotta do this!"

"Y-you really want me?" Jeannie asked.

Crystal smiled. "Sure, why not?"

"Oh yay!" Jeannie jumped up and hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much, Crystal. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how happy this makes me. This is the best day ever!"

"Hold your horses, girl," said Nick. "If you're gonna train under Crystal, you're gonna need this back." He handed her a deck. At the bottom was the Red-Eyes Black Dragon she gave him when they were separated as children.

"Nick...my dragon."

"A deal's a deal," said Nick. "You said when we met again, I had to give Red-Eyes back to you. So, here ya go. Now get out there and win some tournaments with it. I'm counting on you to bring home the big cash."

Jeannie clutched her beloved card to her chest. "I won't let you down, bro. And thanks for giving me such an awesome deck. Crystal. Give it everything you've got. I wanna Duel just like them." She held her arm out toward the gang.

Crystal smiled and shook her hand. "I'll teach you everything I know. Maybe the other Sisters would like to get to meet you, too."

Jeannie looked like she was about to faint. "You mean...I get to meet the Sensational Dragon Sisters? Ahh! No way! Oh my goodness! This is so amazing! Thank you, Crystal, thank you!"

"Don't mention it," she said. "Get some sleep. We're going to whip that little butt of yours into shape."

"Take her advice on this," said Annabelle. "My sister's tough when it comes to training Duelists. Each Dragon Sister was taught by her. That's how they became the legends that they are."

"Okay! I'll wake up extra early tomorrow."

"Do so," said Penelope. "But please don't dog pile us again."

Tyson burst out laughing. He shifted his giant title belt over his shoulder and said, "Damn, what do you girls do in that apartment?"

Patty grinned. "Sorry, Ty. But what happens in Crystal's room, stays in Crystal's room." She shoved the rest of her hot dog into her mouth and wiped the sauce off the corners of her lips.

"Hot damn," said Ren. "Man, do I miss hanging out with you guys."

"Hey, hey, hey," Nick said pointing at Crystal and Patty. "What have you been doin' to my poor sister?"

Everyone started laughing. Nick tried to put on an angry face, but he couldn't help but giggle himself. He slapped hands with Tyson and Carter as they left the building.

"All right, guys. Big day tomorrow. Let's get some rest."

Jeannie followed Crystal, still holding onto her Red-Eyes Black Dragon. The others went their separate ways to head back home.

Chapter 7: The Meeting

Chapter Text

— Yuri - Tanquil Forest Noctix —

Cicadas and crickets filled the forest with their songs as Yuri walked through the dark woods, following the dim light of the moon through the branches overhead. He had been walking for hours. He never grew tired and continued to trudge along through the wilderness.

Up ahead, he saw the orange glow of a fire, followed by laughing and merriment.

He quickened his pace and made it to a clearing. There, sitting around a cozy fire were Axel, Bastion, Chazz, Zane, Syrus, Chumley, Hassleberry, Blair, Alexis, Adrian, Jim, Hawke, and Cora. They stopped talking and looked at him in unison when he emerged from the darkness of the forest.

"Ah, the prodigal son returns," said Syrus. "Well, are you going to join us or stand there all night?"

Yuri approached the group. "Hey, guys."

"Welcome, Yuri," said Bastion. "Care to take a seat next to me? I've just brewed some tea."

"Tea my ass!" said Hassleberry. "Drown some of this here ale, Yer Highness."

He held up a cup of foamy, bubbling beer.

"Hassleberry," Bastion said sternly. "The Prince is a man of class. I doubt he would like to drink something as vile and crude as beer."

"Pfft, what does a stuck-up fossil like you know about fun?" asked Jim. "If it ain't booze, then it ain't worth it. Come on, Yuri. You're a fellow dino Duelist like me and Hass. Drink up!"

"I got some grilled cheese if ya want some," Chumley said.

Yuri sat down and for hours he listened to their stories. How they got their powers, their time at Duel Academia, their adventures with Belladonna, the Gate Wars, and so many other grand tales that made Yuri's soul burn with the lust for adventure and Duel Monsters. They showed him recordings on their phones of their past battles. Yuri watched in awe as they took down armies of robotic knights with dazzling feats of magic, swordplay, and agility that made them move like characters in a JRPG.

He felt so happy being with them again.

"So that's our story," said Zane. "Each of us had to endure some of the worst hardships to attain the power we have now. But if it meant securing your rule and protecting Termnnia from harm, then it was worth it. And that's why we fight with you, Yuri. That's why we chose to be the Champions of your Kingdom."

"And it's our duty to make sure nothing happens to you," said Cora.

Yuri gulped. She was so beautiful, but it was a damn shame she had a girlfriend. "Uh... thank you."

"Hey, no problem," said Alexis. "After everything you've been through, I'm surprised you're not more traumatized than you are."

"You're pretty tough, Yuri," said Chazz. "I've got to say, you've handled this whole High King business pretty well. But there's still a lot of fear in you. I can sense it."

"So can I," said Syrus. Being the psionic mage he was, he had a keen sense of everyone's emotions. He could even hear their thoughts from a distance. "You're split into two halves. One side wishes to go home. It lusts for adventure. A desire to be written into songs and legends like the heroes in your books. But there's another half."

"Is it the curse from Bakura?" Hawke asked.

"No," said Syrus. The Ion Stones orbiting his head started to glow. "It's not the curse. Master Yugi, Ser Norman, and his friends helped him break that a long time ago. No. This other half is different. I can't put my finger on it. It's just memories...I can see your friends. I see them laughing, walking home with you. I can feel their warmth. Your family. They care for you a lot, Yuri."

Yuri nodded. "They're my best friends in the whole world. We've been through a lot together." Yuri picked up a stick and tossed it in the fire. "As much as I want to go home and fight with you guys. I...I don't want to leave them."

"I can understand that," said Zane. "I know they mean a lot to you. But I'm afraid that when the time comes, it's time to say goodbye. But with everything that's happened, it'll be better for them if you do. Each day that you're here, our enemies slip through. They're hunting you, Yuri. And they won't hesitate in using your friends to get to you."

"I don't want them to suffer anymore because of me," Yuri whispered.

"Then do what's best for them," said Blair. "Yuri. You have to come home. You have to come back to Termnnia and become the High King. People are dying every day. Many of them dying for you. Please. Don't let their sacrifice be in vain."

"Of course not," said Yuri. "I know what I have to do. And I know the only way for them to be safe is to leave them. They're bright people. And good. They have bright futures and so long as I'm with them, those futures will be endangered. And I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

Cora smiled. She reached for his hand. "I'm glad to see you've grown into such a strong young man. I'm so proud of you. All of us are."

"Thank you. I appreciate that. And you have no idea how grateful I am to all of you. I owe you my life."

"We're just doing our jobs," said Syrus. He looked at Bastion and Chazz. "But some of us are more than happy to take the job."

Chazz sighed. "Enough of this. Let's talk about this Vyce character."

"Yeah," said Yuri. "What are you guys going to do about him?"

"We can't do anything, sadly," said Syrus. "We've got a lot to do in Termnnia."

"Yeah," said Blair. "The war's been keeping us busy."

"But I thought that girl Avi forced that Forrest asshole into a ceasefire," said Yuri.

"You can't trust him to keep peace," said Zane. "He's been sending small squads of robotic knights to harass us as we let our guard down."

"We'll take care of him," said Hawke. He looked at Cora, who nodded.

"Please, do," said Adrian. "Those Real Vision puppets of his can do some serious harm to Yuri. That Gong guy is strong but even he had trouble fighting them back. Even with Ser Norman's powers helping Yuri, I fear that if one of them got too close, it'd end badly."

"That's why we must defeat Vyce as soon as possible," said Alexis. "Yuri, I can't stress enough how much you need to keep focusing on your Dueling. You've handled finding your courage and your skills in Dueling beautifully. But you still have to deal with the corruption in your city. The Duel Gangs have been taken care of, but you still need to stop those mafia assholes who made poor Crystal's life hell."

"I'll find a way to deal with them," said Yuri. "And then I'm going to focus on Dueling. We got a lot of championships to win before I conquer the Millennium Tournament."

"Good," said Axel. "But you have to be careful gaining so much fame."

"I know, I know. More bounty hunters and foes to take care of."

"Worse," said Bastion. "When gaining so much power, your greatest enemy will grow to become yourself. There is no greater killer to one's ambitions than ego. I've seen it happen so many times, Yuri. And I don't want that to happen to you."

Yuri shrugged. "Don't worry, Bastion. I think I'm doing pretty well. Besides, I've seen what ego does to people. I won't let that happen to me. I'll be careful. And I'll try to make sure my head doesn't get too big."

"And remember," said Chazz. "Ego feeds off of others. Like a virus, it can infect the minds of those around you. Be careful, Yuri. It would kill us to see you turn into another Kaiba."

"What!?" said Jim. "No! No way! Yuri? Turning into Seto Kaiba?"

"I mean, they kind of resemble each other," giggled Alexis. "Think about it. Owners of powerful corporations, master Duelists, lots of money and power."

"Oh hell no!" Yuri exclaimed.

They all started laughing.

"Well, since we're all here," said Axel. "How about one of us take on Yuri in a sparing match."

"Now you're talking!" said Chazz. "Who should face him?"

"I will," said Alexis. "I haven't gone one-on-one with the Prince for a while. What do you say, Yuri?"

Yuri smirked. There was a flash and his platinum sword formed in his right hand. "I say bring it on!"

Alexis giggled. She waved her finger at him. "Naughty, naughty boy. Let's play." She led them to an ancient arena deep in the forest. Torches burning for eternity were placed all around the coliseum-like structure. In the center was a circular stone platform with runes glowing with ethereal blue light.

The others took their seats as Yuri and Alexis took positions on opposite sides of the ring. Yuri raised his sword and twirled it, getting a feel for its weight. Alexis smiled and conjured twin swords formed by two stars from the Light Goddess.

"I'm warning you, Yuri. I've gotten much stronger since we last saw each other. I hope you've done the same."

"You bet I have," said Yuri. "Ready?"

They soared toward each other and their blades clashed against each other in a loud ching! of metal. Their arms trembled and sparks flew from the impact. They broke away and lunged forward once more, parrying the blows and countering with swift jabs to the ribs or legs. Their arms became blurs as they parried every blow with perfect timing, dodging slashes to their heads by millimeters. They flew around each other, flipping, spinning, kicking, and punching in the air like they were fighting in the sky.

Alexis conjured three arcane circles that hovered around Yuri. Yuri rolled again and again when lasers shot out of the circles. He countered by sending a blast of white fire, which Alexis dodged with ease.

They continued their battle. Every strike blocked, every attack countered. Yuri then got an idea. When they met with another clash, he reached down and grabbed her left leg, pulling it up. Alexis went to Overdrive Mode. An arcane circle formed beneath her feet and she hovered over it. Two angel wings made of starlight burst out of her back. White feathers rained down as she hovered gracefully above Yuri. She laughed, and with a wave of her hand, the feathers formed a constellation of stars that zoomed toward Yuri.

Yuri flipped and dove to avoid the barrage, but they followed him relentlessly. Yuri tried to summon a magic shield to deflect them, but his skills were not strong enough to produce a protective barrier. So, he ran, avoiding the stars as they chased him, trying to impale him.

He managed to dodge them and leaped into the air. He came at Alexis, who swung her sword down. Yuri dodged the attack and kicked her in the stomach. Alexis was taken aback, her wings swayed around her as she was pushed back. Yuri pressed his advantage and twirled his sword. He sent an arc of white flame at Alexis. She countered by raising her swords together and spun them, creating a vortex that absorbed the flames. She waved her hands, and the vortex turned into a sphere of blue energy. She tossed it at Yuri and blasted him to the ground.

Yuri crashed into the dirt and groaned. He struggled to get up, but Alexis wasn't finished. More stars formed above her head and chased Yuri once more. This time, however, Alexis created two more and sent them to the sides so they would have him trapped between them.

Yuri rolled out of the way of one star, only to be hit in the chest by the second. Alexis flew away. She spun her sword and conjured a Duel Monster. Cyber Angel Natasha. A beautiful centaur armored in golden armor, wielding a spear with a glowing blade on top.

She charged toward Yuri and raised her spear high above her head.

Yuri backflipped away and conjured his own monster. King Rex the Dragon King, the evolved form of Two-Headed King Rex. The dinosaur roared, beating its mighty wings, causing the torches around the arena to flare up.

The two monsters clashed. Natasha slashed at the dragon with her spear, but it missed and she was hit with a stream of white fire. Yuri and Alexis continued their fight below. Yuri clashed with her until his Duel Disk started beeping. Overdrive Mode was now activated. He swung his sword around and his arm was encased in the platinum gauntlet. The sword grew to become an enormous greatsword that glowed with mystical light.

He charged at Alexis, swinging the massive weapon.

Alexis countered with her own blade, and sparks flew when they struck each other.

"Nice moves!" said Axel. "Alexis got stronger."

Cora smiled proudly. "Her training is paying off."

Alexis broke free from the duel and flew to the sky. She created a spell circle that was twice the size of her body. She placed her hand on the center and the circle rained white-hot light. Yuri spun his sword with incredible speed, creating a shield that protected him from the onslaught.

King Rex and Natash continued to clash around them as they battled, a scene of epic proportions. Yuri lunged forward, spinning his sword, and fired a jet of white flame. Alexis countered with a wall of light. Their attacks canceled each other out, and the resulting explosion sent them both flying to opposite ends of the ring. Alexis's wings burned away into whisps of light and Yuri's gauntlet dematerialized.

They lay there panting.

"How did I do?" asked Yuri.

Alexis stood up. She was sweating and huffing, but she still managed to give him a smile. "You're getting better. But you'll need a lot of practice before you can beat me. It takes years for us Champions to get to this level. And even then, we'll continue to grow stronger. Once you get to Termnnia, the true power of Ser Norman will be unlocked."

Yuri nodded. "I want you guys to teach me everything you know."

"Don't worry," said Cora. "We intend to. We're going to train you as best as we can. You have no idea how important it is to make sure you are ready for your role as High King."

"So, what happens next?" asked Yuri.

Cora shrugged. "There are a few things left to take care of. Like defeating Vyce. But that's up to Hawke and me. For now, let's just say it's time for you to go home and relax."

"Awww, come on. No one else wants to spar?"

A few chuckles followed after that.

"I suppose we have time for one more match," said Axel. "You and me, Yuri."

Yuri smirked. "Sounds good to me."

Chapter 8: Utopic Nexus

Chapter Text

— Jeannie - Crystal's Apartment, Phobos Corp —

The sun was barely up, and her alarm was due to ring in two hours, but Jeannie was wide awake, staring at the rising sun and the surf crashing on the private beach of the Diamond Towers where Crystal lived. She breathed in the salty sea air and let the wind caress her face. It blew on the gray T-shirt she wore. It was the only thing she wore, but it covered her up enough to look decent.

The blue silk bow in her head also waved in the breeze, flapping like a butterfly's wings. She was still a little shaken by the rude opponents who challenged Patty and Penelope the night before, but deep down, a feeling of excitement bloomed. The trash-talking, the action, the competitiveness of the Duelists. It was rather exciting. For the first time, she felt something other than dreading being out in public. She couldn't wait for more. She wanted to try again; this time, she would have the skills to stand up to such brutes.

With her Red-Eyes Black Dragon back in her possession, Jeannie knew she could beat them. But she wouldn't just beat them, and she'd humiliate them for their insults to her friends. She wanted to be just like Crystal, Patty, Yuri, and the others. Skillful, confident, and not taking any guff from anyone.

"Morning, beautiful," Crystal said, coming out with a cup of coffee in hand. Max scampered by her ankles. When he saw Jeannie, he whined and rushed toward her, his collar jingling. Jeannie got off the railing and bent down, catching the puppy before he leaped into her arms. She cradled him, kissing him all over his white face. He licked her nose and wiggled in her hands.

"Morning," she said, holding him tightly. "Couldn't sleep?"

Crystal shook her head and stretched her arms above her head. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Nope, been too wired after last night. Those guys can celebrate hard, huh? Did you enjoy yourself, Jeannie?"

She gave Max a peck on the head before setting him on the ground. "It was really fun. I had a blast. I'm happy you brought me along."

Crystal smiled and nodded. "Good, I'm glad. So you're serious. About learning to be a Duelist?"

"I sure am. After seeing Tyson and Carter destroy the competition in the tournament last night, I had this desire to be just like you guys. If what they say about you is true, you'll be a great teacher, right?"

"You bet I will. But I need to know that you can handle it. There are some tough players out there. Even tougher than the ones we ran into yesterday. They won't hesitate to use dirty tactics if they want to win."

"That's why I need your help, Crystal. Will you teach me to be a Duelist?"

"Of course I will. And my girls are going to aid you as well. I gave them all a ring the other night. When they heard you were the sister of Yuri's best friend, they insisted on meeting you."

Jeannie grinned from ear to ear. "The Sensational Dragon Sisters!" She clasped her hands over her chin and bent her knees. "Crystal, this a dream come true."

Max yapped and wagged his tail. Jeannie chuckled and kissed him again on the forehead. "Come on, boy. Let's go inside and get some breakfast."

Max howled and started running around her feet.

"Hey, where did Patty and Penelope go?"

"They went to the Dueling Grounds to train for their match tonight."

"So early?"

"These guys take their Dueling seriously, babe." Crystal went to the kitchen and picked up the menu. "Want anything from room service?"

"Umm...what do they have?"

Crystal read the entire list, explaining what each food item was to Jeannie, who looked a bit confused about some of the dishes listed.

"I think I'll start with the eggs benedict. And a tall glass of orange juice."

"Got it," Crystal said, picking up her phone to order room service. After she hung up she crossed her arms on the edge of the table and leaned against it. "By the way. How did you know that guy in the video was Nick?"

"Just a feeling," said Jeannie. "I just felt it in my heart. I know my brother. And even after all these years and all the changes we've gone through, I knew that small glimpse in the video was him. And thanks to the power of social media, I was able to follow Yuri and the gang. I would have said something a little sooner, but after he got famous, getting in touch with Yuri was tough."

"But you did it. So how did it feel meeting him again? How long has it been?"

"Oh, wow. Over ten years now. I'm glad he never forgot me."

"Who can forget something as precious as you?" Crystal asked, stroking her cheek. "You were the reason why Nick fought so many hardships to become the Duelist he is now. Every match he entered, every event he signed up for; it was all so he could see you."

"I only wish I could have been as determined as him. But my foster parents are strictly business. I was raised in an environment of nothing but study and discipline. Not much time to have fun. I always wanted to go outside and play, but they wouldn't let me. I was lucky they even let me come on this trip to see you guys. But...thankfully I turn eighteen this spring."

"Oh, you're gonna be a big girl now," said Crystal, chuckling. "Gonna leave and spread your wings?"

"Oh yes. They wanted me to be a lawyer or a banker or something, but after seeing all this, I want to be a Pro Duelist, just like Nick."

"Hmm," Crystal put her hand on her chin. "Well, if you really want to become a Duelist, you are going to need some help. It's not an easy thing to achieve. And not everyone can make it big. But if you really put your mind to it, I think you can make it. You just need someone to show you how it's done."

"That's what I have you for, right?" Jeannie said, smiling at Crystal.

She giggled. "Absolutely, babe. Come by the Dueling Grounds tonight and I'll introduce you to the girls."

"Really?" Jeannie asked. "Thank you so much, Crystal. I won't let you down. I promise."

"You better not," Crystal said. "That's a Red-Eyes Black Dragon you've got in that deck. He's a tough dragon so he needs a tough master."

"I'll be tough. Wait and see. Can we go to the grounds now?"

Crystal checked the time on her phone. "Well...I suppose we can go after breakfast."

"All right, sounds good. But don't hold anything back."

So they ate their breakfast, showered, got changed, and headed for the Dueling Grounds.

When they arrived, they went up to the VIP section, where Crystal's group awaited her. Kate Barrett, Shalya Feng, Margery Dorian, Monica Burbon, and Layla Lovecraft, the girl whom Yuri beat months ago. She was locked in a passionate kiss with her girlfriend, Jenna, who sported long orange hair with blond bangs covering her forehead and brown eyes. The two were snuggling together on the sofa. When they heard Crystal arrive, they pulled away from each other and smiled.

"Morning, ladies!" Crystal said, entering the room. Jeannie followed close behind, clinging to her arm. "This is Jeannie. Be nice to her, she's one of us now."

The five girls looked at Jeannie with interest. She tried her best to keep her head up and not break eye contact.

"Jeannie," said Crystal. "You know who they are, right."

"Yeah...you...you have no idea what this means to me. So I take it you're all free agents now that Brett no longer owns you."

"Owns us?" Kate said. "Girl, that poser pretended just acted like our manager for the extra fame and the ten percent he bit right out of our asses. Well, his days are over. Now that he's history, we're free to do whatever we want. And we want to help you, Jeannie."

"I can't wait. I'm so honored."

"Good," said Monica. "But be warned, Jeannie, we're no pushovers. We don't just train anyone. Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact you're the sister of Yuri's best friend then we might not have given you the time of day."

"I know, and I hope I can be worthy of your time and efforts."

Shalya grinned. "I think I see potential in her," she said. "I mean, if someone who was as bad as Nick could improve and become a Pro, I think this one here has the same sort of potential."

"It's true," said Margery. "And you have the legendary Red-Eyes Black Dragon, which makes this even more interesting."

"Well, why don't we get started right now?" asked Layla.

"I agree," said Monica. "Jeannie, let's head for the arena, and see what you've got."

Jeannie gulped nervously. "O-okay," she said. "I'm ready. Give me everything you've got."

— The Golden Dragoons, Perenarr Valley —

Regan saw the smoke rising over the hill. A cloud of carrion birds were circling overhead.

They rode across the bridge that crossed the river, red with blood. They arrived at what remained of Duffton County. Regan stopped and stared at the carnage. The reins of their horses jingled and clanked as they came to a stop.

The buildings were destroyed, burnt to the ground. The fields and grasslands were covered in ash and rubble. Bodies lay strewn everywhere, mutilated beyond recognition. The trees that lined the dirt road to the town were decorated with the corpses of civilians hanging from the branches.

"Search for survivors!" Regan ordered.

The golden female knights rode off in separate directions, searching every nook and cranny. The red banners of the Argaian Guard were held high to signal to anyone who survived that they were allies.

Regan looked around at the wreckage. Her stomach twisted into a knot as she saw more and more bodies litter the ground. The air reeked of smoke and death. Her stallion slowly trotted to the other side of town where the fields were flattened by a large army.

She dismounted her horse and stared at the footprints left in the ash and soot. There was a large number of footprints, possibly hundreds, if not thousands. Who, she wondered, who would march into their lands like this? And why?

The windmills in the distance eerily spun despite being set ablaze. Their creaking groans echoed through the empty air. The farm animals that hadn't been slaughtered roamed free. The dogs whimpered and barked in fear.

Reina road towards her. "What do you think did this?" Her horse shook her mane, anxious from the stench.

"I'm not sure yet," the Captain answered.

"So, what should we do?"

"AAAAAAAAGGGHH!" one of the Dragoons shrieked.

Regan and Reina kicked their horses' flanks, spurring them to run.

The knights reached the origin of the cry and found...no one. The other Dragoons were gone. Vanished without a trace. Regan removed her greatsword and searched for her fellow soldiers, keeping her eyes peeled. She signaled for the rest of her comrades to draw their blades and hold the line.

"Stay together," she instructed. "It's going to get very dark."

"I hear something," said Reina.

A Dragoon was riding towards them. The horse looked terrified beyond reason, and its rider had no control over it. That was because the girl had no head. Her armored body slumped left and right as the steed ran past them.

"We need to leave! Now!" Reina cried out.

"What about the others?" Regan shouted.

"They're most likely dead let's..."

A green fireball launched out of the smoke and struck the ground between their two horses. Reina and Regan were thrown a few feet away. Their horses spun in circles, frightened beyond measure, before smashing into the ground. Dead. Reina and Regan stood up, weapons drawn, back-to-back, waiting.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Regan commanded.

The long-eared mage of the Korothi sneered as he came into view with a burlap sack filled with the golden armor he looted from the Dragoons. "Ladies. Afternoon." He pulled out a gold-plated helm, inspected the metal, and spit-shined its surface with a sleeve. "Fancy. This should fetch a good price."

"Bastard!" Reina exclaimed.

Jace grinned and licked his lips. "Yeah, that's what your pretty companions said before I ripped them a new one. But you two. Yeah, you're a whole different breed. Hopefully, you can provide more of a challenge."

"Who are you?" Reina demanded.

"The name's Jace Ryback. Member of the Four Star Legion."

"Mercenaries!" Regan said. "I've heard of them."

"Then I suppose you know who I work for, too, don't you, gorgeous?"

"Yes. You work for that traitor, Prince Hector. But what are you doing here in Mondé? How did the Kingdom of Serania let you through?"

"The Kingdom of Serania is under new management thanks to the Bankers Guild. Some loser with a flaming sword thought because he beat his daddy that he saved the country. What he did was divide it into pieces. The banks got a nice share of the pie, and they, how do you put it, have a nice and sweet relationship with the prince. They opened the gates and allowed our troops through their lands. They are also paying us a pretty sum to capture Mondé."

"Why?" Regan asked.

"Don't know. And don't really care. Money is money. All I know is some pretty princess who can turn into a dragon is the prize here. And Hector wants her bad."

"All Hector will receive is your head!" shouted Reina.

"Is that a challenge?" With a swift gesture, he pointed his finger and summoned another blast of energy. The powerful force whizzed past Reina, barely grazing her, before exploding in a dazzling display of light and sound near an empty cart, sending it flying and flipping on its end.

"My friends! You hunted them like dogs! You bastard, I will have your heart," Regan howled.

Jace dropped the armor. "So come get me."

Regan and Reina circled him. He dropped his sack of loot and withdrew his staff from his back. Reina drew her twin diamond swords; the fire and afternoon sun made them shimmer and gleam.

"Nice blades! I'll be sure to claim them as the prize," the half-breed scum remarked.

"Come and get them, halfling!"

"As the lady wishes."

He launched an array of fiery darts at them. Both girls blocked and parried the bolts. With a flick of his hand, the magical missiles curved and veered. Regan spun her greatsword like a propeller. Blocking every single bolt. One-by-one, the burning arrows struck the blade, turning into wisps of smoke. She then charged across the burning village, swinging her huge weapon with blinding speed. Jace smiled and yawned, dodging and weaving as fast as the wind.

"Whoops! Uh-oh! Almost got me. Behind ya!" He used his staff to smack her in the rear.

"Oh, you son of a bitch!" she grunted.

"Yeah, I've heard that all my life. Bitch. whor*. Scoundrel. My favorite is asshole."

Reginal continued her furious barrage, moving so fast her attacks were nothing but blurs. Reina joined her. The two of them attacked the Korothi together. Their steel and his wood clanged against one another. The duel became a battle. A dance. An elegant choreography of blows and counters.

Jace laughed, easily deflecting the female knight's rapid succession of cuts, thrusts, and slices. He turned around and smacked both their bottoms to further antagonize and annoy them.

"Ugh! Not again!" Reina groaned, rubbing the cheek that was struck.

"Nice firmness," he said, flicking his hand around. "You two work out a lot?"

"Shut up!" They both replied and, once more, tried to stab, slice, and bisect him.

