7 x anders; Simpele gerechten voor iedere dag van de we… (2024)


1,821 reviews29 followers

December 29, 2020

Jamie Oliver says that he is always asked when will he write another cookbook like 5 Ingredients. In 7 Ways he does a new spin on a similar concept by taking 18 staple ingredients and showing 7 different recipes that highlight that ingredient. The 18 ingredients include obvious ones like chicken breast or eggs, but also some vegetables like cauliflower, avocado, and mushrooms. Each ingredient section lists the 7 recipes, then each recipe has a picture of the finished dish on one side and the recipe and ingredients on the other side. I love that each recipe shows a picture of each ingredient - so you can see what to get, but I think also to highlight that each recipe doesn't have dozens of ingredients. I really like the way the book is laid out and that each recipe has a photo to go with it. In the Introduction he also lists the recipes by categories like - one pan wonders, simple pastas, etc. I really like Jamie Oliver and I like how visually pleasing this cookbook is, but I personally didn't see that many recipes I wanted to try.


Emily Duchon

399 reviews26 followers

March 13, 2021

Approachable recipes with pictures for each recipe (I’m into that.)



1,027 reviews164 followers

September 26, 2020

This book really surprised me. Sometimes the books of Jamie Oliver tent to get a little basic and repetitive, but here he gives different kinds of recipes. Great pictures and the food look great. There is a recipe in the book for everybody!

7 x anders; Simpele gerechten voor iedere dag van de we… (4)

    bestseller-60-website-read food library

Alisa Wilhelm

1,183 reviews62 followers


February 25, 2021

I am a sucker for cookbooks that give themselves a challenge. This one is full of arbitrary restrictions and I'm in love:
- 18 chapters, 1 for each of the most common ingredients (mostly meats) people get at the supermarket.
- Each chapter has 7 recipes
- Each recipe has <10 ingredients. Most have 7.

Lots of great ideas to mix things up and get out of a cooking rut. I'm going to have to come back to this one after lent (I'm vegetarian for lent again this year.)



991 reviews30 followers

January 7, 2021

5 Achievable Stars

I bought this for my husband for Christmas. He said he wanted to ideas so he could make more midweek meals. I thought this would be perfect for him and I wasn't wrong. This is a really great cookbook with recipes written out simply and very easy to follow.

I like the way the book is divided into 18 main ‘hero’ ingredients with ‘7 Ways’ to cook them. I also love the layout and graphics. There is a picture for each meal cooked so you can see what it looks like. This is a must for me and it also has a picture of each ingredient in the recipe on the far left of the recipe page.

This is not the first Jamie book I have brought and I really enjoy his no real fuss recipes that are not too hard to cook and taste delicious. Sure what more could you want.

    2020-22 nonfiction-cookbooks


784 reviews8 followers

January 17, 2021

I enjoy watching Jamie Oliver's myriad of cooking videos because he includes his family while cooking, and his steps are simple and basic. I wish that his cookbooks were also streamlined like his videos though, in several ways. I always wonder if his cookbook "team" researches North American equivalents for things like self-rising flour, which doesn't seem to work very well on the west coast of Canada. I tried making his spinach pockets as described in the cookbook, and they were salty and undercooked, and collapsed easily. Another aspect of his cookbooks that I don't like is his use of obscure ingredients that are difficult to find, even in major city grocery stores. I also wish that he would be consistent in his use of ingredients like curry paste, since this cookbook seems to use a different kind on every recipe. Although I have made many recipes in my lifetime, some of Jamie's ingredient combinations in this cookbook seem strange, and I don't think that I would make them.


232 reviews2 followers

July 28, 2021

I like Jamie Oliver. We just have different definitions of the word "easy." Full disclosure: I hate cooking. I only cook so I can control how much salt & oil goes into my food. Some people cook with love, I cook with impatience.

A lot of these recipes call for a blender or a food processor. Just reading how much work goes into these recipes was exhausting. Talking about starting on the stove, going into the oven, then pouring hot liquid into a cup, and returning it to the oven. Everything sounds very tasty. Those who like to cook will probably enjoy this book.


44 reviews3 followers

October 24, 2020

A really great cookbook, the recipes are written simply so that they are so easy to follow.
I like the way the book is divided into 18 main ‘hero’ ingredients with ‘7 Ways’ to cook them.
The recipes are not daunting and if you shop well you can use a lot of the ingredients across multiple recipes to help with budgeting.
This is actually the first Jamie book I have brought as brand new and I don’t regret it.
I have already tried a few dishes and they are great.