Their fury only caused the mage's mirth to grow. His laughter rang out. As they swung their blades, he twirled his wooden staff. The four weapons locked in a series of stalemates, where the momentum changed quickly, and the strength waned and grew.

The flames spread around the village. Houses fell and the temple of the harvest goddess, Hathalia, toppled to the ground, throwing ashes and sparks everywhere. Jace laughed a maniacal high-pitched squeal, pushing his staff harder and harder, using magic to propel the two ladies backward.

"Whoo, ha-ha. You're good! Two fine warriors," the halfling yelled. "I like where this is going. Can't wait to loot that golden armor off your bodies, too!"

"Enough talk, scum!" Reina roared.


Reina's scream was primordial and raw. Pure animal rage and desire. Jace cast acid-green bubbles into the air. They looked harmless, but once Reina was close enough, they exploded and knocked her aside. Regan lunged forward.

"Not so fast!" the elf yelled and used his fingers to paint runes.

In an instant, the Captain's boots froze to the ground. Her lower body was stuck in ice. She was now a sitting duck for Jace. The mage gave a feral, wicked smile, revealing sharp elvish canines.

"How pathetic," Jace taunted. "I heard you Dragoons were supposed to be an elite guard of hotties," he scoffed and snapped his fingers, pointing at the icy Regan.

She was struggling to remove the frozen footwear and free herself from his magical spell. She kept trying. But it was no use. She was stuck and wouldn't move.

"Here, let me give you a helping hand," the halfling said.

With the snap of his fingers, an icy frost covered the area where the Dragoon stood. He chuckled and sneered.

"Oh no, help me," Jace mimicked her voice.

"Regan!" Reina cried out.

Her legs had already sunk deep into the ever-growing snow and ice. She was immobile, completely vulnerable.


"Don't worry, sweetheart, it'll all be over soon. Just gotta collect that head of yours." He drew his long, jagged, serrated dagger and held its sharp end beneath her neck. "Sharp, pointy."

"We're not afraid of you," she hissed.

"But I think you are."

He flipped the dagger's edge on the back of its razor-sharp metal. But Reina tackled him so hard he flew across the village and smashed into a burning house.


The flaming ruin collapsed all around him. Fire engulfed everything. Soon, the roof caved, and the fire's hungry, wild tongue seemed to lap his flesh. "OH, IT BURNS! IT BURNS! HELP MEEEEE!"

Reina rushed to Regan and used the hilt of both her swords to smash the ice and break her out of her frozen tomb.

"Regan! Hang on, I've got you," the rainbow-haired knight said.

She hacked away the thickening blocks and crystals until she finally freed the warrior.

"My thanks," she panted.


WHAM! A beam of green light struck her and sent her flying to the wall of the city. Jace's annoying laugh returned as if he was never defeated.

"Aren't I cute when I'm dying," the elf said, floating down from the sky with the wind swirling under him, making him levitate.


"Surprise. Didn't think it would be that easy, did ya?"


"Aw. Don't get your pretty panties in a twist. Lemme get a little limber for a second. It was hot in there."


"Make me. Nah, nah. I'm right here, sweetie pie. Come get some."

"You are truly repulsive," Reginald shouted.

Jace smiled, showing his yellow, pointed canines. "Ah, yeah. Thanks."

Regan went to Overdrive Mode. Her blade was glowing bright blue and a ring of thirteen blades of light were glowing all around her. Translucent wings erupted behind her. She moved with blinding speed, her strikes becoming blurs.

"Oh ho, now it's getting fun."

Jace and her attacked one another. Blasting and shooting their elemental powers. Their movements became quick blurs, and the weapons they wielded glowed and sparked against the others' parries and blows.

They moved quickly, trading furious combos and deadly strokes. There were so many clangs and bangs of their respective attacks, that neither knew how long their dance would go on. As Regan screamed and grunted, Jace laughed and hummed his favorite tunes. Even on Overdrive Mode, Jace was still the quicker one. His dexterity, swiftness, and magic made him a formidable foe, and an unkillable being.

"Whoooaaaaaaa... What are the chances? I actually had fun, this was entertaining, really. And I hate to cut the action short," his eyes and tattoos glowed brighter. "But it's time to finish this."

Reina slowly pushed up and stumbled her way toward Regan. She too went to Overdrive Mode and her twin blades grew to be ten feet long. Her armor was cracked and burned. Blood dripped from the cracks. She swung and slashed, but every single attack was either parried or avoided.

"Damn you, bastard. Die."

"It's not gonna happen."


The Korothi continued to avoid the furious sword strikes and lances. Both girls had been pushed far past the brink, and their attacks and movement patterns were easy for him to read and predict.

"Haha! You guys were supposed to be the best!"



The two of them combined their attacks. There was a final explosion. One that shook the ground, rattled the buildings and spread dust everywhere. A cloud of smoke that could be seen for miles covered the entire valley.

Reina and Regan coughed, trying their hardest not to inhale the debris, while covering their mouths, their bodies shaking and quivering from the impact.

"Nice. Great moves. Superb form. Powerful attacks. Yadda, yadda, yadda, whatever."

"No..." Regan choked.

"Yes, haha."

Their arms dropped and their shoulders slumped. The dust cleared and revealed the uncharred and undamaged, Jace.


"I'm just naturally gifted, what can I say? Now, since you two provided me with such good entertainment, I'll let you live. However, you've got to let your boss, Prince Stas, know we're here. And we're going to continue burning more villages down unless he surrenders the Kingdom of Mondé to the Confederate Alliance and gives up that princess. Those are the terms of Prince Hector Delgado, the future High King of Termnnia. Now be off with you."

Just as Reina and Regan were about to move, he slammed the bottom of his staff onto the ground. "Not just yet. I beat you. So I get a prize." He knelt until he was face to face with a terrified and angry Dragoons. "Your armor. Hand it over now."

—Annabelle - Phobos Island Park, Aquarius/Standard Dimension—

"What do you think Penelope and Patty have in store tonight?" Fani asked nervously.

"It's a hardcore match, smart one," said Sam. "What do you think that means? No rules. No disqualification. Anything goes. Patty and Penelope are going to have it rough. Sucks we can't be there to cheer them on. The arena says the event is for 18 and up only."

"I sure hope they're going to be all right," said Annabelle. "But it makes me mad knowing the grown-ups bastardized Duel Monsters like this. I mean, what could be so bad about it that kids aren't allowed?"

"You don't want to know," said Sam. "I've seen a few videos of hardcore matches online. Now that Duel Monsters have Solid Vision, they can pick you up and stuff. I've seen them slam Duelists through tables and their moves are dangerous. They stagger you. And as you try to recuperate, your opponent comes at with with steel chairs, light tubes, weapons, whatever they can get their hands on. And when they're down they beat up until they shout "I quit!"

"That's horrible," said Fani. "I can't believe that's a thing."

Sam nodded. "You can't blame the company for that either. Those people are just nuts. You ever heard of CZW? It's an indie wrestling promotion where the whole thing runs on violence. If you go in there, you'll have to endure brutal matches like those two will face tonight."

"So how did they even end up in this mess anyway?" asked Annabelle.

"It's that guy Panama Palmer," said Sam. "I looked him up last night. He's known for turning rookies into famous Duelists. Right now, he's focusing on clients for the women's division. And those two girls our friends encountered last night are no joke. They won numerous awards and trophies in the underground and indy circuit. Their record is off the charts. So even if Patty and Penelope manage to beat these Black Vultures tonight, Panama's girls are going to be tough contenders to beat."

"There you are!" said Mickey, their old foe from the birthday battle royale that took place months ago. He had his own group of youngsters. "Thought we'd find you guys here. Well, what do you say, wanna Duel?"

"You again?" Annabelle said. "I thought we taught you a lesson last time."

Mickey smirked. "Yeah, I know. But you see, just like Yuri and his pals, I formed my own group. We've been training too. We've studied your strategies, and we have countermeasures for each of them. Now that I got the team and the cards, the two of you are going down!"

Annabelle snorted. She turned her nose away. "Whatever. You want a Duel? Let's do this then. I'll take all of you on! My deck will destroy you!"

"Yeah, sounds good to me," said Sam. "Hey, rookie," he said to Fani. "You better sit this one out and leave it to the pros."

Fani felt a nasty knot in his stomach hearing Sam talk to him that way. He was older than them but his inexperience made him feel inferior to everyone else. "N-no way. I'm gonna give it a shot, too."

Annabelle and Sam glanced at him curiously.

"No offense, Fani," said Sam. "But..."

"Save it! I'm in this match, too! Let's go!"

The trio formed a ring and readied for the group's first wave.

"Ready?" Fani asked. "Go!"

They all drew their opening hand.

LP 4000

"You're gonna lose!" Fani said. "I summon Celtic Guardian in ATK Mode!"

He summoned a pale-skinned elf in green armor wielding a silver sword. The creature flexed its muscles and roared before getting into a fighting stance. "And I end my turn by setting three cards face down."

His young opponent laughed. "Celtic Guardian, huh? Man, that's such a rookie move. Let me show you how a real Duelist kicks things off! I summon Ultimate Baseball Homerun King!"

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He summoned a cartoony baseball player with a round orange head and burning eyes. His ATK was 1500, more than enough to beat Celtic Guardian.

"And then, I'm going to use Harpie's Feather Duster to wipe out your back row!"

A half-naked woman with purple hair, brown skin, and feathered wings descended from the sky. She swept his cards away elegantly before giggling and fading away. Fani's Reinforcements, Mirror Force, and Inspiration traps were gone.

"Ha! Loser, I expected you to lay down such a predictable back row. Now, Homerun King, knock that elf outta the park! Grand Slam Attacker!"

A flaming ball appeared in front of the Homerun King. He swung his bat and sent the ball soaring toward Celtic Guardian, destroying him with ease.

Fani grunted and yelped when he was hit with a blast of hot air from the explosion.

"Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" exclaimed the little boy. "And now that your monster is history, I'll toss down a facedown card and end my turn."

"Not bad! Let's see what I can do. Draw! Ah, yeah! I summon La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp!"

Fani summoned a green-skinned genie with glowing yellow eyes, long black hair tied up in a topknot, a pointy beard, and golden cuffs. "Hmm, hmm, hmmmm," he laughed.

"Yeah! And at 1800 ATK points, he's more than powerful enough to take on your Homerun King! Attack!"

The boy smirked, waiting for La Jinn to attack him. "You fell for it, loser! My Homerun King gains 1000 ATK points when he destroys one of your pathetic monsters. So instead of 1500, you sicked your genie into a 2500-powered monster. Say goodbye to La Jinn!"

Homerun King raised his bat and smacked La Jinn's fireball attack back at him, annihilating him instantly. This time, the explosion threw Fani onto his backside.

"Oof!" he grunted.

"That's gotta hurt," said Mickey. His boys laughed, all of them eager for their turn against Sam and Annabelle.

"Oh no!"

"Now you're wide open for a direct attack!" the boy sneered. "Guess age ain't everything. And since Homerun King destroyed your pathetic genie, he gains another 1000 ATK points, raising his strength to 3500! Go, Homerun King! Strike this kid out! Hit him hard!"

Homerun King drew his bat back and smacked at ball right on Fani's gut. He was knocked back into the gardens, where he rolled across the grass and collided with a flowerbed.

"Ow..." he groaned. "Man, these kids are tough. I hope Annie and Sam are..." he gasped in disbelief seeing the two little ones defeat their second opponents with ease. "What? You guys are still in this?"

"Yeah," Sam said. "We're not losers like you. Now stand back and let us handle this, will you?"

Fani got to his feet and limped away, defeated.

"Haha, surround them!" Mickey ordered, giving out hand signals like a squad leader. "Get them now!"

Sam and Annabelle took defensive stances as they were surrounded by the other children.

"This is not good," Annabelle whispered.

"I told you we couldn't trust this guy to help us!" said Sam.

Annabelle watched her foe swarming the field with his Gold Pride deck, an archetype of racers. But she used Maxx "C" allowing her to draw each time he Special Summoned, then trolled the poor boy by sacrificing two of his monsters to summon Lava Golem to his side of the field.

"HEY!" shouted the boy. He turned around when he heard the giant golem rising above him. He had 3000 ATK, sure, but she summoned it in DEF mode and each turn, it cost him 1000 Life Points to keep it on the field.

"Getting pissed off already?" Annabelle said. "Watch this! I activate Walls of the Imperial Tomb." A golden tablet with ancient carvings and hieroglyphics appeared behind her.

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"So long as this card is in my Field Zone, I can treat it as King's Sarcophagus. And since it's my Main Phase, I get to add a Horus monster to my hand. And now I'm going to activate the real King's Sarcophagus!" she said, holding out her Spell Card.

The ground rumbled beneath them as a stone tomb rose from the earth. "Now, I send Canopic Protector from my hand to the Graveyard and send Duamutef, Blessing of Horus to the Graveyard."

"So, you're running the Four Sons of Horus, huh?" sneered Mickey. "Good, this wouldn't be good sport if you didn't have some decent cards to fight back. Your Horus the Black Flame Dragon is no threat to us!"

"Oh, shut it!" Annabelle said. "Horus the Black Flame Dragon has gotten me through the toughest situations. And my faith in him has rewarded me with new power for him."

"Excuse me while I make a sandwich and wait for him to evolve," sneered her opponent. "You're never going to get that chicken of yours to become Level 8 with my Gold Pride monsters racing around the field. You have nothing to sacrifice!"

"We'll see about that," said Annabelle. "Because when the conditions are right, Horus will show you what he can do! First, Canopic Protector's effect activates. If it was sent to the Graveyard from my hand, I can set it on the field. And next, my Sarcophagus activates. I send Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus to the Graveyard so I can send Hapi, Guidance of Horus to the Graveyard from my deck."

"What's the point in sending your monsters to the Graveyard?" Fani called out, holding his aching arm. "What's the point of all this? You're making a mistake."

"Dude, shut it," said Sam. "She knows what she's doing."

"But she's..."


Annabelle contined. "Because I control King's Sarcophagus, I'm allowed to bring Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus back from the Graveyard!"

The ancient Egyptian wizard clad in armor resembling Horus the Black Flame Dragon hovered in front of her.

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"Ha! I activate the trap, Gold Pride - Start Your Engines! This lets me pick three Gold Pride monsters in my deck. You pick one and I shuffled the rest into my deck. Now hurry up and choose a card."

"Hmm, that one!"

"Ha! Now I summon Gold Pride - Leon!"

A signal light appeared above him. Beep! Beep! Beep! BEEP! The lights turned from red to green. "Charge!" the boy shouted. A knight riding atop a golden mechanical stallion came out of the light.


"And that's not all my trap can do, it destroys your Horus monster!"

Qebehsenuef raised its arms as two missiles struck it from behind. It burst into fiery fragments before fading away.

Annabelle stood still, her pigtails blowing gently in the wind. She stared at her foe, looking him straight in the eye. Her gaze chilled him to the bone. "Horus has protected me through every battle I've fought. And now, he's ready to protect me again. Because you destroyed Qebehsenuef with a card effect and I control King's Sarcophagus, I'm allowed to summon Horus the Black Flame Dragon's new form from my hand."

"New form!?" the boys exclaimed.

"I summon, Horus the Black Flame Deity!"

They all watched in awe as Annabelle's ace dragon rose up from the stone tablet, spreading its wings with an earth-shaking roar. It looked like Horus the Black Flame Dragon but he was armored in gold.

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"And when he's Special Summoned to the field, I destroy ALL Your monsters!"


"Horus the Black Flame Deity, obliterate their monsters!"

Horus the Black Flame Deity opened its mouth and spewed a huge blast of black fire that incinerated her opponent's entire field. When the smoke cleared, the boy was all alone. Soon Hapi, Duamutef, and Imsety, Glory of Horus returned to the field. Horus and his sons charged forward, attacking him directly, wiping him out in one swoop.

Mickey growled, seeing his minion go down. "That was just one of us. But I've got more where that came from."

"Yeah, well so do we!" Sam said. "We're gonna kick your asses if it's the last thing we do!"

They were surrounded again, even the boys they beat shuffled their decks and ganged up on them. The penalty for ganging up on Duelists was having a Life Point reduction of 2000 per additional opponent. They only had 2000 Life Points each, but that didn't matter to these children. They wanted to win and make their leader proud.

Suddenly, a boy on a skateboard rushed over. The boys split to let him through and he slid to a stop next to Annabelle.

"Who are you?" Annabelle asked.

"You're guardian angel, my friend," he said. "Ganging up on a lady, huh, Mickey? Man, you're the lowest of the low."

"So what? You think you can take all of us, punk? Well, bring it! My boys will send you packing!"

"Ha. I see you're still mad I beat you in last week's tournament. Wanna see the cards you could have won in action?"

"I don't think so!" Mickey equipped his Duel Disk and joined his friends. "If you lose this, those cards are mine!"

"Sure, I can put 'em up for grabs if you want them that bad."

"Hey, get lost, hotshot!" Sam said. "We got this!"

"Come on, Sam! We need help. Who are you?"

"Name's Lucas Spartan, babe. I won the Junior Dueling Circuit last week, creaming this loser and his little minions in the process. And now that I'm here, these guys don't stand a chance!"

The boys laughed at him.

"Against all of us, you stand no chance!"

"We'll see about that. Mind if I start first, guys?"

"Knock yourself out," said Mickey.

"Draw!" Lucas drew his card. He looked at his hand and nodded. "Perfect. First, I Special Summon ZS - Ascended Sage!" He said, summoning a warrior in blue armor.

"Next I play the spell, Onomatopickup, which lets me add an Onomat card to my hand. Next, I summon Dodododwarf Gogogoglove!" He summoned a warrior with a grassy cape in red armor and using gauntlets bigger than him as weapons.

"And with his effect, I summon Zubababoncho Gagagacoat!"

"Dude, what's up with those stupid names?" Sam said, summoning his Jurrac Giganoto.

"They sound like something out of a bad Power Rangers show!" exclaimed Fani.

Annabelle sighed. "I summon Horus the Black Flame Deity!" she announced, watching Lucas's strange monsters appear.

"Now, I open the Overlay Network! I Xyz Summon!" Lucas shouted. "Appear! Number 39: Utopic Double!"

"Number 39?" Sam cried out.

"A Number Card!?" Annabelle shrieked.

The golden winged warrior raised its sword to the heavens.

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Lucas laughed, feeling the power of his monster coursing through his veins. It was such an incredible rush. "All right! Now, I remove and Xyz Material from Utopia to add a spell to my hand! Now time to take things a step further! Xyz Evolution!"

"Evolution?" Fani whined, his face growing red in embarrassment. These kids were miles ahead of him. How could he ever catch up to them?

"Become the real Number 39: Utopia!"

The warrior exploded into a burst of stardust and reformed itself as a larger humanoid creature. It had black wings and two sets of arms, one set holding a sharp blade that reflected the sunlight.

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"And when Utopia Double is sent to the Graveyard, I can add a Rank-Up spell to my hand. Next, Zubababancho Gagagacoat's effect activates, allowing me to Special Summon Dodododwarf Gogogoglove from the Graveyard! And since I control an Xyz Monster, I can call on Astraltopia from my hand!"

He summoned a form of Utopia glowing like a blue ghost.

"And with his effect, I send Onomatopickup to the Graveyard so I can add Xyz Change Tactics to my hand. And I'm going to activate it to evolve Utopia once more! Xyz Evolution! Rank 4! Number S39: Utopia Prime!"

"Oh man! This guy's nuts!" Fani squealed.

Lucas's number evolved into a being with white armor. The light around it intensified until it became blinding. When the light faded, the new form of Utopia was revealed.

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"And Xyz Change Tactics activate again. Allowing me to pay 500 Life Points and add a Rank-Up Magic card to my hand. And guess what. I'm going to use it! Hyper Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce!"

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An colorful jeweled artifact formed in front of him.

"This lets me upgrade my Utopia to a monster to a higher form! Xyz Rank-Up Evolution! Number 99: Utopia Dragonar!"

"Number 99!" Sam screamed.

Utopia, now donning huge ornate armor that had a dragonic motif and four sets of wings, raised its blade.

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ATK/3000 DEF/3000

Sam gulped loudly. "That's impossible! That's...that's...who is this kid?"

"A Duelist worthy of protecting the cousin of the Queen of Dragons!" Lucas boasted. "And I'll pay another 500 to draw a card. Now, I'm going to Overlay Zubababancho Gagagacoat and Dodododwarf Gogogoglove!"

"Appear! ZS- Utopic Sage!"

A zexal warrior in golden armor and a staff longer than him appeared before the boy.

"How many Xyz can this guy perform?" Fani cried out.

"You think that's too much? Ha! I'm just getting started! I remove an Xyz Material from Sage to Special Summon ZS - Armed Sage! And I'm still not done, boys and girls. I remove two Xyz Materials from my Dragonar so I can Xyz Summon Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray!"

A giant clad in red and gold armor materialized behind Lucas in a grand display of light. He held his fist above his head, raising it to the skies and letting loose a fierce roar.

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ATK/2500 DEF/2000

"Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray's effect activates, allowing to use Hyper Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce to him as an Xyz Material. And I'm going to use it right away to add ZW - Pegasus Twin Sabre as an equip spell."

A mechanical pegaus flew out of Lucas's card. It soared over the field and transformed into two swords for Leo Utopia Ray to wield.

His ATK increased to 3500.

Then he Overlayed Astraltopia and Armed Sage to become Gagaga Magician. He drew more cards because of Xyz Change Tactics. With the magician's effect, he brought back Utopia Prime from the Graveyard. Then he Overlayed the magician and Utopic Sage to become Number F0: Utopic Future. It had only one Rank and it had 0 ATK and DEF.

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"Why did you summon that worthless thing?" Fani asked. "It can't even attack."

"Useless?" Lucas said. "Even the weakest of us can hide the strongest of powers, Fani. You just have to know how to draw it out. Xyz Evolution!"

Utopic Future glowed and the light grew brighter until it was blinding. When the light faded, a new form of Utopia floated there. This version looked like a futuristic knight with white and blue armor. The sun glinted off the sharp blade that he wielded. And his angelic bladed wings made him look truly divine.

"Number F0: Utopic Draco Future!" Lucas announced.

Fani stared at the beast in awe. "It looks like a real angel. Wow! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Look at its attack points! It's strong enough to beat them all!"

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He set a card face-down and equipped Leo Utopia Ray with ZW - Tornado Bringer. A mechanical dragon slithered out of the card and transformed into a red sword, increasing Leo's ATK to 4800.

Fani couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lucas and his army of Utopia monsters, Annabelle standing strong with Horus and the Four Sons, and Sam conjuring two Juracc Giganotos whose power increased to 3200 with all the Jurracs in the Graveyard. So young. But they were so powerful! They had beaten their opponents over and over again until they surrendered and ran away. Leo's Utopia monsters were just too powerful. He couldn't help but wonder if he could ever be that good.

"Phew, you guys okay?" Lucas said. "They really wore you guys out, huh?"

"Y-yeah," Sam replied, panting for breath. "I'm fine."

Lucas walked up to Annabelle and handed her a small bottle of water from his backpack. "Here. You could use this."

"Thank you." She accepted the water gratefully and gulped down half the bottle in seconds.

"Looks like you two could use some food, too," he said. "Come on. I know a great diner around here that serves the best burgers and fries. What do you guys, say? My treat."

"No thanks," said Sam. "We..."

"Sure, I'd love to!" Annabelle said, clearly impressed by Lucas and his incredible deck. "You're going to join us, right Fani?"

Fani nodded his head eagerly. "I guess," he said. "I was tasked to watch you guys."

"Watch us?" Sam said with a scoff. "You couldn't even defend yourself!"

"And you think he'll get better belittling him like that?" Lucas said. "I think I see potential in this guy. What do you say? Want me to be your master?"

Fani was embarrassed to let some boy younger than him be his teacher. But Lucas was incredibly strong and knew how to use the Numbers. "All right. I'm in. I'm desperate to prove myself to Yuri and his friends and..."

"You know Yuri!?" Lucas exclaimed. "Oh, man! That is so cool! Uh...I can teach you on the condition that you put the good word in for me and introduce me to them."

"What?" Sam said. "Hold on! You can't just.."

"Sure. Yuri and his friends are gonna be so psyched when they see those Utopic monsters."

"Great," Lucas said. "And you," he said to Annabelle. "Mind introducing me to your cousin, Crystal? I'd sure like her autograph."

"Well, I guess if she's not busy training Nick's sister."

"She's tutoring Jeanie in Duel Monsters? Man! I have to get in on that! Do you think she could teach me something, too?"

"Crystal? Sure. But your Utopia monsters are already so powerful, and you use them so beautifully. I don't know what training you need."

"Why stop now? Just because I can beat those losers doesn't mean I've reached my peak."

"So, you want more power?"

"Of course!" Lucas said. "You know, forget the diner. How about we all go to the Ruby Dragon, have some lunch, and train our Dueling skills so that when they return, we'll be able to impress them! Who knows, maybe they'll even recruit us as their disciples!"

Sam sighed. "Yeah, I forgot they're going to be graduating soon. So it should be up to us to be the new generation of Duelists that takes their place."

Annabelle agreed with a shine in her eyes. "Okay. Let's get going then." She took Lucas's hand, much to the chagrin of Sam.

"So how did you get those cool cards?" Annabelle asked while they headed out of the park.

"I won them in the Junior Grand Prix," he said. "The Utopic Deck was the grand prize. The cards are extremely hard to get. So when I learned that all of them were in one deck, well, I had to have them!"

Sam felt his blood boiling at the sight of Annabelle holding Lucas's hand. He didn't understand why he felt that way.

"Are you okay, Sam?" Fani asked.

"I'm fine," he grumbled. "But it looks like I've got to change my deck if I'm going to keep up with this Lucas idiot. Annabelle is mine! And he's not taking her away from me!"

Chapter 9: Dark Match

Chapter Text

Yuri - Underground Arena, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

The arena known as Hell's Kitchen was dark and full of people thirsty to see carnage. They banged on the tables, screaming for action as heavy metal music blared over the loudspeakers. Yuri and his friends were treated to front-row seats by Panama Palmer who insisted they get a 'close view of the bloodbath'.

In the center of the chamber was a ring with compartments holding who knew what. Blood stains of the Duels in the earlier match cards marked the floor. The room was dimly lit by neon lights and a few torches placed here and there.

One of the two female MC shouted: "Ladies! Gentlemen! Animals! This next match is a hardcore tag team match with no rules! No surrender! If you pass out in the ring, your partner can choose to forfeit the match. Or fight on! It's a battle royale where anything goes. Are you ready for some bloody carnage!?"

The crowd cheered with excitement.

"Then let's get this match started!"

The screens over the stage flashed with punk skulls as they displayed the names of the teams. The team's heavy metal theme blasted across the arena. The stage was dark and set up with chainlink fencing to give it a cage-match appearance.

"Introducing first! Accompanied to the ring by Panama Palmer! The team of Lindsey Riot and Nyx! The Sirens of Disaster!"

Two girls ran onto the stage. One was a girl with platinum blonde hair who wore a white bikini top and pants covered in spikes. The other was a young woman with long black hair who donned a sleeveless leather jacket and black miniskirt. Panama Palmer walked behind them looking smug, adjusting his tie, and grinning at the roaring crowd.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Yuri said over the loud music.

"No kidding, man," Tyson agreed. "This whole place reeks of violence."

Nick said nothing. Being familiar with underground Dueling, he knew his girlfriends were in for a world of hurt.

"What have they got in store for our friends?" said Natalya. "And what's in those compartments around the ring?"

"We're about to find out," said Randall.

The team's music died down, smoke from their pyro effects cleared, and the crowd settled into a deafening silence. After a minute the song End of Heartache by Killswitch Engage blared from the speakers.

A fog machine blasted a wave of smoke around the ring. Patty and Penelope walked out of the smoke. Patty donned a pink cropped sweater and denim shorts while Penelope wore a white tank top and cargo pants with elbow pads and her baseball cap placed on her head.

"And introducing the opponents!" the other MC announced. "Representing the Knights of the Ruby Dragon: "The Reaper" Patty McKnight and Penelope Rodriguez!"

The two slowly made their way to the top of the ramp and stood there, surveying the chaotic environment. Then they looked at each other, sharing a glance that clearly told their teammates they were uneasy.

Patty nodded at Penelope. She nodded back and they marched towards the ring together.

Panama laughed and rubbed his hands together. He couldn't wait to see Patty and Penelope getting demolished. The girls looked like easy targets to him.

The two stood in the ring and glared at their opponents. The music died down and the crowd's thunderous cheers exploded all around them.

"This is going to be good," Panama smirked. "All right, boys! Lock 'em up!"

Men in tactical vests wearing gas masks came out and pulled on rings attached to the floor. Patty thought they were for display until she saw the long chain attached to them. She discovered they weren't decorative rings but shackles meant to lock people up.

"Hold your wrists together!" commanded one of the men.

Penelope and Patty said nothing and obeyed the command. They both were locked in chains and shackles. Panama laughed.

"Let the fun begin!"

"So this is how it's gonna go down," said Panama. "You'll each have 4000 Life Points. None of that fancy Link, Xyz, Synchro, or Pendulum junk. I'm talking pure, old-fashioned, regular Dueling here, ladies!"

"I guess I'll use my old Fiend deck," Patty said, whipping it out of the deck case attached to her belt.

"Sounds like a plan," said Penelope. "I've got my old machines on me always."

"Good, glad you came prepared," grinned Panama. "Now Lindsey is gonna start first. Then it'll go to you, Patty. And then it will pass to Nyx and then to Penelope. From there, the order of turns will rotate counterclockwise. Now, let's get the real fun started!"

"Ladies and gentlemen!" announced the MC. "It's time to put your bets on our lovely contestants! Which team do you think will win? Lindsey Riot and her partner Nyx? Or Patty McKnight and Penelope Rodriguez!?"

The audience cheered for their favorite. Patty noticed that only about half the crowd was cheering for her and Penelope.

The compartments around the ring unlocked, showing they were ready for use.


Turn 1: Lindsey Riot

LP 4000

"You ready, Reaper!" Lindsey said. "I'm gonna enjoy tearing your pretty face apart! First, I use the spell Ancient Rules! It allows me to Special Summon a high-level Normal Monster from my hand. Go, Summoned Skull!"

The famous king of the fiends as he was once called arose from the ground, snarling like a vicious cat, summoning lighting to make a grand entrance.

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"Next, I activate Graceful Charity, allowing me to ditch two cards and draw two. Aha. Check it. Monster reborn!" She flicked her high ponytail over her shoulder and showed off the card to her friends before playing it. "Go, Beast of Talwar!"

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She conjured another fiend with 2400 ATK, wielding twin crescent-shaped swords.

"And now I'll set a card face-down. That's all for me, baby girl. Your move."

Turn 2: Patty

LP 4000

"I activate Pot of Greed and draw two cards. Next, I activate Foolish Burial, sending Djinn, Presider of Rituals from my deck to the Graveyard. Next, I activate the Zera Ritual spell!"

"Haha!" Tyson cheered. "About time, I haven't seen the big man in a long time!"

Patty continued to explain her move. "I sacrifice Warrior of Zera from my hand. Also, if Djinn is my Graveyard when I Ritual Summon a monster, I can banish him from my Graveyard as one of the offerings!"

"Now I Ritual Summon the mighty Zera the Mant!" Patty yelled.

A large muscular fiend wearing a purple cloak and armed with sharp claws stomped out of a fiery vortex.

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"I'll set three cards face-down and end my turn!"

Turn 3: Nyx

LP 4000

Lindsey whispered something to her friend who had her head bent towards her ear. Nyx nodded and drew her card.

"I play Heavy Storm! This destroys all the spells and traps on your field, Patty! Hope you didn't have any plans on stopping this!"

A fierce gale surrounded the ring, and the face-down cards started to shimmy as if trying to stay down.

"I don't think so, bitch! I play Magic Drain! Now if you don't discard a card from your hand, your spell is negated. So...are you gonna risk getting rid of Spell Card?"

Nyx growled.

"Didn't think so. So your Heavy Storm is negated!"

The winds died down

"Fine! I activate Pot of Greed myself so I can get some more firepower for my hand. "Ah, perfect. I activate Polymerization, fusing together Humanoid Slime and Worm Drake to create Humanoid Worm Drake!"

She Fusion Summoned an insectoid creature made entirely of silver slime with 2200 ATK.

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"And that ends my turn. Your move, bottom dweller!"

Turn 4: Penelope

LP 4000

She drew a card and then slapped it onto the field. "Call me that again! I dare you, puta! I'm going to activate Graceful Charity so I can draw three cards and ditch two. And guess what? One of the cards I discarded was Card of Compensation. When it's sent from my hand to the Graveyard, I can draw two more cards."

Patty beamed at her with pride. "Wow, look at you go, baby."

"Hey, gotta impress our man," she said winking at Nick in the audience. "All right, looks like I'm lucky tonight, baby! Pot of Greed, more cards for me to kick your asses with! And now I play Monster Reborn to bring back one of the cards I ditched with Graceful Charity. Fiendish Engine Omega!"

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A massive mech colored dark red burst through the ground, its engines roaring like a hundred cars revving up at once. Noxious fumes burst out of its exhaust pipes. Its 2800 ATK looked ready to do some serious damage to the enemy team.

"But I'm not done yet! I activate the spell, Old Model to the Front Line! Now this is one badass spell for Machine Duelists like me. It allows me to pick a Machine-Type monster in the Graveyard and Special Summon it to my field. And I will bring back the all-powerful Machine King!"

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A robotic monarch rose from a vortex. He had a bulky frame with a large spiked crown on his head. His ATK was 2200.

"Oh, yeah," said Nick. "Look at my girls go!"

"And it gets better," said Penelope. "Because Machine King's power increases by 100 for each Machine on the field. So him and Fiendish Engine's presence boosts his power to 2400. Aight, now for some more cards just for me. I activate the spell, Iron Draw. If I control exactly two Machine-Type monsters, I can draw two cards. Now I set three cards face-down and end my turn. And since it's my End Phase, Fiendish Engine Omega summons an Engine Token. And since it's a Machine monster, Machine King gains 100 more points raising his power to 2500."

The MC squealed with delight. "What an epic display of power! Both teams brought out monsters with over 2000 ATK in just their first turns!"

Turn 5: Lindsey Riot

LP 4000

"Nice monsters! But it's all for naught, bitches! First and foremost, that Zera of yours is going down."

"How do you figure that?" Patty asked.

"Only this! Tribute to the Doomed! By discarding a card from my hand, your Zera gets and automatic trip to the Graveyard."

Thousands of bandages rose out of the floor and wrapped themselves around Zera the Mant until he was covered all over. A giant fiendish hand reached out from the darkness and grabbed him. It then dragged him into the abyss.

"NO! ZERA!" Patty yelled.

"Well, well, well," Nyx said. "So much for your pretty boy. Now your ass is wide open for some action!"

"Hell yeah!" said Lindsey. "Go, Beast of Talwar! Attack her directly!"

"I don't think so!" said Patty. "I activate Call of the Haunted! Now Zera the Mant returns to intercept your attack!"

"Yeah! Way to play!" Carter cheered. "Now she'll get to fight back!"

A dark portal opened up in the arena, Zera broke free of his bandages and shot out of the portal, growling at the fiend king. The beast lunged at the monster but it parried his blow with his swords, creating sparks of light from the clash.

Patty grinned as she watched Zera and Beast of Talwar exchange blows.

Lindsey laughed. "Nice battle they got, but I'm getting bored. So, I'm going to activate this card! The trap Shadow Spell!"

Chains broke out of the ground and wrapped themselves around Zera, binding him with metal cuffs. He screamed and fell to his knees, looking like he was being electrocuted.

"Zera!" Patty cried.

"Your precious Ace loses 700 ATK points, making him a prime target for Beast of Talwar! Sorry, but it's back to the Graveyard for you!"

Beast of Talwar leapt forward and cut off Zera's head, sending him to the Graveyard a second time.

"Noooo!" Patty groaned. Beast of Talwar then grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up. Patty's legs kicked madly as she was deprived of air. Then Beast of Talwar brought her close to its face and roared so loud that spit splashed all over Patty's face.

"YEAH! GET HER!" Nyx said.

And then Lindsey jumped off the ring, her chains flying behind her. She opened one of the compartments in the ring and pulled out a brown sack. She held it high for all to see and then ran across the stage to meet her opponent. She laughed and undid the cord. She stuck out her tongue as she spilled shards of broken glass all over the floor. Penelope gasped in horror. She knew was Lindsey was about to do. And she was helpless to do anything.

"GIVE HER TO ME!" Lindsey commanded Beast of Talwar.

It obeyed and tossed Patty. Lindsey caught her and held her over her shoulders. She screamed widely, sticking her tongue out before performing a black hole powerbomb onto the pile of broken glass.

"NOOOO!" Penelope screamed.

WHAM! Patty's back smashed into the shards.

"OOOOOH!" the crowd roared.

"OH GOD!" Yuri roared. "PATTY!"

Lindsey let go of Patty and stood back to admire her handiwork. Patty lay on the floor covered in cuts and bits of glass biting through her skin. Her body twitched as she groaned in pain. She rolled over on her side and moaned, feeling blood oozing down her arms.

Panama Palmer rushed to her side of the ring to admire her handy work. "Oh, yeah! I like that! I like that!" he said as Patty slumped off the arena, defeated and in excruciating pain.

The men in the vest rushed over and picked her up. "Get back in the ring!" one of them said. He and his partner tossed her like a ragdoll back to her field. Patty just lay there, whimpering from the pain. Her sweater was torn up and she looked like a complete mess. Her exposed lower back glittered with pieces stuck to her flesh and blood trickled down her fair skin.

"Aww," Lindsey cooed. "Does that hurt? Does that hurt?"

"This is sick!" Nick shouted.

"What kind of twisted Duel is this?" Yuri asked. "They're not fighting to win, they're fighting to see who can inflict the most damage!"

Patty - LP 3700

Panama laughed heartily. "She's done! Ain't gonna do nothing now! And you're next, bitch!" He pointed at Penelope.

"After I'm done with her!" said Lindsey. "I still got my Summoned Skull to attack her directly."

"Oh no!" said Randall. "If she takes this attack, Patty's finished!"

Summoned Skull charged his lightning attack and unleashed it on Patty. Suddenly, the Warrior of Zera she used to Ritual Summon Zera the Mant rose out of the ground.

"What's this?" Patty said.

"I got you, girl!" Penelope declared. "I activated the trap, Pinpoint Guard! When an opponent's monster attacks, I can target a Level 4 or lower monster in the Grave and Special Summon it in DEF Mode. And it can't be destroyed in battle or by card effects this turn!"

"Aww, man, that was close!" Natalya squealed, her face bearing the holes from her nails when she dug them into her cheeks.

Patty watched as Zera knelt in front of her to take the attack for her. Lightning struck him dead center in his chest, but he stayed standing even after the blast was over.

"Heh," Patty grinned. But the lighting still zapped through and struck Patty, filling her with more pain. "Grrrrr!"

"Well, looks like that still hurt," said Panama.

"I had a trap for my partner, too!" said Nyx. "It's called Strike Slash! When a monster on our team declares an attack, that monster gains 700 ATK points and it can deal piercing damage, explaining the shock your pal is getting."

Summoned Skull ATK/3200

Patty continued to scream until the attack died down. She collapsed on her knees, breathing heavily. Lindsey came sprinting across the field through the smoke and picked Patty up. She looked at the crowd and shouted: "WANNA SEE ME DO IT AGAIN!"


Lindsey's tongue slithered around as she used her boot to spread the glass shards around. She tossed Patty over her shoulders in a fireman's carry again and made her way back to the middle of the ring. She then powerbombed her a second time onto the pile of broken glass.

"AAAAH!" the crowd roared with delight.

Patty's body hit the floor and bounced off it. She yelled, feeling the glass piercing her back, legs, and arms again.

Patty - LP 2100

"Ohhhh, yeah!" said Panama. "This is what I like! This is what I like! Look at that!" He signaled the cameraman to get a close-up of her bloodied back.

Lindsey grabbed Patty's hair and lifted her head up to show the audience the results of her powerbomb. They cheered wildly. The referee, trying to keep some form of decency, ordered her to let go of Patty's hair. She let her go, leaving Patty on the ground. Her eyes were starting to roll into the back of her head.

Penelope rushed to her side of the ring, but the chains locked, preventing her from going any further. "Patty! Patty! Patty, are you okay?"

Patty didn't say anything. She could only moan in pain.

"Come on, baby!" Penelope pleaded. "You gotta move!"

"COME ON!" shouted Nyx. "Get up! Get up! Get up!"

Panama cackled with glee. "She's done!"

Patty finally managed to pick herself up. "I'm not done," she panted. "Not yet."

"YAAAAAY!" the crowd cheered.

But Yuri and his friends would have preferred she'd stay down. This match was barbaric and clearly part of Panama's plan to keep Patty and Penelope from going to the tournament at 100%.

Lindsey still had her Beast of Talwar, but with Warrior of Zera not able to be destroyed by battle this turn, and Penelope's machines far stronger than it, she concluded her Battle Phase and ended her turn.

Turn 6: Patty

LP 2100

"Ugh...I...I draw!" Patty winced with each movement. The shards stuck to her skin stung and hurt every time she moved. "Ugh..." she froze for a second. She was in excruciating pain and moving just made it worse.

"Hurry up!" said Lindsey. "It's getting boring standing here."

"Patty, please surrender now!" Nick said.

"No way!" She drew her card. It wasn't going to help her now. It was Allure of Darkness. Not that it could help her now. She had no cards in her hands to use it.

"I...I end my turn."

Everyone gasped.

Turn 7: Nyx

LP 4000

"You two should give up already. We're just getting started. Now, I'm going to use Ancient Rules and summon a high-level Normal Monster. Go, Cyber-Tech Alligator!"

She summoned a cyborg reptilian monster armored in red with huge wings.

Cyber-Tech Alligator ATK/2500

"Hahaha! Patty's Life Points are going down! Humanoid Worm Drake, attack!"

The slimy creature shot its long tongue at Patty but she was protected by a barrier of Duel Monsters cards.

"I activated Card Defense," she said. "When you attack me, I can send a card from my hand to the Graveyard and negate its attack. And then, I get to draw a card."

"Not that it matters," said Nyx. "You don't have enough Life Points to withstand an attack from Cyber-Tech Alligator! Attack!"

"Hold it right there!" said Penelope. "I activate Zero Gazer! When an opponent's monster attacks, I can reduce its ATK to 0 and Patty gets to draw one card."

"Grrr! Her stupid traps are pissing me off!"

"Don't worry!" Panama said. "She's got no more to use, and Patty is a broken mess! One more attack will put her out of commission."

"Right. I set a card face-down and then I'm going to use the spell Meteor of Destruction! When your Life Points are higher than 3000, I can inflict 1000 points of damage to your Life Points! And I choose you, Penelope!"

A meteor fell from the sky and crashed into the ground near Penelope's feet. The resulting impact created a gust of wind that made her flail around like a ragdoll. The impact dazed her. She got on her hands and knees, trying to shake off the fog. Nyx then walked out of the fog and grabbed her by the neck. She lifted her and put her over her shoulders in a fireman's carry. Panama Palmer rushed to a nearby compartment. He opened it and pulled out a black velvet bag. He held it high for the audience to see before tossing it to Nyx. She caught it and ripped open the cord with her mouth. She spilled its contents all over the ground.

Shiny, glimmering thumbtacks!

Yuri couldn't believe what he was seeing! This wasn't a Duel. It was torture.

Nyx grinned madly as she brought Penelope to the pile. The crowd roared in anticipation.

"NO!" Randall shouted. "Oh, God, no!"

"PENELOPE!" Nick screamed. "NOOOO!"

Patty tried to crawl toward the ring. "No," she moaned weakly. "Please...don't."

Nyx flipped Penelope head over heels and slammed her on the pile of thumbtacks. She rolled and squirmed on them. Her screams echoed through the stadium.

Penelope writhed in pain, feeling the tacks stuck to her skin.

"Come here! Come here!" Panama Palmer motioned the cameraman to rush over to Penelope. He zoomed in and focused on her back. "Look at that!" he exclaimed. "Look at that!"

Penelope's arms and back glimmered with small pieces of shiny metal stuck to her skin. Nyx stood back and laughed heartily.

"Ooooh, yeah! That's what I like to see!" Panama shouted. "That's what I like to see!"

"I can't watch this anymore!" Natalya buried her face in Randall's shoulder.

"You two are just so disappointing," said Nyx. "Now, I set two cards face-down and end my turn."

Patty huffed and shouted: "Penelope. Please. Stop using your traps to protect me. Think about yourself, babe."

Penelope got up; the thumbtacks glimmered on her arms, shoulder, and hip. "Nuh-huh. I love you, Patty. I'm not going to let those bitches hurt you anymore. Besides, I'm tough. This isn't my first rodeo. I know what I'm doing. And I still got Fiendish Engine Omega and Machine King on the field."

Turn 8: Penelope

LP 3000

"Draw!" she declared, starting her turn. "Patty, let me help you out, baby girl. I activate the spell, Exchange! It lets us swap a card in my hand with any player on the field. And I choose you."

"But I got nothing that can..."

"Just shut up and give me a card so we can exchange, okay?"

Their chains loosened to allow them to approach each other.

"Take this," Penelope said. She handed her a spell called Roll of Fate in exchange for Patty's Offensive Guard trap card.

"There's no guarantee this will help."

"Ugh, bitch, I'd take my chances with something than draw another lame-ass card next turn. I can't keep saving your ass all night." She slapped her on the buttocks and kissed her on the lips before running back to her side of the ring.

"Aww, how sweet," said Nyx. "Too bad the love ain't gonna last."

Patty and Penelope returned to their corners. Patty stared at the card she had, hoping she could last long enough to get to use it.

"Now," continued Penelope, "I'm going to rid the field of your monsters, Lindsey Riot! First, I'm going to have Fiendish Engine Omega attack your Summoned Skull!"

The giant red robot made its engines roar, and the exhaust ports blew out purplish-colored toxic smoke.

"Hehehe," said Nyx. "My life points are safe, thanks to our trap."


"I reveal this!" Lindsey shouted. Punch-In-The-Box! Now here's how it works. When you declare an attack, and you control two or more monsters, I can target the attacking monster and negate its attack. But that's not all it can do. It destroys one of your monsters, and then the attacking monster loses ATK points equal to the original ATK of the monster I destroyed."

"Aww no!" Tyson yelled.

"sh*t! Fiendish Engine Omega was their best card!" Nick hollered.

Machine King exploded, blasting Penelope in a cloud of black smoke.

Fiendish Engine Omega fell on one knee as its power weakened. ATK/600

Panama Palmer jumped up and down and pointed at the giant machine. "Look at it! Look at it! It's kneeling! It's bowing down to me! Bow, baby, bow! Bow!"

"No...no...NO!" Penelope shrieked. "How the f*ck are you doing this!?"

"You're on our turf, sister!" Lindsey retorted. "That's right. This is our playground, and we make the rules!"

"Augh...I set three cards face-down and end my turn!" Penelope said.

Turn 9: Lindsey Riot

LP 4000

"Check this out! Card of Demise! It lets me draw five cards, but I lose them in five turns. Not that it matters because you two are going down before then. Now I'm going to activate Unexpected Dai! It allows me to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Normal Monster to my field. And I choose X-Head Cannon!"

A legless robot colored blue and yellow with two ion cannons on its shoulders appeared on the field.

X-Head Cannon ATK/1800

"And now I'm going to activate Double Summon! With it, I can conduct two Normal Summons this turn! So here comes Y-Dragon Head and Z-Metal Tank."

"X, Y, and Z?" said Natalya. "Oh no...I've heard of this monster before."

"ASSEMBLE!" Lindsey shouted. "And become XYZ-Dragon Cannon!"

Lindsey held out her hand, and her three machines assembled themselves to form the monster to deal the final blow to Patty and Penelope.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (53)

XYZ-Dragon Cannon ATK/2800

The crowd roared, and Panama Palmer went ballistic. He rushed to the camera and shouted: "Did you see that!? Did you see that!?" He clapped his hands. "That's it! That's it! We got 'em! We got 'em!"

"Now I'm going to have my Dragon Cannon take care of your girlfriend's only defense!" she said, pointing to Patty. "Xyz-Dragon Cannon, destroy her face-down card!"

The cannons thumped as they lowered. A green plasma ball formed at the end of each barrel. They fired simultaneously, creating a blinding light as the blasts converged into one. The blast struck Patty's face-down card. When the light died down, everyone could see it was her Stall Turn card.

"Now, it's time to wipe out that Fiendish Engine Omega! Aim!"

The cannons of the machine glowed with orange energy.

The Dragon Cannon fired. The bolt of energy pierced through Fiendish Engine Omega's chest. Its engines went dead as it fell to its knees and exploded.

Penelope screamed as if the attack struck her as well, sending her tumbling across the ring. Her Life Points fell to 400.

Lindsey snickered. "Haha. She's all yours, Nyx."

"It would be an honor." She cracked her knuckles and marched toward the fallen girl. Panama rushed to the other side of the ring with a table. He quickly set it up and yelled for Nyx to smash Penelope on it.

Panama danced around. "Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! This is going to be fun!"

Patty crawled forward. She moaned in pain as she tried to reach out for her friend. The blast from the Dragon Cannon left Penelope weak. Her arms dangled from her shoulders, and her legs were shaking. "PENELOPE!" she screamed.

Nyx picked up Penelope by the neck and tossed her on top of the table.

"OOOOH!" the crowd roared when their bodies ripped right through the wood. Penelope's legs hooked over Nyx's shoulders as she pinned her against the ground.

Panama haunched down pointed at Penelope, and laughed like a maniac. Nyx and Penelope lay motionless amongst the splinters of the shattered table.

Penelope - LP 400

"Oh, man!" said Randall. "Did you see the way Penelope's head bounced off the floor?

"Is she okay?" Tyson asked.

"She's not moving, man!" Carter said, gripping the arms of his seat tightly.

As Patty lay on the edge of the ring, Lindsey snuck up from around the ring and flipped her over. Panama gave her a chain from his blazer. Lindsey looked like a woman possessed. She approached Patty, wrapped the chain right over her jaw, and pulled it tight. Patty's teeth gnashed over the chain.

"Now that's what I call a smile!" Panama Palmer exclaimed. He stood right next to her head as Lindsey tugged the chain right across her jaw.


Lindsey continued to pull and finally let go before slapping her hard. "I thought you wanted to play with us?" she said, yanking on the chain again.

"Ugh!" Patty grunted.

Lindsey and Nyx walked back to their sides of the ring. Patty was left hanging over the edge, and Penelope was in a heap surrounded by broken pieces of wood.

Lindsey then commanded her Summoned Skull to attack, but Penelope, again, came to Patty's defense with a Waboku Trap, preventing her Warrior of Zera from getting destroyed and from taking any damage this turn.

"Penelope..." Patty said weakly. She could have used that card to defend herself, but she used it on Patty instead. "I'll pay you back for this. I promise."

Turn 10: Patty

LP 2100

The audience clapped two minutes later when both girls recuperated

"You're still here?" said Nyx.

Patty slowly got to her feet. Her head was throbbing, and her face and hands stung from the glass that dug into them.

"Awww. She's getting up. Maybe she should take another break," said Panama. "Huh..."

Patty looked different. She glared at her opponents, her eyes turning that familiar shade of shadowy purple.

"I'm tired of both your sh*t!" she snarled. "I activate the spell, Roll of Fate! Now, a die will roll and I get to draw cards equal to the number it shows!"

The six-sided die materialized on the field and rolled across the ground until it stopped. It showed a six!

"Well, now," said Mai. "Even Joey Wheeler himself would be proud of that luck."

The air echoed with cheers as Yuri and the other companions exulted, knowing that Patty was on the brink of receiving a fresh hand.

Patty drew her six cards. Her lips curled into a smile as she observed them.

"You got a game plan?" Penelope asked, rubbing the back of her head.

"I think I do, babe. And you're gonna love it!"

"You should just quit now, baby girl!" Panama jeered.

Patty's intense gaze, emanating from her striking purple eyes, bore into him, conveying volumes without a single word. Overwhelmed with dread, he instinctively retreated.

"First," Patty said. "I'm going to activate Graceful Charity. I draw three and discard two. Next, I'm going to send Archfiend General to the Graveyard so he can fetch me a field spell. And I'm going to use it now. Behold the field, Pandemonium!"

The arena became overgrown in an amber structure with large stalactites hanging overhead. The stage they stood on was no longer a ring but a round platform with a red arcane circle drawn on it.

"Next, I'm going to Tribute Warrior of Zera! When he steps into the field of Pandemonium, it unlocks one of his darkest forms! Behold, Mazera De Ville!"

Warrior of Zera shattered, and from the fragments rose a towering, hideous monster with long arms, scythe-like fingers, and green wings.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (54)

Mazera De Ville ATK/2800

The field was shrouded in darkness as the arena lights flickered on and off, casting eerie shadows across the ground. The deafening screams of the crowd filled the air as the terrifying roars of the monsters echoed through the arena, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

Panama Palmer felt the arena getting cold.

"And because a Dark monster was Tributed, the effect of this handsome fellow activates in the Graveyard. Arise, Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair!"

Dark shadows formed a tornado. Inside it was the evolved form of Patty's old Ace, Diabolos, King of the Abyss. After so many eons mastering the darkness, the dragon emerged more powerful than ever. His body was covered in spiky black armor with red orbs all over. His wings were like a stealth fighter jet and colored black and red.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (55)

Darkest Diabolos ATK/3000

Nyx and Lindsey couldn't believe the power of the girl's ace.

"Oh, I'm not finished just yet. I activate Change of Heart. And with it, I take control of your Summoned Skull!"

Patty's control over Summoned Skull caused its eyes to glow a menacing red as it ominously glided across the field towards her side.

"Good boy," she said. "But he's not going to stay with me for long. Because Penelope and I share Graveyards, I now have four DARK monsters. And when I do, I can sacrifice your Summoned Skull to make way for Darklord Zerato!"

Darklord Zerato loomed menacingly above Mazera De Ville, his bat-like wings flapping powerfully. The blood-red armor adorning his formidable figure gleamed, reflecting the bright arena lights, casting an ominous glow around him.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (56)

Darklord Zerato ATK/2800

Panama Palmer's jaw dropped.

Patty was about to activate another card. "I now use Fulfillment of the Contract! By paying 800 of my Life Points, I'm able to bring a Ritual Monster back from the Graveyard. Rise again, Zera the Mant!"