Milan Buno

495 reviews35 followers

June 14, 2022

Celkom rád sa pozerám na Jamieho v telke - jeho varenie má šmrnc, dynamiku, vie to podať, zaujať. Preto som bol zvedavý na knihu 7-krát inak...a v podstate splnila očakávania.
Je tam vyše 100 receptov, ktoré vôbec nie sú zložité, alebo zdĺhavé. Pri mnohých naozaj jednoduchá príprava, obľúbené suroviny - a nie veľa. Snaží sa to všetko zjednodušiť, neprekombinovať a pritom výsledok vyzerá, že stojí za to.
Niektoré jedlá pripravíte doslova za 15 minút, iné sa varia v jednom hrnci, takže netreba nejaké špeciálne vyváranie. Sú to pomerne každodenné recepty, vhodné na obed i večeru a čo je asi najlepšie na tejto knihe, to je zdroj inšpirácie.

Pekne rozdelené na surovinové kapitoly, čiže Brokolica (a pár receptov z nej), potom Karfiol, Avokádo...Losos, Klobásy, Vajcia, Mleté mäso....Huby, Steak, Bravčovina...
Ako Jamie v úvode píše, vždy musí mať po ruke 5 ingrediencií, ktoré sú základom. Opakujú sa, sú jeho mantrou a ide o olivový olej na varenie, extra panenský olivový olej na dresingy, červený vínny ocot, morská soľ a čierne korenie.
V úvode tiež radí, aké dochucovadlá si zadovážiť, aké bylinky mať doma po ruke, aké hotové zeleninové zmesi si môžete pripraviť ap.

    2022 jedlo


90 reviews2 followers

February 15, 2021

This is a beautiful cookbook! I am such a fan of Oliver’s cookbooks and have quite the collection now. This one was the perfect addition. I had my eye on it for a while and, when I saw it as a dream miles reward, I knew that it had to be mine! The ingredients along the side is a nice add. The book is visually pleasing and the recipes are ones that I will be trying.


11 reviews8 followers

April 10, 2021

Highly recommend this one. All of the recipes use easily obtained ingredients for a delicious final product. I’ve only made a few recipes so far but it is an instant favorite. All of the recipes can easily be adjusted or personalized with by choosing different ingredients or spices. Gorgeous pictures and yummy meals.

Sam North

9 reviews

November 30, 2023

Some decent recipes nothing spectacular.

Julie Garner

686 reviews28 followers

August 20, 2020

I think that this is my favourite Jamie book so far. Not only simple recipes but they look amazingly tasty



537 reviews8 followers

February 8, 2021

I was immediately attracted to the structure: 18 common ingredients, each with 7 different recipes. In my house, we do use some foods over and over again: chicken, broccoli, eggs, fish, potatoes... And there are days when I feel like if I have to make another quiche, I'm going to run away from home.
Now I don't have to run away! I can make cajun coddled eggs or cauli chicken pot pie. My family occasionally eats red meat, can be picky about vegetables, needs leftovers for lunch, and includes a vegetarian. That can make dinner tricky. This cookbook is the epitome of flexibility. A steak recipe that sounds like flavors the vegetarian would enjoy? Swap out one of the other ingredients (eggplant, sweet potato, mushrooms). Like the preparation of this main ingredient but not the sauce? Find some other sauce that you can use.
The ingredients lists on the recipes are nice and short and each recipe fits on one page with a picture facing. For the most part, I found the ingredients to be things I usually have at home, though a few recipes would be a challenge for my basic pantry. Still, I felt like it would be easy to substitute something that I did have in those cases.

I made the potato lasagna which was delicious. Oh, and I had more than my baking dish would hold so I made a second one with broccoli - see, flexible! As often happens with a new recipe, I learned a few things that I would do differently, but given how yummy it was, I will definitely make it again with those tweaks. I can also see how I could make it with different ingredients or spice combinations.


Ann Brogan

108 reviews8 followers

September 24, 2020

Golly, if this is Jamie Oliver’s best cookery book then I won’t be buying any of the others! This happens to be the first of his books that I have bought and I’m frankly underwhelmed. I was drawn to it by the promise of meal inspiration having been stuck in a cooking rut for some time now. None of the recipes I have tried so far have convinced, and I’m sorry to say that I’m not tempted to make them again. I like the pictures of the ingredients in the margin but the index is annoying - it’s divided into main ingredients like broccoli, whole chicken, etc. but the page numbers are missing so you have to trawl through the index at the back to find the one you want. Another quibble is the amount of time required for some of the chicken recipes - I needed three times as long as the time indicated with the result that dinner was served really late that evening. All in all, I think Jamie fans will be thrilled with his latest offering but I will be going back to Nigella, Mary Berry and Claudia Roden.