Zera the Mant was summoned once more. He flew up next to the other Darklords, awaiting Patty's next move.

"Man, they should have known better than to piss Patty off," Nick said.

"What a comeback!" Natalya said.

"Now, I'm going to equip your XYZ-Dragon Cannon with the spell, Darkworld Shackles!" Patty shouted.

XYZ-Dragon Cannon moaned as demonic shackles locked onto its wrists and neck. The cannons powered down. Its eyes lost their light, and it fell forward. The Dragon Cannon was rendered useless.


"This spell will reduce your tank's ATK to a mere 100.

"I'm going to help out, too!" said Penelope. "In case you two pendejas plan on trying anything, I'm going to flip up my Anti-Magic Arrows!"

Penelope's spell activated and thousands of arrows rained down on their backboards. The crowd cheered wildly as the arrows struck Nyx and Lindsey, preventing them from using spell or trap cards for the rest of the turn.

"Remind me to give you a massage tonight," said Patty. She then gazed at her deck and smiled. "The darkness always comes to my aid when I'm in trouble. And this time is no exception. I'm going to wipe out Lindsey Riot with Darklord Zerato and Darkest Diabolos!"

"Oh, sh*t!" Lindsey shrieked.

The ferocious Beast of Talwar found itself in a harrowing confrontation as it faced the malevolent Darklord Zerato. The clash between the two was a spectacle of epic proportions, as Zerato's blade sliced through the beast's stomach with a single, decisive strike. The blade emitted an ominous red glow, unleashing a burst of energy that erupted within the Beast of Talwar, consuming it in a blazing inferno.

The Darkest Diabolos reaped Patty's vengeance on the weakened XYZ-Dragon Cannon and blasted it with acid-green fire from its jaws. The machine cried in pain before exploding into thousands of fragments of scrap metal, burning down Lindsey's Life Points to 700.

"Now, Zera the Mant! Get your revenge for the humiliation this bitch put you through!"

Zera the Mant rushed toward Lindsey to strike down her last remaining Life Points. He used his claws to slice her across the chest. She screamed as she got knocked across the ring and lay still. Her Life Point meter beeped and lowered to 0. Penelope dashed to the other side of the arena and pulled out a table. She set it up and told Patty to make Mazera De Ville smash her over it.

Patty grinned and nodded. "With pleasure."

"Aaaaah!" Lindsey yelped when the monster lifted her up over its head and slammed her down on the table.


It shattered under her body. The crowd cheered as Lindsey lay motionless among the splinters.Patty's laughter echoed in the room, filling the air with its buoyant melody. Nyx, on the other hand, could feel her heart pounding with fear, causing her to fumble through her turn, her mind racing in confusion. In a split-second decision, she hastily ended her turn, desperately hoping that the mystery of her face-down cards would come to her rescue.

But there was no such luck from Penelope. She activated Double Hooking, which brought Fiendish Engine Omega and Machine King back from the Graveyard. She used Harpie's Feather Duster to clear her backboard, leaving her two monsters defenseless. Penelope activated her spell, Limter Removal, which doubled her monster's ATK.

Both monsters attacked, wiping her out in a cloud of smoke. From the cloud, Penelope dashed across the arena. The shackles undid themselves, freeing her from their bondage. She picked up speed and speared Nyx into the announce table. The MC and the commentators ran for cover, and the two girls' bodies smashed through the table.

Penelope sat on top of Nyx and raised her fist high in the air. The crowd chanted her name like a mantra as she basked in her victory.

End of Heartache blasted through the arena, and the crowd jumped out of their seats.

Panama Palmer could only shake his head in disapproval at seeing his clients lose in such a humiliating fashion.

The girls lay scattered all over the arena, exhausted and in agony from their hardcore battle. Patty lay on the ground, panting heavily as sweat trickled down her cheeks and nose.

Penelope lay on the ground next to Nyx and the mangled remains of the table they crashed through. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she tried to catch her breath.

Yuri and the others dashed out of their seats and stormed the arena to check on their friends. Nick and Yuri rushed up the arena to tend to Patty while Carter and Tyson sprinted to Penelope.

Nick held Patty in his arms, cradling her head in his hands. Despite their worry, the bloodthirsty crowd continued to cheer and the team's theme song still blasted through the arena.

EMTs rushed in with stretchers and medical equipment to examine the girls. A woman started snipping Patty's sweater off with a pair of scissors to get to the wounds on her back.

A doctor was holding a flashlight over Penelope's eyes, for they were worried about the bump to her head when Lindsey smashed her into the tables. The thumbtacks glistened on her arms as the EMTs checked her pulse.

Nyx and Lindsey were also tended to, but their wounds looked less serious. They stood up and walked out of the arena with their heads low.

Gurneys wheeled the girls away to the infirmary, where they could rest and recover. Patty held onto Nick's hand tightly until she was taken away.

"We'll be right behind you," he said. He and the others watched them get wheeled away through the curtains.

Chapter 10: Training Day

Chapter Text

Yuri - Ruby Dragon Arena, Phobos Island

Sergei said the ARC Chambers were closed for maintenance for the weekend, but because he loved them so much, he let Yuri and the others have a go in his arena all to themselves. Usually reserved for his Dragon Den promotion, Sergei allowed them to use it whenever they wanted for free, giving them all the time they needed to practice their Dueling. One by one, their cars arrived at the arena parking lot. It was empty, save for the cars of the staff working there today. But other than that, it was all theirs.

Nick stepped out of his car. He marveled at the colossal size of the building, feeling small and insignificant next to it. "Wow...just wow," he said.

"It's huge!" said Jeannie. She got out of the back seat with Max in her arms. "Sergei must make big business to afford all this."

"Of course, he does," said Penelope. "After his heroics in the Resource Wars, Phobos Corp gives him a generous annual compensation package. The man can get anything he wants."

"Ain't that the truth," said Nick. He grabbed his duffle bag containing his D-Pad and cards and shouldered it.

He heard Tyson's Porsche pull up alongside him and parked. He stepped out with Natalya, who he picked up after her shift at the Ruby Dragon. Yuri followed with Crystal and Ren trailing behind. Their sports cars came to a smooth halt in front of the entrance to the arena.

"This place sure is impressive," said Tyson.

"Only the best from Uncle Sergei," Yuri said.

Crystal exited her Lamborghini, removing her sunglasses to marvel at their new training grounds. "Wow." She smiled, seeing the beauty of the building. "Hard to believe he let us have this all to ourselves for the weekend."

"Hey," said Nick. "With Gold Week coming up, we need all the practice we can get. And with the Ruby Dragon out of commission, until they get a new power core, this is the only other place to train.

"Arf! Arf!" Max barked.

"He says he can't wait to go inside," said Jeannie. "And neither can I."

"You two aren't the only ones excited to see what's inside," said Crystal. "But why do you have Max? Where's Patty?"

"She's on her way right now. Had to go pick up her new "toy" or something."

Crystal saw Penelope's back and legs all bandaged up from the hardcore match last night.

"Are you and Patty okay to Duel, Penelope? You two were awfully banged up yesterday."

Penelope waved her off. "Oh, no. I'm fine, Crystal. Don't worry about me. I feel as good as new. We'll be fine. Panama Palmer probably planned for us to get walloped before the Women's Tag Tournament."

"What a jerk!" Jeannie said, making her friends see her scowl for the first time ever. "Seriously, how could he make you two participate in such a barbaric match?"

"Don't worry, baby girl," Penelope said. "I'm used to it. And Patty's tougher than you think."

Nick beamed proudly. "Yeah, sis. My girls can take care of themselves. Just watch them next time they perform."

"Okay," said Crystal. "If you're sure. But if it hurts too much, please tell us. We don't want you getting hurt before the tournament."

"Speaking of which," said Penelope, "when's the big event to take you on for the Aquarius Championship?"

Crystal formed a small smile. "It's supposed to take place after Gold Week. The Department of Games is going to monitor every player's performance to see who can qualify to enter the tournament for my title. I'm hoping my opponent is him"

She looked at Yuri.

"Really!" Yuri asked.

"Oh yeah. After seeing you kick so much ass, I think you're ready to take me on for the championship."

Yuri was humbled by her compliment. "You really mean that?"

"Of course. I couldn't be more confident in you. If you keep up your hard work, I think our Duel is going to be legendary. You might even beat me, too."

"Haha. Thanks."

Tyson placed his hand on Yuri's shoulder. "You've come a long way since we first met, man. The main Duel Monsters title in the city. I can see it over his shoulder now."

"Hold it, hold it," said Nick. "Aren't you guys forgetting someone?" He jerked his thumb to himself.

"Have you qualified?" Ren asked.

"Not yet, but when I secure the title on Alejandra Island, then I'll have earned my spot."

Ren grinned. "If you say so, Nicholas."

Nick frowned at him. "You doubt me?"

"Can you blame me? Except for that Millennium qualifier and some small circuits over the months, what have you done?"

"I'll show you what I can do once I win Gold Week."

Penelope arched her back as she leaned on Nick's car. "Don't listen to him, Papi. I believe in you."

Carter's car roared into the parking lot. Everyone turned to see their friend arrive.

"Finally!" said Nick. "Where have you been? You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago."

Carter got out of his car with a frown. "Someone had to pick up the kids."

Fani, Sam, Annabelle, and Lucas opened the doors. Fani was riding shotgun while Sam sat in the back with Annabelle and Lucas.

Annabelle ran over to Crystal, holding her arms wide open.

"Hey, sweet pea," Crystal kissed the top of her head. "How was lunch with your friends?"

"Delicious! It was so much fun hanging out with them. And guess what? We met this cool kid named Lucas."

Lucas waved. "Hi there."

"Hey, you're the kid who won the Junior Cup," said Nick. He held up his hand so the boy could give him a high five. "Nice going!"

"Thank you," he said. "And congrats on your match last night, Penelope. You really showed Panama Palmer whose boss."

"I sure hope you didn't see that," said Natalya. "That match was violent."

"I'm not allowed to watch that stuff anyway. But Annabelle told me you two one."

"Enough about that," said Yuri. "Can we see those Utopia cards?"

"Yeah!" cried Jeannie. "Show us, show us!"

Lucas reached into his backpack and pulled out his deck box. "You mean these? Here, check it out."

Sam felt his fists rumbling as he saw the group admire Lucas's monster collection. They fawned over him like he was one of them all these years.

"They're amazing!" said Ren.

"It's incredible what a master can do with the right tools," said Tyson.

"Thanks," said Lucas. "But I'm no master yet."

To Sam's dismay, Annabelle held his hand. "Naaaw, what are you talking about? You summoned all those cool monsters like a pro!"

"He is a pro," said Yuri. "How many kids can say they mastered the Junior Grand Prix?"

Lucas blushed. "Uh, I guess that's true. But I still have a long way to go before I can take the Pro Leagues."

Yuri put an arm around his shoulder. That made Sam grow cold with envy. Yuri was his teacher! Not this bratty new kid.

"We were just about to train inside the arena. Want to join us? There's plenty of room for one more."

"Me?" Lucas asked, pointing to himself. "I can spar with you guys!? Awesome!"

"See, I told you they'd accept you!" Annabelle cheered. She grabbed his hand. "Come on. Let's go!"

"Grrrrrrr!" Sam growled through his teeth.

"Guess we're all here," said Yuri. "Oh wait. Where's Patty?"

The loud buzz of a motorcycle in the distance caught their attention.

"Sounds like she's coming," said Carter.

Patty was zooming down the streets in a stealth black Kawasaki Ninja. She zipped down the road to the parking lot where her friends waited. She turned off the bike and removed her helmet, shaking her head, and letting out a long sigh.

"Hochi Mama!" Lucas said.

"Damn..." Sam said.

Patty set her helmet on the seat. "Hey guys."

Nick wolf-whistled at her. "Wooooow! Baby, what's all this? Trying to impress someone?"

"You could say that," Patty replied, smiling as she stepped off the bike. She sauntered to Nick with a sway to her hips. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

"Ugh, get a room," Yuri groaned.

They all laughed, but Patty and Nick weren't listening. They kissed passionately.

"Ewww," said Jeannie. "Nick..."

"Hey, when's it my turn?" whined Penelope.

Nick laughed. "Easy, girls. There's plenty of me to go around."

He saw another car park in the lot, joining their small gathering.

"Who the hell is that?" he asked.

The car's engine turned off. The door opened and Randall stepped out with his gear.

"Aww, man. Who invited him!" Nick groaned.

"I did," said Natalya. "He called earlier this morning. He wants to join us for our training."

"What! Why would you do that?"

"Because he's talented and needs guidance."

"He's your problem, though," Nick said.

Randall approached the group adjusting the strap of his duffel bag. "Hey, guys. I hope you don't mind if I tag along."

"Of course not. Uh... that won't be a problem, right, Crystal?"

Crystal scowled but honored Yuri's request and nodded. "No. It's no problem. You're welcome to train with us as well, Randall."

"Thanks," he said, relieved.

"Just stay away from me though," Crystal added. The memories of him joining Brett in humiliating her at all their parties resurfaced. She had no idea why Yuri was allowing him to train with them.

"I will. I promise," Randall said. He meant every word, too.

"Well then," said Ren. "Let's get started. You guys are going to compete for championship golf next week. I want to see some hustle."

They grabbed their gear and entered the building.

"Aww, yeah!" Tyson said. "A Duel Monsters arena all to ourselves!"

"This is gonna be awesome!" Randall said.

"Don't forget Ren wants you to hustle!" Crystal said.

"Yeah, guys," said Yuri. "Do the hustle?"

"Do the hustle!" Tyson joined in. "Da da da duh-duh dun duh dun duh duh!"

Yuri joined his singing of The Hustle by Van McCoy.

"Oooooooh oooooo-ooooo oooooh!" Tyson sang, his voice echoing in the long concrete tunnels.

Yuri's phone buzzed.

"Gimme a minute, guys." He rushed for an empty locker room. "Axel?"

"Hey, Yuri. You good?"

"So far so good. Do you have Lancers around the arena?"

"We set up a three-ring perimeter, buddy. Everyone's on high alert. Cora and Hawke are on the hunt and you know Ren is with you guys, too. So tell me. How did you take the news that he was one of us the whole time?"

"Bro, I still can't grasp my mind around it. To know he was both working with you and acting as the Red Sparrow this whole time. I...I don't know man. It still keeps me up at night. What's the situation on those Duelists your Intel officer discovered? The ones who were hunting us down?"

"Nothing yet. Their signals died down. Hawke theorizes that they grow stronger when they summon those Real Vision golems to attack you. We think so too. Since there isn't any activity at the moment, I think you guys are good. But if things get hot and heavy, I'm gonna need you to cut your little session with your friends short and come with us."

Yuri let out a disappointed sigh.

"Trust me, man. I know how much you want to spend time with them. You want to treasure every second before you leave them. But their safety comes first."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. Hey, uh...can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"Can they really not come with me? Maybe we could..."

"We talked about this."

"But Axel..."

"I said no, Yuri. They're citizens of the Standard Dimension. They belong here. You don't. I'm sorry."

Yuri frowned, looking down at his shoes. "Alright. Sorry to bother you. See you later."

He hung up and returned to the others.

The group waited for him to enter the arena.

"It's about time, Yuri," said Nick. " My Duel Disk is going out of style."

"It already is, Nick," said Carter.

"Shut up."

"You two ready to play?" asked Tyson. "Ren and I set up our own private booth for us to practice."

"Heck yeah," said Yuri. "Let's get to it!"

"Wait!" said Lucas. "Can my student, Fani go first? I taught him a lot of cool moves with the new deck I built him."

"A new deck?" Pattys aid. "Bruh, Fani's got a new deck every week."

Lucas crossed his arms and tilted his head down with confidence, a big grin on his face. "Not like this one. My genius went into it."

"Then show us what you've got!" Nick said. "Carter. Why don't you test him out?"

"Uh oh..." said Patty. "Did you not see the way he tore apart the competition with Tyson the other day? He's gonna flood his field with his sea serpents."

"I'm ready!" Fani said, strapping a brand new D-Pad onto his wrist. Gone was his old clunky hand-me-down that looked like it came out of the 2013 era.

"Oh, snap! When did you get that!?" Carter asked.

Fani grinned from ear to ear. Lucas gave a thumbs up.

"So this kid is that good, huh?" said Tyson. "If he can teach Fani how to play like a pro, he's better than I thought."

Carter and Fani took their positions in the arena. Yuri and the others sat in the viewing gallery to watch.

"Ah, I'm just in time!" Sergei stepped through the doors.

"Sergei!" the group cheered.

"Uncle. What are you doing here?" Natalya asked.

"Well, I heard that the greatest Duelists in the city would be here training, so I decided to close the shop early and stop by." He saw Penelope and Patty with bandages and cringed. "I wish you two would have consulted me before accepting that match."

"We're fine, Sergei," Patty said. "We..."

"No!" he snapped sternly. "Look, I get it. You guys are on top of the world and you feel like you can take on all challenges. But for goodness sake, there are some things you should not be a part of! Curse that Panama Palmer and those animals who turn this beautiful game into a sick blood sport. It's not enough to have the beautiful technology that's Solid Vision to enhance the experience of or game. No, you have people like him who use them to aid Duelists in inflicting harm on one another in those barbaric matches. I am disgusted!"

"You really hate Hardcore Dueling, huh?" Annabelle asked.

"With a passion, little one! I've been trying to get that sport banned ever since it was introduced. But Panama stuffed every politician's pocket with money to keep the league going. If only I could get my hands on the commissioner's office..." He sighed. "But I digress. Let us enjoy this time together."

He turned to see Fani and Carter shuffling their decks in the arena outside.

"Okay," Tyson said. "I'm gonna play a little bit of music while we watch the Duel." He went over to his stereo and pressed the power button. Everyone in the arena listened to his favorite mix to give the arena some atmosphere.

LP 8000

Turn 1 - Carter

Carter drew his five cards and then summoned Kashtira Fenrir, allowing him to bring out Tearlaments Kashtira. He summoned another monster, which he used with Tearlaments Kashtira to create S:P Little Knight. The cute ninja girl dressed in black winked and giggled at the audience.

"All right, Fani. Show me what this 'new deck' of yours is capable of?"

Turn 2 - Fani

"All right. You got it. Draw! I'm also going to Special Summon Kashtira Fenrir, just like you!" He summoned his red-armored space warrior armed with two axes.


"Kashtira, huh?" said Annabelle. "Lucas must have helped Fani a lot to help him use Kash*tra as an engine for his deck."

"Big deal," Sam said, crossing his arms. "That still means nothing if he can't summon something decent to the field."

Fani took a deep breath. He looked over his shoulder at Lucas, who was outside by the ring to coach him. The boy nodded and gave a thumbs up again to assure him everything was going to be okay.

"Wow!" Annabelle swooned. "He's so confident in Fani!"

Fani nodded. "Okay. I'll start off by playing the Spell card Fighting Flame Swordsman! It allows me to add a Flame Swordsman card to my hand."

"Fair enough," said Carter. "I'll counter by using S:P Little Knight, banishing herself and your Kashtira Fenrir for the duration of the turn!"

"That's fine! Because I have another one for you to contend with!"

"Huh? What?"

Carter gazed up in the air. The red-armored axe-wielding warrior appeared once again.

"Flame Swordsman?" Sam scoffed. "Who's he trying to impress with that lame card? He's a worthless 1800 ATK Fusion Monster that forces you to stuff two equally useless monsters into your deck to Fusion Summon him."

"Lucas wouldn't have added Flame Swordsman to Fani's deck if it didn't have a purpose," said Natalya. "Just let us watch and see."

"Yeah," said Nick. "You're forgetting that Lucas's deckbuilding skills are incredible. I saw him use his Utopia Deck in the Monster Energy Circuit and crush a dozen pro Duelists. That kid has talent!"

"Whatever," Sam grumbled.

"With Kashtira's effect, I'm going to add..."

"Considering we have the same monster, Fani, I figured you would have known about Kashtira's secondary effect. If your opponent's monster activates an effect, you can banish a face-up card on the field. So say goodbye to your Fenrir!"

Fani flinched when Carter activated the effect of his Kashtira. The armored warrior dashed forward, brandished his sword, and slashed both of Fani's Kashtira Fenrir into confetti.

"See?" said Sam. "Carter's gonna tear this kid a new one."

"I was hoping you'd do that," said Fani. "Now I can perform my combo without your Fenrir ruining it."

"You mean..." Carter said.

"What!?" Ren said. "Fani had this planned from the start!"

"Nice work!" said Lucas. "Stay one step ahead of your opponent, just like I taught you!"

Fani's hand was suddenly engulfed in flames. Fire spun all around him. "I'm not gonna lose anymore! I'm gonna be strong just like you guys! I summon Fighting Flame Swordsman!"

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ATK/1800 DEF/1600

A version of the Flame Swordsman made a grand entrance to the arena with dazzling fire swirling all around him. The heat of his fiery aura radiated throughout the entire building. His eyes glowed red, his cape flowing behind him.

"What in the world?" Sam said. "I never heard of that before? When did Flame Swordsman get another card?"

"You really haven't been keeping up, have you?" Patty said, sitting on Nick's lap. "If you did, you'd know that Fighting Flame Swordsman is just the start."

"The start?" Sam said nervously.

"My Fighting Flame Swordsman's effect activates!" Fani said. "It allows me to add the spell Flame Swordsrealm to my hand. And I'm gonna activate it! YAH!" He slapped the card on the holographic blade. The field around him was engulfed in flames. "My Spell allows me to send Fighting Flame Swordsman to the Graveyard so I can summon the original Flame Swordsman from my Extra Deck!"

Sam jumped out of his seat. "No way! That's insane!"

Fighting Flame Swordsman sheathed his sword, stepped forward, and bowed as he disappeared in a swirl of fire. A second later, the legendary Flame Swordsman took his place.

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"But so what? He's worthless?" Sam said.

"Shut up and watch!" Annabelle said, getting annoyed. "Fani knows what he's doing!"

Fani held up a card, flames swirling around it. "I'm going to activate the spell, Salamandra Fusion! And equip it to Flame Swordsman!"

"Hmmmmmm!" Flame Swordsman raised his sword, allowing it to absorb the power of the spell.

"With the power of the mighty flaming dragon, Salamandra, the Flame's Swordsman power increases twofold!" The swordsman's orange sword was growing bigger and bigger and his armor was more imposing. "I now tribute Flame Swordsman and transform him! Fusion Summon! Arise Ultimate Flame Swordsman!"

Ultimate Flame Swordsman let out an ear-piercing roar as he emerged onto the field. He swung his giant flaming orange blade, conjuring flaming dragons to swirl around him.

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"Ultimate Flame Swordsman!?" Sam said in awe. "What is this?"

"This is Fani's new power, that's what," Yuri said. "Looks like he finally found a deck he can bond with."

"Now, Carter, I'm going to activate the spell, Back-Up Rider, which will increase my Ultimate Flame Swordsman's ATK by 1500 for the duration of the turn. And then, I'm going to activate the power of Salamandra the Flying Flame Dragon! Sure, he looks like a monster. But he can be used as an Equip-Spell to boost Ultimate Flame Swordsman's ATK by another 700 points!"

The flames on the field animated to become a serpentine dragon made of fire. It soared into the air and wrapped its body around the arm of the Ultimate Flame Swordsman. His power increased to 5000.

"Five thousand ATK points!" Tyson shouted.

"All right," Fani continued. "Now, Ultimate Flame Swordsman's ability activates! I can target a monster you control and destroy it!"

He pointed to Carter's Kashtira Fenrir causing a column of flames to erupt from underneath its feet.

"Now you're wide open for a direct attack!"

"Ha! So you can finally deal more than 5000 damage now, huh?" Carter said.

"Oh, I'm going to rise even higher than that!" said Fani. "Because when he attacks, his power doubles!"

"Ten thousand ATK points!" Patty shouted.

"Bro, who is this kid?" Nick said, looking at Lucas, who was cheering Fani on.

Ultimate Flame Swordsman raised his giant broadsword, which was engulfed in flames. A stream of fire formed around it before he launched it forward. Flames shot out of it, forming into the Salamandra fire dragon. Carter had no face-down cards on the field and no monsters to defend himself with. He was wide open. The flames struck The One and Only and he screamed as a geyser of flames swallowed him whole. When the smoke cleared, Carter's Life Points were reduced to zero.

Fani was so dumbstruck by the fact he beat one of the Knights of the Ruby Dragon that he couldn't speak or move. He just stood there, staring at his opponent. "I...I won! I won...I WON!"

"Way to go, Fani!" Natalya cheered.

"No way," said Patty. "He...he beat Carter?"

"Looks like we have another strong player in the group," said Ren. "Lucas taught him well."

"He sure did," said Annabelle.

"Whatever! He's not better than me!" Sam snapped. "Let me see how I fair against one of you. Patty! You and me right now! If a loser like him can get an easy win like that, then I should be able to defeat you with ease!"

Patty rolled her eyes. "Well, if you insist." She got up and headed out the door.

Back in the arena, Carter was still in shock. He looked at Fani again and again, unable to believe what had just happened. "Wow...Fani. I...nice moves, man. Congrats."

"Really? Thanks, Carter. I'm glad I finally got a chance to face you in battle."

"Sure, sure, but I'm still getting used to my Tearlaments. If I had Kairyu-Shin or Fortress Whale on the field, you'd be in trouble."

"We'll have another rematch later," Fani said. "Right now, the Reaper is going to have a go at Sam."

Sam stormed up the steps. "Out of my way! It's my turn!"

"Hey!" Carter said. "Easy! We may be practicing for the tournament but this is supposed to be fun. So lighten up or I'll arrange a cab to take you home, got it!"

Sam gave him a nasty stare before rushing over to the ring where Patty was waiting. She stretched her arms above her head, popping her shoulders, and then swung her body from side to side, cracking her back. Sam cringed at the cuts she got when she was smashed against the glass. Despite this, she seemed primed and ready to take him on.

"I'm all set to defeat you at last!" Sam said. "No offense, Yuri, but that Jurrac Deck is not going to cut for me anymore. So I got a new powerful deck that will make you tremble in fear!"

Patty whined, twisting her hips back and forth. "Yeah, I've heard that lots of times, Sammy. You going to go or what?"

"Let's do it!"

LP 8000

Turn 1 - Sam

"All right! I'm activating Armed Dragon Slash! It allows me to Special Summon Armed Dragon Thunder LV 3 to the field!"

"Armed Dragon!" Yuri whispered to himself. "Chazz's cards got affected by the Nexus as well."

"You say something, Yuri?" Tyson asked.

"No, nothing," Yuri said, pretending to chuckle.

"Armed Dragon Thunder Level 3's effect activates. I send an Armed Dragon to the Graveyard and evolve him into Armed Dragon Thunder Level 5!"

"Hey, leveled dragons," said Crystal. "Kind of like your Horus Dragons, huh, Annabelle?"

"Yeah, I guess. Damn, Nick, did you make so much money that Sam could build a deck like that?"

"No..." Penelope said, drumming her fingers against her biceps. "I'm starting to understand where my secret stash of gold coins went to. That little thief!"

"I'm going to activate Armed Dragon LV 5's effect, discarding an Armed Dragon monster to evolve him into Armed Dragon Level 7!"

The dragon grew even bigger until he towered over the arena, staring Patty down with his red eyes.

"Oh, man!" Annabelle said. "I don't think that dragon can get any bigger!"

"Oh, but it can," said Yuri. He faced those dragons before in the Noctix multiple times against Chazz.