1 review

January 4, 2021

What in the world is this cookbook??!? I’ve just read this cover to cover hoping for usable daily meals and I have to say that I’m pretty annoyed. I’m a fan of the 15/30min series and was hoping this might have some more helpful takes on normal dinners- or heaven forbid dinners with kids. It oscillates wildly between simple hangover food (scrambled eggs takes up several glossy pages), food that looks like scrambled leftovers and very strange “high end” takes on rustic food. Other than a few quite odd sausage and mashed potato pies (get ready for ALOT of mashed potato) there is really not a lot of value in this. I found myself genuinely asking if he was high for some of these recipes (burnt pasta tied around limp white fish?). This is a total washout for me and I’m honestly confused and exasperated. Also, for a “simple/easy/weekday” cookbook to not even hint at steaming or a microwave is odd. But then everything in this book is. Also some of the condiments are not easily available in Australia. Nope.


5,571 reviews311 followers

November 2, 2020

Really enjoyed how this book was organized: separated into sections based on common foods (ie eggs, mushrooms, peppers, chicken breasts, broccoli, whole chicken, ground meat, eggplant, etc etc). Each of the sections has a handful of recipes featuring and highlighting that food with a handful of simple ingredients. The recipes also feature a pictorial ingredient list along the left side and great pictures for each recipe. Very user friendly - a great guide for fast weeknight meals using nutritious whole foods. I'm not usually a Jamie Oliver fan but I really liked this one! Will be adding to my collection for sure.



88 reviews

November 19, 2022

Ordinary ingredients, reimagined recipes
This book takes general ingredients and shows you how to jazz them up. I found a couple of great recipes I can’t wait to try out! Obviously this cookbook is not really beginner-friendly or international-reader-friendly, since it contains some funky ingredients I will struggle to find in my own country. It’s still worth it to drool over the gorgeous pictures and I hope to one day make every one of these dishes!


145 reviews1 follower

July 4, 2021

The layout of this book is rad: a photo of every ingredient needed and a photo of the finished meal. The book is in the same vein as 5 Ingredients, so fans of that might be fans of this. I didn’t find many recipes that suited my taste, and I only made “A Very British Bolognese” with vegetarian substitutions. The recipe turned out well, but it took several hours to make.

Margie Hunter

194 reviews5 followers

June 26, 2021

This one isn't for me. I enjoy the approach Jamie Oliver takes toward teaching cooking. He encourages everyone to try new things, to cook at home even when it feels like there's no time. The recipes here just aren't as appealing to me as I would like, except for a few.



717 reviews5 followers

January 27, 2022

Jamie Oliver tends to be kind of hit or miss for me, but I really like how he organized this book based on main ingredients. I really enjoyed a number of the recipes.


1,271 reviews25 followers

January 8, 2024

Oh Jamie, I desperately wanted to like this cookbook, but you lost me at upgrading all fruits, veg and meats to at least organic. While I agree with free range being a better quality of life for the animal, I don't agree that organic is always a better life for the animal. Because if one gets sick, some people will try all the homeopath, naturopath, whatever-path on the animal before they will submit to antibiotics, if they do. I kind of think that is potentially unnecessary suffering in some cases. And organic doesn't equal free range...at least not where I am from. Just means no pesticides, herbicides or antibiotics anywhere on/or in the food chain to your plate.

But I climbed back on that horse after 16 pages of disappointment, only to realize me and this cookbook would, again, be incompatible. Why? Cause we don't weigh things here really. I don't know what 10oz of pasta looks like. My bags come in grams or kilograms, and then I take them out of said bags and shove them into sealing containers and measure with the circumference of different fingers (for long pastas) like my Foods teacher taught me, so....yeah. I guess I should buy a little kitchen scale? *shrugs*

Not to be dissuaded, I trudged on! Only to encounter ingredients I had to look up on the internet in order to confirm that there is no way my little local grocery store would ever carry such an item. Yeah...so that tossed a few recipes out the window automatically. I think it's pretty bad when the first thing a person does is have a look at the ingredient list to see if they even have the needed ingredients. Like legit "know it,""know it,""what the F is that? Do we have it in this country? (look it up) Nope. NEXT!" Or is that just me who doesn't read the ingredients first every time? I really wonder if Oliver's editor ever thought of having him convert some of his recipes to be more accessible across the seas...