"Now, I banish two Armed Dragons from my Graveyard whose levels total 10, so I can summon Armed Dragon LV 10 White!"

Patty gasped when she saw the size of the giant armored dragon that rose above the ceiling, shaking the entire building.

"Now, I'm going to activate Armed Dragon Lighting, then discard another Armed Dragon to evolve Armed Dragon Thunder LV 7 into Armed Dragon Thunder LV 10!"

Armed Dragon LV 10 roared, sending electricity coursing through its armor. He made the signature pose of the legendary Black Thunder Duelist himself, Chazz Princeton. Yuri smiled, hoping to face him again one day. As good as Sam was with those dragons, Chazz Princeton could have used them miles better.

"What's wrong, Patty?" Sam said, snickering. "Don't tell me you're afraid of my Armored Dragons?"

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Patty stared down the two dragons, both standing strong with 3000 ATK points.

"Man, Sam sure did evolve that deck of his," Nick said.

"With my money!" Penelope shouted.

"I end my turn!" Sam said. "Give me what you got, Patty! But really, you should surrender right now."

Turn 2 - Patty

LP 8000

"Draw!" Patty said. "I summon Darklord of Pleasure in ATK Mode!" She set a card on her glowing purple scythe-shaped blade. She summoned a one-winged fairy wearing a black dress. "With her effect, I summon Darklord Ixchel to your side of the field!"

Sam stepped back when a beautiful black-haired woman with four bat wings emerged on his field in between his two dragons.


"Now, I discard two Darklord monsters so I can summon Darklord Nasten!" She conjured a humanoid bull mixed with the elements of light and darkness with white wings.


The bull flexed its arms and legs, letting out an ear-splitting roar.

"I'm going to activate my Armed Dragon Thunder LV 10's effect. He will target your bull and destroy him. And when he does, his ATK increases by 1000!"

"Yeah, but my Nasten comes with an ability of his own. By paying 1000 Life Points, I can target a Darklord in my Graveyard and apply its effects to Nasten. The card I chose was the Trap, Rebellious Darklord! With it, I can perform a Fusion Summon!"

"Uh oh!" laughed Fani, still excited and happy from his previous match. "Looks like Sammy's in trouble. I know what's coming!"

Patty held out her hand and a complex arcane circle colored purple and red appeared on the floor underneath her feet. "I fuse Darklord Nasten, Darklord Superbia, and Condemned Witch to create The First Darklord!"

She created the Ace of her Darklord Deck, conjuring a six-winged dark angel armored in black, wielding a black sword and shield, and six black wings sprouting from his back.

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ATK/4000 DEF/4000

She paid 1000 Life Points to bring two Darklords from her Graveyard. Darklord Superbia, who allowed her to bring out Darklord Zerato.

"First Darklord, attack Armred Dragon LV 10 White!"

The First Darklord soared across the field, slicing through Armed Dragon LV 10 easily. The dragon's body started to glow and he blew up, dealing 1000 damage to Sam's Life Points.

"Now, I'm going to use Darklord Zerato and Superbia to Link Summon, I:P Masquerena!"

A Neko girl wearing a skin-tight battle suit riding a motorcycle appeared on the field. She laughed and slid to a stop next to the First Darklord.

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"I end my turn!" Patty said.

Turn 3

Sam - LP 7000

Patty - LP 6000

"Uh..." Sam said, wondering what to do. "I uh...I'll use Armed Lightning to add a card to my hand."

"And using The First Darklord's effect, I pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon Darklord Superbia in DEF Mode!" Patty said. "And when it returns from the Graveyard, I can summon Condemned Witch in DEF Mode as well!"

Sam cringed, seeing how all these Darklords were popping up on the field. It looked like they came straight out of a nightmare.

"So what! I banish Armed Dragons whose Levels equal 10, so I can Special Summon Armed Dragon LV 10 White again!"

He summoned the same Armed Dragon that was destroyed earlier.

"HAHAHAHA! You thought you could get rid of him so easily, Reaper!? I'm gonna beat you with this deck!"

"I'm sure you will," said Patty. "So now I'm going to activate I:P Masquerena's effect, allowing me to use Special Summon a Link Monster with monsters I control including her."

The Link Portal appeared above her. Masquerena, Superbia, and Condemned Witch turned into red streaks that zapped into the arrows in the portal.

"I summon the Link -3 monster, Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos!"

A warrior in shining gold armor rode out from a pillar of light. His cape was colored red and he wielded a huge golden blade.


"Black Luster Solider?" said Yuri. "You been giving Patty cards, Nick?"

"Eh, heh, heh, heh," he said, smiling nervously.

"What's wrong, Yuri?" Crystal asked, raising her eyebrow. "That card is a popular one."

"I guess," said Tyson, "but that girl doesn't need to get any stronger."

Patty sacrificed the Condemned Witch and Special Summoned Darklord of Pleasure, who Special Summoned Darklord of Delight to Sam's field. The lovely dark angel in a black and gold dress.

Sam was getting angry. He was tired of the Darklords. He attacked Black Luster Soldier with Armed Dragon White and used its effect to destroy the First Darklord as well. In a kamikaze of white lighting, the three monsters were wiped out. He then attacked Darklord of Pleasure and ended his turn, wiping Patty's field clean. Sam panted like a winded animal, happy he finally got rid of those Darklords.

Turn 4 - Patty

"Draw!" Patty shouted.

Sam groaned. "Ugh! Why won't you lose!"

"Look at you. It doesn't matter what you fill that deck of yours with. If you keep losing your cool like that and underestimating every player you come across, you're going to be a pathetic loser for the rest of your life! Now, I activate Pot of Greed, allowing me to draw two cards. And then, I activate Banishment of the Darklords, allowing me to add a Darklord card to my hand. So, I'm going to activate the spell I added. Darklord Contract! And with it, I'm going to bring back Darklord Superbia!"

"NO!" Sam screamed, watching Patty's ace monster return to the field in DEF Position. And with it, she brought back The First Darklord, filling Sam with anger and frustration.

Then more Darklords came back one at a time until her field consisted of the powerful trio of the First Darklord, Darklord Morningstar (ATK 3000), and Darklord Texcatlipoca (ATK 2800).

Sam knew what was going to happen next, so he used his Armed Lightning spell to help his Armed Dragon Thunder LV 10 gain the effect of preventing it from being destroyed by battle.

Patty attacked Armed Dragon with all her monsters. The dragon created a shield of lighting to keep him from being slain by the Darklords, but there was no protecting Sam from the damage.

Turn 4

Patty - LP 4000

Sam - LP 4790

This was Sam's last chance. If he didn't win this turn, it would be over. He drew. The card he got could not help him, so he surrendered. He placed his hand over his deck.

Winner: Patty

"Damn...it doesn't matter what I do, huh?" he said. "You always have a comeback."

"That's what makes us great Duelists," Patty said. "You don't think. You just summon one powerful monster after the next, thinking you can beat me down. But if you were smart and didn't attack me head-on like that, you might have had a chance."

"Whatever," he said. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked off.

Fani whistled. "Damn. Remind me not to face her."

Crystal clapped her hands. "Wow! Excellent. Hey, Natalya. How about you? I haven't seen you play before."

"Me?" she pointed to herself. "Well...okay. Who should my opponent be?"

"Me!" said Lucas. "I'm so pumped after everything I saw. And I want a shot at The Gale."

Natalya happily obliged and got off her seat. She and Lucas rushed to the field to Duel.

"I feel sorry for Natalya," said Fani. "Lucas has been on an unbelievable winning streak lately. He'll probably mop the floor with her."

Tyson folded his arms. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, he's good. One day, he's going to join the Pro League. And remember, he taught me how to use that deck to beat one of you."

"Don't get co*cky," said Sergei. "One win does not mean you are invincible."

Natalya and Lucas stared at each other, waiting for the duel to begin.


"I use Simorgh Onslaught!" Natalya said, holding up her spell. "And as it says, prepare for an onslaught of my beautiful birds! By discarding this card, I can add two Simorghs to my hand. Now, I summon Simorgh, Bird of Beginning!"

She conjured her beloved Simorgh as a baby chick, still yet to achieve the power that granted his master the title of The Gale. With 180 wins and only 20 losses, she had every reason to be confident.

With grace and confidence, the onslaught began. And soon she had Simorgh, Bird of Divinity on the field and its dark counterpart, Simorgh of Darkness. The giant birds screeched majestically, ready to take to the skies.

"What do you think?" said Annabelle. "Is that girl any good?"

"No question about it," Tyson said. "You're about to see why Natalya is a force to be reckoned with."

"You don't have to tell me twice," said Randall. "Two of her bosses on her first turn, each with over 2000 ATK. Beautiful." His heart beat in his chest as his admiration for the ballerina grew stronger.

Natalya stood on the field proudly. Simorgh the Beginning chirped on her shoulder and the two mighty birds hovered on each side of her, giving her a powerful feeling that she would never forget.

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Simorgh, Bird of Divinity - ATK/2900

Simorgh of Darkness - ATK/2800

"All right. I end my turn."

And when she did, Simorgh, Bird of Divinity, flapped his wings and dealt 1000 damage to them both. Lucas crossed his arms over his face, anchoring his sneakers on the ground, trying not to get blown away. But the gust did not faze Natalya in the least bit. She relished the wind like it was a gentle breeze.

Lucas drew. "Not bad. Now I know why they call you The Gale. But those birds are going to be easy targets for my Utopia warriors. I set three cards face down! Now watch my onslaught, Natalya!"

He performed the usual combos until he had Number 39: Utopia on the field.

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He attacked Bird of the Beginning. The little chick flew off Natalya's shoulder and zipped around as if trying to escape, but Utopia slashed him out of the sky with its blade.

"What's the matter, Natalya? What happened to your fighting spirit? I'm disappointed."

"Hmph. Confident in your face-down cards, huh?" Natalya said. "Draw! I activate Pot of Greed, allowing me to draw two cards."

"No way, babe! I activate Solemn Judgement! It may cost me half my Life Points, but you can forget about drawing your two cards."

Natalya shrugged. "All right. But now, I tribute Simorgh to summon Raiza the Storm Monarch!"

Wind blew all around her as the legendary warrior rose from a tornado. But Natalya shrieked and pressed her hands on her skirt, crossing her legs together. "Eeek! I need to remember to wear something more appropriate when I summon these guys!"

Randall chuckled. She was just so adorable. But then his swooning turned to awe as a giant armored monarch covered in an emerald-green mantle arose form the tornado.

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Lucas laughed. "Oh yeah! I forgot you had that one. But it's no match for Utopia."

"Don't get too ahead of yourself! Because Simorgh of Darkness lets me Special Summon another Simorgh of Darkness from my hand!"

A black tornado erupted from the ground, bringing forth an identical copy of the bird on her field.

Simorgh of Darkness ATK/2800

Natalya pointed at Utopia and said, "Simorgh of Darkness will send your Utopia back to the Extra Deck, leaving you wide open!"

The bird screeched and launched itself at the monster. All Lucas could do was watch as his ace was obliterated.

"You better hope those face-down cards can stop my birds," said Natalya. "Simorgh of Darkness attack!"

"I don't think so! I activate Wall of Disruption! This will decrease the ATK of your monsters by 800 for each monster you control. I count three, so your monsters lose 2400 points of ATK, leaving them defenseless!"

Natalya smiled. "No. Simorgh of Darkness will destroy the second one to negate it!"

"What!?" Lucas shouted.

Simorgh of Darkness screeched and flapped his massive black wings, which sent a powerful gust that destroyed the card.

"I attack you directly with my monsters!" Natalya shouted. "This Duel is over!"

Raiza the Storm Monarch and Simorgh of Darkness dealt devastating damage to Lucas' Life Points.

"Noooooo!" he screamed, getting tossed around. He landed on the ground and his Life Points dropped to 0.

Winner: Natalya

He slammed his fist on the ground. "Man, you're tough!"

"What? My sensei lost!?" Fani asked, leaping out of his seat. "I don't believe it!"

"Don't call him sensei," Yuri cringed. "Who's next?"

"You and me!" Carter said. "Come on. I have to make up for that loss earlier."

"So be it," said Yuri.

Jeannie clasped her hands together. "Oh! Finally! I get to see Yuri Duel!"

Yuri got up from the table and made his way to the field. Natalya entered the gallery with a bottle of water in her hand and sat next to Randall. Her heart was still racing from her win.

"You looked beautiful out there," Randall said.

Natalya chugged her bottle down and then laughed. "Thank you."

He slid his hand down his neck. That was it? Man, he really needed to work with her. "Look, uh. I know you're busy studying and all, but I was wondering if..."

"Randall, I can't," Natalya said. "I've got to train for the tournament in Gondolin Island for Gold Week, I have to work at the Ruby Dragon, and then after that, I've got ballet. I can't date anyone right now."

"I understand. I didn't mean anything romantic or anything. Just hanging out."

"It's going to be hard to find time to hang out, Randall."

"I understand. But...can I at least pick you up after your ballet lessons? Maybe I can get you a coffee on the way home."

Natalya bit her lower lip. "That's fine. But that's it, okay?"

"Of course."

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Yuri and Carter stood facing each other with their decks in hand, ready to begin.

Carter rubbed his hands together. "I can't wait to beat you down, Yuri! Time for some payback for beating me in front of the Jewels of Paradiso Prima!"

"You actually liked them?"

"Hey, they were cute."

"Careful," Crystal said. "Nikki may be out of town, but she's still your girlfriend, Carter."

"Aha, yeah, yeah. I know. So, Yuri, you won the coin toss. You go first."

"With pleasure!"

He set up his board, finishing with Black Tyranno, Transcendosaurus Drillygnathus, and Ultimate Tyranno. He set two cards face-down.

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Carter summoned some fish monster, but no one could tell, because as soon as it was summoned, Yuri activated Ultimate Conductor Tyranno's ability, sacrificing Black Tyranno to flip it face-down, ruining Carter's combo.

"Man, Yuri! Can you just let me Duel!?"

Yuri laughed. "You said you were ready to beat me. I figured you had a combo ready to counter my UCT's special ability."

"f*ck you, man! I set a card face-down and end my turn!"

Yuri continued to laugh and drew. He activated Graceful Charity to draw three. One of the cards he discarded was Card of Compensation, so when it was discarded, it gave Yuri two more cards. He revived Black Tyranno with Monster Reborn and used Crown of Jaws to transform him into King of the Prehistoric Beasts - Neo Black Tyranno.

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The tertiary form of Black Tyranno stomped over Yuri and snarled behind him, snapping his crystal-laden jaws at Carter. Then, using a quick combo with Xeno Meteorus, he summoned Transcendrake Meteorus to the field.

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"Ow, this is gonna hurt," laughed Jeannie, her bottom bumping up and down on the edge of her seat. "Go, Yuri!"

"Meteorus attack!" Yuri shouted. "Attack Carter's fish with Meteorite Stream!"

Meteorus howled and created a portal in the sky from which a shower of meteorites came crashing down on the field. They shattered Carter's fish. Ultimate Conductor Tyranno and Neo Black Tyranno roared and combined their signature moves into an all-powerful tag team attack.

The two dinosaurs clashed with such power that a blinding light enveloped the entire arena. It felt like a powerful gust of wind. Yuri and Carter got pushed back by its force, and then the blast of energy slammed into Carter, knocking him off his feet.

LP 0

Winner: Yuri

"And "The One and Only" goes doooown!" Tyson said, holding his fist in the air. "Woooo! Go Yuri!"

"Nice duel," Sergei said.

"Yeah," Fani agreed. "Aww, man! Sparing with you guys is the best!"

The next match was Patty against Nick in a Ritual vs Ritual Duel.

"Black Luster Soldier, attack!" Nick commanded the powerful ritual monster. He soared across the field and slashed Patty across the chest, reducing her Life Points to 5000.

"How was that, Patty?" said Nick. "Not too bad, am I? Your Life Points are practically in the grave."

Patty looked up and giggled at him. "You wanna get rough? Okay. Draw! Using the effect of Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon, I Ritual Summon, Ruin, Supreme Queen of Oblivion!"

She set up her ritual spell. It showed the beautiful image of a woman in a red and black gown. Her white hair flowed around her like a cape and she carried a golden axe that doubled as her scepter.

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"I now cast End of the World!" Patty shouted, holding up her Spell. The sky darkened and a complex glyph that took up the whole sky glowed with a brilliant light. A pillar of light shot out from it and struck the ground. Rising from the ground was the black-armored colossus with mighty axe that could destroy worlds with one swing. A cape of blue fire whipped around behind him, sending heat waves rippling across the air.

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"With his effect, I pay 2000 Life Points to destroy all cards on the field. And thanks to my Supreme Queen's effect, she's safe from his effect!"

Demise swung his axe and created a shockwave of destructive energy. All the monsters on the field were obliterated by the wave. The ground split apart and cracks spiderwebbed everywhere.

"Your wide open, Nick my love. Sorry to do this to you. Ruin will attack you directly. Oh, by the way, she can attack twice."

Nick gulped. His Life Points dropped to zero. "Oh man..."

Ruin charged across the field, swinging her axe and attacking Nick with devastating power. When she finished, he was lying on his back. But then Demise, King of Armageddon appeared and smashed the ground with his weapon, dealing the final blow.

LP 0

Winner: Patty

"Patty wins!" Yuri cheered.

"Yay!" Jeannie cheered. "Go, girl!"

Crystal got off the couch and hugged Patty when she entered the gallery. "Damn you're the only one here with no losses. Go figure."

"Mind if we step in?" asked a familiar voice.

The group got out of their seats and cheered when Logan and their friend Sabrina walked inside the gallery. Logan's wrist was still in a cast after he was viciously mugged by Brett's goons to take him out of a big Duel, but he moved like he was good as new. Sabrina, who had been taking care of him all this time, opened her arms as Patty and Sabrina ran toward her to give her a hug.

"Logan! You're all right!" Patty said happily, hugging him. "How's the wrist?"

"Can't keep me down forever," he said. He saw Ren leaning against the wall with his foot kicked up. "Ren, you're here too?" he removed his sunglasses to get a better look at him. "Say, I've always wanted to Duel against you. What do you say, my man."

Ren peered at him from behind his red-lensed shades. "All right. Let's see what you've got."

Logan grinned and shook his hand. "Awesome. Been meaning to test your skills."

"Aww, no way!" Fani said. "Ren Kakihara and Logan Richmond in a Duel! And I don't gotta order pay-per-view? I must be dreaming!"

The two pros walked out of the gallery and made their way to the arena. Sabrina sat down with the others. She was introduced to Jeannie, and befriended her at once with a quick hug. Then she was thrilled to see Annabelle again. It had been some time since they all hung out like this. They hadn't seen her since school let out for winter break. She wanted to join them but Logan needed help getting around.

"Ever since Nick and Yuri got Brett kicked out of Aquarius, he's been doing so much better," she said.

"How have you two been holding up?" Patty asked.

"We've been doing so well!" she chimed. "Logan got us an apartment by the ocean on Gondolin Island with the money he's been making with his podcast and his Dueling career."

"Sounds beautiful," Crystal said. "I'm so happy you two are recovering from that awful night."

Sabrina pursed her lips. "Well, nothing is ever going to wipe those memories out of my mind, but at least I can sleep peacefully knowing that Brett and his goons are off the island. You guys did an amazing job hunting down those gangs. I just wish they could be put away for life or something."

"So long as we're running the streets," Yuri said, "they won't bother you anymore."

Sabrina smiled. "Thank you."

Patty hugged Sabrina tight. "You're so strong!"

Sabrina hugged her back and squeezed her eyes shut. "Man, I know it's only been a week, but I really missed you guys."

"I'll go get us some sodas," said Crystal, hopping off the couch.

Meanwhile, Ren and Logan faced off.

"Aww, man! This is gonna be awesome!" Tyson said.

"You're telling me," said Patty. "Two of the best Duelists in the pro leagues up against one another. This is what it's all about."

Meanwhile, Ren and Logan faced off. The group sat in anticipation seeing the two titans of Aquarius clash head-on. And so the onslaught of the Kashtira began. He started using Spellbook Inside the Pot to allow him and Logan to draw three cards. It was a risky move, allowing his opponent to gain some resources. But he was fully confident in his abilities that it made little to no difference to him. He was Ren Kakihara after all, the former Champion of Aquarius, and teacher of some of the finest players on the island, including Brett and Yuri himself. And, unknown to the rest of them, the Red Sparrow, who guided them and aided them from the shadows all this time.

"I Special Summon the mighty Kashtira Unicorn!" Ren shouted, summoning his red-armored space soldier.


"My monster's effect activates, allowing me to add a Kashtira Spell to my hand! Next, I summon Scareclaw Belone!" he yelled, summoning a dog with green protective gear and a muzzle. "Now I'm going to use him to Link Summon the Link -1 Monster, Scareclaw Light-Heart!"

He summoned a chibi version of the warrior of the tale behind the archetype of his deck.

Jeannie giggled. "What a funny-looking monster for Ren to summon."

"He's funny now," said Crystal. "But that little monster is the catalyst for a deadly onslaught of some of the most feared monsters in the game."

The chibi warrior held out his hand, conjuring some magic to allow Ren to add the field Primitive Planet Reichphobia to his hand. He activated it at once. The group flooded to the windows as the scenery outside changed. Ren and Logan were now standing in a barren planet ravaged by war. A big red planet in the sky bathed the ground in a crimson glow. The wind was blowing sand around the arena.

"When this spell is activated, I can add Scareclaw Reichheart to my hand. And I'll summon him in DEF Mode!" He slammed the card down and summoned a warrior with strange jagged armor colored purple with neon green. He swung a giant jagged sword and his hair whipped about him, changing from black to neon green each time the wind blew.

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"And just so you know," said Ren. "He allows me to add the trap, Scareclaw Twinsaw to my hand. Then, I Special Summon my Scareclaw Acro! And I'll Tribute it, Riechheart and Lightheart to create the Link -3 monster, Scareclaw Tri-Heart!"

The three monsters turned into red streaks of energy and entered the gate where a new monster came forth. Reichheart had undergone a terrifying transformation. His sword became his right arm, massive wings grew out of his back and his legs became a three-headed drake.

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ATK/3000 -Link 3

"Next, I activate Kashtiratheosis!" Ren declared. "It switches Kashtira Unicorn into DEF Mode and then it lets me Special Summon Kashtira Fenrir!"

Another space warrior armored in red flew down from the sky. He smashed his axe on the ground and posed next to Ren. "He lets me add Kashtira Riseheart to my hand," said Ren. "Now, I'm going to Overlay my two Level 7 Kashtira monsters to Xyz Summon the Rank 7 monster, Kashtira Shangri-Ira!"

A giant construct in the sky glowing red orbited over the planet.

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Ren swung his hand through the air. "And now, since I have a Kashtira in play, I can Special Summon Kashtira Riseheart!" He summoned a warrior with black hair clad in futuristic samurai armor.

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"Now, Kashtira Shangri-Ira's effect activates. I banish a Kashtira monster to banish the top three cards on your deck face-down. And one of the monster zones on your field can no longer be used!"

A big X formed on the field in front of Logan. With Shangri-Ira in play, he could not summon monsters in that zone.

"Augh," Logan said. Using two fingers, he flicked the three cards off his deck and put them in his pocket.

"This also changes Riseheart's level from 4 to 7. Now, I use him to summon the Ace of my deck! Xyz Evolution!"

Riseheart turned into a yellow streak of energy and flew toward the red planet in the sky. It opened a portal in the clouds and sucked Riseheart in. The red planet glowed brilliantly with a gold light. A powerful force ripped the clouds apart and caused a sonic boom that shook the arena.

"Warrior from the war-torn world in the stars above! Descend and take shape upon this planet! Rank 7! Kashtira Arise-Heart!"

Everyone stood up, watching a new titan descend from the skies. He was a gigantic warrior, with armor similar to Riseheart. But it was larger and more ornate with a red coat and mechanical red wings.

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"Scareclaw Tri-Heart's effect activates, allowing to summon Scareclaw Belone in DEF Mode." Ren conjured his dog with the green protective gear. It howled at the red planet above, allowing him to add a Kashtira card to his hand.

"I set a card face-down and end my turn!"

Patty and Penelope, both sitting on Nick's lap, bounced up and down in excitement. "Oh, damn! That board is wicked scary!" Patty cried.

"Ren's always a step ahead," said Yuri.

"Hey, I can do that," said Nick.

"Oh yeah?" Patty said, looking over her shoulder at him. "Why didn't you do that with me?"

Nick patted her round bottom and squeezed it. "Meh, I was going easy on ya. But those awesome Arise-Heart and Tri-Heart should be in my deck, man! I could use those babies!"

Logan drew a card. "Amazing move, Ren. Your reputation as Aquarius's finest player isn't for nothing. I draw! I play Graceful Charity, allowing me to draw three but discard two as the price. And then I'm going to activate Monster Reborn to bring back my Dark Magician Girl!"

"I'm going to use Maxx "C"," said Ren. "Now each time you summon a monster, I draw a card."

"No matter," said Logan. "Because Dark Magician Girl is in the house!"

Jeannie's eyes glimmered in adoration. "Oooh! It's her!"

A pink glyph exploding with red hearts appeared in the air. The legendary magician rose out of it, holding her staff with a cute smile on her face. She looked at Jeannie and winked, blowing a kiss to her. Jeannie blushed and blew one back. She felt like a child at Disneyworld seeing their favorite princess.

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She skipped over to Logan's side and posed.

"Now I activate the power of Sage's Stone!" Logan shouted. "With it, I'm allowed to Special Summon Dark Magician from my deck!"

Dark Magician Girl swirled her staff around and conjured the Ace of Logan's deck. The powerful spellcaster floated across the field, standing next to Dark Magician Girl. He spun his staff before crossing his arms and glaring at Kashtira Arise-Heart, ready for their battle.

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"And now, Ren! I'm going to rid the field of your monsters with this! Dark Burning Attack! When Dark Magician Girl is on the field, I can destroy all face-up monsters you control!"

Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl stood in front of each other and crossed their staves. They pointed them at Arise-Heart, Tri-Heart, and Shangri-Ira, and fired a beam of black energy at them.

Tri-Heart and Arise-Heart grunted when struck by the attack and shattered into pixels. The blast hit Ren, but he stood there with his hands in his pockets. His jacket flapped around in the gust until it settled down.

"Shangri-Ira is spared from your move!" said Ren. "I can remove an Xyz Material from it and save it from being destroyed. And don't think for a moment you've saved yourself from defeat. Because I activate my face-down card Kashtira Akstra! When a Kashtira Xyz Monster is destroyed by battle or card effect, I can banish Visas Starfrost from my hand, Graveyard, field, or deck. And when I do, I can Special Summon Vicious Astraloud from my Extra Deck!"

Sergei stood up in awe. "Oooh.." he said, amazed by the skillful play.

Logan raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

A huge vortex of purple energy ripped through the sky above them, creating a portal. From it, came a large creature that was a mess of armor, wings, and swords of different colors. He was a mix of Scareclaw Tri-Heart, Kashtira Arise-Heart, and Tearloments Reinoheart, combined to make a horrifying monster.

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"My monster cannot be destroyed by battle and when he's Special Summoned, I can target one of your monsters and destroy it! Say goodbye to your Dark Magician!"

Astraloud flew over to Dark Magician. The Dark Magician Girl gasped, unable to do anything as Astraloud stabbed her master with all three of its swords. He burst into pixels and faded away.

"And furthermore," said Ren. "Astraloud's ATK points will increase by half of your Dark Magician's ATK points!"

Vicious Astraloud snarled, absorbing Dark Magician's spirit energy to increase his power to 4250.

"Damn!" said Logan. "I'll set two cards face-down and end my turn!"

But that wasn't going to be enough. Before Logan knew it, Kashtira Arise-Heart and Tri-Heart returned. Logan was so stunned. He only had three cards in his hand and he was able to use them to bring them back. Now they were all stronger.

Try as he might to counter, Ren had one card left to completely stop his comeback, securing his victory.

The others got up and applauded Ren for his masterful win.

"Nice move, man!" Nick shouted. "But I could do it, too!"

"You're welcome to try," said Ren.

Logan shook his head and laughed. Their monsters became static and the scenery changed back to normal.

The two walked to the center of the ring and shook hands.

"Great duel, man!" said Logan.

Ren patted him on the shoulder. "Good game, but you need a little more counters. Your magicians get out fast but you don't have enough ways to protect them."

Logan chuckled in embarrassment. "Well, I'm working on it. Just you wait."

He and Ren both laughed and headed back to the gallery.

"That was great!" Yuri said.

"Haha haha!" Sergei clapped his hands. "Come on! Come on! Next match!"

"Yeah!" Sabrina said. "Let me go next! I wanna see some action!"

Crystal went to the concession stand and came back with a tray of sodas and other snacks.

Yuri's heart slowly began to break. He loved them all with every fiber of his being. And he was going to leave them soon. Off to a new world where he would never see them again. He had to relish each moment with them like it was his last. He had only a few short months left before the Millennium Tournament. A tournament he had to win. After which, he had to face his destiny as the High King. And he wanted to remember their faces as he made his way toward the throne.

He sipped his soda. The cold drink gave him a bit of comfort, washing away the dread he felt about his future.

"Still thinking about Termnnian," Ren whispered.

"Every day," Yuri said, keeping his voice down so the others wouldn't hear him. "I can't come to terms that I'll never see these guys again.'

Ren put a hand on his shoulder. "It will all work out. Trust me."

"Trust you? You've been a Termnnian all this time. All these years. You didn't tell me until these Lancers showed up and you expect me to trust you?"

"Yuri, I know you're angry, and I understand that. But please listen to me. Your path is clear. There are dark days ahead. It's your job to see that both Termnnia and this world see the light again."

"Yeah, yeah. That's what everyone keeps telling me."

"Because it's true."

"I know it's true!" Yuri said, raising his voice a little. "You don't think I know that? You don't think I spend nights trying to sleep because of the burden that's on me?!"


"Yo, you guys good over there?" Tyson asked.

Yuri lowered his head and closed his eyes. "Fine," he said. "Everything's fine."

Chapter 11: Change of Heart

Chapter Text

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Natalya - St. Augustus Academy,Phobos Island/Standard Dimension

After her ballet lessons concluded, Natalya walked outside into the city with her fellow dancers. The tropical evening air was graced by an ocean breeze, and she felt at ease despite the crowds. Her fellow dancers laughed and joked around her, complimenting one another's dancing, and Natalya was happy to listen, though she rarely spoke herself. Even though she was on break and it was the weekend before Gold Week, she always wanted to keep practicing her dancing.

"Nice steps, Nattie!" one of her fellow ballerinas said as they walked down the stone steps to the quad of the school.

They each wore their jackets over their tutus. As they made their way through the busy city streets, Natalya spotted her ride on the sidewalk in front of the academy.

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Randall Lawson was leaning against the side of his black sports car, waiting to pick her up. The other girls giggled as they surrounded her, saying that he seemed very handsome. Natalya said nothing, but merely nodded and blushed slightly before turning away. Randall pushed himself off the car as she walked towards him, and when she got close enough, he took her bag and placed it inside the passenger seat of his vehicle.

"You look nice," he said. "That outfit is a lot prettier than that uniform you wear to class."

Natalya tightened the jean jacket around herself. "Can you...not make things weird? You said you were just going to take me to the Ruby Dragon Arena after practice."

Randall shrugged. "I am. Just wanted to pay you a compliment. It's not my fault if your mind goes somewhere else."

"Whatever. Just get me to the arena. The gang's going to have one more night of training before Gold Week begins."

Randall smirked and opened the car door for her. She folded the frilly edges of her tutu beneath herself as she sat down inside, and Randall shut the door behind her. After walking around the front of his vehicle, he slid into the driver's seat. He turned on the ignition and began driving them down the busy city street.

"So did you become prima ballerina?"

Natalya rolled her eyes. "The position was taken a week ago by my friend, thanks for knowing."

"Oooh...I'm sorry. I know how badly you wanted that spot."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "No big deal. I'll have other opportunities when I go to Juilliard. I can be patient for now."

Randall nodded. "I wish I had patience. I guess that's something I've been lacking lately."

Natalya furrowed her brow at him. "Yeah, you only did send bounty hunters after Yuri when he beat you."

Randall scoffed. "I told you I'm not like that anymore. I'm trying to make amends."

"Why? Because of me?"

He chuckled. "Maybe a little bit. But also because of how I saw you guys together. Even with the money and power I had, it was nothing compared to the warmth and joy I saw radiating from you guys each time you faced your challenges together." He flicked the blinker on as he turned a corner. "I mean, I knew he was important to you, but seeing that for myself really changed how I viewed things. I don't want to keep hating him. Why do that? Being with him has made me stronger as a Duelist." He sharply turned the wheel, hoping his sleek driving might impress her. "Plus, he's a good person. And so are you. So...I hope we can get along now."

Natalya pursed her lips. She couldn't disagree with what Randall said, but it didn't stop her from feeling wary about his intentions. "I'll believe it when I see it, Randall."

Randall nodded. "Well, just being here is proof enough, isn't it?" He stopped at a red light and smiled at her. He admired the sparkling glitter on her outfit and the way her red hair was tied back in a neat bun, revealing her beautiful features.

"Eyes on the road," she said, feeling self-conscious about his stare.

"Sorry. I'm still just thinking how nice you look."

Natalya scoffed and rolled her eyes. "If that's your attempt at flirting, then you need some serious practice."

"You're The Gale after all," he said. The light turned green, and he stepped on the gas pedal. "Looks like Simorgh, Bird of Divinity gave you a little bit of its power, too. You're a tough little thing."

"Little thing?" she pouted. She propped her elbow on the windowsill and rested her cheek against her fist. "I may be tiny but I'm eighteen! I'm an adult!"

Randall chuckled. "Of course, you are. Just teasing, Natty."

"Turn right on Sunset Drive!" the GPS spoke. "Then keep right on Sapphire Highway to Dragon Garden's District."

"Yes ma'am," Randall replied. He flipped on his turn signal and followed the directions of the electronic voice.

Natalya sighed, watching the building woosh by and giving her a grand view of the ocean and the skyline of the other islands far across the waters, which turned a lovely shade of pink as the sun set beyond the horizon.

"I'm going to miss this," she said.

"Hey, you still got till June," Randall said. "That's plenty of time to enjoy life before you go off to New York. Then you'll have plenty of fun. Of course, you could always stay here."

"No. I owe it to my family to be a famous dancer. They've done so much for me to get me out of Russia after it was ravaged by the Resource Wars."

"Makes sense. I can't say I blame you. There's a lot to look forward to with a career in ballet."

Natalya folded her hands in her lap, the linen fabric of her tutu flowing over them like clouds. "It will be hard work. But I know it'll pay off."

They stopped at another traffic light right next to a railing with views ocean. Randall glanced out the window and saw a few luxury yachts sailing by, as well as a cruise ship docked at the harbor. He looked at Natalya, who gazed longingly at the ships. He could almost see the dreamy expression in her eyes, fantasizing about what adventures those vessels had sailed through. He adored the way her long, curved eyelashes fluttered as she blinked, and how soft and pink her lips were. She was an amazing Duelist, but Randall couldn't deny that she was also a beautiful young woman.

The light turned green, and Randall drove onward toward their destination. He turned the highway's sharp curve to the other side of Phobos Isand to the Dragon Gardens District where she lived with Sergei. He had to drive through the Amazonian District, a district that had a jungle theme and featured synthetic forests of palm trees, exotic plants, and vines growing along the sides of buildings. Ambience of insects and birds chirping filled the air, though it was all fake, simulated by speakers placed around the district. A massive waterfall roared up ahead and fell into a stream that cut through the road.

He made a turn to the left, ignoring the GPS's order to take a right. Natalya looked up. "Hey. The arena is that way."

"I know," Randall said. "But I'm starving. I want a hot dog."

"Are you crazy? You said you'd take me home!"

"I will. Just let me get a bite to eat. I forgot my lunch and my stomach hurts."

"Ugh!" she pouted, crossing her arms again. "Fine. Get your hot dog, but take me to the arena right away after that."

"Your wish is my command."

Flames burst from exhaust pipes behind him, and Randall laughed, enjoying the sound of his engine roaring. Natalya's pout deepened and she sighed. "You are such a show-off," she said. He parked by an empty spot and turned off the ignition.

Randall took off his seatbelt and opened the door, the ajar panel revealing the street beside them. The aroma of grilled meat and condiments filled the air. The door ajar alarm dinged, as he set his foot out. "Want anything?"

"Yeah. To go home!"

"Nah, seriously, you want a hot dog? I'll get you one."

"Hmph!" She stuck her nose up in the air. "I'm not hungry, thank you!"

"Whatever you say," Randall shrugged, getting out of the car. He shut the door and walked towards the food truck.

Natalya leaned back on the passenger's seat and crossed her arms again, thinking that he would probably take forever buying that stupid hot dog. The smell of food still lingered in the car, forcing her green eyes to dart towards the cart. She saw a lot of tasty food under the fluorescent lights of the display case: nachos, French fries, burgers, chili cheese dogs, tacos, ice cream, cotton candy, funnel cake, and more! She felt her stomach rumble.

Randall leaned against the counter and greeted the friendly vendor. "Yeah, can I get a foot-long with everything on it?"

"You got it, sir," the vendor said, preparing his meal.

Natalya shifted in her seat. Her fingers clasping the window making her look like a curious child peering through a toy store's display case. She saw the vendor adding layers and layers of ingredients to the hotdog, including pickles, ketchup, mustard, onions, sauerkraut, and finally, chili. Once the hotdog was properly stuffed with goodies, the vendor wrapped it in aluminum foil and handed it to Randall.

She licked her lips. "Well..." Natalya thought. "It would be rude to decline his offer..."

She opened the door, causing the car alarm to go off. She slid out, being mindful not to let her tutu get caught in the door.

"Ah," said Randall. "So you decided to come over after all?"

"I mean, it does look good."

"Of course. Hey, Enqique, this is my friend Natalya. She's a ballet dancer."

The vendor waved at Natalya. "Hola!" he smiled at her tutu. "Awww, how cute! You look like a princess!"

Natalya blushed as she looked down. "Oh, um, thank you."

The man laughed. "What can I get you sweet pea?"

"Um...well, you know what, I'll have exactly what he had."

"You got it! One foot long with everything on it! Coming up!"

Randall started to laugh.

"What?" Natalya asked.

"You sure you can eat all that? It's a pretty big bite for someone as tiny as you."

"I'm not tiny! And I can eat whatever I want."

"If you say so," Randall shrugged. He leaned over the counter again as Enrique prepared another hot dog.

Natalya watched the food prepare before her very eyes. The delicious aroma made her mouth water and her stomach growl.

"Where do you go to school, Natalya?" Enrique asked her.

"St. Augustus Academy," she replied, leaning against the counter.

"That's a good school. You must be smart."

Natalya chuckled and twirled her hair with a finger. "Well, I'm not at the top of my class or anything, but I try my best."

"She's just being modest," chuckled Randall, with a mouthful of his snack. "Mmm," he swallowed. "She's got a 4.0 GPA, is co-manager of the Ruby Dragon Gaming Shop downtown, and she's known as The Gale."

"Ah, so you're the girl with the Simorgh Deck," said Enrique. "That's pretty impressive. So that must mean you're part of the Knights of the Ruby Dragon."

"Guilty as charged," Natalya said.

Enrique nodded. "Good work on taking out those Rare Hunters. Bad people they were, ya? My son got beaten up and had all his cards stolen from them. And how about those two who strapped those bombs to Yuri and Patty's arms in that Duel? Pretty crazy, huh?"

"Yeah," said Randall, scratching the back of his head. "That was a little much."

"Tell me about it," Natalya grumbled. "They trapped me and my friends in some psycho circus under the new theme park." She shuddered as she remembered the nasty Duelists hunting them down in those dark tunnels.

"Well, here you are. That'll be two silver coins," said Enrique.

Natalya patted herself down. "Oh, crap! I think I left my wallet back at school."

"Oh, don't worry, Natty. I'll cover it," said Randall, reaching into his pocket. He flicked a gold one at Enrique. "Keep the change."

"Muchas gracias!"

"No problem."

Natalya folded her hands around the warm, toasty hotdog, and walked by Randall's side.

"Come on. Let's sit by the bride of the river," Randall said.

He grabbed his drink and napkin and led her down the sidewalk towards the nearby bridge, where a gentle stream cut through the street, providing the Amazonian District with a scenic view of a jungle waterfall. Real wildlife such as caimans and monkeys were kept there in their own enclosure while tourists could take pictures and feed the animals without endangering them. There were also a few wooden benches for people to rest their feet and relax.

Natalya wrapped the foil tightly around her meal and licked her lips. She tried to take a bite but the meat was so wide and the toppings made her struggle. She ended up getting chili all over her mouth, which Randall found amusing.

She whimpered in frustration, trying to find a way to get it in her mouth, but she wound up making a mess.

Randall laughed. "I told you it was too big."

Natalya pouted. "I got this!" she insisted, taking another bite. More of the red condiment got on her face.

Randall laughed again.

"Oh you're horrible!" Natalya exclaimed.

"Here," Randall offered her a napkin. "You've got a little something on your cheek."

Natalya used it to clean herself up. "Ugh! Let me give this another try." She took another bite, but the messy concoction just painted her glossy lips a shade of red.

"Okay, that's enough!" Randall put his hand on her shoulder. "Let me help you out." He scooted closer to her on the bench. "It's all about technique."

He tore off a small piece of her food and placed it in her mouth. She accepted it. "Mmmm," she said, licking the flavorful juices off her lips. "That's good."

"There," Randall smiled. "Wasn't so hard was it?"

"Maybe you're right. But I still don't need help."

"Of course," he said. "I know how strong you are."

"I sense the sarcasm when you said strong."

"Not at all. I meant what I said." He took a large bite from his own meal.


She tried to take another bite but failed miserably, getting ketchup and mustard all over her cheek.

Randall laughed. "Alright, hold still," he said. He held up a napkin and gently wiped the mess off her face.

"There," said Randall. "All better."

Natalya felt her cheeks grow warm and red. "Um...thank you..." she said softly.

They heard laughing behind them. Natalya gasped when a group of street Duelists saw her standing in her tutu.

"Cutie! Cutie! Cutie!" they jeered, making kissy faces at her.

Randall held out his arm to protect her. "Beat it, punks," he shouted.

"Hey! Hey!" a gruff voice said. "Randall Lawson! Is that you, man?"

"You know them?" Natalya asked.

"You used to send us to go after Yuri and his crew?" said one with a big orange and purple jersey.

"But now he runs with them!" said one with a big black beanie. "That's The Gale!"

"Yeah, that's her all right. The baby of Yuri's group! So you are running with them now, huh?"

"What choice does he have? With Brett gone, Randall's nothing!"

Natalya frowned and stood proudly. "He doesn't need to run with anybody! And he's not some sidekick either!"

The guys laughed at her.

"Hahaha! Damn, Randall. Have you fallen so far you'd let a little ballerina fight your battles for you?"

"I can handle you guys on my own!" said Randall. "Get away! I don't hang with the likes of you anymore!"

"Oh, so because you're with Yuri now you think you're too good for us?" said the guy wearing a purple jersey.

"That's exactly what I'm saying!" Randall said. "You guys better back away."

"Or else what?" They all whipped out their D-Pads. "You wanna rumble, Randy?"

"If it means leaving us alone, then yes!"

The sidewalk was too crowded, so they all headed deep into the man-made jungle until they found a circular area with a large concrete fountain in the center surrounded by tall jungle trees with vines dangling down.

"You sure you want this?" Randall said.

"Bring it!" said the boy in the black beanie.

"I'm joining you!" Natalya said. She took her pink D-Pad out of the pocket of her jacket.

"You better stay back, Natty."

"Oh, stop white-knighting! They don't call me The Gale for nothing. I can take care of myself!"

"I don't doubt that. But isn't that tutu expensive? It would be a shame if you got it dirty."

"Then I guess I better make quick work of them!" Natalya declared. "Are you with me?"

Randall chuckled. "All right. The two of us against the five of you!"

"I call dibs on the ballerina!" sneered the guy in the orange jersey. "My monsters are gonna love ripping you apart piece by piece!"

"Try it and see what happens," Natalya growled.

"Oh-ho, I like your fire! Can't wait to put it out and put you in your place!" He powered on his D-Pads, creating blue blades of Solid Vision to hold his cards.

"Natalya, let me..." Randall said, but Natalya had already begun.

"I activate Graceful Charity! I draw three and discard two cards. And one of those cards was this. Card of Compensation, which allows me to draw two more cards. Oof, I'm not too fond of this hand, so I'm going to start us over with this. Card Destruction. Now, we discard cards from our hands and draw the same number of cards."

"What is she planning?" Randall wondered to himself.

"Time for the onslaught to begin!" said Natalya. "I activate Simorgh Onslaught! And with it I..."

"Hold it right there, cutie! I activate Ash Blossom from my hand! Your spell is negated!"

Natalya rolled her eyes. "Call me cutie one more time! Anyway, I summon Simorgh, Bird of Bringing!" she summoned a beautiful bird with brilliant orange and gold feathers and a crown of gold feathers on its head.

"Now his effect activates, allowing me to add Dark Simorgh to my hand. But I'll also chain the effect of Simorgh, Bird of Extermination, and Special Summon him to the field!" She conjured a Simorgh with the color scheme of a bald eagle. It screeched, flashing its massive black claws. "With Bird of Extermination's effect, I ditch a card from my deck to the Graveyard to add a Simorgh card to my hand. And then, I'm going to use these two birds as tribute so I can Link Summon, Harpie Conductor!"

A lovely harpie woman dressed in a conductor's outfit descended onto the field with a flute in her hand.

"And now, I'm going to banish Simorgh, Bird of Beginning, and Bird of Extermination from my Graveyard so I can bring out Dark Simorgh!"

A mighty wind blew, blowing through Natalya's hair. A dark version of her beloved Simorgh, Bird of Divinity flew out of the card, hovering protectively behind its master. It flapped its wings and screeched, showing off its sharp talons.

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"And since you have nothing in your back row, I can Special Summon, Simorgh, Bird of Calamity!" A dark green falcon with burning red eyes formed beside her. "And now, I'll tribute Link up my bird with Harpie Conductor!"

The two monsters converted themselves into red streaks of light and merged together, forming a Link Marker that swirled around the harpie.

" Brilliant lord of the mountain, spread your mighty wings and show them no mercy! Link Summon! Arrive in a whirlwind of rage! LINK- 3 ! Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty!"

A four-winged version of Simorgh made its grand appearance . Its wings glowed a brilliant shade of green , and its headdress was decorated with white jewels. The monster cried out loudly, stretching its wings. A decorative arch of gold formed over its back.

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"I end my turn by setting a card! And since it's my End Phase, Simorgh allows me to summon Mist Valley Apex Avian from my deck to the field!"

Simorgh screeched, calling down a majestic golden falcon the size of a skyscraper with wings stretching from one end of the dueling arena to the other.

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"Whoa!" gasped one of the gang members. "Look at that thing!"

"Who cares! I'm gonna roast those birds! Draw!"

"My card Simorgh Sky Battle activates!" Natalya said. "So long as it's in play, you can't target my Winged Beasts with card effects. And the only monster you can target is the monster with the strongest ATK on the field. Dark Simorgh!"

"Oooh, scary!" smirked the punk. " I'll show you what a real Duelist can do. I activate Pot of Greed so I can..."

"Sorry, you're not doing that. I activate my own Ash Blossom!"

"Aww, whatever. I got plenty of cards to kick your ass! I'm not scared of some wimpy ballerina! I set a card face-down and use Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it! Guess what it was? It's called Statue of the Wicked. And when it's destroyed, it leaves behind two Wicked Tokens! And I'm gonna use 'em to Advance Summon a monster who's gonna swirl up a bigger storm than those oversized feather dusters of yours! Behold, Darkstorm Dragon!"

A black dragon with a tornado for legs descended from the cloudy skies, snarling at the formation of birds.


"You like that, huh?" grinned the boy. "Try to get past him! I dare ya! It's your turn!"

"And since it's the End Phase, Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty allows me to conjure Simorgh, Lord of the Storm from my deck to the field!" She conjured another monster similar to the Link Monster but with two wings instead of four.

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"Dude! She summoned all those monsters with more than 2000 ATK points in such a short time!" said one of the punks. "That's unreal "

Randall laughed at their drop in confidence. "I tried to warn you guys. She's called The Gale for a reason. And her birds are known to be extremely powerful."

"Don't think I'm finished," growled Natalya. " I banish five of my beautiful birds from the Graveyard so I can summon Windrose, the Elemental Lord!"

Lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a tremendous gust of wind. A giant bird made of rose petals covered green and gold with purple on the wings, fashioned to act as feathers , descended from the heavens and spread its wings in an intimidating fashion.

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ATK/ 2800

Natalya chuckled. " Looks like you're done for!"

"Oooh...man," the boy moaned.

Her birds descended on his dragon, ripping it to shreds. The boy screamed and fell backward onto his rear as he felt his Life Points deplete to 0.

As he moaned and groaned on the ground, recovering from the tornado, Natalya turned around, bent over, and flipped up the frilly part of her tutu before she strutted away from them.

"You see what happens when you mess with The Gale?" said Randall. "Nice moves, Nattie. That was impressive."

"Whatever. It's your turn. One down, four to go. Hurry, the gang's waiting for us."

The remaining four boys stood back-to-back, trying to come up with a strategy.

"Who wants to go next?" asked Natalya. "We don't have all day."

One of the punks stepped forward. "Okay, okay. I'll duel!"

Randall arrogantly tapped his foot on the floor. "This oughta be good. I discard Saphira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice to add Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice to my hand. Then, I'll send Prayers of the Voiceless Voice to my Graveyard."

"Watch out, bro! Skull Guardian is Randall's ace. And it's a powerful one, too! You'll be in a world of hurt if he brings that out."

"Ha! I'll use a little Droll and Lockbird on ya!" the opponent proclaimed activating his hand trap. "Now you won't be able to search for cards this turn. And with no Ritual Spells in your hand, it doesn't look like you'll be summoning that 'ace' of yours anytime soon."

"No big deal. I summon Herald of the Diviner!" Randall summoned a hooded angel, who entered in a dazzling display of light and multi-colored streaks .

"I know what you're planning to do with that," said the opponent. "So I'm going to activate Infinite Impermanence to negate her effects."

The angel screamed when she was zapped by lightning. Her eyes widened as she lost her power, leaving her vulnerable.

"Hah! Looks like your plan backfired! "

"Oh no," said Natalya. "Two of his best moves have been negated. How is he going to back out of this one now?"

"If you think you're going to be spared of my ace, you're wrong. When I banish Saphira from the Graveyard, I can use her as a Ritual Spell."

"Wait! What? No way! A monster that can be used as a Ritual Spell?"

"That's right. And I have just the monster I need to bring him out!" He flipped over Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice.

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His opponent and his friends laughed. She was the only card in his hand.

"Wow, Randall. Did you skip math class or something? She's a Level 1 monster and your Skull Guardian is Level 7. You don't have enough monsters to sacrifice to bring him out."

"I beg to differ," said Randall. "Lo can be used for the entire tribute for his summon!"

"Huh?" the whole group said together.

A golden glyph hovered over Randall's field. A beam of light shot down and Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice made its entrance. It bellowed loudly, swinging its twin blades , ready to attack.

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ATK/ 2050

"Impossible!" cried the punk. "I used two hand traps to stop this guy and he still brought him out!"

Natalya stared at Randall. She always thought he was talented, but she never saw this coming.

"Hey, Randall," she said. "I didn't know you could do that."

"I have my ways," he smiled. "And it gets better. Lo, Prayers of the Voiceless Voice returns to the field in DEF Mode. And guess what? When she's together with Skull Guardian, his ATK doubles to 4100."

"WHOA!" gasped Natalya. "Randall!"

Skull Guardian glowed with a bright light while Lo placed her hands on the beast's blade, blessing him with her holy power. The warrior roared and stood proudly over his opponents.

" Whenever I see those two together, Natalya, I think of you and me."

"What do you mean?"

"You're the one who showed me what friendship truly means. Without you, I would still be running with these idiots here . I owe you everything, Natalya. Thank you. Now, Skull Guardian's effect activates, allowing me to set Radiance of the Voiceless Voice. And with it, I send Prayers of the Voiceless Voice to the bottom of my deck from the Graveyard, allowing me to bring out Saphira!"

The dragon queen in her human form appeared beside Randall, smiling at her master.

"And now I'll Tune Saphira with Diviner to create Accel Stardust Dragon!"

A dragon colored white, and eveloped in a pinkish energy formed behind Randall. The monster roared, stretching its wings, and showing off its powerful claws.

A few people gathered to watch them duel.

"My dragon revives Herald of the Diviner," Randall said. "And I'll tune her with Accel Stardust Dragon to create Baronne de Fluer!"

The armored pink horsewoman made her appearance, standing proudly with her sword and shield. Her armored steed reared up on her hind legs, letting out a war cry.


"Now, I'm going to use Skull Guardian and Lo to Link Summon Dyna Mondo!"

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The mighty armored samurai from the cyberse realm appeared in front of Randall, wielding a giant halberd .

And that was the final end board. On the opponent's turn, Dyna Mondo reverted back to Skull Guardian and Lo. It allowed him to cast the spell, Barrier of the Voiceless Voice, preventing him from targeting his stuff. With Skull Guardian's negates and Baronne De Fluer negating his opening moves, the poor fool could do nothing but end his turn and leave himself at the mercy of a direct attack, that destroyed him.

"What's the matter with you guys!" one of the punks shouted. "You can't take out a ballerina or Brett Martinetti's worst apprentice!?"

"Let's take them both down at once!" said another. "You know what to do!"

The four boys drew their cards at the same time. They circled them acting like the Ginyu Force from Dragon Ball Z.

"Alright, Randall!" laughed one of the boys. "I bet you thought we wouldn't draw the right cards, huh? We're gonna give you a real beatdown. "First we're gonna lock you down with this! Swords of Revealing Light!"

Randall was surrounded by a cage of light swords.

"You won't be summoning your fancy monsters for a while!" grinned another punk. "Not when I use Nightmare Steel Cage!"

Natalya was separated from Randall , trapped behind an impenetrable forcefield of iron bars. "Natalya!" Randall yelled. "No!"

"Now she's all ours, boys! Even her fancy birds can't protect her now. Not without you to summon them!"

The roar of a dragon echoed across the park. A great beast of red and black scales landed in front of Natalya, roaring ferociously as it prepared to fight for its master. The punks were stunned by the sight of the creature. It was something they had never seen before.