Next, Oliver talks at the beginning of the book about 'simple' things you will need in order to use his cookbook. Mostly different types of pots and pans, but if you read through his book you will notice that things like a blender, food processor, etc is probably needed to make some of these meals in a realistic amount of time.

Speaking of time, now I must admit I am not someone who gets great pleasure out of spending time cooking, so when a recipe calls for longer then 30 minutes or has an overly involved amount of steps just know I'm not interested. And there are recipes that fall into these catalogues in this cookbook. I don't like starting something on the stovetop and then shoving it in the oven, then taking it back out and doing something else only to shove it back in the oven. I don't enjoy that. I'm accident prone. There's a good chance I am going to forget myself and burn the cr*p out of my hand or something because I'm a bit of an airhead. I know my self, these recipes are not safe for me to do unsupervised...and I'm considered a friggin adult. Scary, I know.

What I did like

1. The lack of excessive amounts of ingredients...even though some ingredients I didn't know existed and/or cannot get. Or those ingredients I can't afford (do you know how much avocado costs right now? Also, I hate the texture unless it's in guac. I'm weird, I know).

2. The lay out was a big favorite. The book is laid out by main ingredient. There are...18 (?) ingredients that he considers staples and each one gets a chapter which contains roughly 7(?) recipes. Each recipe gets it's own page spread clearly listing steps, ingredients (with pictures!), and has a nice picture of each dish. It's very user friendly...if you are used to weighing everything rather than measuring. While some of his staple ingredients are either too expensive or something I don't generally like to eat, I did enjoy flipping through those sections just to "see."

3. Some of the one pan wonders.

So, In Conclusion

This was not the cookbook for me, but I can see how many people would love it. It's clearly laid out with the appropriate amount of blank space as to not overwhelm the reader/cook.

If you want to try anything in this book, please have a kitchen scale on hand and be sure you have access to all the ingredients. 'Cause if you're from Canada, ya probably don't.

*update: I decided to buy a little kitchen scale...just in case I ever get another weighing cookbook.


2,366 reviews77 followers

January 31, 2024


yeah, just one more ingredient, how about a spoonful of instant coffee

he's getting loopy


okay inside the book

Sausage and mash pie
potatoes - Cumberland sausages
leeks - apples - thyme
milk - English mustard

My favourite speedy sausage pizza
flour - Cumberland sausage - red onions
rosemary sprigs - sun-dried tomato paste
seedless red grapes - mozzarella balls - pine nuts

[grapes and sausage on a pizza, yea.... yea... Jamie goes into the kitchen]

Sausage silky omelette
chipolata sausages - mixed cherry tomatoes
avocados - eggs - red Leicester cheese
hot chilli sauce - wholemeal tortillas - sour cream

One-pan sausage hash
butternut squash - potatoes - red onions
Cumberland sausages - caraway seeds
red cabbage - green apples - eggs

[uh do i have to eat this?]

Crispy salmon tacos
mixed cherry tomatoes - mangoes
spring onions - salmon fillets
Cajun seasoning - tortillas - lime

[fish mango tomato, yeah sorta like a bacon and tomato sandwich, but add fish and mango]

Teriyaki concertina salmon
purple sprouting broccoli - salmon fillets
green tea bags - rice vermicelli
spring onions - pickled ginger - teriyaki sauce

Sweet potato burger
sweet potatoes - white cabbage - beef mince
BBQ sauce - buns - little gem lettuce
cottage cheese - wholegrain mustard

[people like cottage cheese and barbeque sauce don't they?
[Jamie's wife glares at him]

Fun harissa aubergine cake
couscous - aubergines - roasted red peppers
lemons - rocket
green olives - yoghurt


My spicy Ethiopian fish curry
lemon - flour
onion marmalade - berbere spice mix
white fish fillets - baby spinach - canned tomatoes

A very British Bolognese
rosemary sprigs - chestnut mushrooms
pale ale - fresh lasagna
cheddar - beef mince - celery
onion - carrot - tinned tomatoes

Spaghetti-wrapped fish
spaghetti pasta - white fish fillets
sun-dried tomato pesto - rosemary sprigs
spring onions - baby spinach
creme fraiche - smoked streaky bacon

[you're kidding me, right?]