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"Hey," said one of the boys. "That...that's Scar-Red Dragon Archfiend!"

"Can it be?" Randall gasped.

Leonidas Fairfax sped toward them on a red and black motorcycle. The red neon lights on its wheels lit up the dark jungle . He leaped off the vehicle and flipped over, landing gracefully on his feet.

He removed his helmet and stared at the four punks. " So, ganging up on a lady, huh?" he said, Scar-Red Dragon Archfiend hovering threateningly behind him.

"Let me in on this, too," said the voice of Raven, the Six Samurai Duelist . He stepped out of the darkness, cracking his knuckles. "I've always wanted to beat these losers up."

" What are you two doing here?" Natalya asked.

"We were on our way to the Ruby Dragon Arena to practice with Yuri and the others," said Raven.

"He invited you guys?"

"Of course. Who better than us to practice against for the Gold Week?" Leonidas answered. "I was on my way there when Raven here spotted you guys getting surrounded. So, you guys ready?"

"They better be," Raven said. "How's about I start first? I summon Karakuri Momachi." He summoned a robotic geisha with three glowing green eyes wearing a green kimono.

"Now I'm going to use the spell Karakuri Cash Cache! Allowing to add a Karakuri card to my hand and switching Momachi to DEF Mode. And when she's switched to DEF Mode, I can Special Summon Kakakuri Merchant, which lets me add Karakuri Bonze to my hand. And I'll use his effect to switch Merchant to DEF Mode, allowing me to Special Summon him. And I'll Tune these two together to Synchro Summon Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei""

He summoned an antique-looking shogun automaton with a giant red fan for a weapon.

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"Wow!" Natalya said. "A monster with 2600 ATK already?"

"And I'm far from done. Next, my Shogun lets me Special Summon another Bonze to the field. And I'll Tune it with Momachi to Synchro Summon Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"!"

The robot samurai appeared on the field. His armor was much more modern and powerful looking than his previous Shogun counterpart.


"Next, he lets me bring out Karakuri Soldier in DEF Mode. And with my Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei"'s effect, I switch him to ATK Mode, allowing me to add a Karakuri monster to my hand. Now I'll tune Soldier with Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" to create another Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"!"

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Two robots hovered on the field together, their limbs and machinations deep inside humming and whirring with each movement.

" Oh-ho, this is going to get so much better! Because my Steel Shogon lets me bring out Karakuri Gama and I'll Tune it with my second Steel Shogun to create Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N "Bureibu"!"

A much cleaner and elegant samurai automaton adorned with beautiful golden and white armor wielding a sword and shield appeared with an epic display of light and power.

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Randall gasped with excitement. "That's a cool-looking monster!"

"Oh, but I've still got so much more. With Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N "Bureibu"'s effect, I can bring out another Karakuri Soldier. Next, I activate the spell Karakuri Gama Oil, allowing me to Special Summon Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" back from the Graveyard. And his ATK increases by 500, raising his power to 3100. That's it for me. Your move, Leonidas!"

"Awesome. Let's see what I can do!"

He ended his board with two Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss and the original Red Dragon Archfiend.

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Then he used Twin Twisters to help Randall break free of his prison. Now he was able to join the fray and bring out two Skull Guardians with 4100 ATK. Natalya summoned her onslaught of Simorgh monsters to aid their friends in taking Randall's old acquaintances down.

The defeated group turned tail and ran, adding another group of Duelists who would never again dare to cross The Gale and her friends.

Raven and Leonidas jumped victoriously and high-fived in mid-air .

"Thanks, guys," Randall smiled. He held out his hand and Raven shook it. "I owe you one."

"Don't mention it," said Raven. "You're a part of Yuri's gang now. What kind of friends would we be if we just left you hanging like that?"

"So, why were those punks after you anyway?" asked Leonidas. "They seemed pretty desperate to take you both down."

"Just some old friends," said Randall. "I didn't want to say anything but..."

"But what?"

"Someone must have heard I hang with you guys. He spread the word around and now every Duel Gang I used to roll with is out to get me."

"I wonder who it could be." Natalya placed her finger on her chin and thought long and hard.

"Don't worry about it," said Randall. "It's nothing I can't handle. Come on. The others are waiting for us."

Chapter 12: Training Day II

Chapter Text

Yuri - Ruby Dragon Gaming Arena, Phobos Island

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Yuri and the group witnessed an epic clash between Patty's Darklords and Nick's Infernoble Knights. She conjured her First Darklord on her first turn wtih Darklord Morningstar, allowing her Fusion Monster to wipe out Nick's field and leaving his field wide open. After a direct attack, Nick was down to half his Life Points at 4000. Tyson's trap mix was blasting on the speakers throughout the field.

Nick set his board up for a counter-attack, utilizing his Infernoble Knight's powers to the best of his ability.

"I'm going to Link up Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights with Islolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights to create Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames!"

The two monsters Linked together and created a red-haired girl with iron arms shaped liked dragon heads, their mouths burning like furnaces. The aftermath of Artorgius being sent the Graveyard, sent the Infernoble Arms spells he was equipped with to leave the field and activate their effects, giving Nick more options to turn the game in his favor.

"Synchro Summon! Angelic, Princess of the Noble Knights!" Nick declared bring out the beautiful raven-haired princess garbed in fiery orange robes. With her summoning, she allowed him to bring forth Infernoble Knight Roland, a Synchro Monster, which led to the summoning of the Ace of his deck, Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles, which then led to the summoning of the mightiest monster in his deck. Charlemagne!

The fiery emperor underwent his final transformation into a blazing paladin in orange and gold armor and a mighty greatsword that burned like the sun.

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"Wow, look at him go!" Sam said. "Even against the Reaper, my brother still found a way to summon his strongest monster."

And the summoning of Charlemagne allowed for Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles to return. Nick stood proudly with his three flaming monsters and smiled at Patty, who stared at them in awe. She was amazed by how powerful he had become.

"I know this isn't my usual play," said Nick. "But I think I've got a good shot at winning."

"Yeah, right. Your knights can't tangle with the First Dark Lord. And remember, since he was Fusion Summoned with Darklord Morningstar as the Fusion Material, he can't be targeted by your effects."

"True, but I'll just take him down through battle. Cuz I activate the final card in my hand. Back-Up Rider! This will boost Charlamenge's ATK by 1500. With the bonus he already has, he's at 4000, but with the added boost of my spell, his power rises to 5500! Your First Dark Lord is toast!"

But The First Dark Lord was not going to go down without a fight. The dark-armored angel and the flaming orange emperor flew across the field and clashed with such force, the ground shook from beneath their feet. They swung their swords and struck each other so hard, they went flying backward.

Patty's skirt flapped around by the force of the monsters vying for supremacy. Nick had to shield himself from the wind being blown from the intense battle.

CLANG! CLANG! The black sword of darkness struck with the blazing sword of the flaming order of knights. Their wielders were locked in a duel of strength. The First Dark Lord was the first to break away and land on his feet, hovering over the ground. He pointed his sword at Charlemagne and fired purple beams from the tip. Charlamenge zipped from left to right, leaving a trail of fire on the ground. He flew at The First Dark Lord with his sword ready.

Their blades struck again, both fighters grunting with exertion. The First Dark Lord conjured a burst of dark magic, forcing Charlemagne back. But he recovered and finally struck down his foe.

With her field open, Patty was attacked by Emperor Charles and Promethean Princess, depleting her Life Points to 0.

"Nick wins!" announced Ren.

The group applauded and cheered for the epic clash that had just occurred between the two Duelists. "Awesome! Awesome!" Carter shouted. "That was amazing. I wish I could have recorded that."

"Good job, bro," Sam said, giving Nick a high five. "Hey, Tyson. You and Logan are up next, right?"

"Hell yeah. Let's do this!"

After helping her up, Nick and Patty left the field for the others to use it. Patty returned to her seat and sat down to watch the remaining Duels.

"Nice work out there," Sabrina said. She tossed Crystal a bottle of water. She looked exhausted.

"Thanks," she panted. "I thought I had it for sure. I can't believe you summoned Charlemagne that quickly."

"Hey, I've got to give it my all against you," Nick said. "Can I get a cold one, too, Sabrina?"

"Here you go, bud. Looks like the gang's all here."

Yuri saw Randall, Natalya, Leonidas, and Raven walking toward them. "Hey guys, nice to see you all."

"Hey, Yuri," Raven said. He walked in hand-in-hand with his girlfriend, Asuka, who wore a stunning black co*cktail dress. "I'm so sorry we're late. We ran into some punks trying to jump your friend and Natalya. It seems they got some beef with Randall for hanging with us."

"Nothing we couldn't handle," said Natalya. "We wiped the floor with those guys."

"Glad to hear," said Yuri. "By the way, Leo, your sister is on the way."

"Oh, nice!" said Tyson, making the last adjustments to his deck before getting to the arena. "I'd like to try my hand against her Clear Wing Synchro Dragons."

"Careful what you wish for," Leo said. He took a seat by the window looking out to the arena outside separated by the glossy black surface of a decorative moat. "My sister is not the kind of Duelist you take lightly."

When Tyson and Logan made the final adjustments to their decks, they fist-bumped and headed out the door.

"Pizza's here!" Sergei announced, carrying a tower of boxes in his arms. The delicious smell of fresh pepperoni filled the room and everyone's stomachs grumbled.

"It smells so good," said Nick. "I'm starving."

"Hey, thanks for bringing this by," said Yuri.

"Not a problem, my future champs in the making! Eat up! Dueling takes a lot of energy, you know. And since you kids are going to be taking part in the Gold Week Tournaments, I'm sure you'll need all the calories you can get. I got you guys some sodas as well."

"Hey, save us some slices," Tyson laughed before the elevator door shut, taking him and Logan down to the arena.

The group dug into the pizza and drinks. They cheered in celebration as they enjoyed the food and looked out to the field to see the epic battles that were unfolding.

Logan and Tyson stood on the opposite ends of the field and drew their opening hands.

Logan started. "I activate Dark Magical Circle!" After shuffling the cards, he added a Dark Magician to his hand. He set a card face-down and ended his turn.

"Draw!" Tyson declared. "I activate the Continous Spell, Gladiator Rejection! Next, I activate Unexpected Dai, allowing me to Special Summon Gladiator Beast Andal!"

He summoned a purple bear in dark blue armor.

"And I'm going to activate my trap!" countered Logan. "Magician's Navigation! Which lets me bring out Dark Magician and Magician of Dark Illusion!"

Tyson grimaced and chuckled at the two Magicians that were set on Logan's side of the field. "I see what you did there."

Logan chuckled as well and explained his strategy. "Well, with my magician's circle, I can banish your bear!"

"Sorry, Logan. But with Gladiator Rejection in play, you can't target Gladiator Beasts with your effects. Nice try. Also, since a Gladiator Beast was Special Summoned, my spell allows me to bring out Gladiator Beast Vespasius! And then I'm going to Link these two together to Link Summon Test Panther!"

The panther, dressed in a yellow cape and black armor appeared, flexing its muscles, and snarling.

"My panther allows me to add a Gladiator Beast spell to my hand. Now I'm going to Normal Summon another Gladiator Beast Andal! And with Test Panther's ability, I can bring out Gladiator Beast Sagittarii to the field!"

A centaur with colorful battle gear and a big ornate bow galloped onto the field.

"With his effect, I discard a Gladiator Beast and draw two cards. And I'll activate one now. Gladiator Beast's Comeback! It allows me to bring back a Gladiator Beast from the Graveyard. And I choose Vespasius! Battle!"

"What? But how?" Sam asked. "Tyson's Gladiator Beasts don't stand a chance against Logan's magicians."

Tyson then held up a card. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell, Gladiator Beast United. Now I shuffle three Gladiator Beasts in my Graveyard so I can Fusion Summon, Gladiator Beast Heraklinos!"

An anthropomorphic lion garbed in a mix-max of armor from the original Gladiator Beasts sprinted onto the field, shaking it. His golden mane gleamed in the light of the field as he let out a loud roar. He swiped his massive claws and flexed his biceps and triceps. A golden axe and shield materialized in the grip of both hands.

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"Uh oh..." Logan said.

Heralkinos stormed across the field and attacked Dark Magician. The two had a fierce brawl and Heraklinos swiped at the magician with his axe, destroying him.

Tyson gave up some Life Points by attacking Magician of Dark Illusion with Vespasius. The attack triggered its effect, allowing Tyson to switch it out with Gladiator Beast Octavius. He then played Mystical Space Typhoon and destroyed the Dark Magical Circle.

Poor Logan was doomed the moment Heraklinos arrived. He tried activating a spell to get rid of Tyson's Gladiator Beasts, but Heraklinos negated the spell. He set Magician's Navigation face-down and ended his turn. And when he tried to play it, Heraklinos negated it, leaving him wide open for a direct attack.

"NOOOOOO!" Logan screamed.

Logan LP: 0

When the dust cleared, Logan lay on the ground, looking up at the sky. "Wow. I used to be one of the most powerful Duelists in Aquarius. Now some rag-tag group from a card shop are better than me. Do my magician's not cut it anymore?"

Tyson reached down and extended a hand to his fallen opponent. "They're just fine, bro. The problem is, you've been slacking. You haven't had a good match in ages."

"Yeah, I guess this damn wrist of mine has been preventing me from Dueling the way I should have," Logan said. He held his hand.

"Don't worry, bro. Once you're better, you'll be back to kicking ass. Yuri! You and Sabrina are up, man!"

Tyson and Logan walked together and took seats at the table where everyone was waiting for their friends to have their match.

Yuri stood up and went to the field, meeting Sabrina in the middle. They shook hands. "May the best Duelist win!"

"I haven't gone against you in ages, Yuri!" Sabrina said. "Let's Duel!"

A few turns later and Yuri stood menacingly with Promethean Princess, his Ashened King, and two Veidos the Eruption Dragon of Exitinction. As good as her Spellbook Monsters were, Yuri's Eruption Dragon had destroyed them with ease. Now she was wide open for the direct attack from Ashened King.

Sabrina LP: 0

Sabrina lay on her stomach as if she was doing a pushup and struggled to get to her feet. Her arms shook from the strain, her eyes wide from what had transpired in the last few turns. "How?" she gasped. "Man, Yuri, take it easy with that dragon. I...I have a bad feeling about it."

"Aw, get over it," said Yuri. "It's just a card. Don't tell me you're afraid of it."

Sabrina shook her head. "I swear, there is something about your Veidos I don't like. He's too...evil for you."

Yuri laughed. "Please. I am not some anime character that turns to the dark side at the snap of someone's finger. Come on. Let's get back inside, guys! I want to get some more food before they're all gone!"

"Those were some nice dragons," Crystal said, marching into the arena with the Dragon Sisters and Jeannie. "But...I don't think they'll fair against her." She playfully smacked Jeannie's shoulder.

"Jeannie?" Nick said. "Hey, sis! There you are. You been training well under them?"

"Yeah! They all taught me so much!"

"We figured since you're all here, why not let Jeannie have a try against y'all," said Ashley. She tipped her cowgirl hat. "If she can survive you lot, then she's got what it takes."

"No pressure on me or anything," Jeannie said. "And, yeah, I have learned a thing or two from the Dragon Sisters."

"Learned a lot, huh?" said Carter. "How about you and me have a go?"

"That sounds great!" said Jeannie. "Me against The One and Only! I can't wait."

"Hello, ladies!" Sergei called up from the lounge window. "Come up and join us to enjoy the matches."

"Why, thank you!" said Ashley.

"I know how to make the drinks here, so I can make you guys anything you want," he said.

"And we've got pizza," said Sabrina.

"Awesome, I'm starving," said Layla.

They all went inside and greeted the Knights of the Ruby Dragon. A chorus of friendly "Hello's" were exchanged between them. They made sure that everyone was acquainted and welcomed the Dragon Sisters to the room. They made a beeline for the pizza. It warmed Yuri's heart to see them here with them, happy and free. After so many years with Brett as their manager, milking them for all the money he could, he felt so happy for them that they could make their own decisions again. He watched them laughing and mingling with his friends they never had to suffer under his boot.

Sam and Lucas hid from behind the couch, marveling their beauty as thought they were stars from some of the television shows they loved to watch. Sam whispered something into Lucas's ear and the two snickered like boys in high school who were plotting on how they were going to get to ask their crushes out on a date. Selfies were taken, pizza was devoured. They laughed and clinked their sodas together as if it was beer, making a loud slurping sound through their straws.

Jeannie and Carter made the last adjustments to their decks, had a few slices of pizza, and headed down to the arena for their Duel.

"I'll try to go easy on you, Jeannie," Carter said.

"Don't. That'll be the last mistake you'll ever make," she laughed.

"Oh ho. Getting all fiery, huh? Let's see then. First, I activate, Fish Sonar! It allows me to add a Level 7 monster that mentions Umi to my hand. And I choose, Electric Jellyfish!"

Jeannie's mouth fell agape and she backed up in terror. She covered her ears as he activated the spell. A loud, irritating noise rang from it like the sonar of a submarine. Then a giant jellyfish emerged from the ground.

"When this monster is summoned, I can send the Field Spell, A Legendary Ocean from my deck to summon Giga Gagigo in ATK Mode!"

A reptillian warrior armored in adamantium swung his claws after materializing in front of Carter.

Giga Gagigo ATK/2450

"Lastly, I set two cards face-down."

"My turn?"

"Yup. Go ahead."

"Well, okay. Since it's the End Phase, I can Special Summon Mikazukinoyaiba, the Moon Fang Dragon in DEF Mode!"

She placed her card on her white and pink Duel Disk, summoning a humanoid dragon in black and red armor with a giant crescent-shaped blade.

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"Now, I draw!" she swiped her card off her deck and the Duel Disk's holographic drawing charms activated, sending out floating red hearts from the top of her deck. "I'm going to send Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my hand to the Graveyard so I can summon Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon!"

"Red-Eyes what!?" Nick shouted. "What did you girls give my sister!?"

"Just watch!" said Layla.

Jeannie placed Red-Eyes Black Dragon in the Graveyard and a more bulkier and armored Red-Eyes Black Dragon appeared, covered in metal. "This card lets me bring out The Black Stone of Legend!" she said, summoning an egg of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon. "And then I'll tribute it so I can summon Red-Eyes Blak Dragon from my deck!"

"Hold on there, missy!" Carter said. "I'm going to activate Called by the Grave to negate it."

"Well, my Mikazukinoyaiba's effect also activates."

"No it won't. I'm going to Ash Blossom it!"

"Crystal!" Jeannie whined.

"It's all right!" Shy called out. "Remember what we taught you! You got plenty of moves to make."

"Right! You're right. I can't lose my cool. All right. I'm going to Overlay Red-Eyes Meteor Dragon and Mikazukinoyaiba, the Moon Fang Dragon to Xyz Summon, Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon!"

Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon and Crescent Dragon flew around in circles, and when they were surrounded by an orange sphere, the two flew up high into the sky and slammed down in the ground, forming a fiery sphere that opened up. It shot out a metal, metallic black dragon with red accent. It flew high into the sky and landed with a mighty slam, making the ground tremble.

"Whoa!" the whole group crowded to the window of the lounge to witness Jeannie's dragon.

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Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon ATK/2800

"Now I'm going to use an Overlay Unit from my Dragon, to bring back Red-Eyes Black Dragon to the field."

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Carter was a little impressed. Jeannie had only played her card game for a week and she was already summoning Xyz monsters with ease. Her dragons looked menacing as well. Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon looked menacing together. They looked like Jeannie's guardians, making her clasp her hands with joy. She twirled and pointed at Carter's monster.

"Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon, attack Giga Gagigo!"

Her Black Dragon swooped across the field and scorched Carter's warrior with its flames, reducing him to cinders.

"Now, Red-Eyes! Attack that jellyfish! Inferno Fireblast!"

The dragon flew in a wide arch and opened its maw, spewing out a mighty flame that obliterated the jellyfish into a cloud of mist and ash.

Carter's Life Points dropped down to 6650.

"Awww, nice!" Tyson exclaimed, balling up his fist.

"Wow, look at her go!" Patty said. "Crystal. You did an amazing job with her."

"Yeah, that was cool!" Nick cheered.

Carter grinned as his Life Points fell. "Good move, Crystal. Now it's my turn. I set a monster face-down and end my turn."

"And my Mikazukinoyaiba comes back to my side of the field from the Graveyard!" Jeannie added.

"Wait, what!?" Carter babbled.

Woosh! Like a shadowy streak, Mikazukinoyaiba landed next to Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

"My turn! Draw! I'm going to activate Graceful Charity, drawing three and discarding two as the price. Next, I send another Red-Eyes Black Dragon to my Graveyard so I can bring out another Red-Eyes Meteor Dragon from my hand!"

Red-Eyes Meteor Dragon appeared next to the other dragons, howling in defiance.

"And Mikazukinoyaiba allows me to discard a card so I can add a Level 7 Dark Dragon to my hand. And then I'm going to Overlay Red-Eyes Black Dragon with Mikazukinoyaiba to create another Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon!"

Both Mikazukinoyaiba and Black Dragon turned into beams of red and orange lights respectively and flew around each other like planets caught in each other's gravitational pull. When they merged with one another, a powerful, blazing orb of light exploded and Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon emerged from it with a thunderous cry. It took to the skies and landed near the other one.

"Two of them?" Carter said, stunned. "Wow."

"No way!" Sam gasped.

Annabelle laughed. "Bet you're going to think twice before bullying her again, huh?"

"Because a Dark Dragon monster was Special Summoned, I can Special Summon Noctovision Dragon from my hand!" Jeannie declared.

She placed her card on her desk and summoned a mechanical dragon in green metal armor and glowing green wings.

"Hee, hee! And I'll Overlay Noctovision Dragon and Red-Eyes Meteor Dragon to create my third Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon!"

And, in another fiery, blazing explosion, the third Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon emerged to the field.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Yuri exclaimed.

"This is crazy!" Nick exclaimed. "Where the hell is this coming from!? How did you teach her to play like this, Crystal!?"

"Ah, ah, ah!" said Margery. "We don't tell our secrets! Besides, Jeannie's a smart girl. She picks things up real quick. Watch and enjoy. The best is yet to come. Watch our little girl take Carter down."

"I now activate the effects of all three of my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragons. By removing an Xyz Material from them, I can bring back Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my Graveyard."

"Three Red-Eyes!" Lucas yelled.

The three Flare Metal Dragons flew in a circle and conjured a massive inferno around them. A small portal appeared, and out flew three Red-Eyes Black Dragons, spreading their wings, unleashing a roar, and turning the air around them cold from their chilling cry.

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"Six dragons!" Patty cheered.

"Wahoo! This is crazy! How is Jeannie so good at this?" Penelope asked.

The six beasts of the Red-Eyes archtype snarled and flapped their wings, getting into a formation around Jeannie like she was the mother hen protecting her brood.

"With only one monster defending you, Carter, yeah, I don't think this looks good."


Jeannie made a swipe at the air and shouted: "All right, guys, attack him and end the game!"

All six of the dragons soared through the sky. Red-Eyes Black Dragons struck first, sending out a wide, fiery arc. Then the Flare Metal Dragons struck with their fire breath. Their streams merged into one mighty conflagration that enveloped Carter's monster and incinerated it. The impact of the blast forced Carter to step back and shield his face. He flipped through the air and landed on his back. His Life Points went down to 0.

Carter - 0 LP

Jeannie's Duel Disk deactivated. The dragons on the field vanished. She ran down to Carter, who was groaning on the ground.

"I didn't just see that..." Yuri said.

"No freaking way," said Tyson. "What kind of deck is that!?"

Sergei started applauding. "Bravo, Jeannie! I didn't think you were such a Duelist!"

"It was all the Dragon Sisters!" Jeannie cried.

"Ah, she's too modest," said Ashley.

They all stood up and clapped and cheered.

"Hey, Carter, are you all right?" asked Jeannie.

Carter grinned and said, "You got a little more of a mean streak than I expected. Nice job. I didn't expect that many dragons on the field. Those Red-Eyes of yours are tough."

Soon another applause broke out. A louder one. The clapping of Yuri and the others died down until only the mystery applauder could be heard. The whole group looked to the doorway of the arena.

Panama Palmer was slowly walking into the stadium with five arrogant and sneering individuals behind him.

"Wow, look who's here!" Patty said.

"Palmer," Nick grunted, getting up to his feet.

The man adjusted his tie and stopped at the steps leading to Jeannie's side of the field. "Stunning performance, young lady. Stunning performance. Your talent, however, is wasted with these folks. I have come to recruit you. What do you say? Want to work with the pros?"

"Get out of here!" Sergei shouted. "You work for that barbaric underground league! The same place that almost got my two girls here killed!"

"Well, there are a couple of reasons I am here," said Panama. "And they are standing before us."

He pointed at Jeannie and then held his arms up at the stadium. "This place is prime real estate. Such a shame you only use it to host those amateur events. I could really use this place to promote my show."

"You're not promoting any of that sick stuff here!" shouted Sergei. "I will not allow it."

"Well, according to the Department of Urban Development: Section 20, Article 7 of the Arena, Stadium, Venues, and Showcase Acts Act, 'any public recreational center may be sold or rented to any private citizen, or any private business entity with a legal license to operate said facility for a business transaction and for any lawful use, with proper forms and documents submitted to the city offices.' I've come to buy this stadium, Sergei."

"What!?" the group roared in unison.

"Oh no. You're not serious!"

"The process is all ready. Here are the documents you'll have to sign. The deed is all ready as well. Once you sign these documents, the place belongs to me."

"I will not sign those documents, you...you...RAT!" Sergei marched to Panama and the man stepped back as his thugs blocked Sergei and the two men from each other. "This is MY place! I paid for the land here! I built it! This is OUR place! Get out! Now!"

"You want to settle this in court, Sergei? You know you don't want that. I have the finest lawyers Aquarius has to offer. Of course, we could settle this with a series of matches. My boys here against your players. The team with the most wins is victorious. You win, we leave. And we'll never brother you again. I'll also be a good sport and pay the bills around here. Cross my heart and all that. But...if we win, then the stadium is ours. And.." He placed his hands behind his back and approached the gallery window where the others were watching. "And your Knights of the Ruby Dragon must sign contracts to work for me."


"These kids are the hottest Duelists around! They can make millions!" Panama then pointed at Jeannie. "That one can become a world champion with that kind of strategy! And think of the merchandise she'll sell with that beautiful face!"

"Get out of here! Get out now!" Sergei grabbed Panama's jacket and the man's thugs came to his defense, holding him back. Panama took the lapels of his jacket and straightened the wrinkles out, acting as if Sergei hadn't even grabbed him.

"So I take it that's a court date?"

"No, Sergei! We can take him!" Yuri said, taking a fighting stance. "Come on!"

The rest of the group hurled their challenges as well and they all were ready to beat the heck out of Panama's goons. Likewise, his Duelists were getting ready for a brawl as well.

"Looks like your boys want in on the deal," said Panama. "So how about it, Sergei?"

"You're on!" He faced the gallery where his kids watched the confrontation. "You guys decided who should go."

The teens looked at each other, wondering who would step up to the challenge first. Ren did. He was going to show them just who they were messing with.

A boy with long flaming red hair clad in combat-like clothes stepped forward to face Ren in the first round. "So, I'm up against the former Aquarius champ, huh?" said the young man. "My name's Gino. I hope you're ready to get your butt kicked."

"I wouldn't get your hopes up," said Ren.

They drew their five cards.

Ren - 8000 LP

Gino - 8000 LP

Ren won the coin toss and started first. He drew and pondered his move. "First, I play Pot of Greed. Next, I Special Summon Kashtira Unicorn!"

WHAM! The red-armored sword-wielding mecha warrior with a large unicorn horn on its helmet landed next to Ren. But before he could use the effect, Gino negated it with Infinite Impermanence.

"So, it's going to be like that," Ren grunted.

"That's right. I've got plenty more where that came from! You done?"

"Not by a long shot. I activate the field spell, Pressured Planet Wraithsoth!" The field around them underwent a dramatic transformation, taking them to a war-torn desert littered with the wrecked, mangled remains of military machinery. "With its effect, I add Kashtira Fenrir to my hand. Then I activate Sacred Sword of Seven Stars, banishing my Level 7 Kashtira Unicorn from the field so I can draw two cards. Next I Special Summon Kashtira Fenrir and with its effect, I add Kashtira Riseheart to my hand."

The axe-wielding red warrior jumped from out of nowhere in front of Ren. Then he raised his axe, causing it to flash with light, add the card he wanted to his hand.

"Next, I activate the spell Kashtira Rebirth, returning my banished Kashtira Unicorn to the field. Now I'll Overlay them so I can Xyz Summon the Rank 7 monster, Kashtira Shangri-Ira!"

The two warriors merged together, their forms turning into golden orbs. From a portal that was formed from their merge, came a towering machine that almost covered the entire sky.

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"Using Kashtira Rebirther's effect, I Special Summon another Kashtira Fenrir from my hand. And then I activate the effect of Kashtira Riseheart from my hand allowing me to Special Summon him!"

His raven-haired samurai in crimson and golden armor landed on the field, wielding his katana in one hand.

"Next I use Kashtiratheosis to bring out Tearlaments Kashtira from my deck!"

"Look at him go," Jeannie said. "So many monsters!"

"Ren has got this match in the bag!" shouted Sam. "Go for it!"

"Tearlaments Kashtira lets me send two cards from the top of my deck to the Graveyard!" Ren declared. "And with Riseheart's effect, I banish Kashtira Big Bang from my Graveyard to banish three cards from the top of your deck face-down."

"Ugh!" Gino grunted, watching his three cards fly out of his deck. "Hey!"

"And now I use Big Bang's effect, removing Kashtira Unicorn from Shangri-Ira. And I'll Special Summon it now!"

WHAM! It flew out from the darkness of space, sending dust flying all around it as it landed on the field.

"And since a card you controlled was banished, Shangri-Ira targets one of your monster zones and prevents you from using it!"

The giant construct fired a red crystal from the tip of its horn. Gino moved out of the way before it could hit him. Then it exploded and reduced a spot in the ground to dust.

"Now, I'm going to Overlay Kashtira Fenrir and Tearlaments Kashtira to Xyz Summon Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker!"

"Cool!" Lucas shouted. "He's got a Number Card, too!"

"Where are people getting these cards from?" Fani whined. "I want one too!"

No one said anything else as Ren's insane golem made of red lightning and pieces of armor to give it a physical body materialized on the field. It roared with its terrible, powerful voice.

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Ren surprised them all some more when he changed Riseheart's Level from 4 to 7 and Overlayed it with Kashtira Unicorn to create another Kashtira Sangri-Ira. The first construct moved aside to make way for the new one.

"Now the carnage begins!" Ren said. "With Diabolosis's effect, I banish a card from your Extra Deck, triggering the effects of both my Shangri-Iras, who will negate two more Monster Zones on your field. And then Diabolosis's effect activates, allowing me to banish cards from the top of your deck equal to the number of banished cards you have. You have two, so both my Shangri-Iras' effects activate again.

"AAAAUGH!" Gino shouted, finally realizing what Ren was doing.

"Oh my God!" Patty cried out, covering her mouth with both hands. "He's negating every Monster Zone he has! That dumb bastard can't summon any monsters now!"

"The Forbidden Kashtira Combo," Logan said. "Very few can pull this off."

At the end of Ren's turn, Gino's field was now unusable. Panama Palmer was going crazy at ringside.

"What do I pay you for!?" Palmer cried. "How could you let him negate the whole field!?"

"Shangri-Ira's effect activates!" Ren laughed.

"But it's my turn!" Gino shouted. "You can't do that!"

"Sure, I can. Now welcome back Kashtira Unicorn once again!"

Kashtira Unicorn's roar echoed throughout the whole arena.

"I...I end my turn," Gino said. "I...I..."

"You're going to lose," said Ren. He summoned Kashtira Fenrir and looped the same combo again and again until even his Spell and Trap Zone were negated. And then he Xyz Summoned his Ace, Kashtira Arise-Heart. The red-armored machine swung his axe, glowing as though the entire galaxy was forged into steel for the axe.

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With the field power bonus, his ATK and the ATK of the other monsters were increased by 300. He Xyz Summoned another Shangri-Ira and used its effect to bring out Kashtira Unicorn once again.

"OH NO!" Gino screamed in terror. "This...this can't be!"

And then Ren attacked with his monsters, wiping his Life Points to 0 with chaotic and destructive might. The moment it was over, Sergei's Duelists cheered at their victory, but it was mixed with a sense of awe at what they saw. Ren didn't even let his opponent play. Palmer's guys were dumbstruck and the man himself was staring blankly at Ren like he'd seen the devil.

Ren slid his hand down his red hair, Arise-Heart and Unicorn standing on either side of him like bodyguards. They became static. He turned and walked away as their image dissolved into red cubes of light.

"This is insane," said one of Gino's companions. "This guy...this guy can't be beat."

Palmer rubbed the big ruby on his ring. "Don't worry, fellas. Not all of them can Duel like him. There's only one Ren Kakihara on this island after all."

His gang grunted in agreement, but Palmer could see in their eyes that they were getting nervous about the competition. Ren's performance was nothing short of frightening. Palmer and the rest of the group were stunned and Sergei was on the edge of his seat with pride.

"That's one down," said Sergei.

"Indeed. Kirk. You're next."

"Fine! But I want the Reaper!"

Patty rolled her eyes. "Of course, there's always one in these groups wanting to take me on."

"Good luck out there, babe," Nick said. "Think you can one-up Ren's Duel?"

"Of course."

"Nice!" Leonidas said, leaning against the glass and giving her a thumb's up. "Give those guys what-for. I call dibs on the next loser."

Patty entered the elevator to get to the arena. On the other side, the doors opened up to a short corridor. Patty walked through the dim red-lit path with her shoulders straight back. The automatic doors with glass patterned with glowing hexagon-like shapes slid open and Patty stepped through them.

She entered the arena and was chilled by a stormy breeze. She saw lightning flashing over the ocean and saw the black storm clouds forming and the thunder rumbling like a giant was stomping in the water. The city lights shining against the clouds above turned them a dark shade of purple. She heard a gale blowing across the open space as she stepped onto the battlefield.

Palmer was on his phone with a client. When he saw Patty going up the steps.

"She's hot, but man is she scary," said Gino.

"I should know," said Panama. "I saw her in a hardcore match the other night. After what she went through, I'm amazed she's even up."

Patty approached her Dueling field. Kirk, a guy wearing his uniform from the Dr. Luther Kross Academy for Boys stepped forward. He looked Patty up and down. "Nice! I saw your latest photo set on your...exclusive website. You're amazing. Big fan, by the way. Love your Dueling style."

"Thanks, I guess. But you're playing with some pretty bad people," said Patty. She held out her Dueling Disk arm and let the device spring from the slot, forming around her arm. She stretched and took in a deep breath of air. She took her place across the field. The stormy wind was making her blonde and pink locks flutter about.

"Panama pays well," he said.

Patty smiled, rolling her eyes. "Sure, he does."

They drew five cards.

Kirk - 8000 LP

Patty - 8000 LP

Patty drew her opening hand. The drawing charm sent out purple stars and punk goth skulls. She glanced at her cards, then at the field, trying to come up with an opening.

"First, I send Darklord Ixchel to the Graveyard so I can Special Summon,Diabellstarthe Black Witch!"

She conjured a girl draped in a black hooded cloak with a red interior, tattered at the edges. Underneath, she wore a black and red ensemble that hugged her figure. Her cloak billowed in the wind as she descended to the field and she swung her jagged sword through the air, leaving a trail of red light. She landed on one knee, then raised her sword and laughed.

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"Whoa, what's that?" Nick said. "I swear Patty adds something new every week."

"That'sDiabellstar," said Logan. "Duel Monsters' hottest new waifu. Don't let her good looks fool you. She's a deadly new engine for decks."

"With my witch's effect, I set a spell to my field. Then I summon Aluber, the Jester of Despia!"

She summoned a faceless jester clad in red with 1800 ATK.

"My jester allows me to add Despia, Theatre of the Branded to my hand. And I'll activate it!" She turned the field into a dark, twisted-looking version of a theatre with her Spell.

"Next, I use Darklord Contact so I can Special Summon Ixchel from my Graveyard. And now with her in play, the stage is set for the star of the this dark and twisted show. With my theatre's effect, I fuse Aluber, Ixchel, and Ad Lithium of Despia to Fusion Summon, the First Darklord!"

The red curtains parted, revealing her dark angel clad in black armor. His six raven-black wings beat and blew a fierce wind against his opponent as he floated from the stage to the battlefield. Lightning flashed in the sky, adding a sense of horror to the scene. Patty and her unstoppable ace, together.

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"When Ad Lithium of Despia is sent to the Graveyard, I can bring back Aluber from the Graveyard. And then I pay 1000 Life Points with The First Darklord's effect to bring back Ad Lithium of Despia. And when he's in play, my monsters' ATK will increase by 100 times their own levels.

Diabellstar- 3200 ATK

The First Darklord 5200 ATK

"Now I'm going to Link up Ad Lithium and Aluber to Link Summon my girl, I:P Masquerena!"

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The cybernetic cat girl rode onto Patty's field on a sleek futuristic motorcycle. She giggled and broke to a stop next to Patty.

"I end my turn!" Patty said.

Kirk blushed looking at Masquerena, sitting provocatively on her motorcycle. "Wow! That is so hot! But her ATK is weak!" shouted Kirk. "How can she be one of Sergei's top Duelists?"

"Don't let up, you idiot!" snapped Panama. "She still has two strong monsters out, one of which is her Ace. She's called The Reaper for a reason, so don't get co*cky and think!"

"All right, all right! I get it! Geez!" He drew his next card and began his turn. "My Runick/Dark Magician Deck is gonna win this round and then it'll be Sergei's turn!"

He set up his board until he had Magician's Souls, Dark Magician, and Magician's Rod in play. Then he used a spell to bring out Hugin the Runick Wings, a cute blonde fair in a green dress with black wings.

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His Runick spells shaved Patty's deck down to size, then he played Eternal Soul face down, hoping that it combined with his Dark Magical Circle would devastate her. If she destroyed his Dark Magician, he would bring it back with Eternal Soul and use Dark Magical Circle to banish one of her monsters, preferably the First Darklord. He felt he had come up with a solid plan.

That was...until Masquerena activated her effect. She Linked usingDiabellstar, Masquerena, Aluber, and even his Hugin to create another powerful addition to Patty's deck. Underworld Goddess of the Closed World.

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With 3000 ATK points, the black and silver goddess was an absolute monster. She appeared in a puff of black smoke that turned into a dragon guardian, protecting her from harm. Using her effect, Patty brought back Diabellstar to her side of the field. The First Darklord was now flanked by the two formidable girls.

"Do you guys see what I see?" Yuri said.

Ren burst out laughing. "Man. I know I'm not the only one who sees this. The trio represents the three of you. Nick is the First Darklord, Patty's Diabellstar the Black Witch, and Penelope is the Underworld Goddess of the Closed World."

"Holy cow!" Tyson laughed. "Damn, Patty, I see what you did there."

She looked over her shoulder at her friends and winked.

Nick proudly bobbed his head up and down. "Yeah, those three do resemble us, don't they?"

It was an unstoppable trio. And Kirk knew he was done for. He tossed his hand in surrender. "I can't deal with this," he said. "Not with her. She's unreal! No matter what I do, she brings back more and more monsters."

Patty made her fingers into a gun and shot her thumb back. The others whistled and cheered at her victory.

"You idiots!" shouted Palmer. "We're losing ground here!"

Sergei proudly crossed his arms and guffawed at his foe's disdain. "That you are. Now one of you contends with the mighty Leonidas and his Red Dragon Archfiends! Come! Who wants to be the next victim of the Knights of the Ruby Dragon!?"

"Don't worry! I'm a better Magician Duelist than him!" shouted another member of his gang, stepping forward. "My deck is solid. I got this!"

"Good! I like your attitude. Slay those damn dragons!"

Leo and Panama's goon took their place on the field. After winning the coin toss, Logan went first.

"I use Graceful Charity to draw three and ditch two. Next, I summon Red Sprinter! Who lets me summon the Crimson Resonator I sent there from the Graveyard? And now, I'm going to Tune them together to create Red Rising Dragon!"

The two monsters turned into stars and soared through three green rings.

"Dragon with crimson fire! Fill my world with light and reveal the true path! Synchro Summon! Level 6! Red Rising Dragon!"

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A dragon made entirely of flames burst out of the rings. Its roar sent out a fiery shockwave and blew a hole in the cloud cover above. It flapped its wings and rose high into the air, then hovered, glaring down at its opponents.

"Red Rising Dragon's effect activates, allowing me to summon Crimson Resonator again! And Crimson Resonator brings out Force Resonator and Red from my deck! Now, I'll Tune my Resonators with Red Rising Dragon, and then Red Resonator's effect activates, raising my Life Points equal to the ATK of a monster on the field!" His fists burst with flame. He thrust his hand into the air and brought his Synchro Summon out to play. "Level 8! Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend!"

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He summoned a manifestation of Red Dragon Archfiend with a giant blazing gauntlet on his right wrist and blazing orange patterns on its body.

"Now, I Tune Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend with Crimson Resonator to evolve him even further! Synchro Summon! Level 10! Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane!"

Red Dragon Archfiend underwent a transformation that turned his body more humanoid in shape and made his scales and fangs black as obsidian. A black aura of hellfire swirled around his body as he raised his arms into the air and roared.

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"Now, I set three cards face-down! And I end my turn!"

"Nice dragon!" sneered his opponent. "But I'm going to flip him face-down with Book of Moon!"

"And I will activate Forbidden Lance!" Leo countered. "It may cost my dragon 800 of his ATK points, but he will be unaffected by your cards for the whole turn."

"Wow, he sure is smart," said Jeannie, clutching Max tightly in her arms. "Weakening his dragon to save it from that spell? He must have a big plan, huh, guys?"

"Oh yeah, definitely," said Ren. "Look at how his field is stacked. That guy is not going to take down his dragons so easily."

The opponent scoffed and set a card face-down. "That's all. Make your move, hotshot!"

"I shall, gladly. I draw!" Logan drew his next card and laughed. "First, I banish Wandering King Wildwind from my Graveyard to add Red Resonator to my hand. And I'm going to summon it, and with its effect, I'll bring out a second one. And I'll increase my Life Points so more with its effect. Then, using Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane's effect, I tribute my Red Resonator to bring back Scarlight Archfiend from my Graveyard!"

Scarlight Archfiend let out an almighty roar that sent out a shockwave that nearly knocked his opponent off his feet. His glowing patterns caused the arena to glow red and his body radiated a powerful heat wave. He stomped his foot on the ground and beat his wings. The gang cheered loudly.

"Now, I attack you directly and finish you off!"

"Hold it! I activate Magic Cylinder! This will deal the damage I take back at you!"

"Well, I activate Red Reign! By tributing Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend and Red Resonator, your effect is negated and my monster continues its attack!"

"Hold it! Hold it!" the boy cried desperately. "I activate the effect of Kiteroid, discarding it from my hand to reduce any damage I take to 0."

Logan was stunned. "Very clever," he said. "I end my turn."

"I've gotta give that kid some credit," said Nick. "He knows how to hold his own against Leonidas."

"Indeed," said Sergei, crossing his arms. "If there's anything to say about these brats, it's that they are learning their lesson quickly."

"Damn right," Patty agreed with a sneer. "These guys don't know who they're messing with."

"Draw!" said the boy. "I activate Secrets of Dark Magic, fusing Dark Magician Girl and Dark Magician to become The Dark Magicians!"

The magical duo's robes changed from violet to crimson, and a black aura surrounded their bodies. They levitated in the air and raised their staffs high. A dark cyclone whipped around them and then dispersed when they brought their staves down on the ground.

"I set them in DEF Mode and end my turn."

Leo smirked. "I draw and end my turn."


"To give you a fighting chance," said Leo. "If you were a coward, you would have ended your turn without a fight. But you are still dueling. Which tells me you can come up with a strategy. So, go ahead, if you want."

"You'll regret that, Leo! My Dark Magicians will attack your dragon in a suicide attack!"

"But why?" Jeannie asked as the two Magicians formed together for their attack. "That monster is his only defense against Leo's dragons."

"Not quite," said Layla. "He's actually playing smart. He knows his magicians stand no chance against Bane. So that's why he's sending them to attack. When the Dark Magicians get destroyed, they revert to Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, so that way he'll have two monsters defending his Life Points instead of one. That way if Leo manages to summon another monster, his Life Points will be spared from some major damage."

"But that won't do him any good," said Yuri. "Look!"

Leo flipped over his last face-down card, revealing it to be Book of Moon, flipping the Magicians face-down.

"I figured you'd do that," said Ren. "So that's why I had my own Book of Moon ready for you."

"Oh, wow!" Jeannie exclaimed. "Leo had this planned from the very start."

Leo drew and...again...ended his turn.

"What's he doing?" Nick asked. "He could have finished him off last turn."

"He's just toying with him," Ren replied. "He wants to make sure everyone sees what happens next."

The opponent was getting very nervous. If he was going to attack, he needed to do it now. He drew and started laughing like a maniac. "Check this out! I activate the effect of Apprentice Illusion Magician! By discarding her from my hand, my magician's power increases by 2000, making them stronger than your Red Dragon Archfiend Bane! Go, my magicians! Slay that pitiful dragon!"

The Dark Magicians combined their powers into one giant blast and shot a bolt of black energy at Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane, blasting him apart and reducing Leo's Life Points by 1300.

Leo stood there, taking the blast. Then, he raised his left arm and pointed a finger at his opponent. "I knew you were going to do that. And because of it, you made a fatal mistake."


"Draw! I summon Red Sprinter again and bring back Crimson Resonator and now I tune them to become Red Rising Dragon!"

The blazing dragon burst from the ground in a geyser of flames. He flapped his wings and roared, sending a shockwave across the arena.

"Now, Red Reign returns to my hand, and then with Crimson Resonator's effect, I call on Force Resonator and Red Resonator. Red Resonator increases my Life Points by Red Rising Dragon's ATK with his effect. And then I tune Red and Crimson Resonator with Red Rising Dragon! Synchro Summon! Level 10! Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend!"

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Red's body morphed once more. This time, he turned into an armored wyrm with powerful limbs and 3500 ATK.

"My monster's effect activates!" Leo announced. "And he'll destroy your magicians!"

Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend flooded the field in flames, reducing the magicians to ashes. But Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl returned in DEF Mode.

Leo stood up and laughed at the destruction his dragon caused. "I end my turn!"

"I set two cards face-down and end my turn!" the boy cried out.

"It will do you no good! Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend will wipe out the field again! You lose!"

Leo's dragon unleashed another devastating attack that vaporized the two magical warriors and sent the opponent's Life Points down to 0. The gang cheered and clapped at Leo's victory. He smiled as he took his eyes off his opponents and looked at his friends. "Who's next?"

"I'm going!" Nick said. "I want in on this!"

Panama Palmer was getting very agitated by the way his gang kept losing to these knights of Sergei's game shop. He was hoping for something to go wrong so that he could take control of the situation, but nothing did.

"Next! And if I see another pathetic Dark Magician deck again I'm gonna scream!" Panama shouted.

Another member stepped forward as soon as Nick exited the elevator and stepped into the arena.

"You're next!" he pointed a finger at the young man. He was a short fellow with a round belly, a thick neck, and a shaved head. He wore a black shirt and blue jeans that had many pockets with Duel Monster cards inside.

"So you're Nick. They say you're the weakest of the group."

"Is that what you heard, huh? Can't wait to prove you wrong."

"I highly doubt that. I ranked 3rd place in last year's city tournament. That makes me a better player than you. So, prepare to have your butt handed to you!"

"We'll see about that!" Nick replied, drawing. "I activate the Field Spell, Galloping Gaia!" A wall of fire burst up from behind Nick, and the flaming red spirit of Gaia the Fierce Knight hovered behind him.

"I reveal Curse of Dragon in my hand to add Soldier Gaia the Fierce Knight to my hand from my deck. And then I summon Artillery Catapult Turtle and..."

His opponent intervened. "Whoa! I know what that thing can do for Gaia Decks, so I'm going to use Infinite Impermanence to negate its effect."

"All right, all right, I'll let you have that," Nick said. I set a card face-down and end my turn."

"All right. I activate Harpies Feather Duster to wipe out your spells and traps!"

Nick grimaced as the winds blew away his spell and trap cards. "Well, that stinks," he said. "Now, you got a free shot at my Life Points."

"You bet I do! I set two cards face-down and activate Sky Striker Mobilize - Linkage. I'll use it to destroy one of my face-downs to Special Summon the Link Monster, Sky Striker Ace - Kagari in ATK Mode!"

A girl armored in red cybernetic armor formed into the field in a twister of flames. She swung her glowing katana and posed to display her 1500 ATK, which became 1800 due to the spell's effect, increasing her ATK by 300 for each Sky Striker Spell in the Graveyard. He decreased her ATK to 1700, when he used Kagari's effect to send Linkage back to his hand. Then he set two more cards and played Linkage again, transforming Kagari into Sky Striker Ace - Hayate. Then he cast Sky Striker Mecha -Widow Armor to snatch Nick's turtle. He attacked his Life Points with Hayate and the turtle, reducing his Life Points to 5500.

Then Hayate transformed into the Link Monster, Sky Striker Ace - Shizuku, a mecha girl based on the water attribute, but Nick Ash Blossomed it, preventing any more combos from being played. But her effect was still active, reducing the ATK and DEF of Nick's monsters by 100 for each Sky Striker spell in the Graveyard.

Catapult Turtle returned to Nick's field but with only 600 ATK.

"Is that all you got?" sneered the boy. "I end my turn."

Nick grinned as he drew his card. "All right! I tribute my turtle to Special Summon Gaia the Magical Knight!" The crimson steed of one of Duel Monsters' most legendary heroes galloped tp the field. His dark blue armor radiated a magical aura, and his purple cape flowed gracefully in the wind. He raised his red sabre high into the air and the gang cheered loudly at his appearance.

"I use Forbidden Droplet to negate his effect!" the boy shouted, trying to put Nick's momentum to a halt, but Nick had other cards to use.

"I tribute Gaia the Summon Curse of Dragon - The Cursed Dragon!" Nick shouted, calling on the yellow dragon with glowing red eyes that had appeared behind him. It allowed Nick to add Spiral Fusion to his hand. The dragon screeched and the card flew out of Nick's deck. It swirled around him before he caught it with his fingers.

"Oh no!" screamed Panama Palmer.

"I activate Spiral Fusion, and combine Curse of Dragon - the Cursed Dragon, and Gaia the Magical Knight to become Curse of Dragon, the Magical Knight Dragon!"

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An armored incarnation of Curse of Dragon flew in a twister of fire. The flames morphed into a suit of armor, and the creature descended into the arena in a flash of light.

"Curse of Dragon, the Magical Knight Dragon's effect activates," said Nick. "It allows me to bring back Spiral Fusion back to the Graveyard to my hand. And I'll use it right now, banishing Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon and Gaia the Magical Knight to create Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragon!"

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A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (128)

ATK/2600 DEF/2100

Gaia's ultimate and final form was a beautiful sight to see. He was an azure knight in glorious armor and a red cape with a red interior. His helmet was decorated with jewels and two horns like a dragon. He wore jeweled greaves, gauntlets, and boots that shimmered under the bright lights of the arena. He wielded his twin red lances and Curse of Dragon, a proud and mighty steed, reared back and released a furious roar, sending a powerful shockwave across the arena.

Nick's opponent gritted his teeth as he watched Gaia's ATK increase to 5200 thanks to the effect of Spiral Fusion. Curse of the Dragon the Magical Knight Dragon flew in circles around Gaia and his dragon mount, both monsters eager for Nick's final command. He attacked, and the dragons unleashed a tornado of flames from their mouths. Gaia pointed his saber at the boy and fired a glimmering emerald beam of light that swirled around the two twisters, combining to form one gigantic blazing inferno that engulfed the boy and vaporized his Life Points.

The gang cheered and clapped as Gaia and his dragon roared with triumph. Nick looked up at his hero and gave him a thumbs-up.

"Enough!" Palmer said, holding up his hand before any more of his boys could enter the ring. "No more! You've beaten us. I concede. The battle is over."

"But the war continues, I suppose?" Sergei said.

"You bet it will, Sergei. This arena's gonna be mine. And so will those brats of yours. If you kids wanna make some real money, come and join us. We'll pay you better than that old coot can. Think about it! Come on, guys. Let's get out of here."

Sergei crossed his arms as Panama and his defeated clients walked away. He turned to the group. "Don't let your guard down, kids. He's sure to be back."

"I beg to differ," said Layla. "You've got yourself quite the army, Mr. Sergei." The other Dragon Sisters agreed, looking at the knights with pride.

"And with Jeannie now able to summon her Red-Eyes," added Magery, "you're stronger than ever before."

Sergei formed a big grin and bumped his knuckles against his hips. "I'm so proud of all of you. After tonight, there's really not much else I can teach you. Starting tomorrow, the most important tournaments of your lives begin. This will be your final test, my brave knights. Bring all that championship gold to the Ruby Dragon Gaming Shop, eh!" He held out his fist and they all threw their fists together with him. "Knights! Dismissed! Head out to town. Enjoy your victory against Palmer. Then rest. Tomorrow is the Guilded Gala at the Phobos Corp Tower where all the players participating in the tournaments gather before heading into the stadiums."

"What about you, sir?" Yuri asked.

"Bah, I've got a lot of bookkeeping to do, my friend. This night is for all of you. Now get on out of here."

Everyone cheered and hugged each other.

"Party time!" Ren shouted, leading everyone to the elevator.

"Come on, girls," said Nick. He put his arms over Patty and Penelope. "Let's go out and celebrate."

"We know just the place!" Layla said. "I mean, if you wanna join us that is?"

"A night with the Dragon Sisters!" said Fani. "Hell yeah!"

"Haha, not you, my friend," said Sergei. "Or you three. You four are much to young to be partying with them. Wait for me in my car and I'll take you home."

"Awwww," Lucas, Sam, Annabelle, and Fani whined.

"Oh, don't pout. I'll treat you, kids, to some ice cream. How's that?"

"They better be big bowls of it!" Sam said.

"The biggest bowls in Aquarius, how's that?" Sergei said.

They all rode down the elevator. As soon as they exited the building, they got in their cars and headed off into Aquarius to enjoy the nightlife.

Tomorrow was a big night. It was time to see if all their training and hard work was going to pay off. But little did they know...a path to greater adversity awaited them.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIX - TheSingingSword (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.