Sticky miso peppers
extra-firm tofu - mixed peppers
spring onion - garlic - rice vermicelli
wasabi peas - red miso - pineapple rings in juice

[dogs like to eat tofu with pineapples don't they?]
[his wife glares at him]


i wonder if he's pandering to multi-cult
adding in every exciting fad he can think of
with poke salads and harissa sauce and dog pancreas

i like how he's beaten the sorta dull guy called the Surreal Gourmet
for quirky

way too much
indian - moroccan - chinese
italian - japanese - vegetarian

okay i'll forgive the italian, since it was an early love with him

but i'm sure 83% of Bolognese purists till stick his hand in a meat grinder
for going with 4% of bolognese tradition

yeah i was going to go 6.1 and i i think 4.5 suits this one

the second underwhelming book he's done

Ninja Neko

425 reviews12 followers

November 2, 2020

I do like the concept of this book: you buy a set of "standard" ingredients during your weekly shop, and then you can use a set of different, really simple recipes to create a new dish with them.
The problem is that there were only a few of these dishes I actually wanted to eat... This is something I've had with the last 4-5 books by Jamie, especially those with a "healthy" vibe.
A lot of his recipes contain pasta or bread so I can't have those, and a lot of the "healthy" meals are the kind of "I'm only eating this because it's healthy" type. Leaving only about 1/3 as somewhat interesting to me.
This sounds a bit severe but it's not a bad book at all, he's just set the bar so high after his brilliant Ministry of Food ;)
I did end up bookmarking a number of recipes which I'd like to try, I especially want to do a few of the curries - they've always been winners for me.


Sue Trav

359 reviews5 followers

February 14, 2021

When I had to say "hey Google, what is rose harissa?" or "hey Google, what are pappadams?" this book was not "easy" in any sense of the word. For a book that purports "every day of the week" kind of meals it just did not did not deliver that at all. For weeknight meals where was the use of a microwave or Instapot or even a crock pot? Yes there were easy oven bake sort of meals but most had too much prep for me to be interested in on a weeknight. I do not have time to grate apples or deal with phyllo pastry after working all day.

After looking through the entire book there are a few recipes I would try but that is it. I am so glad I got this from the local library to check it out rather than purchasing it. How is avocado and chickpeas on toast a recipe? I am usually a Jamie fan but this is a "pass" for me.


745 reviews

September 9, 2020

Another wonderful addition to our cookbook collection and a truly useful cooking guide full of tips and great recipes. To my own surprise, as I age and indeed have more time, I want things that are ready quicker, easier but taste fantastic and Jamie Oliver delivers recipes that make that possible again and again. Very good book.... A lot from the Keep Cooking & Carry On show he and his family filmed from their home during this pandemic and very useful tips and ideas. The program is a pleasure to watch too with lots of clips from the archives over the years also included. Never let’s me down Jamie Oliver....

    hardback purchased


48 reviews

February 24, 2023

I really like Jamie Oliver. This book has a great concept, great layout and beautiful photos. That said, I have poured through it several times, but have yet to make anything. I understand that his approach is to minimize animal protein, fine, that is clear even though it is insufficient for me. But the big thing is that the overall portions seem way too small. Many/most of these are only in the 300-400 calorie range! For what is supposedly a "complete" meal! Some are in the 500-700 calorie range, which is a little more like it. So clearly I will have a good bit of modification to do before I attempt one of these recipes.

Matthew Parrish

13 reviews8 followers

January 11, 2021

This is one of my new favorite cookbooks. The format of this book is excellent, and begs me to ask why other cookbooks are not formatted this way. Every recipe centers around a common ingredient. The ingredients involved are not overwhelming. A lot of attention is payed to the process of preparing each recipe. Also, the photos could not be more beautiful. This is a very practical cookbook. It’s perfect for the person who wants to cook more and improve their culinary skills while at the same time keeping things simple.


943 reviews

January 20, 2021

My least favorite of his cookbooks. But possibly a favorite of a person who is just beginning to enter the kitchen for homemade nutrition. Oliver selected 18 foods and developed seven recipes featuring that particular item. The important thing about the book is that he continues to show a delicious photograph along with the small list of ingredients and brief instructions. I think it will be helpful to new to the kitchen cooks in its simplicity. Anyone can find at least one recipe to follow and enjoy.


736 reviews

January 10, 2021

I did not find all the ingredients to be ones usually used by me or others around me, so some of the recipes were not "easy" in that respect. Also, not all are meals and definitely not all dinners (which is what I usually look for in a generic recipe book). All are 2 or 4 serving sizes. Everything is simple to follow, not a lot of ingredients, most are pretty quick. Every recipe has a full page picture (which is nice), setup is clean and consistent, and color scheme is very appealing.

7 x anders; Simpele gerechten voor iedere dag van de we… (2024)


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